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Discuss, using your own words, whether you believe that the Earth is running out of resources,

please explain in your own words, if so why or why not? What can you do individually to help
reduce the impact on our resources (select one thing you can do personally)?
Our Earth is made for us to take care of and vice versa. Hence, during these days, we have
been abusing and putting too much demand on our Earth. Leading to high cost of living and lack
of natural resources, which I believe that it is a sign of running out of natural resources of the
Earth. However, by being aware of our daily cost of demand of living in Earth, we will become
more responsible of making the Earth restore it’s resources easily. In addition, if we can help the
Earth restore and reduce our demands on the earth, we could make a less cost of living and a
better place to live in. One thing that I could do individually is to reduce my use of vehicles that
emit too much carbon dioxide. This includes more time of walking or riding a bicycle, which
benefits the earth and me as well.

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