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1. How does latitude affect climate?

 Latitude is farther from the equator and experiences cooler

temperatures. The North and South Poles, which have freezing
temperatures and little direct sunshine, are located in contrast to
the equator, which receives the majority of it. The equator
experiences warmer temperatures when comparing the two,
however the poles encounter low temperatures that ultimately turn
into frigid temperatures since they are too distant from the path of
sunshine. The sun shines less directly and produces less warming
energy as latitude rises, which
is why latitude influences the
climate, including the
temperature. The equator
receives direct sunlight
whereas the poles receive less
of it at higher latitudes.
The image demonstrates
how the sun's rays are
distributed between the equator and the poles, demonstrating how
the poles receive less sunlight than the equator. An area's
temperature is influenced by its latitude for the same reasons that
latitude influences climate and temperature.

2. Briefly explain the four things that can affect climate.

 Prevailing winds, topography, large bodies of water, and ocean

currents are the four factors that affect the climate. Winds that
blow mostly in one direction are referred to as prevailing winds.
The west wind, for example, delivers warm air from the ocean, but
the east wind brings frigid air from the mountain range.
Furthermore, certain portions of the planet receive more solar
radiation than others due to the tilt of the earth's axis. This results
in unequal heating areas with various air pressures, and some
winds go to other locations to increase the temperature, which
subsequently drops to the left. Wind is formed as air travels from
high pressure areas to low pressure areas. The topography of a
geographical area or region refers to its size and form. The
precipitation and temperature have an impact on the climate. The
cold air density creates precipitation as the air rises. As the air
lowers, it warms and evaporates, resulting in a varying
temperature. While elevation is the height of a place above sea
level, as it rises, the temperature falls. Large bodies of water can
have an impact on the climate of a region. Water absorbs and
emits heat at a slower rate than land. This quality helps regulate
the air temperature over the land nearby. Warm, wet air from the
ocean influences the climate. Ocean currents transport warm or
cold water throughout the world's seas. They aid in balancing
ocean temperatures. This has an impact on the temperature of the
atmosphere and the global climate. This
might cause ocean currents to move
large amounts of water onshore.

3. Describe the three biomes found in the tropics? What

is one thing that all these biomes have in common?

 Tropical rainforests, tropical savannas, and tropical deserts are

the three biomes found in the tropics. Tropical rain forests are
found around the equator, where it is warm and chilly for the north
and south equators, respectively, and where there is a lot of rain
fall. Tropical rainforest trees are tall and densely covered with
evergreen leaves, which prevent them from receiving sunlight.
Tropical rainforests are distinguished by year-round, plentiful
rainfall, an enclosed canopy, and great species richness, but they
lack the year-round warmth and sunshine that are distinctive of
tropical rainforests. Tropical savannas include tall grass and a few
trees; the temperature is quite warm and has two distinct seasons:
dry and rainy. It lasts four to eight months throughout the dry
season, and warm temperatures are more prevalent here than rain,
because rain does not take as long and only occurs for a brief
length of time during the wet season. Because of the dry season,
fires are prevalent on the savanna. This may aid in soil enrichment.
Many plants on the savanna have evolved to rely on annual fires
for development. Giraffes, lions, and elephants may also be found
here, and they can live in the dry season despite only receiving a
brief period of rain. The hottest and driest regions on earth are
tropical deserts. The temperature rises throughout the day and falls
at night. It was the hottest biome on Earth, and the creatures that
dwell here are predicated on the desert's temperature. Due to the
year-round effect of subtropical high pressure continentality, the
deserts are extremely dry. A desert is defined as a region with less
than 25 cm of annual rainfall. Shrubs in the tropical desert are
suited to survive in areas with limited water. Additionally, lizards,
snakes, scorpions, and camelbacks have adapted to live in the
desert. With high temperatures and different little
precipitation, all biomes are tropical.

4. What are the four biomes found in the temperate

zone? Why are temperate deserts very hot during
the day but very cold at night?

 Temperate forests, temperate

grasslands, chaparrals, and
temperate deserts are the four
biomes found in the temperate
zone. The temperate forests
differ from the other four
because of their high levels of
precipitation and humidity.
Despite the significant temperature fluctuations, some trees in
temperate woods lose their leaves every winter since the summers
are warm and the winters are frigid. Due to the lack of
precipitation, few trees can survive in the temperate grasslands,
which are warm in the summer and frigid in the winter. There is
always some fertile soil available for growing crops in the
temperate grasslands, which is noted for having a lot of it. The
Chaparrals have hotter, drier weather. Fires are often here because
of this because of high temperature. The thick leaves and covering
on chaparral plants are one of its adaptations to stop water loss
during dry seasons. Temperate deserts are similar to tropical
deserts in that they are hot during the day and get little rain. As a
result of its low humidity and clear skies, the temperature in the
desert is cooler at night than in tropical deserts. Since there is no
sunshine to reheat the air, the majority of the heat in the sand
quickly radiates into the atmosphere, making the sand and its
surroundings much colder than before. Due to these circumstances,
solar radiation may significantly warm the surface during the day.

5. How are plants and animals in the polar zone adopted to its climate?

 The polar region experiences the

lowest temperatures because of the
consistently low temperatures that
allow ice and snow to form. It rarely
rains and is typically dry. The pole
region has low temperatures
because it does not get direct
sunlight, unlike the equator, which
does and as a result, it is often dry there. The polar zone is divided
into two biomes: tundra and taiga, which are defined by protracted
periods of freezing temperatures and short chilly or moderate
summers. Plants and animals have evolved to this sort of
environment because of the tundra and taiga. The tundra features
long, frigid winters and short, chilly summers; beneath this depth,
there lies a permanently frozen layer known as permafrost. It
blocks the thawed soil's ability to drain away water. The animals
available for adoption here have thicker, warmer feathers or fur.
Many of them have huge bodies, shorter arms, legs, and tails,
which assists in heat retention and heat loss, but only tiny plants
have small leaves, which aids in plant development. It maintains
moisture that can live in the tundra. They maintain their modest
size and close proximity to one another. In the Northern
Hemisphere, taiga biomes are located immediately south of tundra
biomes. Long, chilly winters and brief, mild summers are the norm
in the taiga. The predominant plant species that thrive there are
conifers, which are evergreen trees like pine and spruce. The taiga
is home to a variety of wildlife, including moose, bears, and rabbits.
These trees have acidic materials in their needle-like leaves. These
elements turn the soil acidic when the needles decompose and die
on the ground. Acidic soils do not support the growth of many
plants. As a result, the taiga's forest floor has few vegetation
growing there.

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