Reading Materials

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1. The man hit his fist on the rug.

2. The man has a rust rug.

3. Mom went to get a rug.
4. Mom had to ask, “Will the rug cost a lot?”
5. Ted gets gas in his truck.
6. The red truck went up the hill.
7. It went past a frog.
8. It went past a mat.
9. Dad will fix the desk on the rug.
10. Mom will fix the lamp on the rug.
11. Dad can lift the rug. Mom will help.
12. Dad will tack the rug.
13. Bill went to camp.
14. “Let’s jump back in the pond,” said Bill.
15. Bill can kick and swim.
16. Bill has a pal.
17. Jill had a spill.
18. Jill has a red leg.
19. Mom will help Jill.
20. Jill ran fast.

Rick has a ban

Don has a drum.
Bob can strum.
Jill can hum.
Rick will tap.
“A band is a lot of fun, “said Rick.

1. “I see nuts,” said Tom.

2. Look for a box with six pops in it.
3. “May I get one apple for me?” Said Linda.
4. “May I have a pop?” Said Tom.
5. See Dad float.
6. Mom will get the beach mat.
7. “See us do a leap frog,” said Jack.
8. Dad will get the umbrella.
Jack will get the beach seats.
Sis will get the tea jug.
9. “We have peaches and cream,” Mom said.
10. “I have lean meat and green beans for us,”
Said Mom.
11. “I will set the beach umbrella,” said Dad.
12. “We will go to the beach,” said Mom.
13. Mom went in to bake a cake for Dan.
14. “Yes, you may go on a bike hike,” said Dad.
15. “We will see you at six o’ clock,” said Jake
And Mike.
16. “Here we go!” Said Jake and Mike.
17. “We must take the trail map,” said Pat.
18. Up the trail they went.
19. “Here is a Band-Aid from my kit. This will keep
It clean,” said Dave.
20. “Be back here by five o’clock,” said Mom.
“Fine. That will give us lots of time,” said Meg.
21. She like to clean the rug. She got it nice and clean.
22. Mom’s face went into a big smile.
23. “Mom likes this lace one,” said Ana. “Help
Me place it on the table, Grace.”
24. “You can go to buy the ice cream. Just tell
Me the price when you get back,” said Mom.
25. “Mmmm,” said Grace. “That spice cake smells nice,

“We will go to the Snack Hut,” said Mom. “We will buy
some snacks. Come with me.”
“Here we come,” said Jim and Tom. “Yes,” said Linda.
“We like snacks. We will come with you, Mom.” “We
do not have very many apples,” said Jim. “We like
apples. May we buy some?” “Yes, I will buy some
apples for you,” said Mom.

Joe came home. He held a nest in his hand.

“Mom, Mom, see what I have!” He said.
“That is nice Joe,” said Mom, “but you must place it
back in the tree at once.”
“Yes Mom,” said Joe. “A nest is best in a tree. The bird
can come back to the nest if it is in the tree.”
Joe was back fast. “Let me help you too, Mom,” he said.
“What can I do?”
“You are nice, Joe,” said Mom. “Yes, I can use your
1. It is a boat race with one, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine and ten boats.
2. The red boat wins the race!
3. The pink boat is tenth!
4. A man limp up the road.
5. A lady mail a letter.
6. I will make a clay blue jay.
7. Good-by, blue jay; have a nice day!
8. Ray went to swim in the bay.
9. In this nest my eggs I lay!
10. She will not lay eggs on the hay.
11. A little fly came by.
12. You just pry up the sh from shy.
13. I see a flag wave on top of the hill.
14. Sally is fussy.
15. Billy and Gary came up the street.
16. Freddy had his kite in his hand.
18. Lani likes to baby-sit Sally.
19. “Here, Sally, have some jellybeans,” said Lani.
20. A kid play his flute, and a drummer was drumming
his drum.
21. “I see a man painting an ad!” Said Patty.
22. A batter has batted the ball and rum to the base.
23. Patty and Harry just sat and rest.
24. Mommy said, “I just bake and ice a cake.”
25. Sally like the jellybeans.

Lani is nine, she likes to baby-sit. Sally is pretty and she

is happy. “Here, Sally, have some jellybeans,” said Lani.
“Red, yellow, pink and green jellybeans.” “I like
candy,” said Sally, “and I love jellybeans!”

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