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My name is laura James . I was born in Maryland, on March 26, 1982.

I have lived in Maryland since I

was four. I am the only daughter of the family and i struggle to survive on my own . I got a brand new
Escalade jeep when I turned 22 . I have always been a very active person. I cheered for six years, danced
for five, before i got into catering job .I have a daughter (Isabella) of 4 years old living good with me.i
have been single for about 2years and i never find a true relationship after i got separated with the
father of my daughter. I met him when i was in school and i do care for him alot and later things went
well for us not till after we live together as a couples before i knew they type of Guy he was. I have been
hurt alot in past and even i dont like to remember this silly story but i like to tell you part if it because i
am seeing you as a caring and truthful fellow to talk to I got a make up beauty contract in Germany for
about 6months and i left

there to work not just to be lazy.After i got work done i was payed about 100,000USD i never knew this
wiill happen and i sent him 70,000USD to get new house for us and we start a good business together ..I
did not tell him yet when i was coming home yet just because i have been hearing ssome rumors about
him .My flight arrived at night that day and i have to wait till morning before i get home and on my
getting home i caught him Red handed with my Friend Mary the same apartment we rented having sex
and i fainted spent about 3days at hospital before i wake up and after then Our relationship not working

out well again .so we have to put a stop I'm lonely woman

can you tell me little about you as well and your relationship ?

I lost my father in a fatal accident july 26th 2008 and that has been

a bad day for me..sad sad sad remembering this and after this me and my mother struggle hard to
survive because my mum had cancer for about 14years i lost her as well February 9th 2012.i know what
cause her death was because of my late Father family they treating us a lot because they want all Dad
properties from us and my mum said no they can only get part of it not all well I will say my Father was
the Best man i have ever Loved he is so caring,loving,Godfearing,respectful and responsible father but i

trusted and Believe in God and I know God is Doing is Things In his

Own way. i have learn To be a Strong woman have hard well as my mum.

What do you do for living ?

what do you do for fun?

Great but how do you find it easy to live alone with no woman with you ,who did

cooking and home cleaning

For me i have not been finding it easy again now to live alone because

i like to see someone i love beside me and share feelings and talk to know what i mean..

I enjoy exercising daily which either involves weight training or

aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy

meals. I love to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping

at large malls like the Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and

slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I prefer romantic, attractive,

affectionate men. I believe that romance is a very important part of

the relionship. I enjoy men who are confident with themselves and are

not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way.

I think it is very important that two people want the same thing in a

relationship. I believe that this should be discussed and communicated

clearly when two people first meet. I do not believe in wasting my

time or the other persons time because life is too short.. I believe

each person should be allowed to be who they are and to be free to

give their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like
controlling men who do not communicate well and have agendas or

excessive previous baggage. I like men who I can have a good

conversation with and we can communicate in a mutually benefitial way

I like men who are interested in exercise and physical fitness. I like men who read to improve
themselves and find value in self help books. I also like men who are either spiritual but not necessary

I also enjoy attending a good church that leaves you feeling better

about yourself when you leave.. I have been on lots dating site but i dont think i will ever do that again
i met a guy from Netherland never know he only want my money

after he told me lot lies and later i sent him money to come here also

he told me want to get new truck that i should send him some money to

add up and promise to send back to me in some weeks and after i did

that his not talking to me again even am still in debt here trying to get loan payed because i have to get
loan for him because of the love

i have for him.. I have been in serious problem here with still with late Dad because his family still want
to get all from me ..since i dont have anyone again to help ..

What do you like to meet in a woman ?

i dont even want to get married again or go into any relationship

because i dont think there is anyone real again to help all just want

money and sex no one ready for a serious relationship

I love poetry, books, walks on the beach and cozy candlelight dinners.

I enjoy movies, television, music, traveling, the desert, the

quietness of the mountains, the ocean, sunrises and sunsets.I am a very outgoing person, who loves to
dine out travel and enjoy the simple life. Im hopeless romantic and very affectionate. I have a good
sense of humor and I like to make you laugh.I like to chill out

with a good book or watch and movie and its even more fun when you

have a special someone to do this with. Im very easy to get a long

with and a very good listener.. I love To share My Time with People I

Love and care..

what i hope to find in a man I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who

is affectionate, , sincere, easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine...someone who
wants a meaningful, serious, long-term relationship...not just a few dates. Are you that special Man? I
am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart,

is curious about new things that would like to share new experiences

or old habits.

I am looking for someone who believes that a true intimate partner

looks out for the other and vice versa. While navigating life

together, we are caring and concerned for each other's well-being

because we make each other so happy and we love each other very

much.But i dont think anyone again can make this happen again for real

I got something to tell you but i am scared if you truely honest with

me not like others i meet here ..please are you safe there talking to

me or i wait till maybe we meet for real because i think that is the

best way to discuss private issue.

Dont worry i will tell you about this later am scared ..

ok wait am telling you now


My father had some investment in Nigeria me and mum only knows about this and he told not to tell
anyone about this because its meant for me when i get married so i can have a good living with my
family just because the love he have for me not knowing death will take him young so sad cryiing here...

Already his family sold all he has even 6 acres of land he has in Florida including his properties even
house all they knows about and

they did not give us a penny out of this The thinking take away the

life of my mum

So you can see i have been struggling hard to survive wish i can find a man that will make me and and
my daughter happy and forget all this past

He got a lawyer there that has all documents and details how am going to get all is investment out for
me and i tried to talk to him but all is say is NO because My dad told him before is death he should only
claim all this for me after am fully married with my mariage certificate and others so i can make
something out of this That heartless Guy i meet from netherland already get out of this we

plan to talk to lawyer with fake certificate and we claim to be married together if not God that safe me
he will have get all and run away.

How sure am i if you truely ready for a good relationship not like others

i just need someone that will help me out get this even just a friend

not relationship and i will give him some of it ..I have tried all way

to talk to lawyer to help me out between me and him but he said No he

want good for me as the promise he make to my father before is death..

if you will help me out i can talk to him and you also talk to him as

husband and wife we just have dont let him know we live far away

..just please you have to be truthful with me ..

after i talk to him i give you his contact or email so you can talk to

him please be honest with me and dont let anyone to know about this just because of Dad family they
may try to get this again..Thanks for

the honest and caring.

Give me your mail and number so I can give him I just text him and tell him about you he is gonna ask
you some personal question about me but I'm good give you my personal information to answer the
questions so he can believe we have been together for long and that we have been dating and close

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