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Oxidative Phosphorylation

Part I
Cellular respiration - is the process by
which cells consume O2 and produce ● Breakdown of glucose to CO2
CO2. starting from glycolysis where it is
broken down to pyruvate.
RECAP: ● Pyruvate is prepared for the citric
acid cycle via prior conversion to
acetyl-CoA which carries the two
carbon fragments from pyruvate.

2. Oxidation to CO2 in the citric


● Acetyl-CoA then enters the citric

cycle where it is further oxidized to
CO2. And in the process, electron
carriers NADH and FADH2 transfers
some of the energy from the
oxidation of acetyl to CO2.

3. Electron transport or “respiratory

chain” which drives the
production of ATP

● The electron carriers are shuttled in

the next step stage of cellular
respiration which is the oxidative
phosphorylation. And the electron
transport chain as well.


● The stage where the mechanism of

energy production in the
mitochondria is at the heart.
It occurs in 3 major stages: ● Mitochondria is called the
“powerhouse of the cell” because
1. Production of acetyl-Coa from the transport of electrons from one
fuels such as glucose, fatty acids, electron carrier to another ultimately
amino acid to oxygen as the final electron
acceptor will be the reason why we ○ the process of electron
are able to synthesize ATP in the transport causes this space
mitochondrial matrix. to have a high concentration
of H+ ions (or protons) or a
low pH environment


- Composed of a double membrane ○ relatively impermeable to
due to its evolutionary origin metabolites; it sorts of traps
ions and molecules inside
the matrix
○ membrane-bound complexes
of respiratory chain (in order
to transport substances in
and out of the inner
membrane, you would need
to do so via membrane-
bound complexes)

● Matrix
○ PDH (pyruvate
dehydrogenase) complex
and all the enzymes of the
citric acid cycle are found
(dissolved) and recycled in
the matrix with the exception
of succinate
dehydrogenase which is
embedded in the inner
membrane; some enzymes
are shuttled out of the
● Outer membrane - Lower [H+] or high pH
○ Separates the mitochondria
from the rest of the HOW DOES THE MITOCHONDRION
○ porous, allows passage of THE CELL?
metabolites, particularly the
ATP that the mitochondria ● The oxidative phosphorylation
synthesizes from ADP step of the cellular respiration for
eukaryotes happens in the
● Intermembrane space mitochondria while for
○ similar to cytosol in prokaryotes, which lacks
mitochondria, only happens in the from high to low energy and
cytosol (cytoplasm) releases a lot of free energy
(a very favorable,
spontaneous process) which
we could coupled to the
“uphill” (endergonic) pumping
of protons from the matrix
into the inner mitochondrial
space of your mitochondrion.

It is a sequence of processes influencing *So, protons are transported from the

the other. matrix environment which is kept at a
low concentration of H+ ions into the
1. Flow of electrons coming from intermembrane space which is kept at a
reduced substrates such as NADH high H+ concentration or low pH. This is
and FADH2 from the citric acid against the natural flow from high to low
cycle and glycolysis serves as concentration. Instead, we are
electron carriers which are the transporting protons from low to high
starting point of the ETC which is against the concentration
(respiratory chain) where these gradient. Therefore, it is uphill and
electrons are being passed along requires a lot more energy from the
across these several complexes and “downhill” flow of electrons via ETC or
many electron carriers ultimately the respiratory chain.
transferring electrons to oxygen.
2. Oxygen, as the final electron 3. Oxidative Phosphorylation
acceptor, will be reduced to water
and that completes the redox ● The proton gradient or the
reaction of oxidizing fuels. concentration difference of H+ ions
● This transfer of electrons is a created across the inner membrane
“downhill” in terms of will then be used to drive the ATP
thermodynamic driving force
synthesis that is carried out by the ○ So whenever NAD+ is
mitochondrial inner membrane reduced, the products are
● The enzyme ATP synthase exploits 1 NADH which contains the
or harnesses the energy coming hydride ion carrying the
from the proton gradient created pair of electrons plus a
across the inner membrane in order proton that is released in
to form ATP from ADP the solution (NADH + H+)
● These nicotinamide nucleotides
associate reversibly with
dehydrogenases so they are only
held by weak interactions that may
TYPES OF ELECTRON CARRIERS detach from dehydrogenase
enzymes catalyzing such redox
1. Nicotinamide Nucleotides reactions so they are soluble in
● NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine aqueous environments.
dinucleotide) ● NADH will be the one to carry
● NADP+ (other form of NAD+ and is electrons from catabolic reactions
phosphorylated in one of the just like glycolysis and citric acid
carbons shown in the black arrow at cycle and even the oxidation of
the bottom of this figure) lipids to the respiratory chain in
the mitochondrion

● NADPH appears primarily in

● The role of NAD is to remove 2 anabolic reactions or those that
hydrogen atoms from a substrate carry out the biosynthesis of larger
and these two will come out as 1 molecules and are found mainly in
hydride ion (equivalent to 1 proton the cytosol.
and 2 electrons) added to the NAD. ● So, the cell keeps separate pools
This NAD will be reduced to NADH of NADH mainly in the
and will proceed to the respiratory mitochondria and NADPH in the
chain. The other hydrogen atom is cytosol
released as proton in solution
2. Flavin Nucleotides (FAD and FMN) ubiquinone is converted to a free
● FAD (Flavin adenine dinucleotide) radical called semiquinone (QH)
● FMN (Flavin mononucleotide) and gaining two electrons, the
ubiquinone is transformed to its
fully reduced form, ubiquinol
- Can carry protons and
electrons important in the
function of the respiratory
chain that is to transport
electrons across complexes
and pumping protons out of
the matrix

● These two are tightly bound

(sometimes covalently) to
flavoproteins. Unlike NAD+ and
NADP+, FAD and FMN are not
released in the solution. Instead,
they remain at the active site of an
enzyme (flavoprotein)
● Accepts one or two hydrogen
atoms 4. Iron-sulfur proteins
● Can carry protons and electrons

3. Ubiquinone, Coenzyme Q or “Q”

● Lipid-soluble benzoquinone with
isoprenoid side chain
Note: Quinone is a
substance with two double
bonds (2 C=O) in the
hexagon hydrocarbon ring; it
is what happens when you
oxidized phenol ● Contains an iron atom at the center
● It is a small molecule that is lipid- of the structure
like which is able to travel across ● In iron-sulfur proteins, the iron atom
a phospholipid bilayer of the inner is found in association with inorganic
membrane sulfur atoms that are either a stand-
● Capable of doing 1 to 2 electron alone or bound to a cysteine residue
transfers. So transferring one ● As an electron carriers, the iron
electron or gaining one electron, atoms, specifically, can switch
between the ferrous 2+ oxidation ● In general, the process involves
state to ferric 3+ oxidation state the transfer of electrons starting
and vice versa as it gains or from electron carriers, NADH and
releases one electron FADH2, that is shuttled from
● It facilitates one-electron transfers various pathways to O2 as the
only final electron acceptor
● It involves four complexes: I, II, III, IV

5. Cytochrome proteins


● Contains an iron atom found at

the center of a heme group similar
to the hemoglobin and myoglobin
- So the heme group is a
prosthetic group attached to
the protein or enzyme and
has a protoporphyrin planar
ring structure same with
myoglobin and hemoglobin
● Have three classes: cytochromes
a,b, and c which depends on its
- They are named as such ● Also known as the
based on the way they NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase
absorb visible light or NADH dehydrogenase
- Strongly colored proteins ● Entry point of NADH in the
respiratory chain
RESPIRATORY CHAIN OR ELECTRON ● Gets the electrons from NADH and
TRANSPORT CHAIN transfers it ultimately to ubiquinone
and this ubiquinone is reduced to SUMMARY:
ubiquinol (QH2)
○ The transfer is not ● Complex I carries out two functions:
straightforward as it is
passed on to a series of 1. The matrix arm performs the
molecules. catalytic function of converting
○ First, the electrons go to NADH to NAD+
FMN which is embedded in a 2. Reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol
flavoprotein part of the arm of - Transfer of electrons
this complex.
○ The matrix arm which is COMPLEX II: Succinate dehydrogenase
protruding into the matrix will
be the one to react with the
NADH catalytically in
performing the functions of
reoxidizing NADH to NAD+
and getting those pair of
● So, electrons will travel from FMN
through a series of iron-sulfur
centers ultimately to ubiquinone
as the final electron acceptor for
Complex I. Ubiquinone will be
reduced to ubiquinol as it carries
those pairs of electrons and the
ubiquinol (QH2) will travel to
Complex III.
● The redox reaction of converting
NADH to NAD+ is coupled with
the pumping of four (4) protons
(H+) for every NADH that transfers
electrons out of the matrix and ● Entry point of FADH2 in the
into the intermembrane space. respiratory chain (but FAD is part
○ The Matrix is called the N of the complex itself and not as a
side or negative side free coenzyme dissolved in the
because it has the lower matrix)
concentration of protons and ● Complex II is also succinate
therefore, a negative charge dehydrogenase, exactly the same
or pole in relation to the enzyme in this step of the citric acid
intermembrane space cycle where succinate is converted
which is called the P side into fumarate and likewise FAD
(higher concentration of H+ carries electrons reduced to FADH2
● The enzyme is membrane-bound, all
the other enzymes in the citric acid
cycle are dissolved to the matrix.
● FAD is treated as an electron carrier
but in reality, it stays as a part of this
dehydrogenase enzyme. FAD, as an
electron carrier, is just an
intermediary. It will transfer electrons
through a path of iron-sulfur centers
and one cytochrome b all the way to
ubiquinone, again, as a final COMPLEX III: cytochrome bc1 or
acceptor for this complex. And this ubiquinone:cytochrome c
will be reduced to ubiquinol (QH2) oxidoreductase
and will be shuttled to Complex III.
● No pumping of protons (the only
complex in ETC)



● A substrate, such as a succinate will

transfer electrons to FAD making
FADH2 and FADH2 will transfer
electrons to ubiquinone forming
ubiquinol (QH2) which will be
shuttled to Complex III

The major difference between Complex I

and II is that the latter does not involved
the pumping of protons so the delta G
associated with the redox reaction of
● Ubiquinol (QH2) from complexes I
succinate to fumarate (or FAD to FADH2)
and II will travel inside the inner
is not exploited or coupled to the
membrane where it is soluble and
“uphill” or pumping of protons out of the
go to complex III and pass its
electrons to cytochrome c as the
final acceptor of Complex III

● Stoichiometry:

- For every 1 ubiquinol, 2

cytochrome c equivalence are
required. This is because cyt c, as a
cytochrome, has the iron atom which
can only accommodate 1 electron
transfer at a time (it switches
between Fe2+ and Fe3+)

Complex III Stages:

- Quite more complicated than
Complexes I and II in that there is a
cycle involved in the regeneration
of ubiquinol to ubiquinone. This
allows cyt c to be used up twice and
carry the pair of electrons even
though it only accommodates only
one electron at a time.

1. Stage I
● The first electron from ubiquinone is
given up to one cyt c which carries
only one electron
● The ubiquinol will combine with one
ubiquinone forming a semiquinone
(the intermediate of a ubiquinol and
a ubiquinone)

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