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Review of Eat that Frog

I love the way Mr. Brian put his idea, I have been a fan of him ever since I have seen his video
on self-branding which is being provided by Dereja Academy. The book is very amazing and
could make a difference in our life if we eat it well. I have liked the twenty one grate way to stop
procrastinating because personally I have big problem of procrastinating task that I can do now
and am more of deadline person, I like to get things done on the last day and reading this book
gives me an insight on how I can prioritize my task and eat them accordingly. Here I would love
to take a moment to talk about the twenty one grate way of stopping procrastination.

The first way I like was the Paritos principle (80/20), which state that twenty percent of your
activity will decide eighty present of your result , so whenever we do task we should be able to
identify the vital twenty percent that would count for the remaining eighty present of our result,
so whenever we thought about the Paritos principle the first question that pop into our mind is
how we can identify the vital twenty present and Brian put it well on how we can be able to
identify it. The second way I like was the ABCDE method continually, which is an easy way to
memorize, here what we have to do is putting a number of task in the table and prioritize the task
that is very important and urgent. And the third way that I like was the laws of the three, as Brian
put it, being able to identify the three major tasks that would count for the remaining ninety
percent of your contribution and focus on getting them done before anything else.

What confused me was that there is contradictory advice in the book - shall I persevere with my
task and complete it in one go, or salami slice it, Brian suggest both of this method which is very
contradictory because both sound very different the first said whatever you have to do, do it now
as if we shouldn’t put it for tomorrow and the second one sound like salami slice meaning
whatever you have to do starts it with very small slice of the task, so as we can notice from the
statement salami slicing would take time which contradict with complete it in one go.

This book is a useful summary of such ideas about time management, self-discipline, motivation,
and contain a lot of point that would make a big difference in people’s life, I personally believe
that knowing by itself wouldn’t make any difference, the only way the book could bring miracle
into each one of our life is if and only if we practice them without any hesitation, our action
would make a difference of what we knew. There is a say every journey began in a single step,
and that single step is now to take action so that we could bring significant change into our life.

Thanks Dereja for your amazing book suggestion, every book you have suggested have brought
a great change in my thought and I would love to take a moment to stand and say thank you from
the bottom my heart for all Dereja team, you guys are the impossible and even made us to dream
the impossible without “im” and make it possible.


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