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What is the Rate of Abortion Among Teenagers?

TOPIC: Abortion

CANDIDATE’S NAME: Jemaul Shoulder

SUBJECT: English Language



SCHOOL: Morant Bay High School


Year of Exam: 2021

Teacher: Ms. Wallen





Firstly, I want to thank God for giving me the strength and the knowledge to carry out this

research. I would like to express gratitude to Ms. Wallen for taking the time out to educate me,

and finally, I would like to thank my friends and family for assisting me in completing this task.
Table of

Table of Content
Plan of investigation


o Artifact 1

o Artifact 2

o Artifact 3


o Reflection 1

o Reflection 2

o Reflection 3

Participation Measure

Written Report

Oral Presentation Plan

Plan of
Plan of Investigation

The topic of my English SBA is ‘What is the Rate of Abortion Among Teenagers?’. I

became interested in this topic after noticing that teenage pregnancy and abortion are quite

common. The artefacts that I will use to compliment my topic include a poem “My Sweet Baby”

by Malaikabruh, a YouTube video done by Newsy Science and an online article titled ‘Why is

the Teen Birth Rate Falling?’ written by GRETCHEN LIVINGSTON AND DEJA THOMAS.

The language arts skills that I will employ in this research will include: identifying literary

devices and examining the writers’ tone. Researching on this topic will have a positive effect on

me as an English student by improving my research and comprehension skills.

Name: __________________________
Date: ___________________________

Areas Rating Scale Final

0 1 2 3 Score
(a) Reason for No reason and title Reason given is Appropriate reason Original and
choosing the given or obscure vague or weak; and given title  insightful
topic and reason with appropriate title reason and
selection of inappropriate given title given
title title
(b) Expected No benefits given Benefits given are Benefits are clearly Benefits are     
benefits to not clearly stated, expressed, but clearly
you as a few are attainable they are not all expressed,
student of sound, most are sound and
English attainable  attainable
(c) Proposal for Material to be Material to be Material to be
collection collected not collected stated collected stated     
and use of stated (type or nature of (type or nature of
material material) Limited material)
list of sources Various sources for
given possible material
(Internet etc.…)
Use of the English Use of the English Use of the English     
Language Skills to Language Skills Language Skills
be used in outlined and an clearly outlined
analyzing the attempt made to and clear indication
material not indicate how they of how they will be
stated will be used.  used provided.
                                                        Total Score                                                                                /10

Total marks for Plan of Investigation = 10 marks

Scale down to 5 marks

Score awarded = Total Score = ______________

Name of Teacher: ______________________ Time/Date: __________________

Artefact #1…Poem

My Sweet Baby by Malaikbruh

my life was a mess my head constantly spinning

I didn't know what to do so I prayed for a new beginning

I wish for you go in my wish came true

I didn't have a clue what to do you were only with me for a little while

your sex not even determined but deep down I knew

this wasn't the time for you so I made a selfish decision

and choose my life over years I gave you back to God

and hoped again for a new beginning you never got to see me

or even open your eyes but please believe me when I say

you will be with me forever please don't hate me

or let your death be in vain because you taught me a lesson

to hope for a future again I promise to be a better person

and learn from my mistakes but my only wish was to see your face

I love you my sweet baby wherever you may be

I can’t wait to meet you but for now please be free

Artifact 2
Artefact #2…YouTube Video

U.S. Teen Pregnancy, Abortion rates continue to decline

By Newsy Science
Artifact 3

Artefact #3… an Article

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

The teen birth rate in the United States is at a record low, dropping below 18 births per 1,000
girls and women ages 15 to 19 for the first time since the government began regularly collecting
data on this group, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly released data from
the National Center for Health Statistics.

In 2018, the birth rate among 15- to 19-year-old girls and women was less than half of what it
had been in 2008 (41.5 births per 1,000). Asians and Pacific Islanders led the way over this time,
followed by Hispanics, with teen birth rate declines of 74% and 65%, respectively. Rates for
white and black teens fell by more than 50% over the past decade as well.

Despite rapid declines in teen birth rates across all major racial and ethnic groups,
disparities persist. In 2018, the birth rate for Hispanic and black teens ages 15 to 19 was
almost double the rate among white teens and more than five times as high as the rate among
Asians and Pacific Islanders.

Teen birth rates peaked at 96.3 per 1,000 in 1957, the midst of the baby boom, after having risen
dramatically following the end of World War II. But the composition of teen mothers has
changed drastically. Back in 1960, most teen mothers – an estimated 85% – were married.
Today, the majority of teen births (89%) are to unmarried mothers.
The teen birth rate has been on a steep decline since the early 1990s, and that trend accelerated
after the onset of the Great Recession in 2007.

What’s behind the recent trends?

One possible factor is the economy: A Pew Research Center analysis in 2011 tied the declining
birth rate to the economic downturn of the recession. But this trend in teen birth rates has
continued even as the economy has recovered, and birth rates for teens have fallen faster than
they have for all women ages 15 to 44 (58% and 4% declines, respectively, from 2008 to 2018).

What else may be contributing to the decline in teen birth rates? Less sex, use of more effective
contraception and more information about pregnancy prevention.

For one thing, there has been a significant decline in the percentage of never-married girls and
women ages 15 to 19 who report that they have ever had sex, from 51% in 1988 to 42% in 2011-
15, according to National Survey of Family Growth data. Among those teens who have had sex,
the majority (81% of females and 84% of males) used a contraceptive method the first time they
had sex. This figure has not changed significantly for males, but it has increased for females
since 2002, when 74.5% used contraception.
Reflection 1

The first piece of data that I examined was the poem, “My Sweet Baby” By

Malaikabruh. The poem is about a young mother and her love for her unborn child. The mother

REVEALS that she’s not happy with the decision of aborting her baby and wishes that she would

learn from this experience. “You were only with me for a little while, your sex not even

determined, but deep down I knew, this wasn’t the time for you, so I made a selfish decision and

choose my life over yours. Something I’ve learnt from this poem is that many abortions take

place because the mother is afraid or is not ready to have a baby.

A similar theme was evident in the video (U.S. Teen Pregnancy, Abortion Rates

Continue to Decline) by Newsy Science (2014) which talked about the reduction in the rate of

abortion among teenagers over the last two decades. The video elucidated the causes and

influence of teenage pregnancy and abortion and also the steps that were taken to reduce these

numbers. “Fertility behaviors are affected by economic conditions, especially for teens, and the

recession beginning in 2008 may have played a role in the most recent decline.” From watching

this YouTube video I’ve learnt that when teenagers are more exposed to sexual education the

rate of abortion tends to drop.

Finally, an online article title, “Why is the teen birth rate falling?” by Gretchen

Livingston and Deja Thomas. Similarly, to the YouTube video this article also edifies us about

the reduction in the rate of abortion among teenagers. “What else may be contributing to the

decline in teen birth rates? Less sex, use of more effective contraception and more information

about pregnancy prevention.” I’ve learnt from this article that the use of contraceptives has

increased and that is another cause for the decline in teenage pregnancy and abortion
The assessment of this component will be based on the following:

1. Theme factors – critical knowledge related to theme, how material shaped thinking.

2. Language factors – analysis of language, good organization.

3. Process factors – personal value, benefits clearly identified.

Reflection on topic/issue/theme, use of language, process and its effects

Descriptors Marks Final

Candidate produces an excellent reflection comprising THREE entries which       
● Discusses how the THREE pieces of material have affected the candidate’s thinking about 5 marks      /5
the issue
● Examines the use of language in the three pieces
● Discusses the process and its effect on the candidate

Candidate produces a   very good reflection which  

● integrates the treatment of the issue in the three pieces 4 marks     /4
● provides a very good examination of the use of language
● discusses the process and its effect

Candidate produces a good reflection which

● addresses the treatment of the issue in the three pieces 3 marks      /3
● provides a good examination of the use of language
● gives little discussion of the process and its effects

Candidate produces a limited reflection which

● provides a limited treatment of the issue in the three pieces 2 marks     /2
● attempts to provide an examination of the use of language with limited success
● gives very little or no discussion of the process and its effect

Candidate produces a weak reflection which

● mentions the issue 1 mark     /1
● very weak examination of the use of language OR none provided
● no discussion of the process and its effect

5     /5

Name of Teacher: ______________________    Time/Date: ____________________________

Reflection 2
Reflection 2
Literary devices are techniques that writers use to express their ideas and their writings.

In my three sources gathered to complete my SBA there are literary devices present.

In the poem titled “My Sweet Baby” by Malaikahbruh, the poet made it clear that the

mother of the unborn child really doesn’t want to abort the child. The writer’s tone was showing

a little bit of resentment towards aborting the fetus.

In the video (U.S. Teen Pregnancy, Abortion Rates Continue to Decline) by Newsy

Science (2014), uses analogy to help educate us about the rate of teen pregnancy and abortion. It

also uses analogy to help us better understand the influences and method that can increase or

decrease abortion. Repetition was also used n this video, the video continuously repeated on how

the teen abortion rate decreased and the method that were used to help with the decrease.

In the article, “Why is the Teen Birth Rate Falling?” by Gretchen Livingston and Deja

Thomas the use of analogy was also frequent. The article also mentioned that less sex and the use

of contraceptives was also a factor of the decrease in teen abortion. The use of evidence added

authenticity and credibility to the article.

The assessment of this component will be based on the following:

1. Theme factors – critical knowledge related to theme, how material shaped thinking.

2. Language factors – analysis of language, good organization.

3. Process factors – personal value, benefits clearly identified.

Reflection on topic/issue/theme, use of language, process and its effects

Descriptors Marks Final

Candidate produces an excellent reflection comprising THREE entries which       
● Discusses how the THREE pieces of material have affected the candidate’s thinking about 5 marks      /5
the issue
● Examines the use of language in the three pieces
● Discusses the process and its effect on the candidate

Candidate produces a   very good reflection which  

● integrates the treatment of the issue in the three pieces 4 marks     /4
● provides a very good examination of the use of language
● discusses the process and its effect

Candidate produces a good reflection which

● addresses the treatment of the issue in the three pieces 3 marks      /3
● provides a good examination of the use of language
● gives little discussion of the process and its effects

Candidate produces a limited reflection which

● provides a limited treatment of the issue in the three pieces 2 marks     /2
● attempts to provide an examination of the use of language with limited success
● gives very little or no discussion of the process and its effect

Candidate produces a weak reflection which

● mentions the issue 1 mark     /1
● very weak examination of the use of language OR none provided
● no discussion of the process and its effect

5     /5

Name of Teacher: ______________________    Time/Date: ____________________________

Reflection 3
Reflection 3
Before I started working on my SBA, I was very much uncertain about my topic. After

the end of the SBA process, I got a better understanding of my topic and became more interested

in the topic “What is the rate of Abortion Among Teenagers” I learnt how to socialize and work

with others, managing my time and became more familiar with language devices, how to use

them and manage my time wisely by meeting due dates.

During the SBA I learnt how to socialize and work with others. After doing this SBA I

became quite more comfortable and better with working with others. Before doing this SBA, I

wasn’t as always confident in working in groups but I must say doing this SBA has completely

changed that.

I became more familiar with language devices and also learnt how to use them. The

process also allowed me to familiarize myself with new words and their meanings. I became a

better English student as I have learnt how to express myself in a clearer way.

This process helped me in managing my time due to the fact that I had to submit different

sections of the SBA at different times. I am now better at meeting deadlines as a result of this. I

must say that I benefited a lot from this SBA process.

The SBA educated me about more of the causes and influence of teenage pregnancy and

abortion. I now know that educating teenagers more about sex education can help in the

reduction of abortion.
The assessment of this component will be based on the following:

1. Theme factors – critical knowledge related to theme, how material shaped thinking.

2. Language factors – analysis of language, good organization.

3. Process factors – personal value, benefits clearly identified.

Reflection on topic/issue/theme, use of language, process and its effects

Descriptors Marks Final

Candidate produces an excellent reflection comprising THREE entries which       
● Discusses how the THREE pieces of material have affected the candidate’s thinking about 5 marks      /5
the issue
● Examines the use of language in the three pieces
● Discusses the process and its effect on the candidate

Candidate produces a   very good reflection which  

● integrates the treatment of the issue in the three pieces 4 marks     /4
● provides a very good examination of the use of language
● discusses the process and its effect

Candidate produces a good reflection which

● addresses the treatment of the issue in the three pieces 3 marks      /3
● provides a good examination of the use of language
● gives little discussion of the process and its effects

Candidate produces a limited reflection which

● provides a limited treatment of the issue in the three pieces 2 marks     /2
● attempts to provide an examination of the use of language with limited success
● gives very little or no discussion of the process and its effect

Candidate produces a weak reflection which

● mentions the issue 1 mark     /1
● very weak examination of the use of language OR none provided
● no discussion of the process and its effect

5     /5

Name of Teacher: ______________________    Time/Date: ____________________________

Participation Measure

SCORING RUBRIC FOR INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION                                                     
Name of Student: _____________________ 

Date: _______________________________

The total mark for Individual Participation will be 5 marks based on the responses obtained from the
sessions conducted by the teacher.

Area Questions for students Final

s Score

1. Do/Did you know what you are/were expected to do to work well in a team?

2. Are you able to focus on what is taking place in your group?


3. How do/did you feel in your group? I feel self-confidence, self-esteem and self-
efficacy.       /1

4. Do/Did you know how to manage how you behave in the group?              


5. Do/ Did you manage your tasks on time and thoroughly  


Total Marks     /5


Total Score                                                                                                                 

Name of Teacher: _____________________________ Time/Date: ___________________

NOTE: This scale should be completed by the teacher in discussion with the student on two different
occasions. After the first assessment, discussion should take place and feedback should be given to the
student to allow for improvement. The second assessment should produce the final mark out of five
agreed on by the teacher and student.     
Written Report
Written Report
In order to complete this portfolio, I embarked on a quest to find a group of like-minded
students. In this way, I would have assistance to collect, analyze and report on my topic. For
each task we used the Dive and Conquer strategy or the Choose the Best strategy, as it felt like
the most logical way to move forward. For the Divide and Conquer strategy, each group member
had a different but important task to do while with the Choose the Best strategy, we all worked
on the same thing, brought it back to the group and then we chose the best one(s) to use. The
Choose the Best strategy was used to appropriately select the pieces to include. In the end, we
decided to choose a poem, an online blog and an online research journal to answer our group’s
1. What are the causes of abortion?
2. What are the effects of having an abortion?
For all the three pieces, we used the SOAPSTONES procedure to analyze each document
and used the text analysis matrix to allow for easier comparison of the three pieces. We will be
identifying the Speaker, Subject, and Purpose for each selected piece. This was done in the
matrix. During the process of studying these pieces, we found that there were many different
causes of abortion. Women may choose to have an abortion due to socioeconomic concerns such
as disruption of education or employment or lack of support from the father (Guttmacher, 1998).
The one major cause that is reported amongst all pieces, is unplanned pregnancy (Guttmacher,
1998: Ronald Doe, 2008; Advice & Aid, N/A). With the striking similarity of all pieces
mentioning unplanned pregnancy, it shows that one of the main causes is unplanned pregnancy,
and this can be avoided to an extent with the use of contraceptives or by abstinence. This idea is
supported with the claim that “…improved contraceptive use can help reduce unintended
pregnancy…” (Guttmacher, 1998).
As long as there are causes for a decision, that decision also comes with its
effects/consequences. This can also be applied to the decision of having an abortion. The effects
of abortion can vary either physically or emotionally. The medication given can take a toll on the
body (Ronaldo Doe, 2008). The articles also gave emotional effects that could occur after the
decision, which include shame, denial and can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
(Ronaldo Doe, 2008; Advice & Aid, N/A). These effects have become so identifiable, and
has led to the creation of a new condition known as Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS) (Advice
& Aid, N/A). These pieces all together have given a plethora of information and insight as it
relates to the effects that come with having an abortion. To conclude, all pieces have brought the
different causes and effects surrounding the decision to have an abortion to the public for open
Facets of Task
1 2 3 4
Does not meet The required number of Context in /from which Contexts in/ from which
the required stimuli has been stimuli are chosen are the stimuli are chosen are
1. Content number of pieces selected but some of explicitly given.  explicitly given.
Stimuli chosen are the issues are only There is evidence of the There is clear evidence of
of little relevance implied. procedures used in the procedure used in
or a weak attempt Some tasks are noted selecting the three stimuli selecting the three stimuli
is made to force but generally there Some of the issues Issues raised (in the
relevance seems to be associated with the stimuli stimuli) are clearly defined
Only one or two inadequacy, and lack of are not clearly stated (more and fully explored
tasks attempted clarity. information is needed) All relevant tasks
The report indicates an There is indication of the (processes, procedures)
understanding of tasks tasks to be done but some which should have been/
but execution is aspects are left out are to be, performed by
insufficient group members and
described in the reporting
are noted and defined.

Weak response to Analysis focuses on Excellent response to

the tasks: (focus, some of the key issues. the tasks: (focus,
summary, Good evidence of summary, analysis) 
analysis) research
2. Evidence of Analysis focuses on the
Issues not clearly Good handling of
investigation key issues.
identified documentation with the
Inadequate occasional error. Findings of discussions
evidence of and research of the
research relevance to the
stimulus material are
clearly stated
All sources of the various
stimuli are
acknowledged and
Any comments on the
stimuli, apart from
students’ original
comments, are
acknowledged and
3. Language The report: The report: very good The report:
use and Good control of control of language Excellent use of Standard
vocabulary basic grammar, (grammar and English in the appropriate
vocabulary and vocabulary) – errors do tone and register
mechanics. not suggest lack of The vocabulary shows
Competent capacity excellent knowledge of and
sentence interaction with the issues
structure but and context.
lacking in maturity
of expression
Total marks for Written Report = 10 marks
 Score awarded = __________ + _________+ _________ = __________

Name of student: _____________________________

Name of assessor: ________________________________

Time/Date of assessment: ___________ /_____________

                                                      Time                     Date
Oral Presentation

Title of Presentation:
Genre chosen: Poem.

Language use: Repetition and Rhyme

Main ideas:
Rating Scale 
Facets of Tasks 0 1 2 3 4
1. Fluency of      jerky, halting choppy awkward but Intelligible;
    delivery fragmentary acceptable clear;
    long pauses intonation; smooth;
continuous; well-paced
natural flow
2. Structure, connections with Connections Limited Coherent; Clear organization
 Comprehensibility,   and topic/issue with comprehension Key issues of ideas;
development of topic unclear; topic/issue lacks well Sustained treatment
incomprehensible; unclear; elaboration; developed of
key issues not Very Slightly Well topic/theme/issues;
depicted; incoherent in incoherent in expressed in Style very effective
style of parts; parts; many and
presentation does Utterance Somewhat parts; very impactful in
not always aid in incorrect limited; effective communicating
depicting style
the key issues
3. Language use      and lacks basic words; Ideas limited Adequate style Accurate
vocabulary lack specificity; to of use of
very many errors inadequate presentation grammar
in words words and Basic sentences Effective use
and sentences jargon are used; of grammar
Lacks Control of basic and
specificity grammatical vocabulary;
Limited structures; High degree
range of Reliance on of fluency;
grammar practical Rich
expressions; vocabulary

Score awarded = __________ + _________+ _________ = __________

Name of student: _____________________________

Name of assessor: ________________________________

Time/Date of assessment: ___________ /_____________

                                                  Time                      Date

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