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DNA-intercalator interactions: structural and physical

analysis using atomic force microscopy in solution
Published on 04 October 2013. Downloaded by Universidad de Vigo on 29/04/2014 00:36:05.

Cite this: Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 11233

M. Maaloum,*a P. Mullera and S. Harleppb

DNA has a strong affinity for many heterocyclic aromatic dyes, such as acridine and its derivatives. Lerman
in 1961 first proposed intercalation as the source of this affinity, and this mode of DNA binding has since
attracted considerable research scrutiny. DNA intercalators (molecules that intercalate between DNA base
pairs) have attracted particular attention due to their antitumoral activity and because they are widely used
to fluorescently label DNA. The interaction between double-stranded DNA and bis-intercalators, such as
the fluorescent dye YOYO-1 (dimer of oxazole yellow), has been widely studied. In the literature, there
are contradicting data regarding the structure and the rigidity of the complex DNA–YOYO-1. Here, we
address this problem using high-resolution atomic force microscopy in solution. We directly measured
important structural parameters, such as the helical pitch and the elongation of the complex. By
measuring intercalator-induced DNA elongation at different YOYO-1 concentrations, we determined the
binding constant. We showed that intercalation induces distinct changes in the molecular elasticity
compared to the free double stranded DNA. We found a decrease of the persistence length of DNA
Received 1st August 2013
Accepted 18th September 2013
with increasing amount of bound YOYO-1, which contrasts with some previous assumptions. This study
helps in understanding the physicochemical properties of bis-intercalators as well as the mechanism by
DOI: 10.1039/c3sm52082j
which they interact with DNA and this technique can ultimately be applied to a large range of other DNA binding molecules such as anti-cancer or anti-viral drugs.

Introduction Bisintercalators have two potential intercalating ring systems

connected by linkers. The synthesis of these molecules was
Intercalators are one of the most important synthetic groups of originally stimulated by the idea that the pharmacological
compounds that interact with the DNA double helix. Some of activity of intercalating drugs could be enhanced by the signif-
them are valuable drugs that are currently used for the treat- icantly higher DNA binding constants and slower dissociation
ment of some types of cancers, while others are in different rates from DNA expected for bisintercalators relative to mono-
phases of clinical trials.1–3 Intercalating agents share common intercalators.6 Special types of intercalators include organome-
structural features. The molecules are usually heterocycles and tallic complexes with nitrogen containing heterocycles as
are good nucleic acid markers. A number of physical studies on ligands, e.g., bipyridyl and phenanthroline complexes with Ru,
the interactions of DNA through an intercalation process with Rh, etc. The eld is nicely reviewed in recently published
planar aromatic cations were conducted by Lerman in the early articles.7,8
1960s.4 He concluded that planar aromatic molecules could Many efforts have addressed the synthesis of mono- and
bind to DNA by a process of intercalation. These molecules can bisintercalators for various purposes. In this work, we will focus
be intercalated into DNA, in the space between two base pairs. on the YOYO-1 (YOYO) molecule, which is assumed to act as a
The rst intercalating agent, a monointercalator, ethidium classical bisintercalator. Rye et al.9 reported development of
bromide, was historically widely used in molecular biology YOYO dye (for structure, see Fig. 1), for use as a uorescent
laboratories to visualize, under a UV lamp, DNA fragments on probe in DNA analysis. The excellent uorescent properties of
gel electrophoresis.5 It is also possible to link two or more ring YOYO and its high binding affinity to double-stranded DNA
systems together with connecting chains of variable length.6 (ds-DNA) make the dye suitable as a probe in uorescence video
microscopy. However, this intercalating agent may induce
Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS – University of Strasbourg, 23 rue du Loess, BP 84087,
changes in the local structure of the double helix and dynamics
67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France. E-mail:; of DNA molecules. So, does YOYO binding alter the DNA; Fax: +33 (0)3-88-41-40-99; +33 (0)3-88-41-40-99; structure and rigidity? From a structural point of view, to our
Tel: +33 (0)3-88-41-40-02; +33 (0)3-88-41-40-07 knowledge, no direct experimental evidence has been presented
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, 23 rue du Loess BP43, verifying this assumption. NMR structures for YOYO and TOTO
67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France. E-mail:; Fax: +33 (0)3-
bisintercaled into oligonucleotides have been published.10 The
88-10-72-45; Tel: +33 (0)3-88-10-72-13

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stretching. The applied force partially relieves normal interca-

lation constraints, which explains the large increase of Ka with
applied force.13
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) in air has been used to
examine perturbations in the tertiary structure of DNA induced
by the binding of ditercalinium, a DNA bis-intercalator.17 The
estimated apparent persistence length of the molecules was
about 100 nm, which is twice larger than of naked DNA.
Here, we show that direct visualization of dsDNA, using AFM
in solution, allows us to directly analyze morphological pro-
Published on 04 October 2013. Downloaded by Universidad de Vigo on 29/04/2014 00:36:05.

perties and structural changes of DNA induced by the presence

of YOYO. Images obtained in solution of DNA molecules
adsorbed onto a at surface provide structural information at
Fig. 1 Chemical structure of the oxazole yellow homodimer (YOYO-1).
the single molecule level. We have determined how YOYO
binding changes locally the structure and rigidity of dsDNA. In
particular, we systematically investigated the inuence of YOYO
YOYO chromophore contains an oxygen atom instead of the on the persistence and contour length, as well as the YOYO
larger sulphur atom in the corresponding compound, TOTO. distribution along the DNA chains over a large range of staining
The authors have shown that YOYO intercalation causes the ratios. Our investigations were carried out in solutions with
helix to have a helical repeat of 13 base pairs and requires more moderate ionic strength, which support stable YOYO binding.
space than TOTO in the intercalation sites.
From a physical point of view, the behaviour of probed DNA Materials and methods
molecules could differ signicantly from that of unstained
DNA, and it is thus important to elucidate the binding mode of We have worked with two kinds of double stranded DNA
the probe and how the binding affects the length and the ex- samples, the rst one containing DNA which is polydisperse in
ibility of DNA. The rigidity of DNA is oen characterized by its length, the second one containing only one type of DNA. For the
persistence length Lp, which measures how far a polymeric polydisperse case, the cut DNA is of lHindIII type.
chain persists in a given direction. The persistence length Lp is The monodisperse DNA made of 4361 base pairs is of type
about 50 nm for ds-DNA in its B-form and about 1 nm for single PBR322 linearized with EcoRI enzyme.
stranded DNA under physiological conditions. In this domain, Experiments were performed in a solution containing 10 mM
widespread experimental values of Lp can be found in the case tris–HCl buffer, pH 7.5, to a nal DNA concentration of 1 mg
of YOYO–DNA complexes. Values ranging from 12 nm to 50 nm ml1. The mixture of YOYO and DNA was incubated, at room
have been reported from single-molecule force-extension temperature, for 2 hours to achieve homogeneous staining.
measurements.11,12,14–16 Recently, using magnetic tweezers, 200 ml of this DNA–YOYO solution was injected into the AFM
Günther et al.12 showed that the persistence length, estimated liquid cell and DNA molecules adsorbed onto freshly cleaved
from force measurement by stretching the chain, did not reveal mica at room temperature.
any change over the whole range of applied molar ratios up to DNA and mica are negatively charged. Only in the case of DNA
1.4 dye/base pair. According to the authors, the reasons why solution without YOYO, 1 mM of MgCl2 was added to the DNA
YOYO does not affect the persistence length are still unclear. solution in order to visualize the adsorbed DNA on mica.
Reuter and Dryden13 have investigated the kinetics of binding, For each YOYO concentration, we have visualized poly-
for single, hydrodynamically stretched molecules of lambda disperse and monodisperse DNA. For the monodisperse case,
DNA observed via total internal reection uorescence micros- we analyzed each time about 50 DNA chains, which permits us
copy. The maximum DNA extension (36%) and association to obtain a good statistic. In the polydisperse case, three
constant Ka ¼ 108 M1 have been estimated from a simple experiments have been reproduced for each YOYO concentra-
model using a one site binding equation. YOYO molecules, like tion in order to analyse more than 100 molecules to obtain
all other bis-intercalators, not only affect the rigidity of sufficient statistic.
the dsDNA, but also the natural length of the DNA. Either from Images were collected using a Nanoscope 8 (Bruker) oper-
force-extension measurement or hydrodynamically stretched ated in tapping mode in solution. Ultra-sharp non-contact
molecules, the authors showed that the estimated natural silicon cantilevers with a nominal tip radius of <10 nm were
length (or contour length) of dsDNA with YOYO increases with driven at oscillation frequencies in the range of 20–26 kHz.
increasing staining ratio. However, in these experiments, the During AFM imaging, the force was reduced in order to avoid
affinity of YOYO was found to be force dependent and only dragging of DNA by the tip. The line scan rate was usually 1.4
extrapolations give rise to the affinity at null force. Vladescu Hz. Integral gain was adjusted to give sharp images. Images
et al.,14 by measuring ligand-induced DNA elongation at were taken without on-line ltering and were subsequently
different ligand concentrations, have determined the binding processed only by attening to remove the background slope.
constant and site size as a function of force for other inter- From AFM images of DNA molecules, we measure end-to-end
calator molecules. Both quantities depend strongly on force distance R and the apparent DNA lengths L.

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Results and discussion a large number of molecules. The analysis of the contour lengths
on a large number of traced molecules as a function of the YOYO/
1. Structural analysis
bp ratio is shown in Fig. 3. For monodisperse DNA molecules in
Aer sample preparation and image acquisition in solution, a YOYO free solution, the measured contour length is L0 ¼ 1520 
quantitative AFM analysis of DNA and DNA–YOYO complexes 80 nm which is in excellent agreement with the expected value of
was systematically performed in order to gain deeper insight into the B-form (Ltheory ¼ 1480 nm) assuming the value of the B-DNA
the inuence of YOYO intercalators on the DNA secondary usual form of DNA base pairs of 3.4 Å. As indicated by the plot of
structure and its global conformational properties. Fig. 2A shows Fig. 3, the intercalation induces a change in the local structure of
typical AFM images of linear dsDNA deposited on mica (the DNA as a lengthening of the DNA strand. The measured contour
presence of a small amount of Mg2+, 1 mM, is necessary to bind length of DNA increases with increasing YOYO/bp ratio. For
Published on 04 October 2013. Downloaded by Universidad de Vigo on 29/04/2014 00:36:05.

DNA to the mica surface). YOYO molecules (which bears a 4+ YOYO bulk ratios above 0.5, the observed contour length satu-
charge) also act as multivalent ions, so that Mg ions are not rates. This plateau indicates an increase of the relative length of
required anymore. To conrm that there are no magnesium 46%. From the contour length measurement, it was possible to
specic effects, we did experiments with YOYO–DNA complexes derive the fraction of extension as a function of YOYO concen-
in a solution containing MgCl2 at the same 1 mM concentration. tration per base pair concentration. The intrinsic association
As expected, this did not change the results. In Fig. 2B and C, constant Ka of YOYO–DNA interactions was estimated using the
dsDNA molecules are imaged in the presence of YOYO at a ratio comparison between the experimental data and the equation
of 1dye/4 bp and 1dye/bp respectively and show very few cross- derived from the theory developed by McGhee and von Hippel for
ings, whereas in Fig. 2D, dsDNA molecules are imaged in large ligand binding to a one-dimensional lattice-like macromolecule
excess of YOYO (ratio 1.5 dye/bp), and show many crossings. in the case of noncooperative ligand binding.18 For the compar-
From these images, we can clearly see the conformational change ison between our experimental data and theory we used the
of dsDNA molecules with YOYO concentration. At saturated converted equation of McGhee and von Hippel12 to obtain a
concentration, the dsDNA molecules appear to be more L
relationship between the fractional extension and the ratio
condensed than those at low ratio of YOYO/bp, indicating that L0
the dsDNA molecules seem to be stiffer at low intercalator between the total number of YOYO and the number of base pairs.
concentration than at high intercalator concentration. In YOYO The obtained equation is
free solution (Fig. 2A), the dsDNA molecules are more extended CYOYO Dg 1  nDg þ Dg
¼ Dg þ (1)
(in terms of the end-to-end distance) than those in the presence CDNA Ka ð1  nDgÞCDNA 1  nDg
of YOYO. In order to provide more reliable results and shed light
where CYOYO and CDNA are the concentration of total dye and
on the DNA structure, we have performed a statistical analysis of
DNA base pairs respectively. g ¼ L/L0  1, n is binding site size
i.e., the number of base pair sites occluded by one bound
YOYO and D ¼ dbp/dYOYO with dbp is the rise parameter per
DNA base pair of 0.34 nm and dYOYO is the DNA elongation per
bound YOYO.

Fig. 3 Change in DNA length in response to the YOYO intercalation. The curve
Fig. 2 Images of single DNA molecules using AFM in solution. AFM images show L
presents the fractional extension defined as the increase in end-to-end distance L due
the characteristic conformation of YOYO–DNA complexes using PBR322 DNA L0
molecules. There is evidence of DNA conformation changing as the concentration to the intercalation of YOYO normalized by the natural length of the DNA molecule
of YOYO increases. Images were captured at molar ratios of YOYO/bp equal to (without YOYO), plotted over the YOYO/bp ratio (blue squares). The solid line repre-
(A) 0, (B) 0.25, (C) 0.5, (D) 1.5. Height information for all images is color coded sents the fit from the model of McGhee and von Hippel (eqn (1)). The results were best
[from dark (low) to light (high)]. Full image size: 4 mm  4 mm. fit for association constant Ka ¼ 0.8  109 M1 and biding site size n ¼ 3.1 bp.

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Since the equation cannot be inverted analytically, we tted the At low concentration of YOYO (compared to the base pair
equation numerically. Fig. 3 shows the comparison between our L
concentration), increased linearly with the staining ratio.
experimental data and theoretical model. The best t of the data is L0
obtained for the values of binding site size n ¼ 3.1  0.1 bp and Assuming almost complete binding, the slope of the line at the
association constant Ka ¼ (0.8  0.4)  109 M1. These values are origin provides DNA elongation per intercalated YOYO mole-
in good agreement with the values obtained by Günther et al. using cule of 0.5  0.03 nm.
magnetic tweezers.12 Note that the obtained binding constant of In Fig. 4, we report high-resolution topographies of DNA and
YOYO to double stranded DNA is, as expected for bisintercalator DNA–YOYO complexes. Regarding the results on high resolu-
molecules, much higher than that of monointercalators which is tion structures of DNA using AFM, several articles have been
of the order of 106 M1 at low salt concentration.6 published in this domain.19–23 Fig. 4 corresponds to AFM images
Published on 04 October 2013. Downloaded by Universidad de Vigo on 29/04/2014 00:36:05.

Fig. 4 High-resolution images of DNA molecules in solution. Images were captured at molar ratios of YOYO/bp equal to (A) 0, (B) 0.25, and (C) 1. The helical nature of
the DNA structure can be clearly observed in (A) and (C). Full image size 50 nm  50 nm. (D–F) Cross-sectional profiles of molecules in (A–C), respectively, which are
perpendicular to the DNA axes.

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of shorter strands of DNA molecules (50 nm  50 nm). The signicantly changed relative to the B-DNA helical structure. In
purpose of those high magnication images is to reveal the Fig. 4D–F we plotted the cross-section of single DNA and the
periodic pattern that corresponds to the helical nature of DNA–YOYO complex. The heights of DNA and DNA–YOYO
doubled stranded DNA. Therefore these zooms were chosen to complexes are 1.8 nm and 2.4 nm respectively. The parts with
show clearly the height oscillation along the molecular back- increased height correspond to helices with a periodicity
bone, and not to give a typical long-range conformation. (Fig. 5B and D) characterized by a pitch of 5.2  0.3 nm. This
Representative images of DNA conformations are shown in period length is measured as the peak-to-peak distance
Fig. 2. The structure of a DNA chain in YOYO free solution is observed along the DNA molecules, as shown in Fig. 5B and D,
shown in Fig. 4A. The helical nature of the DNA structure can and indicates that YOYO molecules cause the helical pitch of
clearly be observed. A section of the image along the DNA DNA to increase by 53%. This result coincides with what we
Published on 04 October 2013. Downloaded by Universidad de Vigo on 29/04/2014 00:36:05.

molecule shows a periodicity. We have performed a statistical found previously for the contour length measurement of DNA.
analysis of the periodicity of ten DNA molecules. The analysis of However, if one takes into account the DNA contour length, this
the section along the DNA axis (Fig. 5A and C) reveals that the result implies that the reduction of the number of turns is 5%,
helical pitch is equal to 3.3  0.2 nm. This value corresponds to while that provided by other authors is about 7–8%.12
the distance between the major grooves of DNA in its B-form.
In Fig. 4B and C, AFM images of DNA molecules with
different YOYO concentrations show a considerable change in 2. Physical analysis
their structure. Fig. 4B corresponds to DNA with a 1 YOYO/4 bp In this section we have studied the physical behaviour of probed
ratio. The topography of the complex shows clearly the parts of DNA molecules and how the binding of YOYO molecules affects
the chain that resembles the DNA in YOYO free solution while the length and the exibility of DNA. The rigidity of DNA is oen
others have increased height. For the DNA chains at saturated characterized by its persistence length Lp, which is the length
YOYO concentration, the conformation of the helix is also over which the average deection of the polymer axis caused by

Fig. 5 Section profiles along DNA molecules at molar ratios of YOYO/bp equal to (A) 0 and (B) 1 obtained from AFM images previously filtered using a low pass filter.
The periodicity in both cases is clearly visible. (C and D) Histogramms of measured periodicity. In the case of DNA (C), the periodicity is 3.3  0.2 nm, which corresponds
to the helical pitch of usual B-DNA. In the case of saturated YOYO–DNA (D) the periodicity is 5.2  0.3 nm.

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thermal agitation is one radian.24 Herein, we applied a method where hR2i2D is the mean-square end-to-end distance of the
for measuring the persistence length of dsDNA under physio- chain in two dimensions and L is the contour length. For the
logical conditions. There are two major methods to estimate the long chains hR2i2D ¼ 4LpL.
persistence length of adsorbed macromolecules at surfaces. The We beneted from chain polydispersity when calculating the
rst method, that we used, is based on the measurements of the mean-square end-to-end distance R2 as a function of contour
contour length and the end-to-end distance. This method is very length (see Fig. 6A). It should be noted that other lengths of
reliable when used on a large number of molecules. The second DNA were found in the sample in addition to the expected DNA
method25,26 is based on the measurements of the angle between fragments ranging from 125 bp to 23 130 bp. Fig. 6A corre-
two small segments separated by a certain distance. This sponds to the DNA under free YOYO conditions. The images
method does not require measurements on hundreds of and measurements are processed with only a simple attening,
Published on 04 October 2013. Downloaded by Universidad de Vigo on 29/04/2014 00:36:05.

molecules, and thus is advantageous for researchers who do not which does not alter at all the length measurements. This gure
have a large number of molecules. However, the second method is used only to clarify the method for measuring the contour
presents an inconvenient, which is particularly relevant when length and the end-to-end distance. Fig. 6B shows the curve of
using AFM techniques. In fact, this method is very sensitive to hR2i as a function of the contour length of dsDNA in YOYO free
the local bending of the molecules. This local bending can be solution and in solution containing YOYO with a 1 YOYO/bp
easily induced by the AFM tip along the scanning direction. ratio. The hR2i averages were obtained by considering chain
During adsorption, DNA molecules are transformed from lengths within 10% of the error. A quantitative analysis of 50
three dimensional (3D) into two dimensional (2D) objects. Two DNA/fragment traces shows good agreement with the WLC
extreme cases were reported: one where the molecules freely model. This model is used to t the experimental curve using
equilibrate on the surface, before being trapped in a particular one parameter Lp and by taking into account the error bar on
conformation and one where the molecules adhere without each data point. We observe a linear regime for long DNA chains
having equilibrated on the substrate, resembling the true 3D with a scaling of hR2i f L, corresponding to a Gaussian chain.
conformation. In the latter case, the conformation of the In these experiments, highly positively charged YOYO
molecules reects the history of their approach to the surface molecules also serve as bridges between the negatively charged
and it is therefore difficult to distinguish between the intrinsic mica surface and DNA to anchor DNA onto the surface. We can
conformation and those induced upon adsorption. Recently, we think that the anchoring mechanism to be different from that
have shown that in the case of adsorption of DNA in solution, with Mg2+ in solution, and the measured DNA conguration
the molecules freely equilibrate on the surface.27 In this case, it is not necessary in equilibrium. We have to note that the
is possible to obtain an ensemble of 2D conformations, which analysis of hR2i and contour length values reveals that DNA
can be related to the true 3D DNA structure as molecules deposited either in 1 mM of Mg2+ or 1 mM of Mg2+
! solutions onto freshly cleaved mica do equilibrate on the
 2 2Lp   L

R 2D ¼ 4Lp L 1  1e 2L p (2) surface and that they behave as ideal worm-like chains in two
L dimensions.28 The analysis of the mean-square end-to-end

Fig. 6 (A) AFM image of a single DNA molecule. The image is used only to clarify the method for measuring the contour length L and the end-to-end distance R. (B)
Typical graph obtained when we plot the mean square value of the end-to-end distance as a function of the contour length for both cases: DNA (black circles) and
YOYO–DNA complex with ratio equal to 1 YOYO/bp (open circles). The hR2i averages were obtained by considering chain lengths within 10% of the error. The fit (solid
lines) corresponds to the worm like chain model in 2 dimensions (eqn (2)) with Lp as a fitting parameter. The results were best fit for Lp (DNA) ¼ 50  1 nm and Lp (1
YOYO/bp) ¼ 28  2 nm.

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11240 | Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 11233–11240 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013

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