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Discuss, using your own words, whether you believe that the Earth is running out of resources,

please explain in your own words, if so why or why not? What can you do individually to help
reduce the impact on our resources (select one thing you can do personally)?

People are merely dependent on the earth’s natural resources. Due to this, most of the people
continuously and subconsciously hurting the earth. In fact, people uses more than what the
world can reproduce. As time passes by, earth’s resources would not be enough to replenish
the resources that we use. Hence, leads to running out of free resources and end up living in an
expensive world. Yet, as early as today, we can do simple things in order to end up in a world
with flourishing resources. A simple way of reducing the use of plastics is already a big help.
This can reduce the waste build up and reduce harmful effects to the earth as well as to the
people living. Even the simplest way is a step towards a better future of this world.


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