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GHAFFAR YAZID GARCIA Ingles 3 25/08/2022


Due on 02/08/2022
Part 1:
Read the following e-mail and fill in the blanks with for or since.
Hello Henry!
How are you? Have you finished classes yet? Well, I haven’t. Classes will be
over in a month so I’ve been working on my final projects __For__ the last few
days! I’m exhausted! I wanted to use the weekend to watch that show you told
me about but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t watched anything on TV _For__
the last time we met, and that was like three weeks ago! L I can’t blame my
teachers, though. They told me about two projects _Since_ the beginning of
the month, but well, you know me. I’ve been leaving things _For_ the last
minute _Since_ we were in high school. I hope I learn to organize myself
better next term.
Well, I guess I’ll go and continue working. I’ve been procrastinating _For_ the
last 2 hours, and if I continue like this, I won’t finish.
Hope to see you soon!
part 2:
Read the email again, and organize the verbs in bold in the following table.

Present perfect Present perfect continuous

finished    procrastinating

 exhausted  working

 watched  leaving

part 3:
Read the following sentences and complete them with the present perfect or
present perfect continuous form of the verbs in parentheses and with for or

 I __Have been_____ (be) on vacations _since___ Monday.

 I _have been played__ (play) soccer and ___Watching_______ (watch)
movies all day.
 I __have been working___ (work) at the cinema __For__ 10 days, and I
love it!
 I __have____already ___saw__ (see) the new superheroes movie three
times _since_ I started working here.
 Have you seen Mark? I __Haven’t talked_____ (not/talk) to him in a while.
part 4:
Write an email responding to the one in exercise 1 and using all the
sentences of exercise 3. Your email has to include sentences in present
perfect and present perfect continuous as well as for and since and it has to
be 350 – 400 words long. You can include sentences in other tenses too.
also dont forget challenge number 4
Hello Anne! how long, you should have organized yourself with more time,
you have always been since I met you.
I hope you finish soon, although I am also a bit busy with some issues, I have
been working for 10 days in the new store that opened in the square and the
truth is that it is always full of customers, they do not give you a minute of
respite, I hope we can meet get together someday, see you.

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