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Sir Siegfried von Aubrecker

Born and raised as an von Aubrecker, Siegfried is one of four children, he has
two sisters and a brother, he ist he third child of his parents. Born to Adelbert
von Aubrecker and Olinda von Aubrecker. Spending most of his life in the
Schloss Aubrecker and studing his familys history, training his courtly manners
and traning with the blade to give the oath to his family, to his blood. He was
raised with a strong belive in his family and blood. He never question them,
only obeyed his family will. He was mocked in his childhood by his older
brother for his a bit more girly looks, but that never bothered him for afterall
his family is his blood and he will not disobey or disappoint them.
When he reached adulthood he happly swore his oths to his family and agreed
on an advandegous marrige for his family line. He does neither love or really
know the woman he is suppose to marry, but it never bothered him for what
greater reward is there to serve his family. He loved his family and hated his
familys enemeys, but all this world view changed, when he met on of his
familys greatest rivials, the Cutters and the second daughter oft he Cutters
Ingrid. For him it was love at first sight, a feeling he never thought would be
possible to his familys enemy and even more that he after this chance
encounter would feel more love to her then to his family. He has his oaths to
his family, to his blood and with that his duty, but she is the one that could
make him break even his oaths. She is wishing for peace between the Cutters
and Aubrecker, but he knows none would aprove of this union. Only that this
union is all Siegfried is wishing for, he wants her happy, he wants her by his
side, she is the onyl one he could not refuse. Now he is bound by oaths and
love, torn between the two and despertly finding a way to solve this. As a
disguise she has become his squire to be close to him and find a way to make
the marrige and peace between the familys possible, while he only wants her
safe by his side and not seperated. None knows of his love for her and he will
try to keep it a secret for now. Mybe if he could find his granduncle and
convince him for his blessing, none could object and he could be happy with
her in the open.

Npc: Ingrid Cutter (his true love)

Adelbert von Aubrecker (his father, son of Eldwin)
Olinda von Aubrecker (his mother)
Eldwin von Aubrecker (his grandfather and brother of Baron von
Derek von Aubrecker (his older brother)
Henrietta von Aubrecker (his first sister)
Mathilda von Aubrecker (his youngest sister)
The one he has promised to marry for his family (name your choice)
Otto and Hans are his two guards that accompeny him or whatever there
names are for only his wife ehm I mean squire matters

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