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Student’s name: Date:
Teacher’s name: Group:
Total Points:

A ► Listen to the conversations. Check () the correct answers. (4 POINTS)

1. _____ is completely honest and gives helpful advice. 3. Jenna and Scott would love being _____ .
 Denise  bank tellers this summer
 Ms. Norris  extras in a movie
 Anna  friends with the director
2. It bothers Maria and Gary when people _____ . 4. Emily wants to apply for the _____ .
 forget to say thank you  intern position at the zoo
 post on social networking sites  part-time cleaning job
 don’t answer the phone  veterinarian office intern position

B Circle the correct word. Then join the sentences using relative pronouns (who or that). (8 POINTS)

1. I’d prefer a(n) (temperamental / supportive / egotistical) boss. I can do my best for her.
________________________________________________________________________ .

2. Zoe is a(n) (modest / inflexible / stingy) person. She doesn’t change easily and is stubborn.
________________________________________________________________________ .

3. Our coach can’t stand (friendly / easygoing / egotistical) players. He can’t talk to them easily.
________________________________________________________________________ .

4. I want to work with an easygoing person. This person is (temperamental / unpredictable / fun).
________________________________________________________________________ .

C Put the words in order to make sentences. (3 POINTS)

Example: is / when / person / upsets / it / unreliable / a / me

It upsets me when a person is unreliable.

1. bothers / forgets / when / name / my / someone / it / me

________________________________________________________________________ .

2. when / can’t / meals / during / it / I / people / stand / text

________________________________________________________________________ .

3. friend / me / happy / out / when / it / lunch / makes / me / a / takes / to

________________________________________________________________________ .

Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 1
D Complete the sentences using gerund phrases and the words in the box. (3 POINTS)
 be + flight attendant write + sports column retire + age 50 do + volunteer work

Example: He’d enjoy _____________________________

being a flight attendant because he loves traveling.

1. _____________________________ seems rewarding. I’ve always been interested in helping others.

2. Kevin wouldn’t like _____________________________ for the school paper. He doesn’t really care about
school sports or athletic activities.
3. You’ve saved 25 percent of your salary all your life – now it’s time to have some fun!
_____________________________ sounds fantastic. You deserve it!

E Check () the correct response. (4 POINTS)

1. A personal sports trainer probably earns _________ a soccer coach.

 better paid than  not as hard as  as much as
2. Nurses have _________ pharmacists.
 as well paid as  better people skills than  more interesting than
3. Long-distance truck drivers are often _________ taxi drivers to drive in bad weather.
 better prepared than  as much driving as  more driving experience than
4. Working as a bank teller is _________ being a party planner.
 worse hours than  as much as  less interesting than

F Read the article. Then check () three true statements. (3 POINTS)

 1. Not all aspects of a race-car driver’s job are exciting.

 2. The pit-crew’s main job is to help drive the car.
 3. It’s not the driver’s job to check the wind and temperature conditions on race day.
 4. One of the most difficult things for race-car drivers is getting chances to drive in races.
 5. Almost all race-car drivers earn a lot of money.
 6. Race-car drivers need to be careful for their own safety as well as the safety of their competitors.

Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 2
A ► Listen to the conversations. Check () the correct answers. (4 POINTS)

1. John called Rhonda and wants to _____ .

 bring a camera to her party
 go to the concert with her
 borrow her camera
2. Tony asks the man: _____ .
 Could you call back later tonight after 8?
 Could you ask Edward what time I should pick him up tomorrow afternoon?
 Could you tell Edward we’re playing soccer tomorrow?
3. While the couple was walking to the café, _____ .
 a thief stopped them
 they called the police
 they went to an ATM machine
4. At the lake, Katie _____ .
 learned to be more careful about locking her car doors
 asked her mom to lock the glove compartment
 forgot her lunch and wallet in the trunk of the car

B Write requests using the information given. (3 POINTS)

1. You want your friend to fix your printer tonight.

Would you mind
_________________________________________________________________ ?
2. Your classmate has a cell phone. You want to use it to send a quick text.
Would it be all right if
______________________________________________________________ ?
3. You want to borrow a stranger’s newspaper when he’s finished reading it.
I was wondering if you’d mind
_______________________________________________________ .

C Correct the mistake in each sentence. (3 POINTS)

Example: Julian made his teacher an apology.

1. My doctor was very busy today, but she gave my phone call in the late afternoon.

2. Mr. Sellers did my request for extra time to finish the project, so now I have to finish it tonight.

3. Fiona owed me a nice compliment – she said I was kind and generous.

Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 3
D Check () the correct phrase to complete each request. (3 POINTS)
R 1. Could you tell Ella  that Dan can’t come to the one o’clock meeting?
 what Dan can’t come to the one o’clock meeting?
2. Can you ask Paul  whether or not he wants to study together tonight?
 if he wants studying together tonight?
3. Can you tell Emma  don’t move the papers on my desk?
 not to move the papers on my desk?

E Complete the paragraphs. Use the simple past, the past continuous, or the past perfect. (9 POINTS)

1. At the concert, the lead singer and guitarist _________________ (get) into a terrible argument.
The singer _________________ just _________________ (start) his solo when the guitarist
_________________ (step) on his microphone cord. The sound went out! As the cameraman
_________________ (video) the show, he _________________ (catch) their argument on
2. While I _________________ (study) at the library yesterday afternoon, I realized that I
_________________ (forgot) something. What a panic I _________________ (be) in! I
couldn’t text my roommate to say I forgot to close the windows in our dorm room because I
_________________ (not put) my cell phone in my backpack. I had forgotten that, too! She
was pretty annoyed when I got home.

F Read the stories. Then write the correct title for each one. (3 POINTS)

1. ___________________________________
One day, a man found a cat on a New York City street and brought it to an animal shelter.
The animal shelter workers found a microchip under the cat’s skin with contact information for
a couple in Colorado. The cat, named Mystery, had been missing for several years from the
couple’s Colorado home! How did Mystery travel over 1,500 miles from Colorado to New York
City? We may never find out!

2. ___________________________________
Tom was having trouble in his life. In 2010, he lost his job as an engineer, his wife left him,
and he got into a car accident. Then his luck changed. He bought a lottery ticket – and won
$35 million dollars.

3. ___________________________________
One rainy morning, Todd was driving his pregnant wife, Lisa, to the grocery store. On the way,
Lisa started having bad pains. Todd pulled over, and within minutes, the baby was born. Todd
used his cell phone to call 911, and 15 minutes later, an ambulance came to take Todd, Lisa,
and the new baby to the hospital.

Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 4




















Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 5
TOPIC: _______________________________________





























Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 6
Interchange Assessment Material 3 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 1–2 Quiz 7

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