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PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES those things we think will bring us suffering and

SOCRATES pain as ‘evil’.

• Father of Western Philosophy VIRTUE
• Wisest Man (Oracle of Delphi) • supreme good
• Executed – Hemlock • Virtue is defined as moral excellence
Socratic Method – most famous, least used, • An individual is considered virtuous if
least understood teaching and conversation their character is made up of the moral
practices. qualities that are accepted as virtues.
Socratic Dialogue – the primary focus is to try – Justice
to answer questions. Socrates wants short – Courage
answers that address specific points before – Wisdom
moving on to more advanced or complicated – Piety
topics until an adequate understanding of basic • To summarize this idea it is useful to
principles is achieved. express it in a simple formula:
• It is through striving for answers to it that SS.
one can hope to improve their life.
Socrates’ most famous statement: IGNORANCE AS ROOT OF EVIL
“The unexamined life is not worth Most people are ignorant. If one truly
living.” (Apology) knew what they were doing was evil, they would
• Examining one’s self is the most refrain from such an action. But because all evil
important task one can undertake, for it acts are committed out of ignorance, Socrates
alone will give us the knowledge held that all evil acts are committed
involuntarily. Socrates did not mean that when
necessary to answer the question ‘how
one committed an evil act they did so in some
should I live my life’. As Socrates
sort of state of complete unawareness, but rather
explained: that such an individual was unaware that their
• “…once we know ourselves, we may action was evil.
learn how to care for ourselves, but
otherwise we never shall.” (First When we commit an injustice we are
Alcibiades) harming our own soul, which is our true self.
Yet on the other hand, when we suffer an
CARE FOR SOUL injustice it is not our soul which is harmed, but
• one’s true self, according to Socrates, is instead what is harmed is merely something
not to be identified with what we own, we possess: be it our wealth, reputation, or even
with our social status, our reputation, or our body. Since the state of our soul is of the
even with our body. Instead, Socrates utmost importance in the attainment of
famously maintained that our true self is happiness, we should ensure that we take care of
our soul. our soul even at the expense of our possessions
• According to Socrates it is the state of our and body. And if the choice confronts us, we
soul, or our inner being, which should choose to suffer harm rather than inflict
determines the quality of our life. Thus it it.
is paramount that we devote considerable
amounts of our attention, energy, and PLATO
resources to making our soul as good and • Born into a prominent and wealthy family
beautiful as possible. in the city, Plato devoted his life to one
WHAT IS GOOD AND WHAT IS EVIL? goal: helping people to reach a state of
GOOD what he termed:
wealth, status, pleasure, and social • Eudaimonia: Greek word: it means
acceptance ‘happiness’ but is really closer to
EVIL ‘fulfilment’ - more compatible with
poverty, death, pain, and social rejection periods of great pain and suffering –
All human beings naturally strive after which seem to be an unavoidable part
happiness, for happiness is the final end in life even of a good life.
and everything we do we do because we think PLATO: FOUR CENTRAL IDEAS
it will make us happy. We therefore label what 1. Think Harder - He observed how many
we think will bring us happiness as ‘good’, and of our ideas are derived from what the
crowd thinks, from what the Greeks bad for us, so he wanted to limit the activities of
called ‘doxa’, and we’d call ‘common- public orators and dangerous preachers. He
sense’. would – nowadays – have been very skeptical
Plato proposed that our lives go wrong in about the power of mass media.
large part because we almost never give
ourselves time to think carefully and logically c) Better Education
enough about our plans. And so we end up with
Plato believed passionately in education,
the wrong values, careers and relationships. Plato
but wanted to refocus the curriculum. The
wanted to bring order and clarity to our minds.
2. Love More Wisely - In Plato’s eyes, love is in primary thing we need to learn is not just math
essence a kind of education: you couldn’t really or spelling, but how to be good: we need to
love someone if you didn’t want to be improved learn about courage, self-control,
by them. reasonableness, independence and calm.
Love should be two people trying to grow
d) Better Childhood
together – and helping each other to do so. Which
means you need to get together with the person Families try their best. And sometimes
who contains a key missing bit of your evolution: children strike lucky. Their parents are well
the virtues you don’t have. balanced, good teachers, reliably mature and
A good relationship has to mean we wise. But pretty often parents transmit their
won’t love the other person exactly as they are. confusions and failings to their children.
It means committing to helping them become
a better version of themselves – and to endure ST. AUGUSTINE
the stormy passages this inevitably involves – TWO CITIES
while also not resisting their attempts to
improve us. 1. The City of Men – Earthly Happiness

3. The Importance of beauty 2. The City of God

Why do we like beautiful things? ORIGINAL SIN - All individuals were
• We recognize in them a part of ‘the good’.
crooked because all of us are unwitting heirs to
• Beautiful objects therefore have a really
the sins of Adam which leads to our desire to
important function. They invite us to
evolve in their direction, to become as dominate.
they are. We cannot properly love, for we are constantly
• Beauty can educate our souls. undermined by our egoism and our pride.
4. Changing society
• How could a society get better at
producing not military power but
Eudaimonia? How could it reliably help
people towards fulfilment?
a. We need new heroes
Plato therefore wanted to give Athens
new celebrities, replacing the current crop with
ideally wise and good people he called
Guardians: models for everyone’s good
development. These people would be
distinguished by their record of public service,
their modesty and simple habits, their dislike of
the limelight and their wide and deep
experience. They would be the most honored
and admired people in society.
b) We need censorship
Continuous exposure to a storm of
confused voices was – Plato thought – seriously

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