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June 2017

Parents today are over-protective. They should let their children take part in
adventurous, even risky, activities to prepare them for later life.

Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you argue for or against
this statement.



Every parent has experienced the indescribable joy when they see their child for the
first time, and feelings of an uncontrollable protective nature are difficult to suppress.
- your kin; your flesh and
blood because their safety means everything in the world. You teach them how to

ect, and it

parents to let go. But nowadays, more than ever, it seems that parents have become
more and more unwilling to allow their children to leave the nest.

disputed that the world is full of dangers, even more so now with the ever-present
fear of discriminatory attacks or being in the wrong place at the wrong time falling
victim to a bomb or a gunman. A study run by a child safety agency asked parents
with children between the ages of 13-18 if they would allow their children to be outside

the other 71% spoke of the danger the evening may bring as well as the dangers of
would approve something so small. Going out to meet friends is such an important

mind to more opinions and worldviews and allow them to challenge old beliefs to
discover who they are and what they believe in.

remember to be realistic. Modern parenting has become nearly synonymous with over-
protectiveness and being overbearing. Though done with the best intentions, such
parenting only paves the way for an uncultured, awkward generation terrified of leaving
the house through an ingrained sense of fear. Every teen partakes in idiotic and
sometimes dangerous activities once in a while, but lessons on safety and teamwork
are always learned by the end of the experience.

true desires to have adventure will only work against you when they turn to adulthood,
as a spiral of rebellion will begin once free of your chains of protection.

No parent wishes for their child to get injured, but sometimes they need to get hurt in
order to le
behaviour will only build a more trusting, truthful behaviour between parents and
children and will only create more candid conversations about safety. This sense of
honesty and trust will stay with them for the rest of their lives, and an allowance for
risky behaviour will allow your children to assess difficult future situations with insight
and experience in order to tackle the problem effectively.

This is not a notice to say to allow your children to do drugs or take part in a gang

is simply a reminder to reassess your parenting beliefs and let your child experience
the world, as you had to when you were young.

Let your children be adventurous. Let your children make connections. Let your
children rock climb: let your children bungee-
opportunities, and for your understanding that sometimes you have to fall before you
can fly.
June 2018

be more about money, corruption and winning at any cost.

Write an article for a newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this


1st place for corruption goes to sport.

Fair, fun and accesible. In an ideal world sport would display these imperative qualities
that would guide us to a healthier and happier nation. However, capitalism, corruption
and greed seem to be the prevailing dark forces shaping and tainting the sport
industry. I think we can all agree this needs to stop.

It is outrageous how sport is now centred around income. Why does a footballer earn
-kick his way into safely delivering a
newborn. It is outrageous how sport is centred around fame and pollitics. It is
outrageous that sport has began to embody discrimination and exclusive traits.

What message are we sending our increasingly obese population if we support these
sports pumped with money greed and corruption? It is undeniable that the
commersialisation of these corrupt sports is responsible for more at home arm-chair
viewing while the fat deposits itself in your arteries and much less people actually
partaking in the sport.
But who can blame them? These armchair viewers really have it all figured. No one
wants to partake in sport with its current greedy nature. Not naturally gifted sport

alone a competitive club, partaking in sport seems no less than impossible.

Albeit, I may be passionately over the top and seemingly degrading sport entirely,
however this is not my intention. I merely believe sport should adapt a new welcoming
attitude making it f
In a survey in 2016 it was found that only 20% of girls over 16 partake in sport, further
research showed that this percentage would increase to 80% if it were not for the
dauntingly competitive nature of sport. It would be ridiculous to ignore these statistics.
The sport industry needs to be changed. It needs to be changed now.

an ex-competitive gymnast I can assure you with full confidence that at the vulnerable
and impressionable age of 8 I was conditioned as if I were a robot to aim for 1st place;
second was failure. Second was me chocking back sobs as the tears stained my
pillow. What did this conditioned aggressively competitive attitude cause? Me to win?
No, it caused me to quit the sport and feel an unnerving wave of nausea when I so
much as see gymnastics on TV.
I am not alone. Sports vile and toxic competitive turn for the worse can only be
described as the death of sport, with the sporting leaders and officials dressing its
corpse; decorating it as if it is something we should be celebrating. It is time we
stopped being ignorant and saw sport for the over commercialised, corrupt and greedy
villain it is and not the daydream of fair fun, and accessible opportunities.
November 2019

happy enough to eat meat, keep pets and visit zoos. All animals should be free!

Write an article for a magazine in which you explain your point of view on this


Have you ever been to the zoo? I, like many people, recently had the pleasure of
visiting London Zoo. What shocked me the most was this realisation: why is a chimp
living better than me?

This moment of clarity occured as my nose was pressed firmly against the glass in the

ll. Can I live in


Nowadays, people argue for animal rights and human rights alik
this simple yet salient question: which is more important? If your answer was human
ay and earned our

designed to eat meat, hunt animals and enjoy the spoils of our superiority.

On the contrary, do all creatures deserve to be free?

other choice. Part of being alive is having the freedom to do what you want to do, go

day every day. They eat the same food at every meal. They certainly have no choice
on where they can go; and the only change in their lives is the different spoilt little

kind of life.

inant species.
cover up this simple truth. Maybe we should focus on protecting the rights of humans
before we concern ourselves over the well-being of animals. Because I for one am
more invested in protecting the poor, famished and abused humans that live in our
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!
November 2020

travel is expensive, dangerous, damaging and a foolish waste of time!

Write an article for a news website in which you argue your point of view on this


the average person, have an IQ tha

the words of Professor Mark Holden, a professor at the University of Harvard. This
was seconded by Doctor Mary Louise, a world-renowned neurobiologist at the
University of Oxford, also has served in her field for over three decades.

A recent survey conducted in the Yorkshire County has shown that 65% of students

not only offers a temporary escape from reality, but also broadens our knowledge,
satisfying the well-rounded education we all want our children to gain. It stands to
reason that children who travel are not only substantially more interesting, but are also
al reasoning and academic
situations. Why should we deprive them of this wealth of knowledge?

Whilst the rich and elite may be able to splurge a few thousands on luxiourious family
of us commoners.
Fortunately, there are countless, affordable options for us! From flying on a plane to
hopping on a local bus driving to the other side of the country, there are several,
inexcusable ways to get as far away from home as possible. Infact, some people even
choose to put aside a holiday fund, which is an effortless way to save up for an awaiting

In this day and age, society

have become work-driven machines who consistently work themselves into overtime.
I have to be the one to break it to you, but we are indeed, not machines. As humans,
we require rest and recouperation, and what better way to do that than to travel!

endless travelling, you may not even be standing on the ground you are now! We
thrive on exploration and need adventures to keep blood coursing through these
travelling-craving veins of ours. Travelling is not dangerous, but is instead, an
imperative part of us and a part that has been instilled in us throughout generations.

In conclusion, travelling is safe, affordable and is not in the least as time wasting as
sitting around the house, cellphone in hand. So, book a ticket to the next place on your
bucket list and give yourself a well-deserved break!

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