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SEVENTHDAY ADVENTIST HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL , KUTTAPPUZHA STD: XIl_ FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION MARK 70 COMPUTER SCIENCE TIME 3 HRS Part Attempt all questions[20marks] Question 4 i) The dual of (P+P')"(q+0)=0 is: a)P.P'+40.1=0 b) P.P'10.0=Q c) P.P+Q.1=Q' d)P+P'40+1=Q ji) The law which states a+(b.c)=(a+b).(a+e) is: a) Associative law b) Distributive law ©) Involution law d) Commutative law il) If (x => ~y) then , its inverse will be a) X=>y b) Y=>x c) ~y=>x d) ~x=>y iv) The compliment of the Boolean expression (P.Q)'+R’ is: a) (P+Q)R b) PAR ©) (P'+Q’)R’ d) (P'+Q)R v) The ability of an object to take many forms is known as a) inheritance b)data abstraction ©) overriding )polymorphism .s connected in series vi) Name the basic gate that is equivalent to two NOR gate =1,Re1,S=0 vil) Write the min term of F(P,Q,R,S), P=" vili) What is half adder? Draw the logic gate? cuit for (A*B).(C+D).C ix)Draw the logic ci Convert the following expression into its canonical POS form [10x 1=10] Question 2 a) What are wrapper classes? Give any two examples? [2] b) Find the compliment of XY’Z+XY+YZ" (2) ©) Convert (X'#Y+Z").(KHY'+Z).(X+Y4Z)) (K#+Z) into SOP form [2] d) Given the code to find the number of lowercase vowels in a message, fill up the blanks to complete working of the code [4] Import java.util”; void main() { String msg; while(i++Q)A(P=>R)= P=>(Q AR) SECTION B[20 marks} [Answer any two questions} Question 6 Design a program | java to input a number and check whether a number is_pronic umber or not or Hetromecic number or not Pronic number. A number which is athe product of two consecutive integers , that is n*(n+1) The first few pronic numbers are , 2,6,12,20,30,42 ete Question 7 A evil number is a positive whole number which has even number of 1’s in its binary equivalent. Example , Binary equivalent of 9 is 1001. Which contains even number of 1's Design a program to accept a positive whole number and find the binary equivalent of the number and count the number of 1's in it. And display whether it is a Evil number or not with an appropriate message. Input: 15 Binary equivalent : 1111 No. of 1's 4 Output: Evil number Question 8: Write a program to in java to store the numbers in a 4x4 matrix in double dimensional array . arrange the numbers in each row in ascending order and display the result.

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