Daemon Eater Stabilized For Testing

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Arm Lev Base Fort Ref Will Special Demonic AC

el Attack Save Save Sav Agility

Bonus e
1d6 1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Daemonblight,Blood +0ft +0
Arm,Devour,Blood Pool
1d6 2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Therion State, Martial +0ft +0
1d6 3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Demonic Art,Demonic +10ft +0
Agility, Consuming Claw
1d8 4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Blood Feast,Demonic +10ft +1
Arm Mastery
1d8 5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Martial Arte +10ft +1
1d8 6th +4 +5 +5 +5 +20ft +1
1d8 7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Demonic Art +20ft +1
1d10 8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Demonic Arm Mastery, +20ft +2
Lethal Pain
1d10 9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Martial Arte +30ft +2

1d10 10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 +30ft +2

1d10 11th +8/+3 +8 +8 +8 Demonic Arte +30ft +2
2d6 12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Demonic Arm Mastery, +40ft +3
Nightmare Claw
2d6 13th +9/+4 +9 +9 +9 Blood Oath +40ft +3

2d6 14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Martial Arte +40ft +3

2d6 15th +11/+6/+ +10 +10 +10 Impulse Desire +50ft +3

2d8 16th +11/+6/+ +10 +10 +10 Demonic Arm Mastery +50ft +4
2d8 17th +12/+7/+ +11 +11 +11 Demonic Arte +50ft +4
2d8 18th +13/+8/+ +11 +11 +11 +60ft +4
2d8 19th +14/+9/+ +12 +12 +12 +60ft +4
2d10 20th +15/+10/ +12 +12 +12 Demonic Arm +60ft +5
+5 Mastery,True Therion
Class features
Hit Dice: 1d8


Armor: None
Weapons:  Bladed Gauntlet, Bladed Boot, Bladed Scarf Simple and Martial weapons

Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge
Class Skills:
(nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Perform
(Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Daemon Eater, is a being and title of which one gains from the consuming of daemons, hatred and
despair. The daemon eaters are usually the ones that survived the effects of the daemonblight to a
certain degree to retain their own free will.

The daemonblight happens only once every seven years under a blood red moon at that night any
human that comes in contact with the daemonblight changes losing a part of their humanity and
their arm changing into a claw.That is called the “Advent” or “Awakening”.When transformed into
a Therion, a person submits to the malevolence corrupting them, identically to that of a daemon.
In addition, they feel an insatiable hunger that prompts them to feed off whether it be
daemons ,humans, malak's often unaware of their actions.Their malevolence can come in the form
of hatred, despair, greed, conceit, obsession, lust, cowardice, and selfishness .She is truly a
fearsome opponent to face using her enemies own body against them while making herself more
powerful .There are only a few Daemon Eaters most can be counted on one hand but their
presence is enough to make the world a dreadful place.

Daemonblight AC(Su)-Beginning at level 1 the Daemon Eaters body is unnatural from her
daemonblight corruption. She gains no AC from armor or shields or when over encumbered, her
inhumane nature grants her a defense. The Daemon Eater, adds her Charisma bonus(if any) to her
AC and CMD. In addition, a Daemon Eater gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus
increases by 1 for every four Daemon Eater levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the Daemon Eater is flat-footed.
She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when
she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
Blood Pool: The Daemon Eater’s Corrupted Arm gives her immense strength, though, at a price,
this cost is blood, whether hers or others. The Daemon Eater has a blood pool of ½ Daemon Eater
Levels+CON, and is used to fuel her abilities. She does not start with Blood Points but gains points
through the Devour action. If she does not have enough blood for the action, the Corrupted Arm
uses her own blood, she takes 1 HP per HD of Damage per blood spent.

Blood Dance:Starting at level 1 the Daemon Eater can Blood Dance as a Full-Attack Action.

She consumes 1 Blood Point to activate her advantage from her Corrupted Arm to make an
additional attack at -2 as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. These attacks can be any
combination of unarmed strikes, bladed gauntlet, bladed boots, and attacks with the Daemon
Eater’s Corrupted Arm

Her attacks during a Blood Dance may all be with her Corrupted Arm.

For the purpose of these attacks, the Daemon Eater’s base attack bonus from her Daemon Eater’s
class levels is equal to her Daemon Eater’s level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a
feat or a prestige class, the Daemon Eater uses Her normal base attack bonus

Corrupted Arm(EX)-After being changed by the Demonblight, the Daemon Eater’s arm changes
becoming Demonic in origin.

One of her arms no longer looks human,the skin changed and corrupted by the demonic plague
while the hand and fist are reformed into a claw. A Daemon Eater is proficient with her claw. The
Claw’s damage type is Slashing.

At 1st level, a Daemon Eater gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A Daemon
Eaters’s attacks may be with her Corrupted Arm, fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a
Daemon Eater may make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-
hand attack for a Daemon Eater striking unarmed. A Daemon Eater may thus apply her full
Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

Usually a Daemon Eater’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal
nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal
lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A Daemon Eater’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural
weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured
weapons or natural weapons.

A Daemon Eater’s Corrupted Arm grows in strength as she does, as shown above on Table:
Daemon Eater. The Corrupted Arm values listed on Table:Daemon Eater are for Medium Daemon
Eater. A Small Daemon Eater deals less damage

Devour(EX): At 1st level the Daemon Eater’s arm hungers, as a full-attack action, she can call upon
the sleeping demon, causing it to bite into her foe, dealing her Corrupted Limb damage, but
gaining blood equal to 1+size mod(size mod chart given(small 0, Medium 1, Large 2, etc).Any
helpless or dead enemy can be devoured one time per body, unless they are healed back to
positive HP, for additional blood points equal to size mod+1.

Therion State: At the 2nd level the Daemon Eater consumes 1 blood and unleashes her arm’s
true form, allowing it to further consume the blood she has stored, causing it to grow in size
and strength. 1 Blood is consumed per round, increases damage of Corrupted Limb by one dice
size, and deals an extra 1 damage per 2 Daemon Eater Levels.The Demon Eaters hand is filled
with malevolent energy and deals a additional 1d6 of negative damage any attack that hits,the
creature has to make a will save DC 10 +1/2+ CHA MOD to half the damage on success

If the Daemon Eater has no stored blood, the arm uses her own dealing 1HP per HD per round.
The Daemon Eater can stop this form whenever she wants, but once done, she is unable to
activate it again for 5 minutes.

Consuming Claw:At 3rd Level, the Daemon Eater, as a full round attack, can consume 3 blood,
forcefully invoke Therion State, and make an attack on a creature dealing the increased Corrupted
Limb from Therion State. This does not count as the activation that requires a 5 minute rest after
exiting this state, although it still drains 1 blood per round.

If she uses Devour the round after Consuming Claw, she heals the Damage dealt from devour, if
she activates Blood Feast, hit points are gained from both Devours.

DEMONIC ARTES(EX):As the Daemon Eater gains more control over her Malevolence that she
channels through her Corrupted limb making inhumane abilities.She use Blood Points for each Art
that she has unlocked. She gains a Demonic Arte at 3rd, 7th, 12th, and 16th, and can choose which
one she learns.
Blue Inferno: Uses 2 blood, as a standard action, the Daemon Eater jumps and unsheathes her
gauntlet blade, swinging it twice to create two lines of blue flames to attack her enemy, dealing 2d6 Fire
Damage per 3 Daemon Eater Levels to each creature in a 15’ cone, reflex save halves. This negates fire
resistance, and deals half damage to fire immunity.

Laughing Raven: Uses 2 Blood, as a standard action, the Daemon Eater can charge her demonic
arm with power before releasing multiple streaks of black energy in a 10ft line, one streak per 3 levels (max
6 at level 18) in front of her to assault her enemies. Each dealing 3d4 of Negative Energy damage, reflex save

Scarlet Edge: Uses 2 Blood, as a standard action, the Daemon Eater lets her corrupted limb be
covered in flames swinging it towards her target to send out a ring like projectile that detonates into a large
explosion. Range 60ft, Deals 1d6 Fire damage per every 2 Daemon Eater Levels.Fire damage to all creatures
within a 5-ft. radius of the creature struck. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Daemon Eater level +
Charisma modifier) halves the damage taken.

Discord: Uses 3 Blood, as a standard action, the Daemon Eater swings down her therionized arm
clearing the area in front of her with three swings.(while in therion state) Make 3 Corrupted Arm attacks at
highest attack bonus, this attack affects her target and anything in 10 feet behind it

Demonic Dash: Uses 2 blood, The daemon eater must move at least 20ft, up to double her speed a
straight line any direction, momentarily leaving a multi-hued cascade of images behind her. This movement
does not provoke attacks of opportunity.She may make a single melee attack at her highest base attack
bonus against any one creature she is adjacent to at any point along this movement, or in front of if she
ends her movement in front of a creature. The creature is considered Flat-footed for the attack. She faces
whatever hazard she does when she ends this movement.

Karmic Resonance:As a standard action the Daemon Eater enters a counterattack stance,
consuming 1 blood point. If attacked, as an immediate action she makes her own attack in retaliation, if she
took damage she adds ½ of it.

Demonic Agility(EX): At 3rd level the Demonblight has granted the Daemon Eater increased
mobility and agility. The Daemon Eater’s base speed is increased by the amount on the
Table:Daemon Eater, as well as +2 to Acrobatics, and as a swift action may consume 2 point of
blood to increase movement speed by 20ft for 1 round.

Blood Feast(EX):At level 4 as a swift action the Daemon Eater can Devour a creature that she has
reduced to 0 or fewer hit points.
Demonic Arm Mastery: At 4th level and every for levels thereafter, the Daemon Eater’s Claw
receives a +1 Enhancement Bonus.

Martial Artes:Training not to rely on only her Corrupted Arm the Daemon Eater has spent time
attaining enough strength and power to use her own body as a deadly weapon. The Daemon Eater
receives her first martial arte at 2nd level, then at 5th, 9th, and 14th, and can choose which order
she gains them in. With the exception of Moonlight Cyclone, the martial artes listed augment her
blood dance, and she can choose when in the blood dance the Martial Arte takes place.

Megasonic Thrust: The Daemon Eater consumes 1 point of blood, during her blood dance, can
move behind the target in a burst of speed, this movement does not provoke attack of
opportunity, then makes another attack, if this attack hits, she can make a bull rush attempt, this
attempt does not provoke attack of opportunity.

Moonlight Cyclone: As a full attack action, the Daemon Eater makes a CMB check against each
opponent within reach. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. She may make a disarm,
sunder, or trip attempt against each oppoent, and may change which combat manuever she uses
against each. If she sucessfully performs the manuever, she may deal unarmed strike damage to
the opponent.

Twin Whip: The Daemon Eater can make 2 attacks as a standard action. This can only be
with a unarmed strike, a weapon from the close weapon fighter group, or a weapon which the
Corrupted has Weapon Focus in.

Dispaters Wrath: During a full attack action, the Daemon Eater hammers blows down
upon his opponent, disrupting the opponents routines. For each attack that hits a single opponent,
the opponent takes a -1 to attacks and Armor Class for 1 round.

Lethal Pain:At 7th Level the Daemon Eater becomes more accustomed with fighting with her
Corrupted limb. As a standard action, consuming 4 Blood. She makes 4 Corrupted Limb attacks,
each at -2 from her highest attack bonus.

If used the round after consuming claw the enemy she hits makes an Will Save or is Shaken for 1d4
If used after Nightmare Claw the enemy she hits makes a Will Save or be Frightened for 1d4 turns.
Crushing Claw:At level 10 the Daemon Eater gets used to her limb and can throw a grappled target
30ft and deals her Corrupted arm damage to the target and to any creature it hits.

Nightmare Claw 11 At 11th Level she can give into the call of her Corrupted arm entering into a
brief Frenzy, as a full round action for 5 blood, the Daemon Eater blood dances, the miasma from
her arm covers her body.

Next round the Therion State is triggered as a delayed result, giving her +3AC for the time she
remains in the state. If she was in the Therion State before the Nightmare Claw, the cost is still 5
blood, but she gains +5AC instead. This does not count as the activation that requires a 5 minute
rest after exiting this state, although it still drains 1 blood per round.

( (keep or drop)If used after Consuming Claw, and if any of the attacks hit, she gains double the
amount of Blood as a normal Devour.)

Blood Oath(Su):At level 13 if the Daemon Eater’s hp points drop to zero or below, she can
consume 3 or more, she rolls 1d6 per blood consumed to recover hp points once per quest/day.

Impulse Desire At 15th Level she gathers all the strength of her Corrupted Arm, as a full round
action she consumes 7 blood, she blood dances and the last hit deals an extra 2d6 to each enemy
in a 15 radius circle around her, this damage is Negative Energy, and increases by 1d6 for every
blood she wishes to spend after 7, with a reflex save to half.

True Therion:At level 20 she has fully accepted her corrupted limb embracing it.The daemonblight
changing her body to such an extent she is no longer considered part of her former race she is
treated as an outsider rather than humanoid. She does not age or can die of old age. She no longer
needs to spend blood points to enter the Therion state and is considered permanently in it, it also
no longer drains her health points.Any other power she has still requires blood points used.

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