Diff Between Psychological Assessment and Testing

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Q1. Difference between psychological testing and assessment.

A1. I would like to begin my answer with the basic definition of psychology. Its origin is
from the Greek words, ‘psyche’ means ‘mind and soul’ and ‘logos’ means ‘to study’. It
basically means to study the cognitions, experiences and behaviour of an individual.

From the above definition, we can infer, that psychometry is a special area of psychology
which focuses on measuring and quantifying certain attributes and phenomena of psychology.
Objectivity is a very important aspect of psychometric testing. It is based on data and facts,
which does not change and remains the same for long periods of time. It is also free from any

There are 2 major tasks in psychometry as follows;

1. The construction of instruments for measurement. The tool made for this purpose should
be useful for long periods of time. In spite of this, the tool does require frequent and
comprehensive upgrades.

2. Another task is to develop and refine the theoretical approach behind the making of the

Assessment is gathering data from various sources, then integrating and interpreting it. It has
various informal measures of assessing including surveys, interviews, observable data etc.
These informal methods rely on subjective methods and is based on analysis. Assessment is
not a one-time process and continues for over long periods of time.

In a clinical setting, psychologists use clinical interviews to observe the clients behaviour,
which is the most common form of assessment used in this particular setting. They may also
interview other people close to the client.

For instance, to judge a learning disorder in a child, they may be given a story book to read.
Regular children would have no problem in doing so, while the child in question, if suffering
from a learning disorder would face some difficulties.

Test on the other hand, are the tools and instruments used as a form of assessment. It’s a
formal method which relies on objective tools and methods. It consists of items to measure
the behaviour of human beings, which maybe; overt (observable behavior) and covert (takes
place within individual). Test is a one-time process.
The test made is standardized, meaning, the test takers would be evaluated in a similar
manner no matter who is the administrator of the test. Along with being standardized, a test
should be objective as well.

There are a few important characteristics of a psychological test:

1. Validity: the ability to measure the intended quality

2. Reliability: gives same result under different circumstance
3. Objectivity: it is free of personal bias in scoring, interpretations and administration
4. Standardization: in terms of environment, time, environment, instructions
5. Norms: appropriate and accurate norms relevant to the test must be present
6. Simplicity: simple administering and scoring of tests
7. Economy: should require short time for ease of administrator
8. Interesting: examinee should find it interesting to do it

For example, if we take the clinical setting again, if the child is thought to have learning
disorder from the assessment earlier, test is conducted to confirm the fact. Tests like,
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ), the Wechsler Individual
Achievement Test (WIAT), the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT), can be used, which
focus on reading, writing, and math.

From the above, we can gather that there are different types of tests as well;

1. Individual Tests: The test is given to a single candidate only, example, WAIS-III and
2. Group Tests: A single examiner gives a test to a group of candidates, example, SAT,
3. Verbal, Non-Verbal and Performance Tests
4. Speed, Power and Speed-cum-Power Tests
5. Culture Fair and Culture Bias Tests
6. Human Ability Tests:
o Achievement Tests: It focuses on evaluating the learnings of an individual
and measure prior activities of the examinee
o Aptitude Tests: It evaluates what the individual maybe be capable of learning
ad measures the future potential.
o Intelligence Tests: It measures the individual’s potential to solve problems
and adapt to certain situations
7. Personality Tests:
o Objective Personality Tests: Specific stimuli is present which requires a
specific response. For example, a true or false question, asking whether you
like to read while listening to music?
o Projective Personality Tests: Ambiguous stimuli is present which require
fewer specific responses as compared to Objective Personality Test.

There are certain dissimilarities between psychological test and assessment listed below on
the following basis:


Psychological assessments are more complex than the tests. Tests are simpler and involve a
standard procedure and set of instructions for both the administrator and the candidate, on
how to conduct the test and take the test. Assessment on the other hand is a complex task and
depends on the psychologist on how they assess the client. It involves various procedures and


Tests usually have a set duration of time, and differs from test to test, for example the SAT
exam has the duration of three hours. Assessment is not a one-time process like tests, and are
more continuous, lasting for a longer period of time. The assessment and analysis of a client
in a clinic may continue throughout all the sessions.


Sources of data in a test is only one which the results of the test itself. The results of the SAT
test indicate whether the candidate is legible for taking admission in a particular university or
not, similar to other entrance tests. The sources in an assessment are several. It ranges from
the client itself, to their medical and academic records and interviews with their close ones as
well, all with the client’s consent.

The test focuses on comparing the individual/group to other individuals/groups. A reference

point is necessary in a test to which the individual is compared to. Whether a person has
scored greater in the SATs will predict if they get a better college than the person with lower
marks and vice versa. In an assessment, all the focus is on the individual or the group and
their situations. In the above example, the candidate with the lower score may have not ample
time to study due to some illness.


The test administrator should have sufficient knowledge about the test and the conduction of
tests. They should be able to follow a code of conduct made for the test. For assessment, the
psychologist should have knowledge about the various kinds of methods used for assessment
and how to conduct them as well.


Tests deal with objectivity and here, quantification is necessary and the psychologist should
be able to maintain the numbers. Assessment on the other hand includes subjectivity and
clinical assessments.


A single psychological test, costs more than a single clinical session of assessment. However,
assessment as a whole process, including all the sessions is costlier. For example, in a clinical
session for schizophrenia, the money paid for all the sessions combined (that is, all the
sessions for assessment) is more, than what the client has to pay for a separate diagnostic test
for the same.


The purpose of a test is for obtaining data from the results of the test and its interpretation to
come to a proper decision regarding the individual. This decision is based on a set of
standards. Assessments helps in arriving at a decision regarding the problems of the client,
and also helps in improving the current performance.

Test is highly structured and standardized. For a test, preparations are made, test strategies
are laid out and a test design is made. For assessments, it maybe be structured or
unstructured, meaning it may have proper preparations and strategies (structured) or not have
any of these characteristics (unstructured).


Due to the objectivity and structure of the tests, the evaluation is relatively simple in
comparison to assessment. This evaluation is done by following a set of rules laid down for
the same purpose. The evaluation of an assessment is relatively more difficult as it is based
on a clinical judgement and there is no particular method of knowing if their evaluation is

From the above-mentioned points, it is understood that even thought test is a part, or a form
of assessment, they tend to differ in a lot of contexts. Test is a small part of assessment which
deals with objectivity while assessment is more subjective and depends on the psychologist
on what and how they interpret the data. Tests are short and crisp with a defined structure,
procedure and focus. Assessment tends to be longer, may have a well-defined structure, and
focuses on helping the client in improving their condition. The tests, even though serve the
same purpose, can be different from each other as well. They can differ in what they are
measuring and how they are measuring

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