Eap50921wsb4-Clr Essay-Thaingochoangyen

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Name: Thái Ngọc Hoàng Yến I.D. 21000667

Class: EAP5-0921WSB-04
Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full) Technology of Robotics and AI

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Due date: 25/10/2021 Date submitted: 24/10/2021

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Student’s Signature: HoangYen Date: 24/10/2021

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Pelau, C, Ene, I, Pop, M.I, 2021, ‘The impact of artificial intelligence on consumers’ identity
and human skills’, Amfiteatru Economic, Romania, 8 December, pp. 33-45, DOI:
Fleming, P 2019, ‘Robots and Organization Studies: why robots might not want to steal your
job’, Organization Studies, vol. 40, pp. 23–37

It is widely true that there was a burgeoning growth in technological breakthroughs in the

twenty-first century due to humanitarian development. Furthermore, although robotics and

artificial intelligence have sparked controversy in various media types, they undeniably benefit

our lives. “The impact of artificial intelligence on consumers' identity and human skills” by

Pelau, Ene, and Pop (2020) shows how people's behaviours are affected by AI with many

specific examples. In addition, Peter Fleming's article, “Robots and organization studies: why

robots might not want to steal your job” published in 2019, clarifies whether the profession of

humanity is easily replaceable or not. Hence, both articles convince readers that those

scientific improvements have not posed a serious threat as they think.

“The impact of artificial intelligence on consumers' identity and human skills” article

examines how people react to this new technology. To do this, Pelau, Ene, and Pop first

illustrate that the effectiveness of the feature it offers will enormously result in the acceptance

of the consumers. Moreover, they claim that social factors have a significant role in

encouraging artificial intelligence users. However, the advocates would also consider the

negative response to AI development for being over-reliant or discouraging natural interaction.

Furthermore, an article suggests that strict regulations should be introduced to not only make

full use of artificial intelligence and robots but also prevent their dominance.

Whereas the first paper analyses how the daily activities would change since the appearance of

AI, the article by Fleming clarifies why unemployment is not a result of robotics, but the
organizations are. He argues that there was a massive trend in low-paying jobs than in the past.

In addition, Fleming's article presents how three socio-economic factors mould robotic

mechanization: labour cost, organizations' power relations, and the task's nature.

Consequently, the correlation between mechanization and paid employment is also mentioned

in the essay through some categories. Therefore, the professor advises some solutions to tackle

this bounded automation.

Two articles provide helpful information on how robots and artificial intelligence

revolutionize our working lives. The report of Pelau, Ene, and Pop is not without

disappointment from technology lovers. Subsequently, although the text investigates how to

decrease the anxiety of humanity about these technological achievements, it warns publicity to

be cautious of the AI's risks. Hence, this is not only the main point that increases the balance

of the article. The paper also displays the positive and negative sides of the object. However,

the repeated structure of a report makes audiences confused at some points. Therefore, it

would have been better had the author used the typical unit in his graphs. Nevertheless, the

outlines and generalizations are evident and easy to follow, especially for technophobe

readers. Thus, the authors are flexible in using appropriate sources supporting their hypothesis

to make the article more persuasive.

Fleming’s article on “Robots and organization studies: why robots might not want to steal

your job” explains that despite the development of computerization, the jobs have not been

eliminated but also increased rapidly in the age of AI. Unlike the article mentioned earlier, this

paper only demonstrates purely theoretical arguments. Fortunately, the lecturer uses a variety

of references and examples from many nations that make his writing much more reliable and

convincing. Nevertheless, it would have been more understandable if he had explained all the
keywords. Perhaps, Paul fails to maintain delivering a message to the readers comprehensively

in the conclusion part. Had it been brief and relevant to the topic, the essay would have been

more effective. In general, the text is exceptionally informative and might be appeal to

individuals who are terrified of the technology industry.

Finally, both texts are successful at presenting information about artificial intelligence and

robots to publicity. While Pelau, Ene, and Pop justify the influence of AI on our humanity, the

article of Fleming persuades readers not to concern about unemployment in the new era.

Additionally, there is a hot debate over whether the prevalence of technology is a positive

trend. Even though the two articles have shortcomings, they are well adapted to answer the


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