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A Vampire the Masquerade Fan Story

“What have you done? Listen! Your brothers blood cries out to me from the ground.  Now you are
under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brothers blood from
your hand.  When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless
wanderer on the earth.” This is a journey through the ages, for one cursed to strive forever shall
know no rest. A Mark to bear, a curse to give, blood will be shed and he will still be there.
Never to know rest.

Chapter One:
The Blood of Caine coruptes everything that it touches.
I never could sleep well or rather thats not true. I could sleep well, I was able to sleep when I
was younger, when I was not aware, but did I sleep then well? My mother said I did. So is that
true then? Is that statment absolute? Is that really what I should focus on? My head hursts.
How did my mother even look like? I dont know or rather I am not certin. The only certinty I
have is this pain. I am struggling to stay asleep. I want to rest. I dont want to open my eyes.
Darkness has something so compftable, but the pain, the noise, the call it gets louder. I cant
hear my thoughts. They are spinning. So many screams. I dont want to wake up. What
happend. Why am I here and what is here even. I dont breath, I dont feel, but still I am here.
No light at the end of this tunnel. Only blood.
*Good Evening for all out there. Its 8 pm and most should be now home and getting ready for
bed, but we will be here till morning and giving you the hits all day, all night and always. This
is radio Seele with the hits and rock and just all the* With an anyoed grown switches Jakub
the radio arlam off. He had a bad dream and did not sleep well. Hell did he even sleep at all?
He tries to focus on his surroundings. A small appartment, with a bad, one table, a radio,
minifridge, a tv with a playstation 3 no games though, maybe he can find one day the money
for it, a crappy pc and lets try not to talk about the weardrop. Just enough space to call it home
in the second level of the big appartment complex building.

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