Guess Paper AIOU 1424 English II

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Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A ' 1 Sahar Guess paper Compulsory English(1424)B.A JK 201 6 tet L et L gut Le 1 Ue Ute Ubi Pe 142g Enh in ha PLL SS ine£ ge / Ouestions — QI: Complete the following sentences with Effects. 1-” Ifthe college bus is late =~ 4 2- If] forget my briefcase at Office on fr 3- If! study my physics chapters well ------------- 4- If L follow university rules «se 5-_ I don't have any money, as a result, =~ *6- Because of a lack of rain in Pakistan 7- The canteen is sometimes very crowded, consequently. 8- . During the lony Eid holidays, many people leave Islamab.d to go to their Native villages or cities, Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A 2 therefore, 9- Mrs. Siddiqui does a lot-of house work every weekend, for this reson, 10- Riaz won the trophy therefore or: Q.2: Letters, () Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality during your stay with him (2) Your friends invite you to go on a picnic but you can't gos" Write a letter of apology with reason, . (3) Write a leer to your school class fellow who has been ill for the past jew months inguiring after his (he? heilth and welfare. ‘ (4) Write a leter to the Chairperson, Area Electricity Board of your city drawing his / her attention to the excessive and unscheduled load ~ shedding in your area and 10 the problem faced hy people because of it. Q.3: Suppose you are the Principal of « private school. You need @ science teacher to teach at the Matric level. Make an advertisement to announce this job. Mention qualifications, experience and other relevent details. OR- You want to sell your motorbike, write an advertisement. Sahar Guess Paper (1429) for BA 3 OR- Suppose you are going to open a school in your locality and want to advertise it in an English newspaper. Q.4: Here are some situations. Below each you will see two possible implied méanings marked (a)-and (b). Choose the one you think is more logical. 1 Before touching the safe, the thief slipped oma pair of thin « rubber gloves. the thief did not want to get his hands dirty. “be the thief did not want to leave his finger prints on the safe, 2 'Can yor answer the phone, I am cooking’. a- she hates answering the phone. b+ sheis too busy to answer the phone , ; 3- Although he has a car, he walks to his office every day and is healthier than his collegues. he walks to his office to keep fit. be he walks to his office because he is a miser. 4. In Pakistan, children will not wait for a proper pitch to play cricket on. They will even play in the middle of the road with bricks for stumps. a+ children in Pakistan are a nusiance, be enicket is very popular in Pakistan. Sahar Guess Paper (1420) for B.A 4 S- The taxi driver drove 30 miles to return passenger's wallet left in his taxi. * the taxi driver was stupid, b- the taxi driver was honest. 6 Mr. Asif was not surprised to hear that his son-in-law had smashed his brand new car. a Mr, Asif knew that the car was badly made. be Mr. Asif knew that his son-in-law was a reckless drive. 7. The money disappeared from my handbag. a- the money disappeared by mégic. b+ someone stole the money irom my handbag. & The policeman chased the culprit although the criminal was armed and dangerous. a the policeman was brave. b- thepoliceman was foolish 9- Whenever I pass Mr. Waseem's house I see him working in his garden. a Mr. Waseem cannot afford to hire a gardner. be Mr. Waseem enjoys gardening. 10-. Anjum's wife is worried because Anjum smokes far too much Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA s ‘ae she is worried because Anjum is ruining his health be she is worried because Anjum is spending too much money on cigarettes.” . Q.5: Write an essay’ 1 Myaimin life 2. Aninteresting incident of my life 3. © How did I spend my last weekend 4- Computers 5. Mydaily rowine 6 Arrueevent of my life OR- A sad event of my life 7 ARecipe & ‘Pollution and is types 9. Terrorism in Pakistan 10- A day in the life of a Nurse 0.6: Write a Cause and Effect paragraph about the following, (1) Pollution -——-- Its causes and effects causes and effects (2) Miteracy (@) Causes and Effects of Heavy Traffic on Roads (4) Terrorism - OR - Bomb Blasts Causes and Effects storm a diagram and then write an essay : 1 Sahar Guess Paper (1424 for B.A 6 ‘Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A on"Media", (ay: She is very shy; that is why Gio si i (Cause) Q.8: Write a compare and contrast paragraph on the following (0): We will go out, if topic: : (©: Heis very thin; that is why (Effect) (4, Cause () i Fastfood ii. Home made food. (@): You can quit smoking, if ~~ (Cause) i, $0 + (Effect) 2) Compare and Contrast between the Autumn season (©): Leannot drive, $0 Spring season : (0: He never polishes his shoes, so (Effect) @G) Compare and Contrast between village life and city life. (4) Compare and Contrast between Home life and Hostel tife O.9: Write a Dialogue between two friends on the topic of traffic eee wo Q.10: Suppose you are a journalist of a aewhapdd You are going to take an interview of a prominent political leader. Write at least Ten questions you will ask from him. Q.11: Change the narration of: @ He said tome," How did they do it” (ii) You said to me,"I shut the door with a bang:" (iii) Tsaid w him” Yesterday he cut his finger with a knife.” ri (vi) She said to me,” Get up early in the morning.” ts) Thes ser «aid to me “Thank you." Q.12 Read theee ventences id write cause or effects as requires I a 3 a wv pot QI: Complete the following sentences with Effects. Ifthe college buss is late If[ forget my briefcase at office ~ JET study my physics chapters well ~~ “11 follow university rales ~~ J don't have any money, as a result, Because of a lack of rain in Pakistan, TThe canteen is sometimes very crowded, |, consequently, During the long Eid holidays, many people leave Islamabad to {go tw their. Native villages or Mrs. Siddiqui does a lot of house wor these Rus. won thy trophy therefore. ies, therefore, -~ every weekend, for Sahar Guers Paper (1424) ju: B.A 8 Ans: Effects: I- If the college bus is late the students muy get late. 2- I] forget my briefcase at office some! nly may get it. If study my physics chapters well I will get good grades. If I follow university rules Iwill prove myself a good student, 5+ I don't have any money, as a result, 1 would not be able to visit my parenfs in Karachi. 6- Because of a lack of rain in Pakistan, the farmers are facing shortage of irrigation water. 7- The canteen is sometimes very crowded, consequently, many students fail to get eatables aurifie break. 8 During the long Eid holidays, many°people leave Islamabad to go to the'r Native villages or cities, therefore, there is a great rush an the bus stands. 9- Mrs, Siddiqui does a lot of house work every weekend, for this reson. she finds no time to go out. 10:"Riay won the trophy therefore, he is very happy. tite ‘ 0.(2) Write a leurr tw friend thanking him for his hospitaliy during your stay with him Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 9 Sahar Guess Paper (#2i)forBA ______— Lerten to fiend thanking him for his} {hospitality during your stay with him | 16, Tehsil Road, Jinnah Avenue, Peshawar July 23,2011 Dear Asad, . Thave reached my place but the sweet memory of the “days passed with you is still fresh in my mind. I can say that the seven days, ] passed with you were the most enjoyable in my life. : ‘The love and attention you and your family gave me, made ine feel perfectly at home. [still cherish the long walks we had in the most beautifill mountains and jungles at Murres. It was excellent to stay and walk among the beautiful hills. it to me during your next 1 invite you to pay a retum vi vaeation, Please pay my regards to your father and mother. Love to Umar and Nazi. Very Sincerely, M Yousaf. srteidct (2) Write a letter to Your friends invite you to go on a picnic but you can't go. Write a letter of apology with rea: pen NM RemNORS Soke A Skeet aes Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A 19 TYou hie Your friends invite you to go on a ‘picnic t ibut you can't go. Write a letter of apology’ with reason. Ltrs | 22 - Afshan Block, Muslin Town, * Lahore. 28 October, 2011 Dear Sara, Thank you very much for the invitation to the picnic. Id ove to join you but I'm very sorry, I can't, as | have an important exam the next week. I must prepare for it in the next few days, Thope you all have a pleasant time, All the best. “ » Yours, Afghan, Joti (3) Write a letter to your school class fellow who has been ill for the past few months inquiring after his/her health and welfare. j A letter toa school class fellow who has been } I ill for the past few months | sesetevseeworereessnseenscsceed Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A it 75-Gulshan Block, : ‘Allama ial Town, Lahore. 18 March, 2011. * My deer Zia, I feel really very sad that you have been ill for the last few months. How do you feel now? Last week when I visited ‘you in ‘the héspital, you were recovering gradually. The doctors of the hospital are caring and well qualified. I hope, you will soon get better and will be able to attend the class.once again. All your class fellows miss you so much and pray for your earliest recovery. I shall visit you soon. Please don't hesitate to tell me what I can do for you. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, Khalid Nawaz ditt (4) Write a letter to the Chairperson, Area Electricity Board of your city drawing his / her attention to the excessive and unscheduled load - shedding in your area and to the problem faced by people because of it. Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 2 ‘Letter to the Chairperson, Area Electricity { “renee, Board of the city i TSB Block, Gulshan Town, Multan 20th July, 2011. The Chairperson, Area Electricity Board, Multan. “Dear Sir, Asslam-o-Alaikum. | am writing to draw your kind, attention fo a very troubling problem of this area. It is the problem of frequent and unscheduled load - shedding for hours long. ‘The supply of power breaks down in this extreme weather for hours, The power break down also affects the supply * of water. It is a very miserable situation, Since days the residents are suffering from this problem, They lodge complaints everyday but nothing has been done so far. We, the residents of Gulshan | town are waiting for the authorities to come to our rescue. . Yours sincerely, Gul Nawaz dete 0.3: Suppose you are the prineipal of a private school. You need a science teacher to teach at the Matric level, Make an advertisment to announce this job. Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 213" .. Mention qualifications, experience and other relevant details. Science Teacher Required Qualification: M.Sc. in Chemistry with fluent in English. Requitéd Experience: Minimum three. years Teaching ekperience at Matric level. ‘Anattractive salary package, alongwith free accomodation. Send your Cvs to P.O. Box 418 Rawalpindi. , OR- You want to sell your motorbike, write an advertisement. ‘Ans: Advertisement (Motorbike sale): Honda Motorbike 70cc. Model 2009 Red colour new tyres, scratchless, : Excellent condition. Demand Rs. 36000 only Genuine buyer. Contact: 0321-2435728 OR- Suppose you are going to open a school in your locality and want to advertise it in an English newspaper. * : Advertisement (Pak Junior Model School): Admissions Open./Class I to V (Boys & Girls) & Highly qualified staff. Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A % Individual attention, & * bg * b, 4 New building-pleasant environment Playground-swings-A/c Aids, Pick and drop service also available For further information contact 7210410 tony Here are some situations. Below each you. will See two possible implied meanings marked (a) » and (b). Choose the one you think is more b- logical. 6 1 Before touching the safe, the thief slipped on a pair of thin rubber gloves. 5 x & the thief did not want to get his hands dirty. & b- the thief did not want to leave his finger prints on the safe.” L 2 'Can you answer the phone, I am cooking’. a a- she hates answering the phone. 3 b b- shes too busy to answer the phone,” & 3 Although he has a car, he walks to“his office every day and is healthier than his collegues. e a he walks to his office to keep fit.” 1s 14 Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A he walks to his office because he is a miser. , In Pakistan, children will not wait for a proper pitch to play cricket on. They will even play in the middle of the road with bricks for stumps. children in Pakistan are a nusiance cricket is very popular in Pakistan. V7 ‘The taxi driver drove 30 miles to return passenger's wallet left in his taxi. the taxi driver was stupid. the taxi driver was honest. ‘Mr. Asif was not surprised to hear that his son-in-law had smashed bis brand new car. Mr, Asif knew that the car was badly made, Mr. Asif knew that his son-in-law was a reckless drive.” ‘The money disappeared from my handbag. the money disappeared by magic. someone stole the money from my handbag.” ; ‘The policeman chased the culprit although the cotta was armed and dangerous. the policeman was brave.” 'b- the policeman was foolish. Sahar Guess Paper 424 for a “16 9- Whenever I pass Mr. Waseem's house I see him working in his garden. a Mr. Waseem cannot afford to hire a gardner. b- Mr. Waseem enjoys gardening, ~ 10- Anjum's is worried because Anjum smokes far too much. a- she is worried because Anjum is ruining his health. V b she is worried because Anjum is spending too much coney on cigarentes. , shite "ah O.5: Write an essay, : 1 Myaim in te An interesting incident of my life 3- “How did I sper d my last weekend” 4 Computers % 5. My daily routine 6. A true event of my life A sad event of my life A Recipe & Pollution and its types “ 9. Terrorism in Pakistan - 10." Aday in the life of a Nurse Sa eae ee Sahur Guess Paper (1424) for BA 17 j 1- My aim in life ! La sesetenecceaneenneectbgesnessersesnmesosee! ‘Aim makes life meaningful. Aimless life is certainly no life. Many people have no definite aim in life . They are like the traveller without no destination. One should have a definite purpose of life. Different people have different aims in life, Some ss and many others at alm at wealth, some at fame, some at busi ‘education and knowledge. My aim is neither wealth nor fame. I wish to serve my ‘countrymen with best of my talent, I love Pakistan and its people. 1 want to become a doctir, Itis a noble profession, In medical ine there is much more scope of serving the people. I wish to become fa very successful doctor in Future. So J am studying hard to achieve my target, ‘Afier obtaining the medical degree, | intend to work in rural areas, where doctors are needed too much. My father ts well off man and I do not have the lust of money. J will ps to the rural teas and shall help the poor people. I will serve them and cure them. Thi- will gre me extreme satisfaction and that’s the aim of my le. cnt Bo i ee ee Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 20 ‘The trend of conducting online examinations is getting popular. Computer play the key role in distance learning programs, In business and banking computer is playing a pwoerful role all over the world. Computerized online banking sites are available 24 hours. The 1.T industry is'touching new horizons all over the ‘world. What a wonder that a small disk can store in it hundreds of books. We keep every sort of information on our computer. And now, internet has opened new windows of knowledge for man. We can conclude that computer is going to play a key role in the fature world. deters er 7 oan S- My Daily Routine} I wak up at 5:09 in the moming. First | také-a shower. Next I go into the kitchch and prepare breakfist. After that I set up the table. Later on I wake up my Jonger ones. Meanwhile I get dressed and join the family for breakfast. Alterwards | oto my’college. 1 read there till. 2:00 p.m. Final | reach home at about 2:30. Then the whole family eat lunch together. After that I say prayer and take some rest. Later 1 do my home work till 7:30 p.m, At about 8 p.m, the whole family a SN Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 21 Sahar Guess Paper (#2i)forBA dines together. Then | watch some drama on T.V. Finally, after ‘Bisha' prayer at about 10:00 pm I go to sleep. aeeetiy 1. A Sad event of my li | : 4 Life is'a mixed blend of joys and sorrows. But sorrows leave \ a deeper impression on life. It was in my childhood that one morning my mother got ready to see my aunt who lived in Multan. { Also insisted on going with her. So she took me and we both } started for the bus stand, Soon we got inta a bus and alter a long journey we reached Multan. Here at the bus stand there was a great rush, : It was my bad luck that I lost hold of my mother’s hand. 1 started erying. I did not know what to do? In tue meanwhile a kind old man picked me and tried to find my mother. Thank God, soon * we found out her. She was crying and looking for me around the same bus. She was overjoyed to see me, | will never forget this sad incident of my life, aki j 7- A Recipe ad First boil milk and reduce it to,half, Then add chopped ‘almonds, pistachios ete, After that sift flour with baking soda and Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 2 salt on a dry board, Make a hole in the centre and then bréak’an egg in it, Now mix it with dry hands (don't add water), roll it and make small balls, Late put them one by one into the milk and boil them for two to three minutes. Then cool them and carefully take them out in the serving bowl. Finally serve cold wttrte i 8- Pollution And Its Types | Contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the ischarge of harmful substances, undesirable change in the air, water, and land is called pollution and the substances that eause pollution are called pollutants. The main cause of pollution is human activities. There are different kinds of pollut n-and these are: I-_ Air Pollutioi Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our life, Air is made up of 99.9% nitrogen, oxygen, Water vapours and gases. Air pollution is caused by the release of gases, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon mondxide, nitrogen oxides, and chemical vapours produced by industry and motor vehicles. The smoke from burning fuels in automobiles, homes and industries is a major source of pollution in‘the air. There is indoor pollution as well which also affects the atmosphere. Indoor pollution is ereated by indoor acti ties such as smoking and cooki Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA Water Pollution: Water covers 71% of the earth's surfice and makes.up 65% of + gur bodies. Fveryone wants clean water to drink and if water becomes polluted, ican become a threat to our health and to the survival of the fish living in it and the wildlife that depends on it *The used water is called wastewater, or sewage. Tit is not treated before heing discharged into waterways serious pollution is the ‘@ault- Water pollution also occurs when rain water rans off from € “arhan and industrial areas and from agricultural Jand amd maks its -way back to rivers, lakes, and oceans. 3- Noise Pollution: Noise pollution includes roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar. Noise pollution is the production of sounds, noises, or vibrations. Noise pollution can cause physical and mental aliments such as depression, heart problems, ete. © 4--Visual Pollution: } Visual pollution refers to the presence of overhead power billboards, dnd open storage of trash or municipal solid ines, waste, It is the degradation of natural or artificial environment and is visually annoying: Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A uM 5: Radioactive Pollution: — Radioactive pollution has resulted from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear pows: generation and nuclear weapons. Radioactive polhition can cause dariage to alive tissue, cause leukemia, tumors, hair loss, genetic disorders, et. deterred t i 9. 7, a . 3 errorism in Pakistan $ Pakistan is a country that has serious problems with terrorism, -The main reason of recent wave of terforism is that the government has allied itselt with the United States in the global ‘war on terror. The biggest threat to the state and citizéns of Pakistan enmates killing civilians and policemen to achieve their political ends, These acts of terrorism are the by-products of Afghan war which was also a hy-product of the 9/1 1 attacks. From the summer of 2007 to mid 2010, more than 9500 people have been killed in suicide and other attacks on civilians Other hundreds of thousands have been injured in these attacks. Causes: ‘Two of the major factors contributing to terrorism in Pakistan are sectarian voilence and the active support of the ‘Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A 25 Pakistani state in the U.S led war against terrorism. The Afghan war brought numerous fighters from allo over the world to South ‘Asia. These fighters known as 'mujshideen’ carried out insurgent aclivities inside the country well after the war ended. : “THe post 9/11 war on terrorism has had two principle elements, The government's battle with jihadi groups and the U.S "pursuit of Al-Qaeda, in coordination with Pakistani forces. It is also said that it is the reaction of the American drown attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan, wii — Soe te E 110- A day in the Life of a nurse Lense 1 Sarah arives at the Nurses’ room at 7 a.m. 2. She gets herself ready for the day and reports to her particular staff nurse or the doctor before begining her shilt. AL this point Sarah recieves relevent updates and instructions regarding patients. 4- Then she receives the medical records of the next patient who thas come into emergency care ‘Afier that Sarah visits her first patieat and asks about his/her medical history, 6+ Saraly then takes the patient's temperature and blood pressure and records all details for the docter to use. oor Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA i 26 Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 2 Sahar Guess Paper(i420forBA 7 7- Next she verifi the patient's medication and records her observations give off smoke and gases as part of their operation, It causes 8 Now its time for her lunch harmful effect’on the'health of the people living around. Modem 9: Aferwards she takes round of the wards again, industrialization (lg (U>*) is the main.cause of pollution. If pollution is not checked, it would endanger animal and human life 10- By the end of her 10 hour shift, Sarah attends about 20 * patients on the earth. Tree plantation movement should be started on ‘ seseorsege iz national level as trees decrease pollution. Wen tewtde te Q.6: Write a Cause and Effect paragraph about the {7 nt following, &..$(Q) ILLITERACY === CAUSES AND } . t } (Pollution ——— tts causes and effects } EFFECTS | 2) Mtiteracy ——— canses and effects . ‘A huge population of our country is illiterate, They can't play @) Causes and Effects of Heavy Traffic on Roads any positive role in the society. Most of our people are poor. They (4) Terrorism - OR - Bomb Blasts Causes and can't send their children to schools. The result is that many jetesesenenes seeseserenen Effects (l) POLLUTION -------- ITS CAUSES j children remain illiterate.Gs1%t-27o) < 2 AND. EFFECTS In our villages, most of the people are illiterate. So they are ~~ w the importance of education. That's the reason, theit Increasing pollution has become a grave problem in our aavate of Tejegpenaars of . : coumiry. A sheet of dey smoke and harmful gases has covered our children go without education. Then our far off schools have very 7 4 a Sa is th ildren leave schools. big cites. The results that itis destroying our ai, our earth and poor facilities. The result is that many children leave schools. even our lives. Many poor pareats dg not send their children to school rassive ct aur ee, because they need more and more earning hands to earn their Massive cutting (30° GF£) of trees has also given rise to % + living, Miteracy causes very bad effets on the progress of a ‘arbon dioxide which causes pollution. All the factories and mills iH ee ee ‘ty. Mierate people can't do much for their family as well as Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A 28 their country. Un-educated people are a burden on the economy of ‘a country. They can play no role in the progress of their nation. wort . (3) Causes and Effects of Heavy Traffic on Roads Heavy traffic on roads has become a grave problem + 25°) CH of the moder age. The main cause of. heavy traffic is over-population. There are more vehicles (UtJ#) on roads as there are more people to travel. Especially in big cities heavy traffic has become a matter of constant trouble (oz), There is traffic jam for hours and hours on busy roads. atients die on the way as they can't reach hospitals in time. Students, workers and other people can't reach their place of work in time due to slow movement of trafic. Heavy traffic eauses many problems. It discharges harmful gases which is the main reason of growing pollution. Iis making ihe whole atmosphere dirty. A sheet of smoke has covered all the big cities. The result is that people are sufferi ig from many a disease, Moreover noisy horns of buses and wagons cause noise pollution. It disturbs picce of mind and causes headache Advanced countrics have solved this problem by making over-flying ways. But in under-developed countries like ours, the problem of heavy trullic is hecoming more and more serious’ with Sahar Guess Paper (1428 for B. 2» every passing day. sine [ (4) Terrorisin - OR - Bomb Blasts- canoe assaSee Causes and Effects i "Treryay we read in newspapers o- watch on TLV. the stories oftiom blsis such 3, "A car bomb blast killed at least 35 people ofthe spot and wounded 85 others in a crowded"street near a okie ‘According to official sources, some unknown person fitted ~ an explosive device with a car parked outside a hotel.” © "Then we watch and hear about suicide attacks at crowded spots. They result in a huge bloodshed everywhere. There are dead bodies, bleeding people and cries everywhere. There are many reasons behind bomab blasts and suicide attacks, But briefly we can say that terrorism is the by-product of 9/11. ‘After this attack a so-called war against terrorism started and ‘America nished to Afghanistan and then to Iraq. A large majority of the Muslims think that America’s main objective was just to wipe ont the Muslims. It geve rise to the doctrine of terrorism against terrorism. The unjust behaviour of the Non-Muslims agains the Muslims has ereated a frustration among the youth and religous sections. Then some wicked elements exploited the situation and launched a series of bomb blasts and suicide attacks These attacks cause bloodshed, loss of properties end creat law and order situation in the country. eee w Sahar Guess Paper 1424 for B.A 30 The world is fil desired results unless the root cause is focussed on, that is to end injustice and cruelty from the world ditties @7: Brainstorm a diagram and then write an essay on" Media". Global Village io Public Awareness \ ms Newspapers Making Opinion ‘Media Magar Entertainment, Advertisement Films : Ansiition on "Media": The ‘Media’ has become a powerful tool in shaping our views, ideas, opinions and even culture and polities. Advertisements are the foundation for mass media. They sell ima, s, values, success and romance, I seoms as though violence plays a role in the lives of many people. Even innocent children are affected by the negative things that go on in the huge world of media. Now-a-days. media is all around us, we absorb media from television, radi magazines and newspapers. Media has such a such strong effect on our lives that we don't even notice its presence around us, 8 against terrorism but we cannot achieve ‘Sahar Guess Paper (1428) for BoA 3 The media influences how.people experience social life. Media such as newspapers, television and film are important sources of information, education and entertainment, It ean be used to learn moré about the world and the people around us. ‘The mass media is,a unique feature of modem society. There js an association between the development of mass media and __ social chaniges. It is argued that the mass media is being used-as a (powerful instrument for influencing people into society. “Media plays a crucial role in sharing a healthy democracy. Media makes us aware of various social, political and economic problems and their solutions. But the coverage of issues of natioial interest demand care and restraint ais ie Q.8: Write a compare and contrast paragraph of 50/70 words ori the following topic. i, Fast food Home made food. ‘We can have fast foods at fast food restaurants whereas home made foods are prepared at home. Fast foods inelude burgers,” sandwiches, fries and catchy ketch-up ete. while home made foods inclide chapppaties, curry, rice, Saag and Parathas etc. Fast foods are indeed spicy and tasty but they have less nutritional value. On the other had home miade foods ace mostly simple and natural and have good nutritional value. There are numerous tasty brands of Sahar Guess Paper (1924 for 8. 2 fast foods to capture your attention and your appetite, But in co: Quality and tuiritional value home made foods are far better than fast foods, totit (2) * Compare and Contrast between the Autumn season — Spring season Spring is the season of joys and pleasures whereas autumn is the season of gloom and cheerlessness. On the one hand, in the spring season new leaves on branches appear, new flowers Blossom and the whole atmospheresis filled with fascinating fragrance. On the other hand in autumn there is gloominess, with naked branches, no flowers and no leaves. tiv autumn it seems sadness but it is the season of new hopes as everyone knows that the spring season is not far behind and soon the néked branches will ladden (¢y¥) with new leaves and blossoning flowers. In one way the spring season resembles with autumn as the climate is temperate in both the seasons dette (3) Compare and Coutrast between village life and city life. Both the village life and the city life have their own charms and colours. City life is busy, fast and noisy while village’ life is ee ee ae swig, i Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 3 simple, slow and quiet, City life is more expensive than the village life. The air is fresh and clean in a village whereas there is pollution GIT in acity. Mostly people in the village are simple and uneducated. They ~ work in fields and grow crops. But the people in the city are clever and educated. ‘They rim shops or work in offices. On one hand there are super stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and public parks in ities. On the other hand there are no such facilities Ys" in prilages: ‘There are green fields and flowing streamsU 40% around << the Villages. Whereas - there are factories and mills around the » cities, City life is noisy and full of hustle and bustle UU, but + illage life is quiet and calm. evan sett (4 “Compare and Contrast beoween Home life and Hostel life Home life and hostel life both have their own charms and colours. On the one hand, in hostel we feel free, but on the other Ihand we do miss our family and friends here. Usually the food is not as good as we get at home. In the hostel our bed may be smaller than our oWwn bed at home... In a hostel our company is different from our company at home, In a hostel we live among friends and room-mates whereas sh a lt i lc AP OE Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for 3.4 34 at home we live amid (wk) our family and rela ves, On the one hand hostel life has a discipline. But on the other hand home life is care-free and flexible. Unlike home life, in hostel life we learn to live with different fellows, who come from different homes. But I think, hostel life has something special in it Which we strongly miss throughout the life. desesritsy 0.9: Write a Dialogue between tvio friends about traffic problems. An: Dialogue between two friends about traffic problems: Asad: Hello, Tahir, how are you? Tahir: I'm fine thank you. Asad: When did you come back from college Tahir: I reached quite late in the evening. First our bus broke down on the way. Then we were held up in a big traffic jam. ‘ Asad: It's miserable, We are facing severe traffic problems now-a-days, ; Tahir: Yes of course, our roads are broken, most of the buses and vagons are out-datet | Then we seeshours-long traffic jams very now and then, Asad: What a pity that people are in great trouble, Students can't reach their places of work well in time. But the government fails to focus the problem. Sahar Guess Paper (1428) for BA 3; Tahir: Yes, it's very poor state of affairs. Traffic problems affect common people, The government must head to it and plan to solve the problems, soit 0.10: Suppose you are a journalist of a newspaper. You are going to take an interview of a prominent ‘political leader. Write at least Ten questions you will ask from him. “ ~ Ans: QUESTIONS FOR INTERVIEW: (1) Hello, how are you? : ; 2) Whatis going on now-a-days? (8) Whatis your family background? * (4) Where did you get your education from? ©) Whatate your next plans for your people? (©) Doyou have any plan for the welfare of students? (1) How do you see the presént political situation in the country? . z (8) How do you see the future of Pakistan? ©) Whatis your party programme for the coming elections? (10), Tis said that we have no foreiin poticy. What do you say about it? resets Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A 36 SOSA 8 Q11:, Change the narration of: @. He said to me," How did they do it." Gi) You said to me, "I shut the door with a bang." Gii) I said to him," Yesterday he eut his finger with a knife." (vi) She said to me," Get up early in the moming." (¥) The visitor said to me,"Thank you." NARRATION CHANGED: () He asked me how they had done it. Gi) You told him that you had shut the door with a bang.s 412) Chewi (ili) told him that last day he had cut his finger with a knife. Gy) She advised me to get up carly in the morning. (¥) “The visitor greeted me thanks, ; srset ie Q.12: Read these sentences and write cause or effects as required, {a): She is very shy; that is why 2 + Effect) (b): We will go out, if (Cause) (©: He is very thin; that is why oy.» + (Effeet) (@): You can quit smoking, if “ (Cause) ‘Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA a7 Sahar Gness PAPER ORO fora (e): Lednnot drive, $0 (Effect) (): He never polishes his shoes, so - (Effet) ‘Aus: Cause and effects: ~ (2): Sheis very shy; that js why she cannot speak confidently. “(b):_ We will go out, ifit stops raining, He is very thin; that is why he cannot carry heavy box. ‘You can quil smoking, if you make up your mind. (©): I cannot drive, so travel by bus. (Q: He never polishes his shoes, so he looks $0 odd. Sahar Guess Paper (1424) jor Ba Allama Iqbal 0; Level: B.A. Paper: Engli + 38 Pen University Semester: Spring 2011 Max Marks: 100 words on any one of the following topics. The essay should have an introduction, body and a conclusion. 20) Jotteeseeeees, Hoi F ewaias0l Fish tctih a | Spur seb ie uy wanes ln t- The importance of. ‘Media in modem world. \ 2 Wars always end in disasters. 3 An educated woman educates entire society: ANS:(1)The importance of media in modern world, ‘The 'Media' has become a Powerful tool in shaping our views, ideas, opinions and even culture and Politics, Advertisements are the foundation for mass media. They Sell images, values, success and romance, It seems as though violence plays a role in the lives of many people, Even innocent children are affected by the negative things that go.on in the huge world of media, Now-a-days, mecia is all around us, we absorb media from ‘elevision, radio, magazines and newspapers, Media has Such a such strong effect on ous lives that we don't even Aotice its presence around us. ‘Sahar Guess Paper (142) for BA » The media influences how people experience social life. Media such as newspapers, television and film are ‘important sources of. information, education and entertainment. It can be used to learn more about the world le around us. - pe Ge media is a unique feature of modern i een the development society. There is an association betw of.mass media and social changes. It is argued that the Heda fredia is being used as a powerful instrument for : influencing people into society. ) Media plays a crucial role in sharing a healthy democracy. Media makes us aware of various social, political and economic problems and their solutions. But the coverage of issues of national interest demand care and = the world has changed into a global village. ‘And the Madia is playing the most important and powerful Sole to bring the nations and people closer together. Very fast means of communication such as television, radio, fax, internet and mobile phones have revolutionaries the entire world newspapers, magazines and films are these to awaken new ideas and fresh th jhts among the people. Sahar Guess Paper (1424 for 8. 40 Q2: Different people do different things during the day. All of-us get up in the Morning and the daily routine starts, What is your daily routine? Write about your activities in a sequence using sequence markers such as first, then, after, that, next, finally, (At least 15 sentences) (15) Ake L Sid Soe & s € th = & a 4 Vt te Step t WM UihwiL hut ert e Linewessecreeneseeeessesneeeercnecceees. Ans:My Daily Routine: Firstly | get up early in the morning and say my Fajar Prayers. After that | go out for'a short walk. ThenI take breakfast and go to the place of my work. I'ri’a teacher in a Private school.-It is a tough job with low salary. I've to work there till 2:00 p.m. Secondly, on reaching home | say prayers, eat meal and take some rest. In the meanwhile, children from the Nearby homes come to me.and | set to teach them tuition, In the evening and on Sundays, | help my mother in house-hold work Lastly, after *Eisah" prayer | feel too tired to work any more. But I have to study my course books. I'm trying to improve my qualification. | intend to reach new horizons Of a bright future, and you know it's not possible without hard work. . wa te Suhar Guess Paper (1424) for BA a Finally at about 11 p.m. a deep slumber overcomes me (a Opi tz) and I go to sleep. Q3: ‘Classification is a useful technique that helps us categorize things and understand them better. There are many fruits available in the market during each season. Enlist at least 10 fruits and classify them according to their ~~ taste, nourishment, price, likeness etc, (15) 3 { Sinliutind Soc 20 Sug tee Li Liban Curd ote cnt Matnlng dvs tebur epbniecd ee Litiont wale ASI iz ste wlyds} Ans: Classification: Eruits (eset tp) Apple Loquat Malta Orange Peach Apricot Mango Amity (According to taste) graves Pomegranate litehi Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for B.A 42, Q4: Following are a few causes. Write their possible effects. (10) HE ouerihetaetds | A eit 4-. If you are late for the school, -° si 2- If you do not attend your friend's wedding, 3 Ifyou do not feed your cat, : 4- If you do not follow traffic rules, - 5. Ifyou are lazy, Ans: Effects: 1- If you are late for the school,you will be fined 2- If you do not attend your friend's wedding he will get angry: 3- Ifyou do not feed your cat, it will get weak. a If you do not follow traffic rules,you will be challaned. 5- If you are lazy,you will lose the race. Q5: Following are some facts and opinions. Identify them and write F against facts and O against opinions. (06) poreroweyrpaevonnawenzetinontengwenpeetromneny 4 (eve donsgdonuuhand hes } A QZVL uti 4 1. My brother is very good looking. 2 Pakistan came into being on 14th Aug, 1947. '3- Mr. Waseem has one son and one daughter. 4- He will recover very soon. 5: She is the youngest in her family. Sahar Guess Paper (1424) for BA 3 6- Our cricket team will win the world cup next time. Ans; facts or opinions: a 1- My brother is very good looking. 0) 2- Pakistan came into being on Hr Aug, 1947, (F) 3- Mr. Waseem has one son and one daughter. (F) 4. He will recover very soon. (0) 5- She is the youngest in her family. (F) 6-." Our cricket team will win the world cup next time. (0) Q6: in our daily life we compare and contrast many issues, things, situations, people etc. Compare/contrast any one of the following. Write at least two paragraphs. (15) Forte tgereeemete cee ecnencentcegta cnn | situ d& Cust a Peeuy obra ox it errs a -Ftign fil 1 be tee tS 1- The two teachers who taught me. 2- Two seasons of the year. 3 Two fits | enjoy most. Ans: Compare and Contrast: Two seasons of the year: Spring is he season of joys and pleasures whereas autumn is the season of gloom and cheerlessness, On the $n titom and cheerlessness. On the Suhar juess Paper (1424) for BA 44 one hand, in the spring season new leaves on branches appear, new flowers blossom and the whole atmosphere is filled with fascinating fragrance. On the other hand in autumn there is gloominess with naked branches, no flowers and no leaves. In autumn it seems" sadness but it is the season of new hopes as everyone knows that the spring season Is not far behind and soon the naked branches will ladden with-new leaves and blossoning flowers. In one way the spring season resembles with autumn as the climate is temperate in both the seasons. Q7: What would you infer from the following sentences? _ secceceseeceeesieee (10) i Ly Sou ie ue Liew | Before touching the safe, the thief slipped on a pair of thin rubber gloves. Although he has a car, he walks to his office every. The taxi driver drove 20 miles to return the passenger's wallet left in his taxi. Can you answer the phone, | am cooking. The police man chased the dangerous criminal although he was unarmed. Sahar Guess Paper (1425) for B.A Ans: Making Inferences. 1. Before touching the safe, the thief slipped on a pair ~ of thin rubber gloves. Ansz the thief did not want to leave his finger prints on Ans: Q3: th safe. Although he:has a car, he walks to his office every. day and is healthier than his collegues, he walks to his office to keep fit. The taxi driver drove 30 miles to return passenger's Wallet left in his taxi the taxi driver was honest. Can you answer the phone, | am cooking’. she is too busy to answer the phone. The policeman chased the culprit although the criminal was armed and dangerous. the policeman was brave. (i) Which of the following words is more serious? Problem - Trouble - disaster (ii) Which word is more polite? Sip a drink - gulp it (iii) Which would you be after a walk in the mud? Filthy - dirty Ans: Appropriate words: (i) Which of the following words is more serious? $$ Sahar Guess Paper (1824) for B.A 46 Problem - Trouble - disaster Ans: Word more serious: (disaster) (ii) Which word is more polite? Sip a drink - gulp it Ans: Word more polite : (sip a drink) (iii) Which would you be after a walk in the mud? filthy - dirty Ans: filthy Saesesss Q9: Answer the following questions in just two sentences. (06) .. { -FetutumrtpLewn Soe | () What are the benefits of reading | newspapers? (ii) | Who writes in newspapers? (iii) What is the main difference between a daily, a weekly and a monthly newspapers? Ans:Answers to the questions: (i) What are the benefits of reading newspapers? ‘Ans: Newspapers are a great source of all kinds of information. We can gain knowledge in many areas like national and international happenings, art and Sahar Guess Paper (1425) jor B.A z 47 (i) Ans: (iii) Ans: culture, people, places, entertainment, sports and many more. Who writes in newspapers? Staff Reporters, Columnists etc write in newspapers. What is the main difference between a daily, a weekly and a monthly newspapers? The main difference between a daily, a weekly and a monthly newspapers is their content. tito

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