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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Hans-Jürgen Bucher

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Visualizing science: the reception of powerpoint presentations

Hans-Juergen Bucher and Philipp Niemann
Visual Communication 2012 11: 283
DOI: 10.1177/1470357212446409

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VCJ11310.1177/1470357212446409Bucher and Niemann: Visualizing scienceVisual Communication

visual communication


Visualizing science:
the reception of
powerpoint presentations


University of Trier, Germany

Presentations with PowerPoint, made possible by digitalization, are another
step towards more visualization in the history of science communication.
This new genre of communicating scientific knowledge to an audience com-
bines several semiotic sign systems and therefore can be analysed as a
form of multimodal discourse that integrates pictures, text, design, etc. on
the slides, as well as spoken language, gestures, acts of pointing, etc. by
the speaker. This study approaches the problem of multimodal discourse
– how meaning is constituted by the different modes – empirically from a
recipient’s perspective. To reconstruct the meaning-making process, the
authors apply eye tracking and other methods of reception research in real-
life scenarios as well as in laboratory settings.

audience research • eye tracking • multimodality • PowerPoint • science


Visualizations in science communication have a long history, dating back to
the 19th century, but reaching their climax with the digitalization of com-
munication. Today, hardly any public presentation of science fails to employ
computer-based visualization tools or shareware, most often PowerPoint. The
integration of visualization devices has enabled the evolution of a new for-
mat of scientific presentation, which enriches speech with visual modes of
communication such as pictures, audio-visual materials, or written text, and
integrates technical devices into spoken discourse (Lobin, 2009; Peters, 2007).

SAGE Publications (Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC:
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Vol 11(3): 283–306 DOI 10.1177/1470357212446409

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From the perspective of knowledge transfer, this mediatization of sci-
ence communication has evoked some fundamental criticism, most notably by
the information designer Edward Tufte. In his 2003 publication, ‘Powerpoint Is
Evil’, he criticizes the ‘cognitive style’ of PowerPoint, which ‘routinely disrupts,
dominates, and trivializes content’ and ‘elevates format over content, betray-
ing an attitude of commercialism that turns everything into a sales pitch’. In
the eyes of a second group of authors, PowerPoint-based presentations open
a new chapter in the debate on the relation of ratio and rhetoric, which is a
perennial issue in the history of rhetoric itself. At the centre of this debate lies
the suspicion that rhetorical skills tend to obscure the evidence of a statement
and therefore per se are always in danger of turning speech into propaganda.
Therefore these critics allege that PowerPoint turns scientific argumentation
into persuasion, thus violating the principles of rational discourse (Peters,
2007; Schnettler and Knoblauch, 2007; Turkle, 2003).
In contrast to this PowerPoint scepticism, a third group, the PowerPoint
optimists, argues its potential for more interactive knowledge transmission
and learning processes (Gabriel, 2008) and formulates psychological prin-
ciples for designing audience-oriented presentations (Kosslyn, 2007). These
authors see PowerPoint presentations as a new ‘visual rhetoric’ which is ‘likely
to become a pervasive feature of public life’ (Stark and Paravel, 2008: 50).
A fourth branch of research analyses scientific presentations as a genre
of communication or a type of discourse whose structure is determined by
the accompanying visual channel, the interactional context and the integra-
tion of technical devices into spoken language (Knoblauch, 2008; Lobin, 2009;
Rowley-Jolivet, 2004). A common feature of this approach is an expansion of
the perspective, in which the analysis of presentations is not restricted solely
to the slides or software, but instead focuses on the performance of speaker
and audience while acting and participating in PowerPoint presentations.
Behind the notion of performance stands the idea that meaning cannot be
deduced from single elements of communication – for example, the slides in
a presentation – but is created in the enactment of the participants and their
situational use of communicative means like speech, gestures, referring and
pointing actions, and visual material. Even the design or type of the slides and
the synchronization of what is said and what is shown can have an impact
on the meaning-making process. The methodology of the research presented
here is based on a performative conception of scientific presentations. These
presentations are treated as a type of complex communicative action, which,
in view of the different types of signs employed, is best characterized as multi-
modal (Bucher, 2011; Kress, 2010; Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2001).
Most of the research on PowerPoint has focused on the presentation
itself without taking into account the recipients’ perspective. But knowing how
recipients attend to PowerPoint presentations and how the intended knowl-
edge transfer works is a fundamental precondition for evaluating the potential
of this communication genre. In order to avoid these shortcomings, we have

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chosen an empirical and experimental approach, treating scientific presenta-
tions as a multimodal form of communication and analysing them within a
framework of reception research. This approach is motivated by two research
questions. A fundamental one, aimed at a theory of multimodality: How do
recipients integrate and understand the complex ‘orchestration’ of different
modes and sign systems; and an applied question: How does PowerPoint
influence the quality of scientific knowledge transfer?


Treating scientific presentations as a type of multimodal communication
contrasts fundamentally with the PowerPoint scepticism triggered by Edward
Tufte’s article. Instead of narrowing the focus to the slides or the software, we
conceptualize scientific presentations as a multimodal genre or discourse type
in which all the different symbolic resources like speech, text, pictures, graph-
ics, design, intonation, pointing activities, and so on are used to accomplish an
overall meaning. The ‘orchestration’ of the multimodal arrangement of a pre-
sentation happens in three different modal domains: the visual domain of the
slides, the verbal domain of speech, and the performative domain of gestures
and pointing (see Bucher, 2011; Bucher et al., 2010). Although multimodal
presentations in some respects are very similar to ‘multimedia instructional
messages’ (Mayer, 2005), the difference lies in the relevance of the performed
referring actions (pointing, gestures, referring utterances) that link the verbal
and the visual. The multimodal character of a scientific presentation forces
members of the audience to coordinate their attention in a temporal and spa-
tial dimension simultaneously. Because of the co-presence of different modes,
the audience is confronted with a kind of hypertextual structure of different
information sources – the speaker, the slide with its different elements, and the
pointing actions – which are organized in space and whose reception requires
a choice of attention. At the same time, the coherence of a scientific presenta-
tion also has a sequential logic, namely the linear order of the speech and the
progression of the slides or their animations. This idea is very similar to the
distinction between ‘phases’ and ‘transitions’ that Baldry and Thibault pro-
pose for a multimodal analysis of films (Baldry and Thibault, 2005: 47–50). In
PowerPoint presentations, we can define a phase as the segment of communi-
cation that is limited by the fade-in and fade-out of a single slide.
The complexity of scientific presentations that incorporate visual pro-
jection results from this somewhat paradoxical combination of two different
patterns of discourse structure: a linear pattern in time – the sequential rhythm
of the discourse – and a non-linear pattern in space – the constellations of
signs and symbols in three-dimensional space. The problem of cognitive over-
load, discussed at length in publications on multimedia learning and knowl-
edge acquisition (Holsanova, 2008; Sweller, 2005) could be nicely explained as

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the difficulty of acquiring the paradoxical structure of multimodal communi-
cation. However, it remains an empirical question if and under what circum-
stances multimodality complicates or facilitates understanding discourses or,
in our case, whether the enrichment of a scientific presentation with a visual
channel improves or impairs knowledge transfer.
Research on multimodal discourse is confronted with two basic theo-
retical problems. First the problem of compositionality: What, specifically, does
each of the individual modes contribute to the overall meaning of a discourse
and how do they interact? Second, the problem of reception, which is more or
less the mirror image of the first: How do recipients integrate the different
modes and acquire a coherent understanding of the multimodal discourse?
As for a research strategy for these two problems, scientific presentations with
PowerPoint are to some extent a paradigmatic object of study. The problem
of compositionality lies at the centre of multimodality research. It is labelled
with the concepts of ‘intersemiosis’ (O’Halloran, 2008: 470), ‘semantic mul-
tiplication’ (Lim, 2004), or ‘modal interrelation’ (Kress, 2010: 165). The basic
assumption that lies behind all these concepts is the idea that the whole of a
multimodal ensemble is more than the sum of its parts.
The theory underlying our research on multimodal scientific presen-
tations is based on these theories of multimodal discourse and is conceived
as a theory of multimodal action (Bucher, 2011). Similar to language, signs
from all modes can be used to pursue communicative aims. This assump-
tion is based on a theory-of-action approach to language and communication,
rooted in speech-act theory, linguistic pragmatics and semiotics. It assumes,
analogously to sign-making in the social-semiotic approach, that all signs in
the context of communicative actions are used to make the addressee under-
stand something (Bucher, 2007). We employ the concepts of an action theory
of communication to analyse the interplay of various modes as a means of
communication, such as the distinction between the meaning potential of a
sign, which determines the action possibilities, and the communicative mean-
ing, created by a multimodal action that is actually executed. This theory can
be linked to modern interactional reception theories focusing on the recipi-
ents’ appropriation actions.
To a much lesser extent, research in multimodality has dealt with the
question of how this form of communication is perceived and interpreted
by its audience. Traditional theories in audience research have not been very
helpful in solving this task for many years. But for some time now, audience
research has witnessed a paradigm shift from an effect-oriented to an interac-
tional perspective focusing on the process of appropriation of media items by
the recipient (Jensen, 2002). This interactional approach allows the integra-
tion of elements from other theory traditions that deal with reception, per-
ception, or comprehension, like psycholinguistics, gestalt theory, or current
cognitive science approaches in perception and visual communication. The
concepts of attention and affordance (Duchowski, 2007; Neumann, 1987),

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which by definition incorporate an interactional logic, are of great relevance
for an interactional theory of reception. An interactional approach also allows
for the translation of the cognitive processes of selecting, organizing, and inte-
grating, which Mayer (2005: 38–42) identifies in multimedia learning, into
observable activities of the recipients.
The application of this theory can resolve the difference between
stimulus-oriented (realistic) and recipient-oriented (idealistic) approaches.
From the perspective of the media stimulus, the process of reception could be
described as a salience-based bottom-up model (Itti and Koch, 2000), whereas
from the perspective of the recipient, the process could be described as a top-
down process driven by the recipient’s expectations, knowledge, competence
and intentions (Henderson et al., 2007). Within an interactional paradigm of
media reception, both perspectives are valid, which means that both effects
intermingle. Salient cues of the media stimulus (bottom-up) are evaluated
in relation to the current goals and the actual state of knowledge and compe-
tence of the recipient (top-down) (Duchowski, 2007). With these approaches
as a background, the concepts of selection, attention, relevance and appro-
priation can be seen to be at the centre of a theory of reception (Bucher and
Schumacher, 2006).


For empirical research on how multimodal communication is perceived and
interpreted, the theories of multimodality and reception mentioned above
lead to four methodological principles that are realized in a systematic set of
different research scenarios (see Table 1).

Scenario I
The first principle is that reception research on scientific presentations has
to be done in real-life settings (scenario I) to make the ‘naturalized engage-
ment’ (Kress, 2010: 170) of recipients visible. Only under this condition it
is possible to track interaction between the orchestration of a scientific pre-
sentation – the sign-making process of the presenter – and the audience’s
reception – the meaning-making process of the addressee. In the study pre-
sented here, the eye movements of about 60 persons were recorded in con-
ference presentations of various scientific disciplines, mainly in the third
and fourth quarters of 2008. More precisely, the gaze motions of an expert
in the discipline of each documented presentation were tracked using the
video-based SMI mobile eye tracker ‘iView X RED’ (50 Hz) (Figure 1).
Additionally, a questionnaire was distributed to the audience focusing on
socio-demographics, professional expertise, the degree of experience with
PowerPoint, and the individual evaluation of each presentation in differ-
ent dimensions. Furthermore, all these presentations were documented by
video, and all PowerPoint-slides were archived. In sum, more than 24 hours

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Table 1 Methodical setting of the reception study

Scenario I Scenarios II and Scenario IV Results

(real life) III (laboratory) (wall screen)

Participants/ 60 participants/ 31 participants/ 23 participants/

tests 60 experts 22 experts 14 experts
22 novices 9 novices

Presentations 941 including 9, 3 from each 1 (test-

different scientific culture presentation)
scientific cultures
(+ 24 hours of
2244 slides)

Methods Eye tracking Eye tracking Eye tracking  Allocation of

Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire  Socio-
prior knowledge,
degree of
experience with
evaluation of the
Retrospective Retrospective  Evaluation of
interviews interviews the presentations,
Think aloud/ Think aloud/  Identification
retrospective ad retrospective of reception
hoc commenting ad hoc problems, process
commenting data
Knowledge test Knowledge test  Knowledge
Video  Comparative
documentation product analysis
of the and reception
presentations analysis, control of
eye tracking video
1Only about 60 of these presentations were part of the complete reception study in scenario I.

of scientific presentations and 2244 slides were analysed; 33 presentations

from this corpus were chosen for a comparative product analysis and recep-
tion analysis (12 from humanities, 11 from natural sciences, and 10 from

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Figure 1 A participant in the real-life setting (scenario I) wearing the mobile eye tracker.

Scenarios II and III

A second principle is that the modal density of presentations should be sys-
tematically manipulated. Therefore two different laboratory-based research
scenarios were used, which permitted step-by-step reduction of the modal
complexity of presentations. In scenario II, the test persons watched the
original PowerPoint presentation synchronized with the presenter’s speech.
In scenario III, the test persons could click freely through the PowerPoint
presentations. The three scenarios represent three types of multimodal-
ity, which differ in terms of modal density. Scenario I contains all possible
modes of a scientific presentation. Scenario II contains the visual slides
and the spoken language, but not the performance of the presenter – for
example, his or her pointing actions. Scenario III contains only the visual
channel of the slides. Overall, 9 presentations from the data corpus (3 from
each scientific culture) were tested in the laboratory settings and 31 partici-
pants were involved in this part of the study. In order to gain comprehen-
sive reception data, additional methods were applied in the lab scenarios
besides eye tracking (SMI, ‘iView X RED’, 50Hz): think aloud, retrospective
interviews on the evaluation of the presentations, a questionnaire collecting
socio-demographic information, prior knowledge, the participants’ degree
of experience with PowerPoint, and a knowledge test with questions formu-
lated after prior consultation with the respective presenter.
As the significance of the individual modes cannot be ascertained
in isolation, cutting off the modes systematically permits the reconstruction
of their semiotic function by determining their influence on the reception
process and on knowledge acquisition. Comparing reception data from the
three scenarios, therefore, leads to insights into the interplay between different

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Figure 2 A Participant in the control scenario (IV) wearing the mobile eye tracker.

Because of technical limitations in the live scenario – only one head-
mounted eye-tracking device was available – the data of only one recipi-
ent exist for each presentation. To overcome idiosyncratic assumptions
about understanding multimodal communication, as a third principle a
control scenario was developed (scenario IV) that permits reproducing the
same presentation life size as often as is required on a 3-by-2m wall screen
(Figure 2). The staging of the videotaped presentation was already guided
by hypotheses derived from the former scenarios – for example, on the rel-
evance of pointing gestures by the presenter or hypotheses on reception
patterns of slide types. Using this procedure, reception data from 23 per-
sons attending the same presentation could be collected. Similar to scenario
I, eye movements of the recipients were tracked (SMI, ‘iView X HED’, 50
Hz) and the participants completed a questionnaire. As in scenarios II and
III, there was a subsequent knowledge test and, in 10 cases, retrospective
A fourth methodological principle, derived from reception theory, led
to a research design that permitted tracking the influence of recipient fea-
tures on the understanding of multimodal presentations. Therefore, in sce-
narios II, III and IV, two populations of test subjects were recruited: experts
and novices. As they differed in terms of prior knowledge and competence
regarding the topic of the presentations, the influence of these features could
be measured.
These four methodological conclusions, i.e. using a natural setting,
manipulating modal density, providing a control scenario, and isolating recip-
ient features, guaranteed rich and well-matched reception data and therefore
permitted reconstruction of the different layers of the process of appropriat-
ing multimodal presentations.

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Eye tracking
In our study, we took eye movements as indicators of the allocation of atten-
tion (Duchowski, 2007). Compared to traditional retrospective interview
data, eye-tracking data are more reliable as they are obtained directly during
the reception process and thus provide immediate insight into the process of
interaction between the stimulus and the recipient. Furthermore, it is mini-
mally vulnerable to typical interview effects like the social desirability effect
(Bucher and Schumacher, 2006: 354).1 When analysing the process of recep-
tion, eye-tracking data are a helpful indicator in many different dimensions.
First of all, they show which parts of a stimulus recipients have observed and
which parts have been ignored, i.e. they disclose the participants’ selection
strategies. In addition, the dwell-time on a particular part of the stimulus (the
speaker, slides, etc.) indicates the level of attention and the recipients’ interest.
The documentation of eye-tracking data over time shows reception sequences
(i.e. the order in which different parts of a stimulus have been received) and
thus, at the same time, the acquisition strategies used by the participants.
Finally, these data also permit evaluation of the quality of the reception pro-
cess, as, for instance, reading or scanning can be differentiated when analysing
gaze motions.
Prior to the analysis of eye-tracking videos, the participants’ field of
vision had to be digitally sliced into ‘areas of interest’ (AOIs) to measure their
allocation of attention. For this reason, a set of categories was developed, dif-
ferentiating the modes of a presentation (speaker vs slides) on the one hand
and the diverse modes within a presentation slide (text, photo, video, etc.) on
the other. Software-based analysis then showed which AOIs were perceived, in
what order, how often, for how long, and to what point in time. This method
of data preparation makes it possible to identify patterns of reception for dis-
tinctive parts of a presentation or for specific types of slides. The example
from scenario I, illustrated in Figure 3, reveals that the two AOIs, ‘speaker’ and
‘graphic’, are gazed at alternately (zig-zag-pattern). This indicates a permanent
shift of attention between the person speaking and a graphic shown in the
PowerPoint slide.

Qualitative methods
In addition to eye tracking, the think-aloud method or retrospective ad hoc
commenting, interviews and knowledge tests provide process data on how
the recipients piece together the different modes of scientific presentations
(especially think aloud), and they yield information about interpretations
and knowledge acquisition (post-hoc methods like interviews and knowledge
tests). Moreover, the post-hoc methods allow for the interpretation of direct
reception data generated by eye tracking and the think-aloud method.

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Figure 3 Still from an eye-tracking video, including the visualization of gaze motion with the
software INTERACT.

The presentation of the empirical results of our reception study addresses
the following main questions: What is the influence of the types of slide of a
PowerPoint presentation on the reception? What is the impact of modal den-
sity? How relevant are referring actions? And, finally, how important are indi-
vidual characteristics of the recipients, especially their prior knowledge, for
the understanding of multimodal presentations?

How types of slide influence reception

Describing the projections of a scientific presentation – in most cases
PowerPoint slides – as the visual channel is a somewhat rough description.
Following Rowly-Jolivet (2004), from a semiotic point of view, one can distin-
guish four types of visualizations, namely scriptural, figurative, numerical and
graphic visuals. These different visual resources can be used for different func-
tions, namely to express visual information simultaneously with what is said,
to create coherence in the temporal progression of the speech as well as the
projection, or to help the audience ‘to divide or “chunk” the flow of discourse
into more manageable portions’ (p. 168). Functional criteria and a functional
typology of slides are analysed elsewhere in more detail (Bucher et al., 2010).
It is notable that the public debate on PowerPoint only focuses on scriptural
text-based bullet point slides, neglecting the fact that the social impact of the
most influential PowerPoint presentations was based on figural and graphical
visualizations (Stark and Paravel, 2008), for example the presentation Colin
Powell gave to the UN Security Council to present evidence for the existence
of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The intention of our research was,
therefore, to analyse empirically how different types of slides influence the
reception process and the transfer of scientific knowledge.

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Table 2 Distribution of the type of slide within different scientific disciplines (N = 2244
slides/94 presentations [economics = 33; natural sciences = 27; humanities = 34]) (%)

Type of slide Textual Figurative Mixed

Scientific discipline

Economics (n = 753 slides) 48 19 24

Natural sciences (n = 551 slides) 35 30 35
Humanities (n = 940 slides) 47 28 24

Types of slide
In order to analyse reception processes under a multimodal perspective, slides
may be usefully classified into three types: text-only slides, pictorial-only slides,
which can contain figurative or graphical elements, and mixed slides, which can
be composed of textual and all types of pictorial elements. This classification
of slides permits inferences about the basic types of intersemiotic relations,
namely relations between speech and text, speech and pictures, and speech
and multimodal slides. The distribution of the three types varies in the differ-
ent scientific disciplines (see Table 2). In economics, for example, the greatest
number of the slides are textual (48%), the most ‘pictorial’ presentations come
from the natural sciences, where nearly two thirds (65%) of all slides contain
pictorial material. As for pictorial slides, the humanities occupy a middle posi-
tion with 28 per cent figurative and 24 per cent mixed slides. Apart from the
differences between the disciplines, the distribution of the types of slide indi-
cates a strong overall tendency towards a visualization of scientific conference
presentations in all disciplines.
Although the eye-tracking data show fundamental differences con-
cerning the three types of slides, they indicate an overall feature of all mean-
ing-making processes of scientific presentations. The recipients do not add the
meaning of the speech and the meaning of the slides mode by mode towards
an overall meaning of a presentation, but they combine and integrate the dif-
ferent semiotic resources from the beginning. However, the different types of
slides activate different patterns of meaning-making, which are indicated by
typical sequences of eye movements. One can interpret these patterns as traces
of the recipients’ strategies to construct coherence between what is said and
what is shown.

Text slides
Text slides in scientific presentations are not only words on a screen but well-
designed spatial arrangements of information units, which we can call visual
text (Bucher, 2007). Therefore, understanding a text slide not only means
comprehending what is written, but also grasping the spatial constellation
of the text units (i.e. the text design of the slide), which can, for example,
express hierarchical relations or a relevance structure. Text slides appear in

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Figure 4 Dynamic and static text slide, including the corresponding gaze motions of two

scientific presentations in two different forms: as a static text slide which

shows the whole textual content at once and as dynamic slides which fade-in
the information units incrementally. The two types of slides elicit two dif-
ferent patterns of eye movement, which indicate two different strategies for
integrating the speech and the slide content. As is shown in Figure 4, the static
text slide elicits a block-by-block reception where the recipient first reads the
whole text on the slide and then turns his attention to the speaker. In contrast
to this more linear reception, the appropriation of dynamic slides follows a
more non-linear pattern. In the rhythm of the blending of the textual units,
recipients’ attention switches between the slide and the speaker. Data from
the control scenario (scenario IV) with 15 test persons confirm these patterns
and permit some generalizations concerning the integration of speech and
visual text. If the visual text information is complex, as in the case of a static
text slide, recipients first concentrate on reading and obviously overhear
the words spoken additionally. On the other hand, dynamic slides permit
an alternation of attention between the speaker and the projection. In terms
of multimodal understanding, this is a rather far-reaching observation. The
dynamic design of a slide (i.e. the stepwise blending of textual units), serves
as a means for managing the coherence between the verbal and the visual
mode via synchronization, thereby indicating the relevance of the informa-
tion on the slide. In scientific presentations, dynamic slide design therefore
has a function similar to that of verbal expressions referring to informational
units on a slide. ‘More’ visualization does not necessarily cause the audience
to neglect the speaker, rather it can be a good way of optimizing integration
of speaker and projection.

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Figure 5 Typical gaze motion of a participant watching a pictorial-only slide.

Pictorial-only slides
Pictorial-only slides in scientific presentations occur in many variants, for
instance as drawings covering only parts of the slide, as full-size photographs,
or as photo collages. Independent of size and number of the pictorial ele-
ments, these slides typically fulfill one or more of the following functions:
They demonstrate, visualize, provide backing for, or illustrate the topic of a
presentation. Throughout our reception study, pictorial-only slides in differ-
ent variants elicited the same three-part pattern of reception, indicated by the
following sequence of eye movements. The appearance of the slide initially
attracts the participants’ entire visual attention for some seconds (A); subse-
quently, they avert their eyes from the slide, focusing on the speaker or other
elements in the room (B); and, finally, they briefly re-fixate the pictorial slide
(C) (Figure 5). The eye movements reveal a linear block-by-block reception
comparable in a way to the static text slide. As with the text slide, this pattern
was confirmed in the control scenario IV with 15 participants. This interactive
pattern, and especially the re-fixations, are strong arguments for a ‘generative
theory’ of knowledge acquisition, which means that ‘cognitive processes …
are applied segment by segment rather than to the entire message as a whole’
(Mayer, 2005: 41).

The impact of modal density

When going beyond the types of slides and focusing on the PowerPoint pre-
sentation as a whole, the findings of our study reveal the impact of modal
density on the reception process. Comparing the results of the knowledge test
administered to the participants in scenario II (n = 30) with those in scenario
III (n = 30), clear differences are observable.2 Those who watched a sequence
of the PowerPoint slides that was synchronized with the original speech of the
presenter (scenario II) scored much higher, reaching 2.46 points on average out
of 4 possible points. The participants in scenario III who saw the PowerPoint

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Figure 6 Results of the knowledge test from scenario II and scenario III.

files without any audio mode only reached 1.76 points on average (Figure 6).
These results are less ambivalent than in Wiebe et al. (2007), who used com-
parable settings in a science learning context and concluded that ‘PowerPoint
with voiceover (scenario II in our study) does slightly more in terms of reten-
tion of science content than does a PowerPoint with no voiceover, but not
enough to show significance’ (pp. 338ff).3
The comparison of knowledge acquisition in scenarios with different
modal density shows that a higher number of modes in scientific presenta-
tions does not constrain the transfer of knowledge (e.g. due to cognitive over-
load), but rather that multiple modes may gainfully support one another (see
also Mayer, 2005).

One sees what one shows: the importance of

referential actions
Referring actions – verbal and gestural – are another variable in the recep-
tion process of PowerPoint presentations as they guide the recipients, and
indicate what is relevant (Knoblauch, 2008: 88). Moreover, ‘in combination
with speech it [i.e. the gesture] even succeeds quite regularly in creating new
meanings that are not represented either in the words spoken or on the slide
pointed at.’
Different strategies of reference can be applied by a presenter: verbal
references (on the left side, here, etc.), gestural references with the hand, tech-
nically-based references with a laser pointer or an arrow on the slide, to name
but a few examples (for details, see Lobin, 2009: 67–70, 114ff.; Knoblauch,
2008: 78). In scenario IV of our study, the scenario with the test-presentation,
the impact of two of these strategies on the reception process was tested,
namely verbal references and references with a laser pointer. Figure 7 shows
the stimulus slide presented to the 23 participants. It mainly contains a large
still from a 1950s news programme, showing the anchor and an information
graphics (a map) next to him in the background. In our test-presentation,
the presenter first used a laser pointer to refer to the anchor on the slide, later

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Figure 7 Stimulus slide from the test-presentation tested in scenario IV.

on he verbally referred to the map next to him by saying: ‘And in the back-
ground the … information graphics.’ The visualization of the participants’
eye-tracking data (Figure 8) reveals that the reference with the laser pointer
instantly directs the audience to the anchor on the slide. The verbal reference
also has an impact on the allocation of visual attention, but a less distinct one.
During and after the reference, measurably more participants focus on the
map next to the anchor.
This example stresses the overall importance of referential actions to
the process of meaning-making. Nevertheless, the realization of their commu-
nicative functions presupposes the existence of several fundamental factors:

• timing: reference acts have to be synchronized.

• wording: same wording has to be used in speech and on the slide.
• language: same language should be used in speech and on the slide to
express the coherence between speech and projection.
• sequence: reference acts on a slide should appear in a successive order.
• accuracy: gestural references should point exactly to the object which is

In addition to the theories of multimedia learning, the results indicate that

coherence management has an impact on all of the cognitive processes of
selecting, organizing and integrating verbal–pictorial input (for details, see
Bucher et al., 2010: 394–98).

One sees what one knows: the relevance of prior

Derived from the reception–theoretical background, a determining factor in
the debate on the reception of PowerPoint presentations is the audience itself,

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Figure 8 Visualization of the gaze motions of 15 participants in scenario IV during the reception process of the slide shown in Figure 7.
Figure 9 Mixed slide from a veterinary medical presentation.

or, more precisely, individual characteristics of the recipients (age, gender,

prior knowledge, etc.). Our studies show the recipients’ prior knowledge on
the topic of a presentation to be of particular importance. The slide in Figure
9 from our data corpus is a mixed slide from a veterinary medical presenta-
tion. It represents a typical situation in the sciences, namely the presentation
of empirical data. In this case, the slide shows the results of investigations of
mechanisms underlying pharmacoresistance in status epilepticus models.4 A
PET5 scanner was used to observe the absorption of the substance Verapamil
by the brain of a rat after the administration of the drug Tariquidar. The pic-
ture on the slide in Figure 9 shows four PET scans of the rat, the two on the
left were done before it got the drug Tariquidar, the two on the right two hours
after taking the drug. A comparison of the different PET scans makes it obvi-
ous that Tariquidar led to a higher absorption of Verapamil (light colouring of
the brain in the two PET scans on the right in Figure 9).6
As for the headline, ‘11C-VERAPAMIL-PET-SCAN NACH[after, HJB/
PN] TARIQUITAR)’, the large picture with the four PET scans clearly marks
the central element on the slide for a veterinarian who is familiar with the PET
imaging technique. The other elements, like the text, diagram, etc., contain
ancillary information about the experiment presented.
The veterinarian giving the presentation uses different reference tech-
niques to connect his oral speech to the content of the PowerPoint slide: a laser
pointer (gestural deixis), local deictic references and object deictic expressions,
as highlighted in the following representative excerpt from the transcript:

On the left hand side (laser pointer on the left part of the PET scans)
you see two pictures of a naive rat (laser pointer follows the explana-
tions). Here in this area are the eyes, here you see the lung, and this
is the image of the brain. And you see quite well, that in the naive rat
Verapamil is not absorbed by the brain.

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Figure 10 Visualization of the gaze motions of an expert and a novice in scenario II during the reception process of the slide shown in Figure 9.
Experts vs novices: scenario II
To evaluate the influence of the recipients’ prior knowledge on the allocation
of attention, we compared an expert and a novice in scenario II, where the
performative mode of the speaker (his facial expressions, the gestural deixis,
etc.) was cut off. Figure 10 illustrates the gaze motion of the two recipients
while the presenter gives the explanations documented in the excerpt above.
Obviously, the expert looks at the relevant areas in the picture showing the
PET scans (the lung and the brain of the rat on the left). The novice, however,
quite often gazes at the wrong rat (the one on the right), his scan path can be
described as a search pattern.7
Apparently, the expert’s higher level of prior knowledge allows him to
interpret the spoken references of the presenter in the intended way, so there is
no need for pointing actions with a laser pointer to direct his attention to the
relevant areas on the slide. For the novice, the elimination of the performative
mode of the presenter seems to be a major problem, which may be related to
a lack of knowledge of the anatomy of a rat, a lack of experience in analysing
PET scans, or deficits in using relevant technical terms (e.g. ‘naive rat’).
This interpretation is backed by a statement the expert made during
the retrospective interview, commenting: ‘Yes, due to the fact that the brain
looks like that … Therefore, I put this in a chronological sequence, because
he explained it like that.’ This reveals that the expert is familiar with the ana-
tomical structure of a rat’s brain as well as with the PET imaging technique.
Therefore, he is able to allocate his attention adequately on the basis of the
presenter’s verbal expressions.
The novice’s problems allow us to draw the conclusion that higher
modal density can assist meaning-making. With the additional performative
mode of reference actions it would have been much easier for the novice to
understand what is relevant on the slide at this specific point of the discourse.
The importance of the recipients’ prior knowledge for the process of
reception is also highlighted by the results of the knowledge test conducted
in scenario IV. When looking at the average score of the test participants
(n = 20), the experts scored considerably higher than the novices, reaching 1.92
points on average out of 4 possible points, compared to 1.6 points for novices.


Presentations, including visual projections like PowerPoint, are a new but
widespread genre of scientific communication that open up new possibili-
ties for the public understanding of science. They incorporate a prototype
of multimodal discourse, combining speech, text, figurative and graphical
visuals, elements of design and a whole family of performative actions. The
empirical results on understanding PowerPoint presentations represented
here are relevant in two respects: First, they show how limited a whole branch
of PowerPoint criticism has been in narrowing the analysis to a few types

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of (text-)slides, thereby ignoring the multimodal variety and performative
dimension of this new genre. Therefore, scepticism towards and condemna-
tion of PowerPoint are more a result of a restricted form of analysis than of
analytical evidence. PowerPoint is first and foremost a tool that can be used
to enrich a presentation with a visual channel, and this can be done with or
without competence. Scientists, usually more experienced with spoken and
written language, therefore have to learn how to orchestrate a complex mul-
timodal ensemble of different semiotic systems. At the centre of this multi-
modal rhetoric lies the challenge of managing the coherence between what is
said and what is shown, for example via actions of pointing, verbal references,
and synchronization of speech and visual projection. In the end, the quality
of communication is not determined by technical devices, as such, but by the
competence of dealing with them and understanding their limitations and
A second consequence of this study concerns the theory of multimo-
dality and multimodal understanding. Eye tracking and other reception data
show that making sense of a presentation means integrating different modes of
communication systematically. The comparisons between novices and experts
show that for understanding scientific presentations it is essential to select
the relevant aspects of a multimodal stimulus in an adequate sequence. The
criteria for this selection neither derive from the stimulus itself, nor from the
cognitive schemes of the recipient alone. They derive from the interactional
activities by which the recipient appropriates the multimodal presentation.
These results allow for an alternative approach to the problem that in semi-
otic theories of multimodality is labelled ‘intersemiosis’. Multimodal meaning
can be conceived as a result of meaning-making (in an action theory sense),
whereby the recipient constructs his or her meaning by selecting, ignoring,
interpreting, and connecting activities. Reducing modal density by cutting off
the modes step by step in the experimental setting on the one hand elucidates
their respective functions within a multimodal arrangement and, on the other
hand, shows how recipients draw upon the respective modes by integrating
them for an overall understanding.

Two limitations of the findings must be mentioned. In contrast to eye track-
ing, no technical device exists for ear tracking. Therefore, audio attention,
which works simultaneously with visual attention, can only be deduced from
secondary data such as utterances of the recipients or reception results such as
knowledge tests. Because of technical limitations in the live scenario, we could
only collect data with one eye-tracking device. We tried to compensate for
this shortcoming with the help of a control scenario with a life-size presenta-
tion on a wall screen. Of course, it would be necessary to repeat the study in
a real-life scenario at different presentations with more than one eye-tracking

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device. In view of the obvious lack of empirical reception research on scientific
presentations and on multimodal communication in general, the limitations
of the study presented here should be justifiable.

The authors thank Jochen Adam, Julia Harrer, Lisa Keimburg, Martin Krieg,
Christian Lehberger and the HumTec team at RWTH Aachen University, for
their support during data collection and preparation. We would also like to
thank Gerd Fritz and David Hudson for useful suggestions and corrections
to earlier versions of this article. Last but not least we would like to thank the
‘Volkwagen Stiftung’ for funding the research project ‘Interactive Science’.

1. Nevertheless, it should be noted that, when evaluating the success of
comprehension in a reception process, eye-tracking data in themselves
are an important, but insufficient variable.
2. Due to temporal limitations at the conferences and symposia, where
the data of the real-life scenario were recorded, a knowledge test could
not be administered in scenario I.
3. Using the same Mann-Whitney U analysis applied in Wiebe et al.
(2007), the differences between the mean scores of scenario II and
scenario III prove to be statistically significant (0.014).
4. A status epilepticus is an emergency situation for animals and for
humans as well.
5. PET stands for Positron Emission Tomography which is an imaging
technique used in nuclear medicine.
6. The slides from the veterinary medical presentation we refer to were
presented by and used with the kind permission of Jens Bankstahl
7. The scan path of a second novice on the same slide in scenario II
showed a comparable search pattern.

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HANS-JÜRGEN BUCHER is Professor at the Department of Media Studies,
University of Trier, Germany, with a background in discourse analysis and
practical journalism. His research interests include multimodal media com-
munication, journalism, Internet research, audience research and science
Address: Department of Media Studies, University of Trier, 54286 Trier,
Germany. [email: bucher@uni-trier.de]

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PHILIPP NIEMANN is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Media
Studies, University of Trier. His interests currently are with audience research,
eye tracking and political communication.
Address: Department of Media Studies, University of Trier, 54286 Trier,
Germany. [email: niemann@uni-trier.de]

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