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Department of Education

Sagay National High School- Senior High

Division of Sagay City SY 2021 -


1st Quarter


Note: Use intermediate pad as your answer sheet.

DO NOT COPY. Write your answers ONLY. Time
allotment for this LAS is 1 week.

I. Learning Competency:
• Describe some cell modifications that lead to adaptation to carry out specialized functions (e.g.,

microvilli, root hair). STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-5

I. Pre-Test: Finding Word
Directions: Form the correct word of jumbled letters on the left to identify the important
terms/words used to describe some cell modifications among bacteria, animals and plants.

Jumbled Word Your Answer

1. S E O P S R
2. I I C I V O M L R L
3. L A G L E F A L
4. I L C I A
5. L P I I
6. E T D N D I E S R
7. O M S I N Y
8. X O A N
9. C A I T N
10. H O I R O T A R S

II. Background Information for Learners

Cells do not look the same. They often have lots in common and similar organelles, but there are
hundreds of specialized cells, all of which have adaptations that allow it to effectively function. The
following are examples of cell modifications in bacteria, animals and plants. Let’s explore more about it.
• Bacteria have several mechanisms that help them survive environmental challenges such as lack
of water, extreme temperature change, and lack of nutrients. When environmental conditions are
harsh, some types of bacteria produce a structure called endospore. The bacteria that cause
anthrax and tetanus are examples of endospore producers. An endospore can be thought of as a
dormant cell.
• Endospores are resistant to extreme heat, extreme cold, dehydration, and large amount of
ultraviolet radiation.
• Spore formation is a special modification in bacteria, particularly as a defense mechanism to
heat, high pressure, and stress.
• Spores are also highly resistant to many chemicals, including most disinfectants.
• Spores can survive for many years in soil and other inanimate objects.
• The spore will transform into a new organism once exposed to a more favorable environment.
Spores usually contain 30% water and do not exhibit measurable metabolic activity.

Figure 1. Bacterial spores

• Cilia (singular, cilium) and flagella (singular, flagellum) are fine, hair-like/ whip-like structures
that extend from the body of a variety of cells. While they vary in terms of length and numbers
in different types ofcells (as well as patterns of movement), cilia and flagella are generally
identical in structure and composition.
• Cilia and flagella are two different types of microscopic appendages on cells. Cilia are found in
both animals and micro-organisms, but not in most plants.
• Depending on the type of cells, cilia and flagella have the following functions:
▪ Propelling cells - using cilia or flagella, cells are able to move freely in their
environment, especially in aquatic or moist environments.
▪ Sensory functions - Some cilia and flagella allow cells to sense changes in their
surroundings which in turn allows the cells to respond appropriately.
▪ Transporting material - Using cilia and flagella, some cells are able to not only trap,
but also guide the transportation of given material. This may serve to engulf such
material into the cell or prevent unwanted material/particles/microorganisms from
invading the cell or tissue.
• Cilia are short, numerous projections that look like hairs in amoeba. These hair/thread-like
projections can also be found in the bronchi, uterine tubes, and the digestive tract that exhibits a
radical motion similar to the motion of oars in a rowboat to pass material and they are large in
numbers. Other cilia can move an egg cell through the female reproductive tract. The epithelium
of the trachea has motile cilia where they sweep mucus and dirt particles out of the lungs (like
mopping the floor) while all mammalian cells have a single non-motile primary cilium. For
example, sensory organs like eye and nose.

Figure 2. Paramecium
• Flagella are long whip-like filamentous structures or tail-like projections present in bacteria,
archaea, and eukaryotes, though they are most commonly found in bacteria. Sperm cells in many
species (including humans) contain a prominent flagellum in order to swim through the vagina
or to facilitate sperm motility. Flagella serve for the propulsion of single cells (swimming of
protozoa and spermatozoa).
• Flagella helps prokaryotes move toward the light, higher oxygen concentration, or chemicals
such as sugar or amino acids that they need to survive. They are fewer in number. Few
eukaryotes use flagellum to increase reproduction rates.
Typically, a cell has one or two flagella.


Figure 3. Euglena

• Pili (singular, pilus) are submicroscopic, hairlike structures made of proteins that can help a
bacterial cell attach to environmental surfaces and act as a bridge between cells. Copies of
plasmids can be sent across the bridge, thus providing some prokaryotes with new genetic
characteristics. This is one way of transferring the resistance to antibiotics.
• Pili are modifications that enable bacteria to adhere to tissue surfaces and invasion of host cells.
They can have a role in movement but more often involved in adherence to surfaces which
facilitates infection and is a key virulence characteristic.
Example: bacteria inside the human intestine may produce pili in order to adhere to the host's
Figure 4. Bacterial cell


• Dendrites: each neuron contains several dendrites. They receive signals called impulses from
other neurons and conduct the impulses to the cell’s body.
• Axons: there is only one per neuron and they are long and thin that carry nerve impulses away
from cell body to other neurons and muscles.

Figure 5. Nerve cell


• Skeletal muscle is arranged into fibers, which are fused muscles. Muscle fibers consist of many
smaller units called myofibrils. Myofibrils consist of even smaller units, myosin (form thick
filaments) and actin (form thin filaments), which are protein filaments. These filaments slide
one another as the muscle contracts and expands for organism activity.



Figure 6. The actin

-myosin interaction in muscle
• Root hairs are tiny, hair-like structures that grow on the surface of the plant roots. They have
thin cell walls and a long, hair-like projection to increase surface area which allow for efficient
absorption of water and minerals.
• Root hairs collect water and mineral nutrients present in the soil and take this solution up
through the roots to the rest of the plant.
Figure 7. Root hairs


• Red blood cells are also known as RBCs, red cells, red blood corpuscles or erythrocytes. RBCs
are used to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. They are well-adapted for this
function because they contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing biomolecule that can bind oxygen
and is responsible for the blood's red color. The cells have a biconcave shape that increases
surface area. Their small size and ability to bend allows them to easily move all over the body.
• The enucleated red blood cell bends more than a nucleated one, and can thus fit through
narrower capillaries, which is more efficient.

Figure 8. Red blood cell

8. Microvilli
• Microvilli (singular: microvillus) are microscopic cellular membrane protrusions that increase
the surface area of cells for absorption.
• Thousands of microvilli form a structure called the brush border that is found on the apical
surface of some epithelial cells, like those in small intestine.

Epithelial cells


Figure 9. Epithlial cells in the small intestine

III. Accompanying Deped Textbook

Avissar, Yael, Belardo, Giselle Millete M., Desaix Jean, Jurukovski, Wise Robert, Rye Connie. General
Biology 2 1st Edition. Vibal Group Inc.1253G. Araneta Venue, Quezon City.
Mañosa, Susan D., Suyom, Lani M. Breaking Through General Biology 2 for Senior High School C& E
Publishing Inc.Quezon City.
IV. Activity 1: Match Me
Direction: Match the words in Box A with the functions in Box B. Write your answer the space
before the number.
A. Actin and myosin B. Axons C. Dendrites D. Cilia E. Enucleated red blood cell
F. Flagella G. Pili H. Microvilli I. Root hairs J. Spores

_________1. Hemoglobin-containing, disc-shaped that transports oxygen to the body cells.
_________2. Hair-like structure made of proteins that enable bacteria to adhere to tissue surfaces.
_________3. Cell membrane extensions of an epithelial cell that increase the surface area of cells.
_________4. Thin neuron branch that receives neural messages from other neurons and conduct the
impulses to the cell body.
_________5. Whip-like structure that aid for the propulsion of single cells (facilitates sperm motility).
_________6. Help in the survival of the organisms during adverse environmental conditions (heat, high
pressure, and stress).
_________7. Filaments of protein that permit the muscle to contract and elongate for organism activity.
_________8. A neuron extension that transmits messages away from the cell body and toward another
_________9. Tiny hair-like structures that increase the area available for water absorption and that of
minerals and other nutrients.
_________10. Hair-like projections that can also move an egg cell through the female reproductive tract.
ACTIVITY 2: Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the of the best answer.

1. What structure does spermatozoon use for movement?

A. pilus B. cilium C. flagellum D. microvillus

2. Which of the following allows the efficient extraction of nutrients from food?
A. Red Blood Cells (RBC) B. microvillus C. amoeba D. euglena

3. Which phrase BEST describes the role of an endospore in bacteria?

A. A protective covering that bacteria secrete to protect themselves against harsh environments.
B. A tiny hair-like structure made of proteins that attaches to a surface.
C. A dormant state of bacteria that can survive in unfavorable conditions.
D. A form of sexual reproduction in bacteria during which genetic information is exchanged.

Refer to the diagram of a nerve cell below to answer Question 6 to 8.

4. Which structure is labeled with the letter X in the diagram?

A. synapse B. axon C. dendrite D. neuron
5. What does the letter Y in the image represent?
A. axon B. dendrite C. neuron D. synapse

6. Which function represented by the letter X fits the diagram?

A. Serves as insulator and increases the speed at which a nerve impulse can travel along an axon.
B. Transmits messages away from the cell body and toward another cell.
C. Receives neural messages and transmits information to the cell body.
D. Acts as a defense mechanism to heat, high pressure, and stress.

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about cilia?

A. Some protists, such as paramecium have thousands of cilia used for movement and feeding.
B. In human respiratory tract, coordinated movement in cilia sets up a wave that propels particles up and
C. Other cilia can move an egg cell through the female reproductive tract
D. All the answers are correct.

8. Why do red blood cells need to be tiny?

A. so that they can carry carbon dioxide throughout the body
B. so that they can clump together
C. so that they can’t be infected by bacteria
D. so that they can move through narrow blood vessels

9. Which statement best describes the structures of root hair cell which is adapted for water uptake?
A. large surface area B. membrane-bound organelle C. many mitochondria D. thick walls

10. Which of the following characteristics is/are shared by euglena and paramecium? I.
Both are structures that extend from the body of a variety of cells.
II. Both are structures used for locomotion.
III. Both are non-motile prokaryotes.
IV. Both are heterotrophs with restricted mobility.
A. I only B. II only C. I and II D. I and IV
Prepared by:




Make a three-tab book and create a pictorial presentation of three other cell modifications either in
bacteria, animal or plants. Indicate the name of the specialized cells and describe their respective functions.

In this activity, you will need 8.5” x 11” white cartolina/paper, markers or colored pencils, scissors,
and textbooks/reading materials.

STEP 1. Fold a vertical sheet of paper from side to side. Make the front
edge about 2 cm shorter than the back edge.
STEP 2. Turn lengthwise and fold into thirds.

STEP 3. Unfold and cut only the top layer along both folds to make
three tabs. Label each tab.

STEP 4. Draw each of the specialized cells on the front of the tab as it is closed down.
STEP 5. On the back of the tab, write the function of the specialized cell. STEP
6. Indicate your name on the last tab on the front.
Cell Modification Foldable Rubric

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