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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering

EE 210 Electric Circuit I

Fall Semester 2022-2023

Credits Contact hours Room no.

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
3 C.H. 08:30 – 09:30 AM (Section 1) E2 114
09:30 – 10:30 AM (Section 2)

Instructor’s name Email Office hours

Prof. Mamoun F. Al-Mistarihi Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
10:30-11:30 AM
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Alexander, C. K. and M. N. Sadiku 6th Edition, 2017
Other supplemental materials.
1. R. C. Dorf and J. A. Svoboda, Introduction to Electric Circuits, Seventh Edition, Wiley, 2006.
2. Hayt, W. H., Kimmerly, J. E., and Durbin, S. M., Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw Hill, 8th edition,

Specific course information

Catalog description: Units and definitions. Experimental laws and simple circuits. Useful techniques
of circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. Source-free RL and RC circuits.
Application of the unit step forcing function. RLC circuits. Sinusoidal forcing
function. Phasor concept. Sinusoidal steady-state response.

Prerequisite course(s): PHY102 General Physics (2)

Co-requisite course(s): MATH203 Ordinary Differential Equations

Course type required course

Specific goals for the course

Outcomes: 1. Ability to apply basic circuit laws and rules.
2. Understand and apply circuit theorems.
3. Ability to analyze first and second order transient circuits.
4. Ability to analyze steady state sinusoidal circuits.
5. Ability to compute various types of power.

ABET student outcomes: SO1: 100%

Course schedule/topics to be covered:

Week Subject Chapter no.

Week 1 Introduction to Circuit Analysis and Design Chapter 1
Week 2 Basic Components and Electric Circuits Chapter 1
Week 3 Voltage and Current Laws Chapter 2
Week 4-5 Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis Chapter 3
Week 6-7 Circuit Analysis Techniques Chapter 4
Week 8 The Operational Amplifier Chapter 5
Week 9 Capacitors and Inductors Chapter 6
Week 10-11 Basic RL and RC Circuits Chapter 7
Week 12-13 The RLC Circuit Chapter 8
Week 14-15 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis Chapter 9 & 10

Exam/Assessment schedule

Assessment Tool Due Date Weight

1st Midterm Exam According to the University examination schedule 25 %
2nd Midterm Exam TBD 25 %
Final Exam According to the University examination schedule 50 %

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