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 Do you think farming is important?

Yeah of course, farming is really crucial for individuals, due to the supply of food
like vesgestable and meat

 Have you ever visited a farm?

Yes, I have visited a farm in Tay Nguyen before, it’s a highland area, here is really
famous with café trees – which is a key export product in VietNam

2. Rest

 How often do you take a rest?

Actually, I don’t have mondane rest in a week, I have different amount of work
and studying in different time.

 Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?

Sometimes a nap is a good way to take a rest but personally, I prefer to watching
movies or reading book than sleeping just because I feel better and can avoid stress
and pressure from deadlines.

 How do you feel after taking a nap?

It’s depent how long does it take? For instance when I got a really long a short nap
I would feel supper tired however I can refill my energy if I got an ideal nap.

3. Tree

 Do you like trees?

Yes love it, there are a lot trees around my house and take care trees is one of way
to relax.

 Would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees?

Yes of course, place with a lot trees is an appealing place to live, it also is a chance
to avoid from polluted environment
 Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few

I completely agree with this idea, maybe people think some spectacular
destruction will be more attracted but in my person, I love nature

 Do you like to go to a forest?

I am keen on discovering jungles but I have never tried before, maybe I will try in
the future, after Covid 19 pandemic for exmaple.

 Is there a forest near your hometown?

I live in surband center particular Thuan An city which is known as industrial area
so there isn’t any forest near mt hometown.

 Where can one find trees of forest in your country?

For the nearest, I will say Can Gio which is around 40 km from HCM city. It is
really well known with Sac forest. It is a mangrove forest.

 Did you ever climb trees when you were a child?

I haven’t climb trees when I was young, I wasn’t a mischievous child so I can’t not
tell you how much I hate

 Have you ever planted a tree?

Yes, I planted a lot of trees like the bomboo – it is still alive, you know I am not
good at take care trees.

4. Maths

 Do you think mathematics is important?

Yeah I think everyone need to know mathematics, I am not sure doing it well is
important except people who pursue career that involve in mathermatic
 Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well?

I don’t think it is to difficult too learn mathematics well, we just need practice a
lot and we will get use to with hard problem.

 Are girls generally good at mathematics?

I think both boys and girls are good at math. It just depend on how often we
spend practicing

 Do you often use a calculator?

 When do you start to learn math?

I started to learn math when I was in kindergatern particular when I was 5

 Some people think that math isn’t needed in our life. What do you think?

 Who taught you math?

 How do schools teach math in Vietnam

5. Museum

 Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

Calling myself not a museum person is an undersatement. When I went to museum I was
like oh yeah museum is education not entertainment, maybe it’s not true for foreign

 Do you often visit museums?

No, I am not often go to the museums, as my previous answer I am not very keen
on …..

 When was the last time you visited a museum?

Maybe 2 years ago when I had a trip with my class in Da Lat city, we went to Tran
Le Xuan House, who is a famous women in America Vietnam war, now it is a
historical museum.

 What did you learn from visiting museums and art galleries?
Maybe about history, about culture around the globe it is depend on what kind of

 Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?

I have never visited to museum which in my hometown so I am not sure is it any

museum in my place. The fact that Binh Duong is a industrial area so not attracted
a lot of visitor so that not a point.

 Do you think museums are important?

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