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Computer Programming – CS101

Autumn 2014
Registration on IITBombayX

1. Login into your GPO Account (

2. Type your roll number and password
3. Click 'Login'
4. An email has been sent to you from the address with a
subject 'Registration'
5. Click on the above mail
6. You will see 2 links. 1st is the activation link and 2nd is forgot password link
7. Click on the 1st link(activation link)
8. You will be directed to the IITBombayX platform where you will see the message
“Activation Complete!"
9. If you have already activated earlier, you will get a message “Account Already Active!”
10. Now go to your mail and click on the 2nd link(forgot password link)
11. You will be directed to a new page.
12. Enter your email ID as
13. Click 'Reset my Password'
14. An email will be sent to you
15. Go to your email, and click on 'Inbox'
16. Click on the subject of the mail “Password reset on”
17. Click on the link mentioned in the mail
18. You will be redirected to a new page. Type a new password in both the textboxes.
19. Click on the button given below the password textboxes
20. Type in the URL bar
21. Note: You will be using site ONLY for the entire course

After Successful Registration on IITBombayX

Logging In
1. Click 'Dash home' icon on the top left of the screen
2. Type 'Google' or 'Firefox'
3. Click 'Google Chrome' or 'Mozilla Firefox'
4. In the URL bar, type
5. Click 'Login' located at the top right corner of the web page
6. Enter your email address as and password
7. Click 'Login into My IITBombay Account'

Viewing Lectures
1. Perform all the steps given above in “Logging In”
2. Click on the course 'CS101 Introduction to Computer Programming, Part 1'
3. A new page opens up
4. Click 'Courseware'
5. On the left side, Weeks and sessions under those weeks are displayed
6. Click on the desired session
7. E.g. Click 'Session 3: Computational Procedures' under 'Week 1: Procedures, programs,
and computers'
8. A new page loads on the right side.
9. Click on the video image to play the video
10. The transcript on the right of the video is highlighted as the video progresses

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