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GE 135: Fundamentals of Surveying and Mapping1 Problem Set 1

Instruction: Write your answers with complete solution in a long bond paper. In the first page, write your
complete name, section, student ID number and signature. No erasures in your solution and it should be
readable. Scan or take a picture of your output, paste it in MS word and save as PDF file. Alternatively,
scan your output using an application installed in your phone (e.g., clearscanner, camscanner). Use this
filename convention; “GE135ProbSet1_Section_LastnameFirstname” (Example:
GE135ProbSet1_SectionJKRS2_GestaJunLove). Submit it on or before October 13, 2022 at 11:59 pm.
Not following instructions means a deduction of 10 points. Late submissions are subject to deduction of
10 points and additional 5 points deduction per day.
Note: The given must be change into numbers based on you ID Number (ABC-VWXYZ). Example if
your IDNo. is 221-00358, A=2, B=2, C=1, V=0, W=0, X=3, Y=5, Z=8; if the given is CBA.XYZ =

1. If the standard error of the mean of an observation measured 5 times is ± 0.ABY m, compute its variance.
The final answers should be in 3 decimal places. (5 pts)

2. The interior angles of a quadrilateral lot are shown below. If these angles were measured with the
same precision,determine its most probable value. The final answers should be in 2 decimal places. (15
Angle Value
A 𝟖5°𝑨𝟎′𝑪𝒀"
B 1𝑨4°𝑪0′𝑨𝑾"
C 1C0°50′𝑪𝑽"
D 39°B9′𝑨𝑿"

3. The horizontal distance between two points was measured as follows:

1 st ACB.AWX
3 rd ACB.AVY
5 th ACB.AXW
Determine the following: (The final answers should be in 3 decimal places)
a. Most Probable Value of the measured length. (2 pts)
b. Variance of the measurement. (3 pts)
c. Standard Deviation of the measurement and its Standard Error of the mean. (5 pts)
d. Probable error of the single measurement and Probable error of the mean. (5 pts)
e. Relative precision of the of the single measurement and Relative precision of the mean. (5 pts)

4. The horizontal distance between two points was measured as follows:

Trial Measured Distance Number of Measurement

1st CAB.AWX 5
2nd CAB.CZY 4
3 rd CAB.AVY 2
4 th CAB.CYV 3
5 th CAB.AXX 2
Given the number of times it was measured, determine its most probable value. The final answers should
be in 3 decimal places. (15 pts)

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