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TOPIC OUTLINE Methods of Monitoring Fetal Movement

Sadovsky Technique
I. After meal, the pregnant woman is asked
to lie in recumbent position
• Observe the fetal movement for an
hour. The estimated movement is 4
movements per hour
• If not felt, try for another hour
• Call provider for fetal monitoring if the
movement is <4 movements per hour

Cardiff Technique
• AKA “Count-to-Ten”
• Starting from the morning, the mother
CONTENT is expected to monitor the interval od
fetal movement
• This is usually 60 minutes; expecting
10 fetal movements for 12 hours

Calculating Fetal Heart Rate

Fetal Heart Rate

• around 120-160 fetal heart rates is estimated

throughout the pregnancy

• As early as 10-11 weeks, fetal heart rate can be

monitored through ultrasonic Doppler Technique
FINDINGS AND DEVIATIONS • the baseline range is around 110-160 bpm, more
160 bpm is considered Tachycardia is a
Calculating the Fetal Movement nonreassuring pattern and should consult
Fetal Movement
• or quickening, can be felt around 18-20 weeks Non-Stress Test
& peaks in intensity around 28-38 weeks at
10×/h • this may be done after 26 to 28 weeks of
• a healthy fetus, or fetus that receives sufficient pregnancy for about 10-20 minutes
nutrients moves in a degree of consistency for at
least 10 times a day • the baby's heart rate is monitored to see how it
• the mother should be asked to monitor the fetal responds to the baby's movements; used to
movement to assess the fetal well being evaluate a baby’s health before birth

• typically, a non-stress test is recommended when

it's believed that the baby is at an increased risk of
Contraction Stress Test Chorionic Villi Sampling

• checks to see if your baby will stay healthy • prenatal test that involves taking a sample of tissue
during contractions when you are in labor. from the placenta to test for chromosomal
abnormalities and certain other genetic problems
• done when you are 34 or more weeks
pregnant • CVS is usually done between the 10th and 12th
weeks of pregnancy
• During a contraction, the blood and oxygen
supply to your baby drops for a short time • there are two types of CVS procedures: transcervical
and transabdominal
• During this test, your baby’s heart rate may
slow down (decelerate) in a certain pattern
after a contraction instead of speeding up

• This means your baby may have problems

with the stress of normal labor


• Ultrasound (also called sonogram) is a

prenatal test offered to most pregnant women

• It uses sound waves to show a picture of

your baby in the uterus (womb)
• helps your health care provider check on
your baby’s health and development as well • a procedure used to take out a small sample of the
as to detect or screen birth defects amniotic fluid for testing

• offered to women between the 15th and 20th weeks

Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein of pregnancy who are at greater risk for birth defects.
It may also be used to follow-up when an earlier test
• the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) , a suggests a problem
plasma protein normally produced by the
fetus, in the mother’s blood

• MSAFP serves as the basis for some

valuable tests for several disorders including:

• Open neural tube defects

(anencephaly and spina bifida)
• Down syndrome or trisomy 21(and
other chromosome abnormalities)


• also known as percutaneous umbilical blood • Developing and implementing a nursing diagnosis
sampling — is a diagnostic prenatal test in helps nurses determine the plan of care for their
which a sample of the baby’s blood is removed patients. These diagnoses drive possible
from the umbilical cord for testing interventions for the patient, family, and community.
They are developed with thoughtful consideration of
• done after week 18 of pregnancy, can be used a patient’s physical assessment and can help
to detect certain genetic disorders, blood measure outcomes for the patient’s care plan.
conditions and infections, and deliver blood and
medication to a baby through the umbilical cord What Is a Nursing Diagnosis?
• According to NANDA-I, the official definition of the
nursing diagnosis is:
“Nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about
individual, family, or community responses to actual
or potential health problems/life processes. Nursing
diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing
interventions to achieve outcomes for which the
nurse is accountable.”

What’s the Purpose of a Nursing Diagnosis?

• According to NANDA International, a nursing
diagnosis is:
“a judgment based on a comprehensive nursing
assessment.” The nursing diagnosis is based on the
patient’s current situation and health assessment,
Biophysical Profile allowing nurses and other healthcare providers to
see a patient from a holistic perspective.
• a test done after the 28th week of pregnancy.
• Proper nursing diagnoses can lead to greater
• noninvasive diagnostic test helps evaluate the
patient safety, quality care, and increased
fetus. It measures body movement, muscle
reimbursement from private health insurance,
tone, breathing movement and amniotic fluid
Medicare, and Medicaid.
volume around the fetus
What are the types of Nursing Diagnoses?
• There are 4 types of nursing diagnosis according
to NANDA-I. They are:

• Problem-focused diagnosis

A patient problem present during a nursing

assessment is known as a problem-focused
diagnosis. Generally, the problem is seen
throughout several shifts or a patient’s entire
hospitalization. However, it may be resolved during
a shift depending on the nursing and medical care.

• Risk nursing diagnosis Nursing Diagnosis vs Medical Diagnosis vs
A risk nursing diagnosis applies when risk Collaborative Problems
factors require intervention from the nurse and
healthcare team prior to a real problem • The nursing diagnosis can be mental, spiritual,
developing. psychosocial, and/or physical. It focuses on the
overall care of the patient while the medical
This type of diagnosis often requires clinical diagnosis involves the medical aspect of the
reasoning and nursing judgement. patient’s condition.

• Health promotion diagnosis • A medical diagnosis does not change if the

The goal of a health promotion nursing condition is resolved, and it remains part of the
diagnosis is to improve the overall well-being patient’s health history forever. A nursing diagnosis,
of an individual, family or community. however, generally refers to a specific period of
• Syndrome diagnosis
A syndrome diagnosis refers to a cluster of • Collaborative problems are ones that can be
nursing diagnoses that occur in a pattern or resolved or worked on through both nursing and
can all be addressed through the same or medical interventions. Oftentimes, nurses will
similar nursing interventions. monitor the problems while the medical providers
prescribe medications or obtain diagnostic tests.

Nursing Diagnosis Components

The three main components of a nursing
diagnosis are:

1. The problem statement explains the

patient’s current health problem and
the nursing interventions needed to
care for the patient.

2. Etiology, or related factors, describes

the possible reasons for the problem or
the conditions in which it developed.
These related factors guide the
appropriate nursing interventions.

3. Finally, defining characteristics are

signs and symptoms that allow for
applying a specific diagnostic label.
Risk factors are used in the place of
defining characteristics for risk nursing
diagnosis. They refer to factors that
increase the patient’s vulnerability to
health problems.

III. ADDRESSING THE NEEDS & • Balasana position to relieve

Relieving Positions for Pregnant

• Kegel’s position for constipating

pregnant mother

Psychological Changes During Pregnancy

First Trimester: Acceptance of Pregnancy

• 50% of pregnancies are unwanted,
• Feet-up break helps prevent fatigue unintended, or mistimed.
• Women sometimes experience
disappointment, uncertainty, or anxiety
• Partner should give emotional support
• Partner’s feelings about the pregnancy

Second Trimester: Acceptance of the Baby

• Straightening and massaging • Second turning point is quickening,
relieves leg cramp in pregnancy proof of child’s existence
• Anticipatory role playing
• Educate both parents

Third Trimester: Acceptance of the Baby

• Couple usually begin nest building
• Elevating the feet to relieve • Interested in attending prenatal classes
viscosity • Helpful to attend in child birth education

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

Changes in the breast

• Growth and enlargement – Around weeks
6-8, your breasts will get bigger and
continue to grow throughout your
pregnancy and may develop stretch marks
• Tenderness and hypersensitivity
• Darkening of nipples and areolas due to
hormones that affect the pigmentation of the
• Darkened veins along with your breasts
• Around month three, breasts may start
leaking a yellowish, thick substance known
as colostrum
• May also notice little bumps on the areolas
Pigmentation changes Varicose veins
• The area around your nipples and the • You might develop enlarged veins in your
skin on your inner thighs, genitals and legs (varicose veins) due to your uterus
neck might darken, possibly due to exerting greater pressure on these veins.
hormonal changes.
• Hormonal changes during pregnancy also
Linea nigra might play a role. Varicose veins that
• You might notice a dark line from your develop during pregnancy generally
navel to your pubic bone during improve without medical treatment three to
pregnancy 12 months after delivery.

• Dark patches might develop on your
• Avoid sun exposure, which can worsen Stretch marks
• After childbirth, skin typically returns to • Stretch marks (striae) are indented streaks
its normal pigment over a period of that often appear on the abdomen, breasts,
several months. However, some dark hips, buttocks and thighs.
patches due to chloasma might never
go away. • They’re caused by the stretching of the skin
and are common during the second and
third trimesters.

• Many creams, ointments and other

products claim to prevent or treat stretch
marks. However, treatments are only
partially effective and won’t remove stretch
marks completely.

• Some women have trouble with acne
during pregnancy. To counter acne,
wash with a gentle cleanser.

IV. PRENATAL EXERCISES Low-impact aerobics classes

• At your first prenatal care checkup, ask During low-impact aerobics, you always have
your health care provider whether exercise one foot on the ground or equipment. Examples
during pregnancy is safe for you. of low-impact aerobics include walking, riding a
• Healthy pregnant women need at least 2½ stationary bike and using an elliptical machine.
hours of aerobic activity, such as walking or Low-impact aerobics don’t put as much strain on
swimming, each week. your body that high-impact aerobics do.
• Regular physical activity can help reduce
your risk of pregnancy complications and High impact aerobic classes
ease pregnancy discomforts, such as back
pain. During high-impact aerobics, both feet leave the
• Some activities, such as basketball, hot ground at the same time. Examples include
yoga, downhill skiing, horseback riding and running, jumping rope and doing jumping jacks.
scuba diving, aren’t safe during pregnancy. Tell your instructor that you’re pregnant so that
they can help you modify your workout, if
These activities usually are safe during needed.
Strength training
Strength training can help you build muscle and
Taking a brisk walk is a great workout that doesn’t make your bones strong. It’s safe to work out
strain your joints and muscles. If you’re new to with weights as long as they’re not too heavy.
exercise, this is a great activity Ask your provider about how much you can lift.

Swimming and water workouts

The water supports the weight of your growing

baby and moving against the water helps keep
your heart rate up. It’s also easy on your joints and
muscles. If you have low back pain when you do
other activities, try swimming.

Riding a stationary bike

This is safer than riding a regular bicycle during

pregnancy. You’re less likely to fall off a stationary
bike than a regular bike, even as your belly grows.

Yoga and Pilates classes

Tell your yoga or Pilates teacher that you’re

pregnant. The instructor can help you modify or
avoid poses that may be unsafe for pregnant
women, such as lying on your belly or flat on your


Lamaze Method
• Popularized by Dr. Ferdinand Lamaze, the
method of childbirth focuses on labor and
delivery as a natural event. Laboring women
are encouraged to move around, if they like,
and follow their body’s urges to push. The
method stresses special breathing patterns
and other natural relaxation techniques for
dealing with pain.

Bradley Method
• Emphasizes that birth is a natural process:
mothers are encouraged to trust their body
and focus on diet and exercise throughout
pregnancy; and it teaches couples to
manage labor through deep breathing and
the support of a partner or labor coach

Home Delivery
• A home birth is a birth that takes place in a
residence rather than in a hospital or a
birthing center. They may be attended by a
midwife, or lay attendant with experience in
managing home births. Home birth was, until
the advent of modern medicine, the de facto
method of delivery

Alternative Birth Center

• An “alternative birth center” means a clinic
that is not part of a hospital and that provides
comprehensive perinatal services and
delivery care to pregnant women who remain
less than 24 hours at the facility

• Low risk laboring mothers should give birth at

a birthing center as it provides more benefits
than a hospitalized birth experience including
a decreased risk of cesarean section, lower
hospital expense, and better neonatal health

Hospital Setting
• Your baby is less likely to die or have
complications caused by childbirth. Doctors
and researchers have recently reported that
babies born at home via midwives have four
times the risk of neonatal deaths than those
delivered in the hospital by midwives
Practice Test
Match the column A with column B by writing the designated letter for every
answer in the space provided.


1. It is caused by stretching of the skin that a) Lamaze Method

usually appear on the breasts, abdomen, hips,
buttocks or thighs b) Chloasma
2. The time when couples attend prenatal and
child birth education classes c) Biophysical Profile
3. The signs and symptoms that allow for applying
a specific diagnostic label d) Cardiff’s Technique
4. Dark patches that develop om the face during
pregnancy e) Problem-focused
5. Also known as the count-to-ten that happens Diagnosis
around 12 hours
6. Clinical judgment about individual, family, or f) Striae
community responses to actual or potential
health problems/life processes g) Ultrasound
7. AKA Sonogram, a prenatal test that uses sound
waves offered to most pregnant women h) Defining
8. The procedure used to take out a small sample characteristics
of the amniotic fluid for testing
9. The patient problem is present during a nursing i) 3rd Trimester
10. It measures body movement, muscle tone, j) Nursing Diagnosis
breathing movement and amniotic fluid volume
around the fetus k) Amniocentesis

Answer Key

1. F

2. I

3. H

4. B

5. D

6. J

7. G

8. K

9. E

10. C



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