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Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145


Direction(Q.No:1-5) : Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)
and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph then answer the

given question.
(A) The teaching Institutions too have little or no Infrastructure to impart such
(B) The reason is evident the curriculum and more so its implementation focuses
entirely on a ‘lesson-based’ syllabus and lays little emphasis on hands-on training
of any sort.
(C) These are those who ostensibly possess some skill by virtue of having gone
through an appropriate course, but actually have none to show for such an exposure.

(D) Many youngsters who need to be addressed In the context of skill development
fall under a distinct category.
(E) They come out of professional colleges and courses without any employable
skill, either from the perspective of prospective employers or from the point of
view of self-employment.

(F) The obvious solution that comes up here and which Is most often advocated is
to strengthen the syllabus by including components of training in various skills.
1. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) F
2. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) E 5) D
3. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after the
rearrangement ?
1) A 2) F 3) D 4) C 5) B
4. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
5. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement ?
1) A 2) B 3) F 4) D 5) E
Direction(Q.No:6-10) : Read this sentence to find out whether there is any
grammatical mistake/error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the
sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark
‘No error’ as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation if any).
6. Developing countries will have hit (1)/ harder by global warming as there will (2)/
be a greater incidence of malnutrition (3)/and waterborne diseases from rising
temperatures. (4)/ No error (5)
7. Though he is credited with engineering (1)/ an ‘economic miracle” in the State by
(2)/ streamlining bureaucracy, running a country (3)/ will be much more
challenges. (4)/ No error (5)
8. This is hope in the country is that the government (1)/ will tackle the long ignored
problems that have caused (2)/ the economy to stumble, beginning with approval
for (3)/ the proposal to open up the retail market to foreign investment. (4)/ No
error (5)
Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

9. The government body has been (1)/ entrusted to a responsibility to ensure (2)/
that candidates and various groups do (3)/ not unfairly influence elections. (4)/
No error (5)
10. Bhutan, the only South Asian nation (1)/ that is not energy deficient, has (2)/
amply hydropower which it (3)/has begun supplying to India. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15): In each question below a sentence with four words
printed in bold type is given These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of
these four words may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of
the sentence. Find out the word which it wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any.

The number of that word is your answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt
and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, marl (5) i.e., ‘All Correct’ as
your answer.
11. The site (1)/ of the accident (2)/ was surrounded (3)/ by a lot of spectators (4)/
but none helped the victims. All Correct (5)
Forecasts (1)/ of oil consumption (2)/ are controvercial (3)/ because of excessive
(4)/ use of vehicles. All Correct (5)
13. The flour (1)/ was cleaned using detergents (2)/and all the stains (3)/ were


removed. (4)/ All Correct (5)
The thief who was in the possession (1)/ of the police escaped (2)/ but the police
refrained (3)/ from chassing (4)/ him. All Correct (5)
15. We figured (1)/ that no one would dear (2)/ to come close (3)/ to us because of

our weapons. (4)/ All Correct (5)

Direction(Q.No:16-25) : Read the following passage carefully and answer tne
question given. Certain words/phrases nave been given in bold to help you locate
them while answering some of the questions
It is 8 am and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is wading through his

inbox. A board member has e-mailed him about an opportunity to invest in an

emerging digital platform. It looks lucrative, but speculative and expensive.
Minutes later the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) appears in the doorway: “The
boss wants to sign a big sponsorship deal. Can we drop out of TV for a couple of
months to pay for it?” The CMO has barely started to explain what happened the
last time the company went dark on TV-an aggressive rival grabbed market share-
when his assistant interrupts. The CEO is calling “What’s going on with our brand
image?” she asks “The latest monitor report looks bad “ The CMO promises a full
debriefing later in the day. but he’s not looking forward to the conversation.
Brand scores are down and the reasons are tough to manage: factors-such as bad
experiences with intermediary retailers and mediocre word of mouth
The number and strength of such competing pressures has been growing.
Seven years ago when digital advertising was still in its infancy and long before
social media had become a marketing force many traditional mass-marketing
advertising models were under attack and experts suggested some approaches to
make marketing investments count in an increasingly complex environment. Since
then, we have been fortunate enough to see more than 200 organisations tackle
the difficult issue of how to improve marketing’s Return on Investment (ROI) Over
that period as new kinds of media have grown in importance and mobile
communications have created new opportunities to reach consumers the ROI
challenge has become more intense.

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

In the face of growing complexity, relentless financial pressure and a still-

challenging economic environment, marketers are striving to exploit new-media
vehicles and to measure their impact through new analytic approaches and tools.
Most are making progress Yet we are consistently struck by the power of asking
seemingly basic questions These questions cut to the heart of the quest to drive
returns on marketing spending Coming to grips with in them and gaining alignment
across the C-suite {the senior most in a company) are critical for making real

progress rather than becoming bogged down by excessive fire-fighting and
ultimately futile debates about the precision and certainty of measurement
The digital revolution and the explosion of social media have profoundly
changed what influences consumers as they undertake their purchasing decision
journey When considering products, they read online reviews and compare prices.
Once in stores they search for deals with mobile devices and drive hard bargains.
And after the purchase they become reviewers themselves and demand ongoing

relationships with products and brands. Although companies have access to
terabytes of data about these behavioural changes many still cannot answer the
fundamental question: how exactly are our customers influenced ?
Time and time again we find that companies are aware of the growing

importance of touch points such as earned media (free media) but do not
understand the true magnitude of their effects or how to influence them The
solution is usually to commission research that gets at the heart of understanding
the consumer’s decision journey Such foundational work must shine a light on

the touch points and messages that actually influence consumer behaviour.
Marketers must be ready to use the findings to debunk accepted wisdom and
legacy rules of thumb. In today’s fragmented media world, only by knowing the
way how consumers interact with your company has evolved can you begin to
make more cost-effective marketing investments that truly influence purchase
Marketing has always combined facts and judgment: after all there’s no
analytic approach that can single-handedly tell you when you have a great piece
of creative work A decade ago when traditional advertising was all that mattered,
most senior marketers justifiably had great confidence in their judgment on
spending and messaging. Today many privately confess to being less certain That’s
hardly surprising: marketers have been perfecting the TV playbook for decades,
while some of the newest marketing platforms have been around for months or
even weeks But it can be tough to admit publicly that your judgment is incomplete
or out-of-date. And given the money required it’s hard both to make a rational
investment case for additional marketing spending and-in the same breath-to
admit that you are really making a passionate guess.

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

Marketers often hear that the answer to improving their judgment in this
rapidly changing environment is data and some companies have sophisticated
analytical tools. Yet it’s difficult to integrate all of this information in a way that
not only provides answers that you trust but can also inform smart marketing
changes. We counsel a return to what creates great marketing judgment: start
by formulating hypotheses about the impact of changes to your marketing mix
and then seek analytical evidence
16. The central theme of the given passage is _______

1) To analyse judgments made by marketers on new products
2) To discuss emerging trends in advertising
3) To determine how Word of Mouth is still the best advertising strategy
4) To strengthen the role of intermediary retailers for better sales
5) To appreciate the role of a Chief Marketing Officer in an organisation
17. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage ?
1) Even today, marketers are infact as confident in making judgments about
products as they were earlier

2) Most companies, even today are unaware of free media strategies
3) It is not at all wise to invest in marketing strategies
4) Poor experiences with intermediary retailers have the least effect on sales of a
new product

5) None of the given statements is true

18. Which of the following is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word
‘LUCRATIVE’ as used in the passage ?
1) unprofitable 2) unadventurous 3) expensive 4) uncertain 5) assisting
19. As mentioned in the passage, marketers are struggling to employ new marketing

strategies and analyse their effectiveness due to_

(A) dearth of technology advancements in their country
(B) unfavourable economic environment
(C) lack of adequate data on consumer behaviour
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both A and C 5) Both B and C
20. Consumers follow a cycle while considering buying products In the context of the
passage, which of the following forms the sequential cycle ?
(A) Maintain a continuous relationship with product and brands for future reference
(B) Provide their own reviews about the product
(C) Conduct online research about the product by reading other peoples’ reviews
and comparing costs
(D) Visit stores to get good bargains
1) A, B, C, D 2) C, A, B, D 3) D, A, B, C 4) C, D, B, A 5) B, C, A, D
21. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the phrase “WADING
THROUGH” as used in the passage ?
1) criticising 2) receiving 3) determining 4) valuing 5) going through
22. Which of the following is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word
‘FUTILE’ as used in the passage ?
1) worthwhile 2) fruitless 3) stale 4) desperate 5) innocent

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

23. What is the author trying to convey through the phrase. Coming to grips with
them’as used in the passage ?
1) Avoiding them 2) Discarding them
3) Referring them to experts only
4) Understanding them 5) Holding onto them
24. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word
‘CERTAINTY’ as used in the passage?
1) distrust 2) ambiguity 3) reliability 4) belief 5) hope
25. According to the author, the only way marketers can make more cost-effective

investments is by ______
1) involving experts in making effective balance sheets
2) employing methods which worked successfully in companies in the developed world
3) being aware of the evolving ways in which consumers interact with their
4) employing methods which have been successful in their company over the years
5) None of the given options

Direction(Q.No:26-30) : In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has
been numbered. Against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
When the meltdown struck everyone was forced to confront the concept of
‘loo big to fail”- the idea that some banks are so large and so integral to the

economy that they must be bailed out at any cost to avert systemic catastrophe.
Crisis after crisis seems to indicate that a simpler bank is a safer bank. (26) the
banking lobby in the US has spent hundreds of millions of dollars resisting
regulatory efforts to (27) down the size and the complexity of banking operations.

This is because such regulations may require them to focus (28) on lower profit
lending to businesses that create jobs rather than risky but far more profitable
trading. Sadly banks are just as (29) and global and even bigger than they were
before the meltdown in part due to the (30) of uniform international standards
which means that there is still no way to wind down global financial institutions.
We need to put in place firewalls and now financial rules to make the financial
systems safe and reduce the risks to everyone.
26. 1) When 2) Since 3) Never 4) Almost 5) Yet
27. 1) reduce 2) fall 3) go 4) stand 5) scale
28. 1) of 2) far 3) more 4) less 5) remaining
29. 1) riskiest 2) gambled 3) failed 4) complex 5) potentially
30. 1) dominating 2) lack 3) incident 4) prevalence 5) needs
31. A certain sum when invested for 2 years at 20% per annum Compound Interest
(compounded annually), earns Rs.2288 as interest. What will be the interest
earned if the same sum of money is invested for 5 years at 12 % per annum
Simple Interest ?
1) Rs. 3250 2) Rs. 3140.25 3) Rs. 3120 4) Rs. 3720 5) Rs. 3140.75
32. The percent loss incurred when an article is sold for Rs. 539/- is double of the
percent loss incurred when the same article is sold for Rs. 654.50. What is the
cost price of the article ?
1) Rs. 795 2) Rs.775 3) Rs. 770 4) Rs. 765 5) Rs. 790
Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

33. The compound interest (compounded annually) on Rs. 9300/- Tor 2 years @ R%
p.a. is Rs. 4092/-. Had the rate of interest been (R-10)%, what would have been
the interest on the same sum of money for the same time (2 years) ?
1) Rs. 1945 2) Rs. 1953 3) Rs. 2046 4) Rs. 2027 5) Rs. 1974
34. Train A can completely cross train B (from the moment they meet), travelling in
opposite direction (towards each other), in 14 seconds. If the speed of trains A
and B are 65 kmph and 52 kmph respectively and the length of train A is 71 m
more than that of train B, what is the length of train A ? (in m)
1) 251 2) 228 3) 192 4) 275 5) 263
35. The selling price of 16 chairs is equal to the selling price of 6 tables. If the total

selling price of 5 chairs and 3 tables together is Rs. 2,730. what is the total
selling price of 2 chairs and 1 table together ?
1) Rs. 1,060 2) Rs. 920 3) Rs. 980 4) Rs. 880 5) Rs. 960
36. A circular copper wire of radius 35 cms is bent to form a rectangle. If the length of
the rectangle is more than the breadth of the rectangle by 26 cms, what is the
length of the rectangle ? (in centimeters)
1) 64 2) 68 3) 62 4) 76 5) 72
37. The sum of two positive numbers is 630. If 75% of the first number is equal to 60%

2) 400

of the second number, what is the larger number among the two ?
1) 330 3) 430 4) 500 5) 350
38. 16 men can finish a project in 45 days. Only 36 men started working and after 4
days 12 women replaced them. If these 12 women could finish the remaining work
in 54 days, how many days will only 12 women take to finish the complete project ?

1) 66 2) 69 3) 67.5 4) 71.5 5) 68.5

39. 1 of another number. If the sum of the two
7 th of a number is two less than
numbers is 15. what is their product ?

1) 63 2) 54 3) 56 4) 72 5) 64
40. A and B started a business with investments in the respective ratio of 4:7. After 6
months from the start of the business C joined them with an investment equal to
half of B’s investment. If the difference between A’s share of annual profit and B’s
share of annual profit is Rs. 2160/-, what is C’s share of annual profit?
1) Rs. 1360 2) Rs. 1180 3) Rs. 1320 4) Rs. 1680 5) Rs. 1260
41. Average score of the 25 boys in a class is 34 and the average score of the girls in
the same class is 42. if the average score of the whole class (boys and girls
together) is 37, how many girls were there in the class ?
1) 18 2) 24 3) 15 4) 20 5) 30
42. The profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 590 is double the loss incurred
when the same article is sold for Rs. 245. What would be the selling price of the
article if it is sold at 20% profit ?
1) Rs. 436 2) Rs. 448 3) Rs. 416 4) Rs. 424 5) Rs. 432
43. There are seven positive observations. Average of the first four observations is 11
and that of the last four observations is 8. If the average of these seven observations
is 9. what is the fourth observation ?
1) 13 2) 9 3) 10 4) 11 5) 7
44. The sum of diameter and circumference of circle A is 203m. If the radius of circle B is
10.5m less than the radius of circle A, what is the circumference of circle B ? (in m)
1) 110 2) 96 3) 66 4) 88 5) 77

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

45. The speed of a boat in still water is 17.5 kmph and the speed of the stream is 3.5
kmph. If the boat takes total time of 7 hours 40 minutes to travel from point A to B
(upstream) and then returning back to point A (downstream), what is the distance
between points A and B ? (in km)
1) 58.8 2) 64.4 3) 62.4 4) 67.2 5) 61.6
Direction (Q.No.46-55) : What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the
given question?
46. 33.6  14 x 0.5 + 0.76 = ?2

1) 0.14 2) 1.4 3) 1.6 4) 0.6 5) 16
47. (0.9)3.5 x (0.09)1.5 = 310 x 10?
1) -7.5 2) 5.5 3) -5.5 4) -6.5 5) 6.5

16  5  ? 24
143  6  138  6
 1.45
1) 132 2) 158 3) 136 4) 145 5) 140

1.4    0.7   ?

49. 2
1.4    0.7 

11 11 8 9 9
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
18 17 19 11 19
5 2 27
50. of of of ? = 71
9 3 40

1) 284 2) 264 3) 226 4) 168 5) 148

51.  
405  80  45  ?

1) 75 2) 15 3 3) 45 4) 80 5) 15 5
52. 20% of 250 x 120% of ? = 480
1) 15 2) 10 3) 14 4) 12 5) 8
53. 4 x 1.6 x 0.05 x 80 = ? + 5.9
1) 19.7 2) 18.8 3) 22.1 4) 21.1 5) 20.3
54. (126  6 - 12) x 18 = 72  ?2

2 5 4 4 5
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
3 7 7 9 9
55. 272 x 123  (48  (0.5)2) = 3?
1) 9 2) 3 3) 6 4) 7 5) 8

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

Direction (Q.No.56-60) : Study the table and answer the given question:
This data is regarding number of Visitors to five museums - A, B, C, D and E
in five different days of one particular week- Wednesday. Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday
Museum/Days A B C D E
Wednesday 144 123 112 92 129
Thursday 168 129 121 102 134
Friday 243 152 163 184 159

Saturday 685 498 486 501 512
Sunday 712 702 672 725 685
56. Total number of Visitors to Museum D on Thursday and Friday together is what
percent of the total number of Visitors to Museum B on Friday and Saturday
together ?
ha 1 1
1) 25 2) 35 3) 40 4) 35 5) 44
6 3 8

What is the respective ratio between total number of Visitors to Museum A on
Wednesday and Thursday together and total number of Visitors to Museum B on
the same days together ?

1) 26 : 21 2) 26 : 19 3) 25 : 23 4) 24 : 23 5) 27 : 22
58. On Monday, the total number of Visitors to all the given Museums together were
25% more than that on Sunday. What was the total number of Visitors to all the
given museums together on Monday ?
1) 4652 2) 4370 3) 4146 4) 4260 5) 4275

59. Number of Visitors to Museum C increased by approximately what percent from

Wednesday to Friday ?
1) 30 2) 34 3) 38 4) 50 5) 45
60. What is the average number of Visitors to Museum E on the days- Friday, Saturday
and Sunday ?
1) 418 2) 402 3) 456 4) 428 5) 452
Direction (Q.No.61-65) : What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given
number series ?
61. 7 16 54 228 ?
1) 1120 2) 1160 3) 1180 4) 1080 5) 1020
62. 22 10 8 9 14 ?
1) 30 2) 28 3) 26 4) 36 5) 32
63. 13 12 22 63 ?
1) 242 2) 254 3) 244 4) 264 5) 248
64. 11 24 50 102 206 ?
1) 424 2) 428 3) 436 4) 414 5) 396
65. 15 18 13 20 ?
1) 7 2) 22 3) 28 4) 24 5) 11

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

Direction(Q.No:66-68) : Study the following information and answer the given
D is the brother of Y. Y is married to L. L is the father of J J is the wife of T.
M is the sister of T. T has only two daughters K and S. P is the mother of T. P is
married to Q.
66. How is J related to D ?
1) Daughter-in-law 2) Niece 3) Sister
4) Cannot be determined 5) Daughter

67. How is Y related to T ?
1) Mother-in-law 2) Mother 3) Aunt
4) Sister 5) Sister-in-law
68. How is K related to Q ?
1) Daughter 2) Niece 3) Daughter-in-law
4) Cannot be determined 5) Graunddaughter
Direction(Q.No:69-73) : Study the information carefully and answer the question:
L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circular area at equal distances
between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of the people

are facing the centre while some face outside (i.e. in a direction opposite to the
Same direction means that if one person is facing tne centre tnen tne otner also

faces tne centre and vice versa

Opposite direction means that if one person is facing tne centre tnen tne otner
faces outside and vice versa
L sits second to the right of M. M faces the centre. O and P are immediate
neighbours of L. S sits third to the right of O. O and S face opposite directions. O
and L face opposite directions. R sits second to the right of S. S sits to the

immediate right of N. Immediate neighbours of N face the same direction (i.e. if

one neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour also faces the centre and
vice versa). Immediate neighbours of S face the same direction (i.e. if one
neighbour faces the centre the other neighbour also faces the centre and vice
versa). P and N face opposite directions.
69. How many people in the given arrangement face outside ?
1) Three 2) Two 3) Five 4) Four 5) One
70. What is R’s position with respect to P ?
1) Third to the left 2) Second to the left
3) Third to the right 4) Second to the right 5) Fourth to the left
71. Who sits second to the left of S ?
1) L 2) None 3) Q 4) R 5) M
72. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating
arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that
group ?
1) S 2) L 3) Q 4) P 5) R
73. Which of the following is TRUE regarding Q as per the given seating arrangement?
1) Only three people sit between Q and S
2) M is one of the immediate neighbours of Q
3) Only one person sits between L and Q
4) Only two people sit between Q and P 5) N sits third to the right of Q

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

74. A person starts walking from his home towards a store. He walks for 30 m towards
east. He takes a 90° right turn and walks for 15 m. He again takes a 90° right
turn, and walks for 10 m. He then walks for 25 m after taking a 90° left turn.
Turning 90° towards his right, he walks for 20 m to reach the store. How far and
in which direction is the store from his home ?
1) 40 m towards East 2) 40 m towards South
3) 40 m towards North 4) 30 m towards South 5) 30 m towards North
Direction(Q.No:75-79) : Study the following information to answer the given

Eight friends. B, C, D, E, H, I, J and K are seated in a straight line, facing
north, but not necessarily in the same order.
D sits fourth to the right of J. Neither D nor J sits at any of the extreme
ends of the line. C sits second to left of K. Neither K nor B is an immediate
neighbour of D. Only two people sit between C and I. B is an immediate neighbour
of H.
75. What is the position of B with respect to D ?
1) Fourth to the right 2) Second to the left
3) Third to the left 4) Second to the right 5) Third to the right

How many persons are seated between B and I ?
1) None 2) Three 3) One 4) Two 5) Four
77. Who amongst the following sit exactly between C and I ?
1) D, E 2) E, H 3) B, D 4) J, K 5) E, J

78. Who amongst the following represents the person seated at the extreme left end
of the line ?
1) E 2) K 3) B 4) C 5) H
79. Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true with respect to E?
1) None of the given options is true
2) Both H and K are immediate neighbours of E

3) B sits second to the right of E

4) Only two persons sit between E and I
5) Only three persons sit to the left of E
Direction(Q.No:80-84) : In this question, relationship between different elements
is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study
the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.
80. Statements : D  U = S  T < B  I < N ; Q < T = W
Conclusion I. : Q < N II. U  I
1) only Conclusion I is true 2) both Conclusions I and II are true
3) neither Conclusion I nor II is true
4) only Conclusion II is true 5) either Conclusion I or II is true
81. Statements : B > E = L < F ; L > A
Conclusion I. : B > F II. A < B
1) neither Conclusion I nor II is true 2) only Conclusion I is true
3) either Conclusion I or II is true 4) only Conclusion II is true
5) both Conclusions I and II are true
82. Statements : P < O  S = T  E < R ; Y  P ; E > Z
Conclusion I. : P  E II. R > O
1) only Conclusion II is true 2) both Conclusions I and II are true
3) only Conclusion I is true 4) either Conclusion I or II is true
5) neither Conclusion I nor II is true

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

83. Statements : P < O  S = T  E < R ; Y  P ; E > Z

Conclusion I. : T > Y II. Z < S
1) only Conclusion I is true 2) only Conclusion II is true
3) neither Conclusion I nor II is true
4) either Conclusion I or II is true 5) both Conclusions I and II are true
84. Statements : D  U = S  T < B  I < N ; Q < T = W
Conclusion I : D = W II. D > W
1) only Conclusion II is true 2) neither Conclusion I nor II is true
3) either Conclusion I or II is true

4) both Conclusions I and II are true 5) only Conclusion I is true
85. Point A is 45 m to the north of point B. Point C is 25 m to the west of point A. Point
D is 20 m to the south of point C. Point E is exactly midway between points D and
F in such a manner that Point D, E and F form a horizontal straight line of 50 m.
Point F is to the east of Point D. Point G is 20 m to north of point F. How far and in
which direction is point G from point A ?
1) 30 m towards North
3) 25 m towards West
ha 2) 25 m towards East
4) 30 m towards East 5) 30 m towards West
Directions (86-90) In each question below is given a group of letters followed by

four combinations of digits/symbols numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). You have to find
out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on
the following coding system and the conditions that follow and mark the number
of that combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents
the group of letters, mark (5) i.e., None as the answer.

Letter M A E K J R D W P F Q I U B H
Digit/Symbol 9 1 2 3 % * 4 5 8  6 $ @ 7 ©
(i) If the first and the second letters are consonants, both are to be coded as the

code for the second letter.

(ii) If the first and the third letters are vowels, both are to be coded as the code for
the first letter.
(iii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, both are to be
coded as #.
1) **296$ 2) %*296$ 3) %2*96$ 4) %%296$ 5) None
1) @7©924 2) #7©92# 3) 77©924 4) @@©924 5) None
1) 123%8$ 2) 132%8$ 3) 131%8$ 4) 113%8$ 5) None
1)  @  $%3 2) @@*$%3 3) 3%$*@  4)  @*$%3 5) None
1) 99$152 2) 69$152 3) #9$15# (4) 69$156 5) None
Direction(Q.No : 91 - 95) : This question is based on the five three digit numbers
given below :
517 326 485 943 864
91. If all the given numbers are arranged in descending order, which of the following
will be the last digit of the second number from the left ?
1) 3 2) 5 3) 7 4) 6 5) 4

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I CLERK PRELI M S M T-145

92. If the position of the first and the second digits in each of these numbers are
interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number ?
1) 517 2) 326 3) 485 4) 943 5) 864
93. The difference between the second and the third digits in which of the following
numbers is maximum among the given numbers ?
1) 517 2) 485 3) 943 4) 326 5) 864
94. If the position of the second and the third digits in each of these numbers are

interchanged, which of the following will be the second digit of the lowest number ?
1) 6 2) 7 3) 5 4) 2 5) 4
95. The sum of the three digits of which of the following numbers is maximum ?
1) 485 2) 864 ha 3) 943 4) 326 5) 517
96. All the letters of the word JUMBLED are arranged as per the English alphabetical
series. Then a meaningful English word (starting with D) is formed with the first,
second, sixth and seventh alphabets of the word so formed, which of the following

will be the second last letter of the word ?
1) E 2) U 3) L
4) Other than those given as options 5) M

97. How will the word RELOAD be written as, if all its letters are arranged in
alphabetical order and then each letter is replaced by its immediate next letter
in the English alphabetical series ?

98. In a certain code language ‘PARTY’ is coded as ‘JYHFA’ and ‘CHART’ is coded
as ‘WRYHF’, then how will ‘CROWS’ be coded in the same code language ?
1) YJHVO 2) WHGUM 3) Cannot be determined
99. How many alphabets (as per the English alphabetical order) are there between
the second and seventh letters of the word JUVENILE ?
1) 5 2) 8 3) 6 4) 10 5) 12
100. ‘Nail’ is related to ‘Nail-cutter’ in the same way as ‘Hair’ is related to
(1) Oil (2) Comb (3) Scissors (4) Haircut (5) Colour

1.3 2.2 3.2 4.4 5.5 6.1 7.4 8.1 9.5 10.3 11.5 12.3 13.1
14.4 15.2 16.5 17.2 18.1 19.4 20.2 21.5 22.1 23.5 24.3 25.3 26.5
27.2 28.3 29.4 30.2 31.3 32.3 33.2 34.1 35.3 36.2 37.5 38.3 39.2
40.5 41.3 42.5 43.1 44.4 45.2 46.2 47.4 48.1 49.5 50.1 51.1 52.5
53.1 54.1 55.5 56.5 57.1 58.2 59.5 60.5 61.2 62.1 63.5 64.4 65.5
66.2 67.1 68.5 69.4 70.1 71.4 72.3 73.2 74.2 75.4 76.2 77.4 78.4
79.1 80.1 81.4 82.5 83.5 84.3 85.2 86.1 87.2 88.3 89.4 90.1 91.5
92.5 93.1 94.1 95.2 96.5 97.5 98.5 99.2 100.3


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