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Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 1 of 36 PageID #: 461



Plaintiff, )
v. ) Case No. 1:21-CV-02519-TWP-MJD
OOSHIRTS, INC., et. al., )
Defendants. )



COMES NOW Defendant, ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a TeeChip, et al. (“Defendant”), by and

through its attorneys of Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP, and respectfully submit its Answer

and Affirmative Defenses to Plaintiff, Andrew Thomas’s (“Plaintiff”) Complaint, stating as



1. Plaintiff Andrew Thomas is an adult individual, residing in Jasper County,


ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


2. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. is a California corporation, licensed to do business in the

State of Indiana.

ANSWER: Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 2 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 2 of 36 PageID #: 462

3. Defendant John Doe 1 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci458.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 3 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


4. Defendant John Doe 2 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45s.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


5. Defendant John Doe 3 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45t.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 5 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


6. Defendant John Doe 4 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45m.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


7. Defendant John Doe 5 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci459.

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ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 7 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


8. Defendant John Doe 6 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45j.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 8 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


9. Defendant John Doe 7 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45k.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 9 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


10. Defendant John Doe 8 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45trl.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 10 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


11. Defendant John Doe 9 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci455.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 11 of the Complaint and therefore denies the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 4 of 36 PageID #: 464

12. Defendant John Doe 10 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation soci45b.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 12 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


13. Defendant John Doe 11 is an unknown individual or entity, doing business on one

of Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s websites under the designation socitpro1803.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 12 of the Complaint and therefore denies the



14. This complaint is brought pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq. for copyright

infringement, contributory infringement, and vicarious infringement.

ANSWER: Paragraph 14 of the Complaint calls for a legal conclusion for which no

response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed necessary, Defendant denies

the allegations contained in Paragraph 14 of the Complaint.

15. This Court has original jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a)

because this action arises under the copyright laws of the United States.

ANSWER: Paragraph 15 of the Complaint calls for a legal conclusion for which no

response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed necessary, Defendant denies

the allegations contained in Paragraph 15 of the Complaint.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 5 of 36 PageID #: 465

16. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant ooShirts, Inc. because

Defendant ooShirts, Inc. has an office in the Southern District of Indiana such that it has systematic

and continuous contacts with this District.

ANSWER: Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 16 of the


17. The Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants John Doe 1 to John Doe 11,

inclusive, because Plaintiff’s claims arise out of actions and/or omissions occurring in this District.

ANSWER: Paragraph 16 of the Complaint calls for a legal conclusion for which no

response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed necessary, Defendant is without

knowledge or information sufficient to admit or deny the allegations contained in Paragraph

16 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.


18. Plaintiff is a self-taught artist, based in Carthage, Missouri.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 18 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


19. Plaintiff’s art includes scenes from the American West in the mid to late Nineteenth

Century, scenes from the American Civil War, contemporary scenes of rural America, scenes from

urban Italy, and depictions of American political leaders.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 19 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


20. Plaintiff begins creating a work with historical research associated with the work.
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ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 20 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


21. Plaintiff then creates a study of the work, which is a rough sketch of the work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 21 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


22. Plaintiff uses oil on canvas to create his works and the grid method to create the


ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 22 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


23. Plaintiff’s portfolio includes approximately four hundred works and Plaintiff holds

approximately 214 copyright registrations.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 23 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


24. Plaintiff began painting depictions of American political leaders around 2008, after

the success of his portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States during the

American Civil War.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 24 of the Complaint and therefore denies the

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25. As a result of the success of the work Abraham Lincoln, Plaintiff created a series

of works depicting American political leaders for which Plaintiff became famous.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 25 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


26. Plaintiff’s depictions of American political leaders include Presidents of the United

States from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Plaintiff’s works are not partisan.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 26 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


27. Approximately twelve (12) months into a new United States presidency, Plaintiff

will begin creating a new work, depicting the new president with former presidents of the same

political party.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 27 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


28. On January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the forty-fifth President of

the United States.

ANSWER: Defendant admit the allegations contained in Paragraph 28 of the


29. On March 14, 2018, Plaintiff unveiled a work featuring President Donald J. Trump

and titled, The Republican Club (the “Work”).

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ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 29 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


30. A copy of the Work, with Plaintiff’s copyright management information, is:

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 30 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


31. The Work depicts six (6) former United States presidents sitting at a poker table

with three (3) additional former Republican presidents standing close by said poker table. At the

time the Work was completed, President Trump was the current President of the United States.
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ANSWER: Defendant affirmatively states that the Work speaks for itself.

Defendant denies the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 31 of the Complaint.

32. The Work depicts several other former Republican presidents in the background

and a professionally dressed woman approaching the poker table in the foreground.

ANSWER: Defendant affirmatively states that the Work speaks for itself.

Defendant denies the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 32 of the Complaint.

33. Some of the Republican presidents depicted in the Work are contemporaries while

others, such as Abraham Lincoln, who died in April 1865, were not alive at the same time.

ANSWER: Defendant affirmatively states that the Work speaks for itself.

Defendant denies the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 33 of the Complaint.

34. The Work contains Plaintiff’s signature in the lower left side of the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant affirmatively states that the Work speaks for itself.

Defendant denies the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 34 of the Complaint.

35. The Work is registered with the United States Copyright Office under registration

number VA 2-112-564.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 35 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


36. The Work is properly registered with the United States Copyright Office.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 36 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


37. Plaintiff holds the copyrights to the Work.

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ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 37 of the Complaint and therefore denies the



38. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. is an online platform that affixes images, supplied by third

parties, to products that are sold and delivered to Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s customers across the

United States.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 38 of the


39. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. offers, sells, and distributes a variety of products for sale,

including tee shirts, posters, mugs, and mobile phone cases, to its customers that bear a selected


ANSWER: Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 39 of the


40. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. operates at least two (2) websites that provide the online

design and sales platform, namely and

ANSWER: Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 40 of the


41. In order to upload an image to Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s website, an individual must create a registered member account through the same


ANSWER: Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 41 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 11 of 36 PageID #: 471

42. In creating the registered member account, the individual must provide his or her

full name, email address, and password for the registered member account.

ANSWER: Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 42 of the


43. Once the customers place the order for the products, the order is sent to Defendant

ooShirts, Inc.’s printing facilities in Pennsylvania or California.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 43 of the


44. The products are then shipped to the customers by Defendant ooShirts, Inc.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 44 of the


45. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. manufactures the products, ships the products to the

customer, processes the payment, and retains the profits from the sale of the products.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 45 of the



46. At some point prior to November 7, 2018, John Does 1 to 10, inclusive, acquired a

copy or copies of the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 46 of the Complaint and therefore denies the

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47. After obtaining a copy or copies of the Work, John Does 1 to 10, inclusive,

uploaded a copy of the Work to Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s website,, at some

point prior to November 7, 2018.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 47 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


48. After the Work was uploaded, Defendant ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1 to 10,

inclusive, began selling products bearing the Work, including but not limited to, tee shirts, tank

tops, coffee mugs, posters, and mobile phone cases.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 48 of the


49. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. displayed the Work with the outer edges omitted on the

tee shirts, tank tops, and posters.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 49 of the


50. Defendant ooShirts, Inc., through its website, displayed the

Work in two (2) dimensions on the coffee mugs and mobile phone cases to appear fixed to a three

(3) dimensional surface, resulting in a manipulation of the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 50 of the


51. While products bearing the Work were displayed on, an

unknown number of customers placed orders for products bearing the Work.
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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 51 of the


52. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. manufactured the products bearing the Work and

distributed the products bearing the Work to its customers.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 52 of the


53. Upon information and belief, Defendant ooShirts, Inc. distributed the products

bearing the Work to its customers from its fulfillment center in Indiana with the term “TeeChip”,

noted on the packaging containing the product bearing the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 53 of the


54. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. collected the profits from the sales of the products bearing

the Work through its website,

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 54 of the


55. In November 2018, Plaintiff, through counsel, alerted Defendant ooShirts, Inc. of

the unauthorized use of the Work and Plaintiff’s copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 55 of the


56. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. received the notice of the unauthorized uses of the Work

and Plaintiff’s copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 56 of the

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57. In April 2020, Plaintiff, through counsel, alerted Defendant ooShirts, Inc. of the

unauthorized use of the Work on the website,, and Plaintiff’s copyrights in the


ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 57 of the


58. At some point prior to April 2020, John Doe 11, under the designation

socitpro1803, uploaded the Work to Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s website,

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 58 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


59. After the Work was uploaded by John Doe 11 to Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s website, Defendant ooShirts, Inc. offered a variety of products for sale bearing the Work,

including tee shirts, tank tops, coffee mugs, posters, and mobile phone cases.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 59 of the


60. Despite the previous notice to Defendant ooShirts, Inc. of Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work, Defendant ooShirts, Inc., through its website, displayed,

manufactured, and distributed products bearing the Work to its customers.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 60 of the


61. Defendant ooShirts, Inc., on its website, displayed the Work with

the outer edges omitted on the tee shirts, tank tops, and posters.
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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 61 of the


62. Defendant ooShirts, Inc., through its website, displayed the Work

in two (2) dimensions on the coffee mugs and mobile phone cases to appear fixed to a three (3)

dimensional surface, resulting in a manipulation of the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 62 of the


63. While products bearing the Work were displayed on, an unknown

number of customers placed orders for products bearing the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 63 of the


64. In response to order placed on Defendant ooShirts, Inc.’s website,

Defendant ooShirts, Inc. manufactured the products bearing the Work and distributed them to its


ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 64 of the


65. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. collected the profits from the sales of the products bearing

the Work through its website,

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 65 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 16 of 36 PageID #: 476


Against Defendant ooSHIRTS, INC. d/b/a

66. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through 65

as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 65 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

67. Plaintiff has valid copyrights and a copyright registration for the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 67 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


68. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a has infringed Plaintiff’s

copyrights in the Work by preparing derivative works based upon the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 68 of the


69. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a has infringed Plaintiff’s

copyrights in the Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies

of the Work and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 69 of the


70. To the extent that Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a does not

acknowledge copying the Work, Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a had access to

the Work and the image used by Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a is strikingly

similar to the Work.

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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 70 of the


71. As a result of Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a’s above-described

acts of copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an

amount not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 71 of the



Against Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a

72. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through 71

as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 71 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

73. Plaintiff has valid copyrights and a copyright registration for the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 73 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


74. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a has infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights

in the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 74 of the


75. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a has infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights

in the Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 75 of the


76. To the extent that Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a does not

acknowledge copying the Work, Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a had access to the

Work and the image used by Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a is strikingly similar

to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 76 of the


77. As a result of Defendant ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a’s above-described

acts of copyright infringement, Plaintiff has sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in

an amount not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 77 of the



Against Defendant ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1

78. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through 77

as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 77 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

79. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 79 of the Complaint and therefore denies the

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80. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1 doing business as soci458 have infringed

Plaintiff’s copyrights in the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 80 of the


81. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1 doing business as soci458 infringed

Plaintiff’s copyrights in the Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying

unauthorized copies of the Work and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 81 of the


82. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1 doing business as

soci458 do not acknowledge copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1 doing

business as soci458 has access to the Work and the image used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1

doing business as soci458 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 82 of the


83. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 1 doing business as soci458’s

above-described acts of copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost

licensing revenue in an amount not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 83 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2

84. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through 83

as if fully stated herein.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 20 of 36 PageID #: 480

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 83 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

85. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 85 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


86. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 86 of the


87. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the Work by

reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work and/or

derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 87 of the


88. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2 has access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 88 of the


89. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 89 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 3

90. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through 89

as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 89 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

91. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 91 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


92. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 3 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 92 of the


93. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 3 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 93 of the


94. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 3 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 3 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 3 is strikingly similar to the Work.
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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 94 of the


95. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 2’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 95 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4

96. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through 95

as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 95 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

97. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 97 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


98. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 98 of the


99. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 99 of the


100. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 100 of the


101. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 4’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 101 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5

102. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

101 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 101 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

103. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 103 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


104. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

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ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 104 of the


105. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 105 of the


106. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 106 of the


107. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 5’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 107 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6

108. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

107 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 101 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

109. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 25 of 36 PageID #: 485

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 103 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


110. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 110 of the


111. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 111 of the


112. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 112 of the


113. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 6’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 113 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 26 of 36 PageID #: 486


Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7

114. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

113 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 113 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

115. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 115 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


116. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 116 of the


117. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 117 of the


118. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 118 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 27 of 36 PageID #: 487

119. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 7’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 119 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8

120. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

119 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 119 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

121. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 121 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


122. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 22 of the


123. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 123 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 28 of 36 PageID #: 488

124. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 124 of the


125. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 8’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 125 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9

126. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

125 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 125 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

127. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 127 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


128. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 29 of 36 PageID #: 489

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 128 of the


129. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 129 of the


130. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9 had access to the Work and the image

used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 130 of the


131. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 9’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 131 of the



Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10

132. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

131 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 131 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

133. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 30 of 36 PageID #: 490

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 133 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


134. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 134 of the


135. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 135 of the


136. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10 had access to the Work and the

image used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 136 of the


137. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 10’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 137 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 31 of 36 PageID #: 491


Against Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11

138. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

137 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 137 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

139. Plaintiff has valid copyrights to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant is without knowledge of information sufficient to admit or

deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 139 of the Complaint and therefore denies the


140. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11 have infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in

the Work by preparing derivative works based on the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 140 of the


141. Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11 infringed Plaintiff’s copyrights in the

Work by reproducing, distributing, and publicly displaying unauthorized copies of the Work

and/or derivatives thereof.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 141 of the


142. To the extent that Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11 do not acknowledge

copying the Work, Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11 had access to the Work and the

image used by ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11 is strikingly similar to the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 142 of the

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 32 of 36 PageID #: 492

143. As a result of Defendants ooShirts, Inc. and John Doe 11’s above-described acts of

copyright infringement, Plaintiff sustained damages including lost licensing revenue in an amount

not yet ascertained, and profits that should be disgorged to Plaintiff.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 143 of the



Against Defendant ooShirts, Inc.

144. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

143 as if fully stated herein.

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 143 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

145. Defendant ooShirt, Inc. had a direct financial interest in the infringing activity

described above.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 145 of the


146. Defendant ooShirts had the right and ability to supervise the activity that caused

the infringement of the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 146 of the



Against ooShirts, Inc.

147. Plaintiff restates the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs 1 through

146 as if fully stated herein.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 33 of 36 PageID #: 493

ANSWER: Defendant incorporates by reference its answers to Paragraphs 1

through 147 of the Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

148. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. had knowledge of John Doe 11’s infringement of the


ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 148 of the


149. Defendant ooShirts, Inc. induced, caused, or materially contributed to John Doe

11’s infringement of the Work.

ANSWER: Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 149 of the



Defendant, ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a TeeChip and ooShirtz, Inc. d/b/a TeeTalk (collectively,

“Defendant”), hereby gives notice that it will rely upon the following affirmative defenses, among


1. Plaintiff’s Complaint fails to state a cause of action upon which relief can be


2. Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the applicable statute of limitations.

3. Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the doctrine of laches.

4. Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the doctrine of unclean hands.

5. Plaintiff’s claims are barred by the doctrine of estoppel.

6. Plaintiff’s claims are barred because Plaintiff has not demonstrated that Plaintiff

registered any claimed copyrights.

Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 34 of 36 PageID #: 494

7. Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, since Plaintiff does not have

intellectual property rights, including valid and enforceable copyrights, in the items referred to in

the Complaint.

8. Plaintiff’s copyrights, whether or not registered, are invalid in part or in whole.

9. Plaintiff’s claims are barred because the Plaintiff’s alleged copyrights are not

infringed by any activities of Defendant.

10. Plaintiff has failed to mitigate and/or attempt to mitigate his damages, if any, and

therefore any recovery by Plaintiff must be reduced or barred.

11. Plaintiff’s claims are barred to the extent that they are based upon duties and/or

responsibilities which cannot properly be assigned to Defendant.

12. Plaintiff’s claims are the result of acts or omissions committed by third parties and

are in no way attributable to any wrongdoing on the part of Defendant.

13. Plaintiff’s claims are the result of acts or omissions committed by one or more Co-

Defendants and are in no way attributable to any wrongdoing on the part of Defendant.

14. Plaintiff’s claims are the result of acts or omissions committed by Plaintiff and are

in no way attributable to any wrongdoing on the part of Defendant.

15. Defendant reserves the right to rely upon additional affirmative defenses that may

be determined during the course of discovery.

WHEREFORE, Defendant, ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a TeeChip and ooShirtz, Inc. d/b/a TeeTalk,

hereby respectfully requests that Plaintiff, Andrew Thomas, take nothing by way of his Complaint

and that said Complaint be dismissed with prejudice, for an award of attorney’s fees in favor of

Defendant, and for all other relief that this Court may deem just and proper in the premises.
Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 35 of 36 PageID #: 495

Dated: October 11, 2022 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Kelly V. Milam

Kelly V. Milam (29020-45)
Robert P. Lamey (35810-82)
Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP
333 N. Alabama St., Ste. 350
Indianapolis, IN 46204
T: (312) 980-6787
F: (312)565-6511
Attorneys for Defendant, ooShirts, Inc. d/b/a
TeeChip, et. al.
Case 1:21-cv-02519-TWP-MJD Document 42 Filed 10/11/22 Page 36 of 36 PageID #: 496


The undersigned, an attorney, states that on October 11, 2022, a true and complete copy
of foregoing document was filed and served upon all counsel of record via IEFS.

Sean J. Quinn
Southbank Legal: Laude Curran Kuehn
100 East Wayne Street, Suite 300
South Bend, Indiana 46601
T: (574) 968-0760
F: (574) 969-0761

Oliver Maguire
Evans & Dixon, LLC
10851 Mastin Boulevard, Suite 900
Overland Park, KS 66210
T: (913) 701-6810
F: (314) 884-4386

Attorneys for Plaintiff, Andrew Thomas

/s/ Kelly V. Milam

Kelly V. Milam

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