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Disposal Instruction for Handling Foreign Inward Remittance

To, Date: _______________

The Manager
YES Bank Ltd.,
Branch address


Dear Sir,

I/We authorize you to credit all the foreign inward remittances received in my/our favour, as per the below mentioned details:

 Convert 100% into INR and credit my/our a/c no ______________________________

 Credit 100% amount to my/our EEFC a/c no. __________________________________

 Convert .............................(CCY & amount) into INR and credit my/our a/c
no._______________________________ and credit the balance ...........................(CCY & amount) to
Conversion details (Tick my/our EEFC a/c no._____________________
whichever is applicable):
 I/We confirm that we have not taken any packing credit against the said inward remittances

 Liquidation of EPC / PCFC account no. __________________________

 Liquidation of EPC / PCFC on FIFO basis
 EPC / PCFC reference no. ______________________
INR a/c no. for deduction
of Bank’s charges along
with applicable statutory
Name of the ultimate
country to whom services
have been rendered.
Note: In case the Payment belongs to Export of Services and falls under purpose group nos. (02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 15,
16 or 17) then mandatory to mention the name of the ultimate country receiving services.

Purpose (Tick  as applicable) Details Purpose Code

a. Agreement Copy or Proforma Invoice
 Advance receipts against Exports contracts __________________ dated ___________
(export of goods from India only
b. We confirm that we shall submit the concerned Export P0103
& not for services. Also, not to be used for
Merchant Trade Transaction) documents within ONE Year i.e. _____________ (approx.
date or month) and that the transactions does not pertains
to fully prohibited under OFAC sanction countries
 Advance receipts against Exports contracts
(export of services from India only) - (Please Agreement Copy or Proforma Invoice No.
refer Annexure-1 and fill the purpose code _____________________ dated ___________
We confirm that above remittance is on account of ‘Payment of
Export’ made by us and relative export documents have been
 Payment of Export Collections (export of
submitted to you under your reference no. P0102
goods from India only)
_________________________ and that the transactions does not
pertains to fully prohibited under OFAC sanction countries (If
export document submitted with other bank, then other
Bank’s Export Bill lodgment advice to be provided along with
underlying invoice & Transport document copy.)

We confirm that the above remittance is on account of ‘Direct

Dispatch’ made by us and relative export documents will be
 Direct Dispatch of Export Documents
submitted to you within six months i.e. _____________ (approx. P0102
(export of goods from India only)
date or month) and that the transactions does not pertains to
fully prohibited under OFAC sanction countries
a. We declare that the import leg has been made under
Contract Ref. No ________________ or will be made by
i.e. _____________ (approx. date or month).
b. We confirm that relative export document has been
Merchant Trade – Export Leg (Please note
 that this option has to be Tick even if advance lodged under your reference no.
is realized / received for Export Leg first for an _________________________.
MTT transactions and at no point the other P0108
c. We declare that the relative documents have been / will
Advance against Contracts (only export of be initiated by ________________ (approx. date or
goods) mentioned above should be ticked) month) and that the transactions does not pertains to
fully prohibited under OFAC sanction countries
d. We declare that the entire merchanting trade is to be
routed through same AD bank.
We confirm that the above remittance is on account of
‘software/service’ made by us and relative export documents
Software/ Service exports (Registered has been / will be submitted to you within One Year i.e.
 _____________ (approx. date or month) and that the P0807
under STPI. Softex applicable.)
transactions does not pertains to fully prohibited under
OFAC sanction countries

We confirm that the above remittance is on account of

 Software consultancy/implementation ‘software consultancy/implementation’. and that the
(other than those covered in SOFTEX transactions does not pertains to fully prohibited under P0802
form) OFAC sanction countries
 FDI – Declaration as per Annexure 2 along with
shareholding structure of the investor up to ultimate
beneficial owner
 Repatriation/Disinvestment of Indian Direct Investment
abroad in Equity/Debt – We declare that said remittance
Capital Account (Please refer Annexure-1
 is under UIN no. ---------------------------------- and will be
and fill the purpose code accordingly)
reported under APR/Disinvestment Part III for the
relevant year within stipulated time period.
 ECB Drawdown – Declaration that the drawdown is as
per terms & conditions of ECB along with copy of LRN
issued by RBI
 If any other purpose of remittance, then
please mention the same in Details
column and refer Purpose code from

Declarations by the customer

In respect of advance against Exports of Goods and Services (strike whichever is not required), I/we undertake that I/we am/are under
an obligation to ensure that the shipment of goods and services is made within one year from the date of receipt of advance payment.
In the event my/our inability to make the shipment partly or fully within one year from the date of receipt of advance payment, no
remittance towards refund of unutilized portion of advance payment or towards payment of interest, shall be made after the expiry
of the said period of one year, without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank. The documents covering the shipment will be
submitted to YES BANK Ltd. within 21 days from the date of shipment.
I/we also declare that the transaction does not have linkage with any Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons
(SDN)/countries listed under OFAC in any manner. If the transaction involves linkage with any Specially Designated Nationals and
Blocked Persons (SDN)/countries listed under OFAC in any manner, I/we undertake not to hold YES Bank Limited responsible for
any of its action or inaction in respect of the OFAC-linked transactions.

Further, I/we declare that the transaction does not involve payment from/to a Third Party. If the transaction involves payment
from/to a Third party, I/we undertake to comply with the extant guidelines from RBI / the Bank in this regard. In respect of
Merchanting Trade, I/we declare to abide by the extant guidelines of RBI.

Further, I/we undertake to submit copy of Invoice/Agreement or any other document if Bank or any other Regulatory authority
require the same in future.

The declaration-cum-undertaking under Sec 10(5), Chapter III of FEMA, 1999

I/We hereby declare that the transaction details of which are mentioned above does not involve and is not designed for the purpose
of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of the aforesaid Act or of any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order made
there under. I/We also hereby agree and undertake to give such information / documents as will reasonably satisfy you about this
transaction in terms of the above declaration. I/We also undertake that if I/we refuse to comply with any such requirement or make
only unsatisfactory compliance therewith, the Bank shall refuse in writing to undertake the transaction and shall if it has reason to
believe that any contravention / evasion is contemplated by me / us report the matter to RBI. I/We further declare that the
undersigned has the authority to give this application, declaration and undertaking on behalf of the firm/company.

Warm Regards,

Authorized Signatory
Company Stamp / Seal

Place: ________________________

Annexure 1 – List of RBI purpose code

Annexure 2 – Request letter format for FDI

Annexure 2 - Request
Letter Form

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