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Assignment-II Semester-1I A Y: 2016-17

Subject :3.2.5–ETD-III Class : III/IV Mech (Sec A,B)


1.What are the merits and demerits of gas turbine over IC engine and steam turbines?
2) Classify Gas turbines and explain Effect of friction on ideal open cycle constant pressure gas turbine
3) Discuss briefly the methods employed for improvement of thermal efficiency of open
cycle gas turbine plant.

4)Effect of operating variables on thermal efficiency of gas turbine

5)Derive an expression for air standard efficiency of constant pressure heat addition closed cycle gas
turbine and show that the pressure ratio for maximum work is a function of the limiting temperature

6) Compare of open cycle with closed cycle gas turbine and list application of gas turbine

7) Explain Constant volume combustion gas turbine, semi closed cycle of gas turbine plant and Fuels
used for gas turbine.

8 Explain Jet propulsion system and its classification. And also explain screw propeller, turbojet, ,
turboprop engine , ram jet and pulse jet with neat sketches?

9) Explain with a simple sketch, construction and working of rocket propulsion system.

10) In an open cycle constant pressure gas turbine air enters the compressor at 1 barand 300 K. The
pressure of air after the compression is 4 bar. The isentropic efficiencies of compressor and turbine are
78% and 85% respectively. The -fue1 ratiois 80: 1. Calculate the power developed and thermal efficiency
of the cycle if the flow rate of air is 2.5 kg/s. .Take c p=1.005 kJ/kg K and y=1.4 for air and c p = 1.147 kJ/kg
K and y =1.33 for gases. R = 0.287 kJ/kg K. Calorific value of fuel = 42000 kJ/kg.

11) In a gas turbine plant, air is compressed from 1 bar and 15 0 c through a pressure ratio of 4:1. It is
then heated to 6500 c in a combustion chamber and expanded back to atmospheric pressure of 1 bar in
a turbine. Calculate the cycle efficiency and work ration if a perfect heat exchanger is used. The
isentropic efficiencies of the turbine and compressor are 80% and 80% respectively.

1. List the uses of compressed air and classify air compressors?

2. Working from first principles derive an expression for work done on air in a
reciprocating compressor in terms of pressure ratio for the cases of without clearance volume and with
clearance volume

3.What is the effect of excessive clearance on the performance of an air compressor?

4 Classify rotary compressors and explain Roots blower and Vane type blower with neat sketches?

5 ) Explain axial flow compressor and centrifugal compressor with neat sketches?

6)compare reciprocating and rotary compressors, axial flow and centrifugal compressors?

7)A single stage double acting air compressor is required to deliver 14 m3 of air per minute
at 1.013 bar and 15°C. The delivery pressure is 7 bar and the speed 300 rpm. Take the
clearance volume as 5% of the swept volume with the compression and expansion index of n= 1.3.
Calculate i) swept volume of the cylinder (ii) indicated power.

8) A three stage compressor is used to compress air from 1.0 bar to 35 bar. The compression in all
stages follow PV1.25 = C. The temperature of air is at the inlet to the compressor is 300 K.
Neglecting the clearance and assuming perfect inter-cooling, find out the indicated power required
in kW to deliver 15 m3 of air per minute measured at inlet conditions and intermediate pressures
also. Take R= 0.287 kJ/kgK.

9) The axial flow compressor having eight stages and with 50% reaction design compresses air in
the pressure ratio of 4:1. The air enters the compressor at 200c and flows through with a
constant speed of 90m/s. The rotating blades of a compressor rotate with a mean speed of 180m/s.
isentropic efficiency of the compressor may be taken as 82%.
(1) Work done by the machine and (2) blade angles assume v=1.4 and cp=1.005kJ/kg-k

10) A single-stage double acting compressor has a free air delivery(F.A.D) OF 14 m3 /min. measured at 1.013 bar and
150c. The delivery pressure is 7 bar and the speed 300 r.p.m..Take the clearance volume as 5% of the swept volume
with the compression and expansion index of n=1.3.Calculate:
i) Swept volume of the cylinder
ii) The delivery temperature
iii) Indicated power.

1) Give the classification of nuclear reactors and explain construction and operation of a nuclear
2) Discuss the materials used for moderators and coolants of a nuclear power plant
3) Describe with neat sketches, working principle of Boiler water reactor, Pressurized water
reactor and Sodium graphite reactor.
4) Describe with neat sketches, working principle of Fast breeder reactor, Gas cooled reactor
and CANDU Reactor.
5) Explain briefly how the wastes are disposed from nuclear power plant.
6) Discuss the problem of health hazard from nuclear radiation and Safety measures for
nuclear power plants?
7) What are the advantages of nuclear power plants.
8) Describe various methods of enrichment of uranium

1) Explain the different types of solar collectors with sketches. And enumerate the advantages and
disadvantages of concentrating collector over that flat plate collector.

2) Explain solar pond, Solar pump and Low temperature power plant

3) Describe working of Photovoltaic Cell with a neat sketch?

4) Describe working of open cycle MHD generator and Closed cycle MHD system

with neat sketches?

5) Classify wind turbines and explain advantages and disadvantages of wind energy conversion

6). Classify wind turbines and discuss in detail about various wind turbines with neat sketches

7. Discuss the site selection of a windmill and explain advantages and disadvantages of wind energy
conversion systems?

8. Describe the following terms in detailed ways :

(a) Solar radiation
(b )Energy storage
(c) Seebeck effect and thermoelectric power generation
(d) Advantages and applications of MHD.

1. Derive expressions for air standard efficiency and mean effective pressure for Otto cycle, Diesel cycle,
Dual combustion cycle

2) Derive the expression for air standard efficiency of Atkinson cycle and explain Stirling, and Ericson

3) Classify I.C. Engines and explain Basic components of IC engine with neat sketches?

4) Explain working of four stroke and Two stroke, SI and CI engines with VTD, PTD,PV diagrams?

5) distinguish between Two stroke and four stroke engines, SI and CI engines?

6) a)Discuss the difference between ideal and actual valve timing diagram of a petrol engine and also for
diesel engine.(b) Derive the expression for indicated thermal efficiency and volumetric efficiency of an

I.C. engine.

7) Define carburetion. Explain with a simple sketch working of a simple carburetor and modern
carburetor .

8) Describe fuel injection system in C.I. Engines with neat sketches?

9) Explain cooling system in I.C. engine in details

10)The compression ratio in an air-standard Otto cycle is 8. At the beginning of compression process, the
pressure is 1 bar and the temperature is 300K. The heat transfer to the air per cycle is 2900 kJ/kg of air.

(i) Thermal efficiency

(ii) The mean effective pressure.

11) An engine 200 mm bore and 300 mm stroke works on otto cycle. The clearance volume
is 16 x105 mm3. The initial pressure and temperature are 1 atm and 60 oC C. If the
maximum pressure is limited to 24 atm find:
(i) Air standard efficiency and
(ii) Mean effective pressure.
(b) The following details were noticed in a test on a 4 stroke 4 cylinder diesel engine. Bore diameter is

12)100 mm, stroke is 120 mm, engine speed is 1600 rpm and fuel consumption is 0.2 kg/min. It is
observed that the difference in tension on either side of the brake pulley is 40 kg and brake drum
circumference is 3000 mm. If the mechanical efficiency is 80%, find
(i) Brake thermal efficiency
(ii) Indicated mean effective pressure
(iii) Brake specific fuel consumption
Assume lower calorific value of diesel as 43 MJ/kg.

13) A six cylinder, 4-stroke SI engine having a piston displacement of 700 cm per cylinder
developed 78 KW at 30 rpm and consumed 27 kg of petrol per hour. The calorific value of
petrol is 44 MJ/kg. Estimate
(1) The volumetric efficiency of the engine, if the air –fuel ratio is 12 and intake air is at 0.9bar,
(2) The break thermal efficiency and
(3) The break torque. For air R=0.287 KJ/kg-k.

14)The following readings were taken during the test on a single cylinder four stroke oil engine. Cylinder
diameter is 190 mm and stroke length is 350 mm. Gross mean effective pressure is 748 kPa and pumping
mean effective pressure is 36 kPa. Engine speed is 240 rpm and Fuel consumption is 3.5 kg/hr. Calorific
value is 46000 kJ/kg . Determine

a) Indicated mean effective pressure b) Indicated power c) Indicated thermal efficiency d)Brake
power e) Brake thermal efficiency f) Brake mean effective pressure g) Brake specific fuel
consumption if mechanical efficiency is 85%.

1 What are the Factors influence flame speed in S I engines

2.Explain with a simple diagram, stages of combustion in a SI engine.

3)Explain phenomenon of knocking in S. I. engines &explain the effects of various engine variables on
knock in S. I .engine?

4) Explain Pre ignition, Octane rating and various types of combustion chambers used in S I engines
with neat sketches?

5)What is abnormal combustion? Explain abnormal combustion phenomenon in a CI engine.

6) Explain different stages of combustion in C.I. engines and What are the factors that will effect
ignition delay in C.I. engines.

7) What are the various types of combustion chambers used C I engines ( Open and divided combustion
chambers) and explain them briefly with sketches?

8) Compare the Combustion in SI and CI engines

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