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Taller Ingles

Hacer oraciones con verbos regulares e irregulares en Participio pasado

Sergio Andrés Meza Casadiegos código: 0222010004

Verbo Afirmativa Negativa interrogativa

Brought He had brought He had not brought ¿He had brought
food for the family food for the family food for the family?
Been I had been eating I had not been ¿I had been eating
bread eating bread bread?
Beaten He had beaten my He had not beaten ¿He had beaten my
friend my friend friend?
Become She had become the She had not become ¿She had become
wolf the wolf the wolf?
Begun She had begun to She had not begun ¿She had begun to
dance to dance dance?
Bet He had staked his He had not staked his ¿He had staked his
house house house?
Bitten She had bitten me She hadn't bitten me ¿She had bitten me
yesterday yesterday yesterday?
Bled She had bled for her She had no period ¿She had bled for her
period bled period?
Blown I had blown my I had not blown my ¿I had blown my
pencil sharpener pencil sharpener pencil sharpener
Broken She had broken my She hadn't broken my ¿She had broken my
toy toy toy?
Bought I had bought a book I had not bought a ¿I had bought a book
for my sister book for my sister? for my sister?
Caught They had caught my They hadn't caught ¿They had caught my
rabbit my rabbi rabbit?
Chosen She had chosen me to She had not chosen ¿She had chosen me
be her boyfriend me to be her to be her boyfriend?
Come He had come to my He had not come to ¿He had come to my
house my house house?
Drawn They had drawn a They had not drawn a ¿They had drawn a
landscape landscape landscape?
Dreamt /Dreamed I had dreamed that, I I had not dreamed ¿I had dreamed that, I
was the king of the that I was the king of was the king of the
world the world world?
Drunk They had drunk until They had not drunk ¿They had drunk until
very late until very late very late?
Driven I had driven through I had not driven ¿I had driven through
the city at night through the city at the city at night?

He had eaten a lot the He hadn't eaten much ¿He had eaten a lot
Eaten night before and he the night before the night before
had a stomach ache
Felt she had felt a very she had not felt a very ¿she had felt a very
strong pain in her strong pain in the strong pain in her
chest chest chest?
Found I had found a pot of I hadn't found a pot of ¿I had found a pot of
gold at the end of the gold at the end of the gold at the end of the
rainbow. rainbow. rainbow?
Forgiven He had forgiven his He had not, forgiven ¿He had forgiven his
ex girlfriend for his ex girlfriend for ex girlfriend for
cheating on him cheating on him cheating on him?
Hidden They had hidden They had not hidden ¿They had hidden
playing hide and seek playing hide and seek playing hide and
Approved I had approved the I had not approved ¿I had approved the
English partial the English partial English partial?
Brushed She had brushed four she had not brushed ¿She had brushed
times in one day four times in one day four times in one day?
Danced He had danced all he hadn't danced all ¿He had danced all
night with his night with his night with his
girlfriend girlfriend girlfriend?
Enjoyed I had enjoyed the I had not enjoyed the ¿I had enjoyed the
party last night party last night party last night?
Finished I had finished all the I had not finished all the ¿I had finished all the
English homework for English homework for English homework for
this cut this cut this cut?
kissed He had finally kissed He hadn't kissed the girl ¿He had finally kissed
the girl he liked in the he liked in the the girl he liked in the
classroom classroom classroom?
Opened She had opened all the she had not opened all ¿She had opened all the
doors of the hotel where the doors of the hotel doors of the hotel where
she was staying where she was staying she was staying?

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