Pavlovs Classical Conditioning Theory

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Name: _________________________________ Curr/Yr&Sec:_____________ Date: _____________________

Classical Conditioning Theory (Ivan Pavlov)

1. What is behaviourism? (You can research on this)


2. What is classical conditioning theory? (You can research on this)


3. Describe Pavlov’s experiment based from the pictures. (Your answers should be based from your own
interpretation and not from the internet).

4. Consider this example:
Everytime our teacher claps 3x she told us to stand. After many times of doing that, we immediately
stand by just hearing 3 claps without his instruction to stand.
At the end of the process, therefore, clapping is a conditioned stimulus (CS) and standing is
a conditioned response (CR) to the stimulus.

a. In the classroom

b. At home

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