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ple interest per annum and an eceived an interest of vested, he would have 18% sim] per annum. He 7 ints in A person invested an amount of € X at the rate of amount of € Y at the rate of 12% simple interest £4,320/- at the end ofthe year. Had he interchanged the amo received an interest of ¥ 4,680/-. Then|X- ¥|= (1) © 9,500/- (2) a (3) €7,500/- Bheas 28 6 dosebgro8 196 dent tf X Sdn soem SOD SAE Y Grito Soanty Dealer pig, dosegrodsne® 88 4,320/- Roayesb Seis ydar Sd ol owes 4,680/-Srdrco shoe a] (1) .9,S008rd-aben i ser (3) 7.5008r2-a%00 (4) _6,000¢narase> ‘The ratio of a prineipal and the total amount with r# simple interest rate on that principal after 1 yearisa : bthen valueof rin 28 eXert HOcie POD av Hossehto Soss 1%: termsofa, bis dedi S86 06s spends No M8 a: bead rdwda bot baa b26 5-4 109 4) 222.100 (a) (22) 100 2 ( = 00 @ ® A person invested 718,000 at the rate of 20% compound interest per annum. Then the interest he gets after completing the duration of two years is g a8 S:§ 18,000 drdrathow Sa°O8 20% Bind? 3S 588 DeQadrr BERL. eHped dot So;szyro Fe 550 GQ Carrs Hors OSS says A) ©7920 (2) %4,320 (3) %6,750 (4) &8,670 ‘A building ofinitial value Rs. 31,25,000 depreciates in its value every year at the rate of 4%0n 1, IfRs. xis the value of the building at the end of 3 years and Rs. y is the value of the Jand which appreciates at the rate of 5% gompoundingly and ‘the value of the land initially is Rs| 3: leny —x= 451,25,000 irdeto Den 8OS28 Gs0 Dens cas, Serio WB SosehSo Woise ys Grsowoe A ct) Dent B 4h Sin HPS doled. 3 howsyrO SOS @ SEsio Dens x trdrcthen HOct | Srootioe® 32,00, 000érarcioo den 59 St Btiroto Stn SEaborr SOS Goo Dens, ORGS, y — = (1) 609700 Lr 939600 (3) 600000 (4) 508900 its value at the beginning of the yea 17, =T,.)+T,-2¥"23 and T,=T,=1 then 7, +T, +...4Ty = p= Ty.) + Ty2 V4 23 SOc T, =T, =1 wond T,+T, +...+T = (1) Tit4 (2) Ty-l (3) T+! (4) T)+Tu w i o-% APL? ay abe Di Le ke Ws or o> 5 Certain amount ‘x’ is distributed to three persons A, B, C. A gets 25% share of x. Twice the difference of Band Cis equal to theshare of A,Then theratioin which A.B,Cgettheamounts | _ x o is ayer : “ A,B, CGE SOM Ano xsosotos, x ot 25% brid A drome. A see Bisddn Carerony!° FSSwsw Gor Sey word, A,B, Ceo Sod Sexe yg, eZ (1) 26:72:59 Q) 4:7:5 (3) 8:13:9 (ES 7 ‘The averages of 3 different data D,, D;,D, are 30,40, SO respectively. Ifthe average ofD,and D; togethers 38 and that of D, and D, togethers 42, then the average ofthe threedataD,,Dz —3 andD,together is = Dy, Dz, D; #8 Sart 0% Senos Keven ser 30, 40, 50. Dy Oat D, © Socins SKeD 38 So8ctw D, SEcin D, © Soaing siitw 42 ward Dy, D, 0a Dy © SardosdS Siito (1) 44.53 (2) 42 (2), 88:12 ee - Ina police battalion of 600 police, the average height is 150 cm. Later it is discovered that for xpolicemen heights are copied wrongly as 160 cm instead of 190 em. By taking the Correct heights, the average is increased to 15S em. Then x= 600 S208 Siren ay oS BOS BerdabS G0 are HOO DY 150 Bo. bo. Fors, PO x Hod BOS FO Dé 190 Ro. do, neheory 160 Ro. ho, rr ErahndSA OD SHiPayd. 40 eons Den bx%0d, 76 HONS Dw 155 do. bo. o% DENS. Spex = B (1) 120 (2) 100 (3) 180 (4) 150 ‘The marked price of a newly arrived article shows an increase of 15% on its cost price. Later this marked price was decreased by 20% as the article is outdated. Ifthe cost price of thearticle is 21,200 then the profit or loss for the shopkeeper with the current selling price is (1) S#loss (2) 8%loss (3) 10% gain (4) Tgain 2. Bir Sty Bow eS Sih Gk, GASB TOT HIP 15% IST NIGA. HYG Aws, S00 6 Sard THD GSBS Box 20% Short. © Ki Aas, F%y 0 1200 Srdrcdoond Gas 7 sais 208 0 comeecrbon8 Sth rd bo Si, x % (1) S%8%o (2) 8% $0 (3) 10% reo (4) Tero qsy 10, ‘A sum of % 5,600 is distributed among 12 people consisting of men, women and children. The ratio of the total amounts given to all men, all women and all children is 9:4: 1, But the ratio of the amounts received by each man, woman and child is 3:2: 1a ‘Then the amount received by each women is mee (1) 250 (2) %300 (3) 400 (4) %450 e Stathon, be» Sebati Boo fo 12200 5:08 5,600 rd-abo avery sodd Forts. wxoxpootios, 5 Se §eote8 Odin dynotsOS ways kre Bree 2889: 4: 1h GB SiN, SO § Ham Ga ~/ SparO8 G8 fdorm 00S avezO NEY 3:2: 1. 6ond BOG 8 was drain, (1) 250¢éraro%en (2) 3008rdrotbeo (3) 400¢maomen (4) 450%rarcde 133 3 = Ty on iL. A shopkeeper sells his goods at 30% profit on cost price, Due to an error in weighing machine, it weighs 20% more than what it displayson its sereen, ‘Then the profito loss he ets 5 81 tprofit (2) 10% profit (3) 10% loss (4) oF aoe 8 COMER WD KLAOw Fy GOP 30% EGOS DomdRt>. Srbis dogod No Sissy ord BSD SAO mow Sry 20% Dtoys medio Arodod. wipe 808 SA oso Ser SHO (1) Swern (2) 10m rein (3) 10g (4). BS SBE 12. 13. 14. ‘A Shopkeeper sells an article by offering 24% discount on the marked price and there by gets a loss of 5%. Ifhe does not offer the discount, then the gain /loss he gets is, mei (1) 20% gain (2) 29% loss (3) 25% gain Or ae 28 Hos GSOS TOR 24 rnb pes SSD om}, Hhisigo S208. Tonb Hor 68, Vy Sd) wo ber KGo. (1) 20% reo (2) 29% go. (3) 25% ergo (4) 21% So ‘Kean complete a piece of work in 18 days and B can complete the same workin 12 days. Both begin the work together but after some days, B leaves the work. If A finishes the remaining work in 3 days, then the number of days B worked is AaSiO0 18 kostsr SBaio Bed 500 1200S srg Fatt. axsir SN Prod SY FA So Sard Bw S00 SAO Sd, WAOS HNO 3 Ser! A wg Sh, BSI TAN Baro Soay (1) 5 (2)_8 (3)_4 (4)_6 14 men can doa work in 18 days. 15 women can do the same work in 24 days. ‘Tf 14 men work for first 3 days and 10 women work after that for 3 days, then the ratio of the time taken by ‘Tmen alone and the time taken by 5 women alone to complete the remaining work is 14 S208 Sthiyen a HI 18 Fxrod® dewriot. 15 S08 Seo ed HO 24 Herod dabdiiors. 14 H08 Stipe dnss 3 Seren 4 Bh, $H6 3 Seren 10 S08 Feo A dy, MANS 49D 7 sob Qtoiven SmGab Hg Td sw, 508 hen insad Hg Hd rose 9H (1) 2:3 (2) 3:4 Cyc (4) 1:2 15. 16. ‘alone can do a piece of work in 10 days and B alone can do the same work in 15 days. Aand B agreed to complete the work for 30,000. With the help of C, they completed the work in S days. Then the amount to be paid to Cis (1) ofthe amount tobe paid toB. (2) Equal to the amount to be paid to B. 3 (3) Lofthe amount tobe paid to. (4) Lofthe amount tobe paid to A. 2 3 2.8809 As8yd 108 od! Haiiow Hoc od 500 Bays 15 Prod dabrews. A, Ben 30,000 Epdrchot © B09 Grd Habherd8 wohsooerto, Chicos srt 85ND SF wos HO AH. cond C8 aQ0d ango (1) B8aQodangos* LSs08. (2) B&BQ0d aneend sSiirso. (3) AS aQodangoo* t Sdom, (4) A8BQod andos® | som. 3 If 221% increase of a number is98, then 221% decrease of that number is eS sonset 225% totobo 98 end, Sony6t 221% Sri (1) 49 (Q) 33 () 62 (4) 45 17. 18. Amanstarted 10 minutes ate from his homo tohis offic. He travelled at a speed of 1 times : 4 ofhis usual speed and reached hi time taken yan to office athisumvalapeed ne aay in time. Then the time taken by the man to reach his, 8 Sg 8S soddihod $5 whi 10 Aaddpen goxjorr achertores. GN Aorta das 11 dy 4 SKOB* Boirchod SOS saiwas vs ebinw dietary. cond 089 Hordadtos 65 who BOSSES whe SOTA Had. (AmDzros) (1) _s0 (2)_60 (3)_ 45 (4) 75 ‘Two persons P and Q started travelling towards each other at two places A and Brespectively 7AM. The speeds of P and Q are in the ratio 4: 5. Somewhere between A and B they met at Cand spent some time together. From at 8.07 AMP and Qstarted travelling towardsB and Arespectively. IfP reaches Bby 9.12 AM, the time they spent at C together is (1) 12min (2) 15min (3) 17min (4) 20min Sdcbo 7 otek PkOain Qen Sei A sOaio Baar Hod 280 Sow aos Seo nce Boros. P&idain Qo dire dihY 4: 5. A SOaw Bo sot, Cod Sb art KerbHO SOd Stdetbo KAT. Cii08 aticho 8.07 Hotbot Pzs8o%s Q en Stsiire BaOain A © 3% eaber dots. BD adabo 9.12 Kotbow PHOS, Cg arty SOR NAB Seoabo. (1) 12@sm@rer (2) 1S xwdeer (3) «17m (4) 20DK DIED 19. ‘The time between 7 and 8 O'clock when the minute hand is 5 minutes behind the hour hand is (1) 302 min. past 7 O'clock (2) 325 min. past 7 Ordlock ese (3) 43-2. min. past 7 O'clock (4) 313. min. past 7 O'clock i iv Saco 8 Note Soths DddSPo vey Hobo snen Sods 5 NbEren B¥ dod! Seadoo. (1) 700392 dximdrer (2) 7hobe 328 dxmdren in nn (3) 7ihote 437 dswaren (4) 7hobe a3 Osmdreo iu 20. 21. ‘fm and n are the number of rotations of hour-hand and minute hand of a clock respectively in 72 hours, then n—m= 28 KAcrSOS® 72 Kobos' Kotse Sey, NAPE Saree LOXrP m LoGako n Sh UO Geowo SR n=m= (1) 66 (2)_ 72 (3)_ 24 (4) 56 ‘Three persons X, Y and Z are employed to do a piece of work. X and Y together completed 2! 23 partof the work. Y and Z together completed 3 part of the work. Ifall the 3 agreed to complete the work for€3,250, then the amount X receives more than thatof Zis, 00% gen X, Y 8c Zend XxoOot Yea 808 2! peri 2.8 800 xpQ Boards Suro HO eo Dodsosarreo. eo¥oh 2 oio 6 80 § rhoSAdgng Sore. 6 SAGO SoHE w Surge 3,250 SADE SIS. YsoOatn Zen 80H © 98.6 SODTQ % Erdxctoot asyotio Sioenyo8 2808 XS W8ySrr $4) Bodo. (1) 2,210 (2) 520 (3)_ 1,690 (4) 1,170 22. 23. oe ~ islelen- fer- In 2022 August 15" is on Monday. Then the day of the week on which Republic day will be celebrated in the year 2024 is (1) Tuesday (2) Wednesday (3) ‘Thursday (4) Friday 2022 xy 15 RH ssao word, 2024 S SowssGoE® Hradows OS'hys0 ethigead artos'n 5 ST Hott wo'y (1) Sori¥rso (2) extar6o (3) Mtardo (4) Bro A person P started a business with %5,00,000. After 3 months, another person Q joined P with %4,00,000 in the business. At the end of the year, out of the total Profit Q received a total of 50,000 including 20% of the profit for managing the business. Then, the amount received is Pod e888 5,00,000 srdmabost at aro S8odowt. 3300 Shard 4,00,000 tra cdos* Qed HES H8 PS aydvod dors, Hossrotsos* vgo ergo Hod HyHOrN NG:POMoeH TPE Ersiod* 20% 5 SeogED Bngorr 50,000 Srarahor Q srorrt ond PeroBs kay (1) % 45,000 (2) 55,000 (3) % 60,000 (4) % 50,000 24. A.B, and Cstarted a business with investments of 4,200, & 8,400, % 5,400 respectively. At the end of the year they gota profit of 6,000 and they reinvested their profits in the business. At the end ofnext year the ratio in which they get their profits is A,B, Cen Sthiirr € 4,200, € 8,400, € 5,400 Btpatoos 28 arydrordy Soot. Sossyrosos* SPOS F 6,000 ergio HNy0H. PO Orgrow’ ajo BON Digadrr Depth. SHO Sowsasyto HF aed dod owe nie, (1) 7:14:99 (2) 8:11:17 (3) 23:54:69 (4) 29:56:36 25. A rectangular plot of dimensions 210 meters x 120 meters is divided into 4 equal parts by two roads each of width 12 meters running in the middle of it, one parallel to the length and the other parallel to the breadth. Then the area of each part is (in Sq. meters) 2108 x 120d 2 Posearr ho as bg ses drs foo Bos, Srsipe, Sdeny’ SSrostorr sour GorN8 yr Bend 12 db, 0 Bier No Doth Oey @ Hordy 4 Sais errrearr defesyayo. card Sy, ero Buk Boro so (5 hoese*) (1) 10,692 (2) 6,300 (3) 3,816 (4) 5,346 26. For a square, the lengths of its side and diagonal are equal to the diameters of two unequal circles; The ratio of the areas of the smaller circle and larger circle is a8 GeotKo Gok; shai tobain Dyin Suge Sol ehars Smo prow simsPd, 0% SySo HeBdin BE Seno BHO; NY 2g (1) 2:3 (2) 1:3 (3) 4:2 (4) 2:5 27. After 2022, the next immediate calendar year which will be same as 2022 is 2022 dors, Soerrr COUSHOIP 408 &:BoKE sossySo, 2022 Shard Sows’ Sa SosiiWo. (1) 2032 (2) 2033 (3) 2026 (4) 2028 a 6 tal rh, rae —_ mae 3008 aa ea and with that entire material a sphere is made having volume of 808 cm’. If the radius of the cone and sphere are equal, then height of the cone (in centimeters) is “ Nnarneli Sero8 énsosin0 38,808 om? ayes Mardy Scioto Sart S08 ansingo, Meio angen Simso word, Som as (od HOE"). () 2 (@) 2s G) 84 (4) °36 29. Pipe A can filla tank in 30 minutooand Py 5 A rf and Pipe B can fillitin 45 minutes. But third Pipe C can empty a full tank in 15 minutes, A and B are kept open for 15 minutes in the beginning and then Cis also opened. Since then the : ae \ time: ‘ed (in minutes) to empty the tank is Slr AS B9 J0sinchedten Ieee ro thoarecin Routo’. Sane 9 Cots tmobo 15 2thiros arf Haire, anise 15 deo A, Bow 360 dort Sears CO Erer Boart. 2365 S08 trot arb sascrns egos Sxxddo (VIS). A be (1) 15 (2) 45 (3) 75 (4) 90 @ ak 30. Twoinletpipes A and Bworking togetherfor 4hoursfill 72units of waterina tankhaving capacity 160 units. IFA alone can fill the tank in 20 hours, the time taken by B alone tofill the tank is (1) 2Shours (2) 1Shours 3) 21 hours (4) | 16hours 160 cardiy FSH3,0 Ko FH A HOain B Ree en 4 Kobos? 72 crdy H&S Nogeran. ALky5 FB 20 Nobos* dob, Bass FAA Sevan, (1) 25hote (2) 18 %oten (3) 21 Kober (4) 16 Kote 31. ‘Two trains run on parallel tracks at 126 kmph and 108 kmph, When they are running in opposite directions they cross each other completely in Sseconds and when they are running in the same direction a passenger sitting in the faster train sees that the other train passes completely in 30 seconds. Then the length of the faster train is (in meters) Both Bt HaiPoSS SerOD Now’ 126 8. cd. HOoi 108 8. bp, Sxo8* Stirceoanan. wD 3088 Bbod? BORN OD EEPATES HOP PoHDS 5 BYowg Stotood. socio ad Ose BOTH Hyed, D,S Aros" Beoediy Geos" Lrthyky a Geir Fotis Bers SH Er PASH YNS 30 AV0tL HGowN Mesorrts. word Dey Srio6 ae Sen Gres (SooYE") (1) 150 (2) 200 (3) 175 (4) 225 32. A train of 450 meters long moving with a speed of 65 km/hr crosses a man travelling in some direction of the train in 27 seconds. Then thespeed with which the man moving and hisdirection is, 1) 1Skmph; Same direction 2) 15 kmph; Opposite direction 3) _ Skmph; Same direction 4) _Skmph; Opposite direction 450, baby re SOS gen Kote 658. So. Hos abrdii 27 Aiod a. BE Soirdigey as 89 erento. 6 5G Gairdo'd Sto Oe Bcirdod aw. (1) Kobe 158.49;2868 (2) Nome 158. bo; 5,988 8 (3) Kote 58.85;28 08 (4) Rot 58.2; 5,068 08 F.Two cubes, cach of volume 4,096, are joined to form a cuboid. Then the difference between thesurface area ofthe ‘cuboid and the total surface area of the two cubesis (in 2.888 4,096 &. Bo. bo. SossOsrne SONS Doth gaPok SOB a y sarhy DHS. wHpe Exioiso Bont, 88080 Jaro; HOGI HT dO Fererwo Boe 08 oso (°) (i) 512 (2) 256 (3) 1.024 (4) 1,536 34. Tha mixture of acid and water, if liter of waters added, then the new mixture contains 20% acid. When 1 liter of acid is added to the new mixture, the acid in the resulting mixture is 1 ‘ 335%. The percentage of acid in the original mixture is Sin (acid) Hoi» Hero Mssdoe® 1 éotd NHN SOLS He Se DSsvoo* 20% GILSH A08. Fy ASEPDS 1 Dist exis SORT GOS Dgerio™ 331% wisn dotnold. PSOSEWED Swsroet Ke esperso 2 1 (1) so @) mt (3) 25 (4) ay 35. “The speed of a motor boat in still water is SOkmph. If the motor boat travels 60 km against the stream in Ihr 30 minutes, then the time taken by the boat to cover 100 km along the stream is (in minutes) AA ODS ASH ak SrerB Ss ans, Sho ot’ 50 8. bo. 1 Fob 30 Mesos? Garstang DT © BrerG Sues 60 8. bo. Wairdy, Garo Fond w SS 100 8. bo. Wairdosiwns sf Siioaho (Ndros*) (1) 130 (2) 110 te 195 (4) 100 36. A Motor Boat travelled to a point B from A and returned to A. The speed of the stream is 3 km/hr. If distance between A and B is 2 km and total time taken to the round trip is 30 minutes, then speed of the motor boat in still water is Asool BS a8 Brent 8365 Gcimdo 80h As Sothos, Sami Sifo Nob 38. 9.02. A, Bo sey, GEG0 28. Bo, HOcin GO Gcirer NE Sih Sehabo 30 ADddPe Cond, N¥yo: DEQ SES Sto. (1) 8km/hr (2) Lkm/hr (3) 9km/he (4) 6km/br 37. Ina race of 1200 meters, A can beat B by 120 meters and in a race of 800 meters Bean beat C by 40 meter. In a race of 400 meters by how many meters can A beat © ? 1200 £o. © Stor SoBod* BA A 120 do. 0 SHS" EGowiriord HOaiw 800 ds. © Herd Sodos’ CD 40 b>. od rS* BE Losiriot, 4002. w Sei SoBos* Cd aN Lbs Tors’ AL Lose ? (1) 38 (2) 42 (3) 60 (4) 54 38. In three different vessels A, Band C, a syrup and water are mixed in the ratios of 2:3, 3:5 and 5:7 respectively. 1S liters ofmixture taken from A, 16litersofmixture taken from Band xliters of mixture taken from C are mixed in a new vessel to have the ratio of syrup and water as 2:3 thenx = Sarto DOS Swe A, Boa Coo as 265 socio HAN SUN 2: 3,3: SxbOakw $: TARyoe* SOL, Amol 1SHOY Dwr, Boos 16 54s Mwsrd Oak Coo’ x Bios mssrN SHO 28 BY SUE BUS HOaiD AH 98 2:3 eabyreurp SOIL. word x= (1) 24 (2) 20 (3) 18 (4) 17 SS 39. The present age of A is twice the age of B. 15-years ago the age of A was thrice the age of B. Then 25 years ago the age of A was (1) 7times the age of B, . (2). times the ageofB. a4 (3) Stimesthe age of B. (4) 4times the age of B. A Gt SYS Sadwyy B Sok Sabioyt ots Sky. 15 Sosywro Bo A Ans Sassi) B Gos Sobinyt Sart Sty. eond 25 Sossyore so A ws, Sco%) (1) Bank, Sob 73m, (2) Baws, Sade % 6 tp. (3) Bane, Sabxoyt Soe. (4) Baws, Sob’ 4Btp. 4. 42. 43. ‘The ratio of ages of Ram and Rahim after 5 years from now is 11 ; 10. The ratio of their ages 4 years ago was 8 : 7. The ratio of their present ages is WH, BES © Sabi AY 5 SoSssyoro SergS 11: 10. 4 Sossyro smoth 6 Saigo VHB 8: 7.20 GHS Sods HO NHS, (1) 19:17 (2) et (3) 28:25 (4) 21:25 ‘Thecostprice of an article Bis 25% more than thatofanarticleA. Articles Aand Baremarked upby 30% and 20% respectively. Article A is sold at a discount of 10% and article Bissold ata discount of 5%. Ifthe selling price of article A is 51 less than the selling price of article B, then the cost price of article B is Bed ak SH Bn¥, Pay G5 A OF Sigs Bn HH) G5 SOS 25% DOYS. A, BSQHo Gen SHowsrr 30% Sako 20% dLySrr GEBAParan. Awd Sig} 10% SNosS*dm, Bod Soy 5% SHG ir Dgomow, A wd Sia Bak, oHNH 65 BOISHS aw¥, wSB 56 oH 51 Srdvadeor KH;BS Bod Sig Gane, 8456. (1) %200 (2) %250 (3) %260 (4) %300 ‘The cost price of an article is 64% of the marked price, Ifthe article is sold for 12% discount on. the marked price, then the profit percent is eS Sigh SHG GEES BIC 64% GSES ESB 12 Toni nly eSQSOoOHBed edo (1) 48 (2) 28.5 (3) 37.5 (4) 25 Inone kilometre race, A can give Ba start of 100 m and can give Ca start of 200 meter Bcan sive 20 min to Cover a race of 200 metres. The time taken by Bto run 200 meters (1) 12min (2) L min (3) 2 min (4) min 4 = 4 4 eS 86*Eot08 Stor $oB0S A, BY 100E248 Si C9 200 Leyak LSoistiet. 2002diy Sodoe* B,Cd 20dkadre SerS* KEosstots. 200 AH6Y Snvo SAYS BE SHS Sedetdo (1) 10 asidren (2) 5 Bint (3) nitro (4) Bainien 44. A25 digit number is such that its extreme digits are same and all other 23 digits are same but different from extreme digits. Ifthat number is divisible by 11, then end digit can’t be 8 25 ©08en Ho Somsd* 250 Fo Goer SvPSrP dolwom, ADS 23 ode SsrNorP dots” DSO S'So eoBot Dorr dotran. 6 Son; 118 eMosotd, N46 603 HUH 008 a) 9 (2) 8 @) 5 @). 4 45, Let G be the GCD of three numbers 3,780, 3,465 and 3,003 and L be the LCM of 3,465 and L g 3,003. Then 3 = se 3,780, 3,465 280% 3,003 08 arto Sonor... Cusco 3,465 x20dto 3,003 Sink, 6.2.76, ar 3G (1). 65 (2) 780, (3) 455 (4) 429 46. Ifthesumofthe fractions wh, 108 isxand thesum ofthe fractions 13, 3 isythen x—y= 124,102 08 Dxysve Sogo xOaiv 72,14 eitigsoe ago yeast x-y= 1 13, ul 3 i 1) 14— 2) 13 — (4) 14 w a Ga Bia @) 4 ue 47. If the digit in the units place of the square of an integer is x, then the sum of all possible distinct values of xis a8 Kprposisn Gay SHod* ab Sos wo8 x wand, xk HUE oh NOsy Denso Awky oso (1) 25 (2) 27 (3) 28 (4) 32 ey A 145e ‘ 327) 2 Pred, 48. |2/-2197 x3 [125+ [sag]+z= a (1) 174 (2) ¥31 (4) 1233 49, If xisan integer satisfying the equation 9x2” + 9x7 =82,then V12+2Vx = x 686 9x29 49x72? = 82 ei sisson sh sod as ergsonj Sond V12+ 2x qa) ivi (2) 343 (3) WB+v5 (4) 24v8 50. ‘Theset ofall perfect numbers and twin primes among the nuimbers 1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7,8, 9s, 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 980RsOS*D SORE Sonyen SOdo door Sho) GOS Som No8 SDB (1) (1,2,3,4,5,7,9} (2) {1,3.4,5,7,9} (3) {3.45.79} (4) (3,567) a 10 rte pleut eat = 3% we we ee a var a Ask mw OF az SS 51. Identify the venn diagram which best represent the relation between triangles, equilateral triangles, ight angled triangles, isosceles triangles so (Beiaioen, Ssbariro Bebasines, conte Gebeitnen SHOR Btouiine HY, isomowry woos ey SOG’ BS Sdsnt MQOHOS, Loe Ep Wy ue Nee : e atx @ seu a ree 2 - ast a, o> ee 6 QD a : oe % 2 Ags ec Ed eae 4 Lat ry @ rene ere ue -& $2. Aranks 13"from the topand Branks 17 from the bottom ina class. IftherankofCisSranks \2 _ belowAand Sranks above B, then the number of students of the class is cae Soo, 28 SONBE A Bio’ 1335 ApNoShhr HOatw Bod sod 175 ASoohSw ays. Cam ASOAS ey, cae STO Bross tdan BE S Ape Dro soll, HNBED SoBE ons, (a sa heat 39 @) "29 6) 9 (4) 30 3 53, In the following diagram, if triangle represents Cricket players, circle represents Football players, rectangle represents Hockey players and rhombus represents Tennis players, then the difference between the number of players who can play all the games except flockeyand the number of players who can play all the four games is equal to s (1) Numberof players who can play all the games except Tennis, (2) Number of players who can play only Tennis, (3) Number of players who can play only Hockey. (4) Number of players who can play all the games except Football. P Sbod? Brba0 E8S wdrmee, So 95 wd worry, AY seod¥o 8 worry Hob Stow Sdyeo BYE ebereyosrdg 195%) NOS OQ show VUiNo SiMe) Son, went weber wtih ebIrE Sons Ko So (1) BRS diy NDS odwbed etiKo She Sou SrSo (2) Bx00 BAS knw wero ebrrd 0B; SrKo (3) dieo x8 dest etre corre) Soni SirSo (4) G5 rd dh) DNOS dbo wtf SbIPe) Somgh Sirso a , ow 54, 55. 56. < typ y per : were . a i ‘A‘kind F are facing the reha'a circular table in a park A ta fp the conte. ‘There is only one A,B, C, D, E, F are sitting a F n @ De centre of the table and the remaining are facing the direction 9 0 ig wed oe rte en srson bet Band. in the person sitting = es anys soe re te reonson See ‘A. B.C,D, EB, Peosroty amy. Asoo» roe em eDsmpormse, DNOS are Eogrns DoorMiowy HSH OD Soporrs S680 dary. BS at 8 Ax Tots HS D. ASHE OK amy Sots HF. B, Cait die ad S38 Src sayvr. Cond FH 4 g BE 35S GSS SrmyySs Q) D (2) B Gy A (4) ¢ ‘S persons A.B, G,D, Bare sitting at the corners of square shaped garden and one is at the centre. Ais adjacent toC,B, E, Darenotona line; Aand Dare equidistant from C; A.B, Dare noton a line, Then the persons sitting at the corners are tal oe oe Soe ay cakes karo gOS Eye S195 8-890 A,B,C, D, Eevee, AS W8y5 Cammy. BE, Denasdn po; ABOAD Doo Ce SEs eorsos® BTYE. AE Dees Sap deo. wht GOS nade doroo SG Sra TPO Q) AGD.E (2) ABCD (3) BCDE (4)_ BADE ‘A goes 500 meters straight from his house. He turns to his Jeft and walks 1 km. He then goes “4 11 km after turning to his right to reach his office. Ifhis office is located in North ~ East 2 direction from his house, then the direction in which A started moving initially from his house and the shortest distance from his house to his office is Ze ~ 1) South — East, 2km 2) North,2km 7 IN East, km. 4) West, v3km 88 BO S08 A Store 500 dobss & Seer. 85 Iss By GA O8t 1 8. bo. SR. o STs 1 | 85 HES 3H BOA ws u 8, 2b. 38) 68 SOYOSMD, Aehthoert, 6D srsvckho BS sod Hod KiBri’s BSE A085, 8S Bos S08 A rSosos* d B8S* acoemdore w AF HO SS aollihos IS SO VaRNS ho SNH evo. (1) eAystro, 28. do. (2) 860,28... (3) Spd, 5 8.d. (4) Si88005, Y5 8. 37. C Students §,, 5; 8;,S;, Ss, 5; wrote an entrance exam and the following is the information regarding their marks. Sum of themarksofallis 1000. $;gotmoremarksthan§, but less than § ‘S¢got the least marks among them. 400 marksis the highest mark and 60 marksistheleast ‘mark among these six students. The position ofthe student having highest marks igand the 9° position of the student having least markis 6, IfS, got 400 marks, S's position in the list is 2” from the last, the average marks oflast 3 students is 95) then the total marks ofS, and Syis Groth Sypge S,, Sr, Ss, Sy, Ss Ocho Seen a8 WI LX RI. HO Seto SosoHons OSoren & BASS exiyeBSD. wos Srey Boo 1000, $8 035 sinthyen S, Lol 2,5 wh G, Sot SYS. wotesodl 8, Stays Hrtyen oor. ch 6 ssonEt NOH Stkyen 400 Oa BO Sven 60. HO Spon 0b deg Abo | Holo UG Soeyen HOS DAY NSO6.S, AOOSeyes od, S055 Hoo8 Batis Sion 608, NO EGO SSE seen 95 word, S)Edin S ovo Smtoyen af (1) 225 i 18 (3) 315 (4) 200 a R saat) 8, 8, Pb th zttoo somorr bye Lickin din Bode KGS SBS sreyensten Hiootram. wd Sy 70 Soxoyd BEGPOS GE Sed SST ron, IL, ©Sx. Shs OA SAVBNSe OF yWow 8 ob dowie. (1) [érsd oops (2) Lde@aboopsa (3) Txs8ctp Ten dot eS (4) TXOcl Hen Bot aokesso ZO. A Parson facing West moves 30 meters towards West and then moves a distance of 80 meters Novth end later moves,30 meters towards West again, The distance of its final position from the starting point is ; (1 0m" (2) 85m 43) 100m (4)_ 105m Buoy marge Hg S0DDOSY SESS BSH KAN CHA Soar 80 snbot Geo SOS SED Sader 30 frets sens Rob NBD, SOs ASO M08 wii DSS Ea PoAs Hepio Soo. (1) 90%. (2) 85&. (3) 1004. (4) 105%. ri 3B Po Sooo is >, ate 5 oF jt is followed by two as true is given and red aa (are) implicit of the .61. In this question, a statement which is to be ¢! ee assumptions numbered I & II. Decide which of the assumption ‘statement. Statement: An instruction on the hall candidate has to be in the examination hall bef commences, Not even a late by 1 min is allowed.” Assumptions: I. Ifnot mentioned in hall ticket, candidates may come to the exam at any time as per their wish. I. Ina Competitive examination, chance of writing the exam so as tofilter the meritorious students, (4) Only assumption Tis implicit. (2) Onlyassumption ITis implicit. (3) Both assumptions I & Mareimplicit. (4) Neither I nor ITis ‘implicit. Si 806 Bzys* Nathd erDowvods ax Sito OP Sond Doth erases dotron. d orSS (a)s BSSSod* PASE HAST Goss, BSBSo : eS HS by Ans, wed SBS Pihosrss aw Hob. “HY Avs SSA SVd GBH SOS NOS dorPd. 2.8 Deinsisw Ory SPU OAHBosied”. SO SrabsTS, cage 0 apo vo d wsradeno' Bs SOYw See TL, 28 88 6X6 BOS Ko edges SESTAdTAE BO WHOS HEY ErAdUAE Sirs SSisr¥o BiiySoh sotv0d. (1) Téegcborn aoa (2) Mairgsbor 408 (3) L.Men Bote ara baryon (4) [dcr db A aotse 1 ticket for a competitive examination is “Every fore the examination every candidate should be given equal risen: 62. In this question, a statement which is to be taken as true is given and it is followed by two assumptions numbered I & II. Decide which of the assumption (s) is (are) implicit of the statement. Statement: The national education policy brings major changes in the education system, Assumptions: I. Present education system is not supporting the needs of the nation. IL Present education system is teacher centric. (1) Only assumption Tis implicit. (2) Only assumption II is implicit, (3) Both I& Iare implicit. (4) Neither I nor Ils implicit. & 08 GyE* DesHO TOOAORS v8 isto wd Zonk Bot eriisen dotran. d OSS (en) Gdssod! onset /PASE Gois08, BBiio: Sm; orlod eras Der; Dorwo Dey smehyow Siow Sx08 PSS: 1 D8 OsSrE% YS OE; dorso byyoo de ; Tl. adrrsctat Sogsor igs, Dens 5535 9 BA! 2 (1) Téegscborn 408 @) Targab ora 408 (3) Le dotir orn sanon (4) Td 1d ern aotiee 14 63. Directions : In this question a statement is given followed by two conclusions that can be derived from the statement either directly or indirectly or may not be derived. Which conclusion (s) follow (s) from the statement ? Statement: One of the prime ministers of India said, “Wastage of anything is crime. Wastage of food is double crime.” Conclusions: I. The issue of food wastage is of high importance to fight, hunger, raise income and improve food security in India. IL. Food wastage is morally wrong because there are many people who are hu (1) onlyTfollows. ee ee (3) Both T& Il follows. (4). Neither I nor I follows. esSen : & BIE a8 BSSo Fond Bots Sorswren adporpan. ad w Giisio shod iSorr to Bho Sth Bryon sty Ser WSeiso Hod SNS BOYD SSO, d Eoywo SSSSny weaNOmar Mow’. GSiSo: PUSS Enk, a SHO ays, “BoBw Sy dado So. wierd, Hyer Batorso Bows S50”, : bogren: 1 P68S%0d* WDD eonoistios®, errdinhy Roiitod® Hcy eH Sus ‘Rovtiod wisterd, yp dohiio o§ code wer Ersmnssin $9 08, IL wiry Sy Podtio ws Bevo Sip dots¥o!h wiltso BN svmor wer 0b Gaw digenotnarys. (1) LairBab exssomqod (2) Isa exisoiqoa (3) [6 Hesdotir soon (4) 1& Tendote wisiooses 64, Directions : In this question a statement is given followed by two conclusions that can be derived from the statement either directly or indirectly or may not be derived. Which conclusion (s) follow (s) from the statement ? Statement: ‘Marriages are madein Heaven’ Conclusions: I. Itisadivine powerthatultimately decides who should marry whom. TI. Marriages are made in heaven before the couple even meet on earth. (1) OnlyTfollows. (2) Only I follows. (3) Both Ié II follows. (4) Neither Inor II follows. SriSben :& GEE 2 BSSS0 Sond ots brywen siisorton. BO © Sisso Sob SBorr Er SEiXorr Sa Soro SSDy Sor PSisSo 08 55 Bye HSH Sey). d Swen SSS Seisorar MQorsos. GSS0: ‘Darvin igios* atorberon’. Boyes: I. D862 2500 Derisrers! eoBsiOr MYonots as B588 Tad wob aint 2 Sosbained Sykoe® a6 Darien a6A dotron (1) [dr Geb exssorqod. (2) Ide ab wxs0xQ06 (3) 1& Hen dorsrexrisomzon (4) [& Headotir exssoos 15 65. Directions : Decide whether the data provided in the twostatements| given under the question isufficient to answer the question or not. Given option : (1) _ ifthe data in statement Talone is sufficient to answer the questions (2) ifthe data in statement II alone: js sufficient to answer the question; . tion; (3) ifthe data in both the statements I & II togéther is sufficient to answer the quest tion; : tion. (4) ifthe data inboth thestatements [6 I togetheris notsufficent to answer the question. Is the product («yun irrational number? 1 © I: xisan irrational number. y I: _ yisanirrational number. Kpiies 16: BAPIOSS alhys doth GSS Bi Simro © PAS SEPHTA SHITE ones SEF Nonovso’. 8500 GESso I SO Seimcrto Src Gyo HEMT SS wsgrD8 SNSBS (1) 88; S800 GSSso SN Keimarlo Smt Gey Soon aiigr8 SASBS (2) 68; GSS¥o 1& Hosta Sarr BOD eyo AERO axis SASBE (3) 09; GSiSo I & Toto dimardo SORE Gig SEPTSEN adiyrns INSITE (4) 60, Dwyer Goss’. ego xye.8 Stich sons wipeoorr? I: xesstddo sony, Tl: yes sédab Sony. 66. Directions : Decide whether the data provided in the two statements given under the question is sufficient to answer the question or not. Given option (1) ifthe data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question; (2) ifthe data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question; (3) ifthe data in both the statements I & II together is sufficient to answer the question; (4) _ ifthedata in both thestatements I & II together is not sufficient to answer the question. What is the perimeter of the circle? L The centre (0,0) of the circle is at a distance of 5 units from the point P (3,4) IL The images of P with respect to both x-axis and y-axis lie on the circle Kordiven : St BEVIS AON Bot Gisrod' ai HEPIVo w BIW KirorwAy ssyrNs SASS ett ngavoitos. Sino Giiesto I SN Strato KrSa Gay Seimcrseiw asigwd8 SASS (1) 68: E800 WiiSsso IS Sirarbo Srw Giyk Siorrsiiw sSs08 SNS (2) GSSS0 18 Hedth Stir b0 SON Bayh sirersa werD8 UNSBS (3) 08; GSsS0 I &e Tosa Stir oho BOSE GL seingrsain airs SASS (4) 0b, Bonyedyrogoso’. Hy$ 808 208? I. Sj@Soeto (0,0) Boei P (3, 4) od Scdamne eimtod® 408 IL. xtbbcto yogro dyihs P Eas, SBloere sysop Aotron 16 67. Directions : Consider the following information and answer the question given below For the selection of a manager in a company, the following are the conditions to be satisfied. ACandidate (a) mustbe a graduate with a minimum of 60% marks / (b) ason 1* July 2022, must have less than 30 years (c)_ musthave at least 50% marks in X class oe (a) must havea diploma /degree / P.G degree in management / (e) must have minimum 1 year work experience. / Tnease a Candidate satisfies all the above conditions, except 1. (e)above, he must have 60% and above at X class and P.G degree in management IL. (a) above, he must have minimum 2 years of work experience. ‘Tfany information is not known, then such case will be referred to’ CEO. ‘Mr. X was born on 15% August 1995, and has graduation and P.G degree in management, He has 1 years of work experience. During his academic career from XI standard he got 75% 2 marks, Then Mr. X (1) Canberecruited as manager (2) Can notbe recruited since only one condition is not satisfied (3) Cannot be recruited because he does not have minimum 2 years work experience (3) Willbe referred to CEO eisSen : 6 Bob DScrok ts Bod Say waren ayo ns HOEDoss08. 28 80D) 6 SLE 0 DS SUNS Si GOH Nchaisren HH SIT. 28 0oQ (2) S880 60% Srtod* SheKeog aowrd (b) Satxyy July 1, 2022 2888 30 SossehyrodS dour (0) B88 SONOS Sho 50% Srtiyen SDA BowrD (a) ArdaotS 6 ddrse /sipseoeo(degree)/ P.GSex 8D coord (ce) Sdss0e¥ Soisd 50 SNE wxdasio aorrD. a8 Gs DS BESSA TYSOO L. (e) DS: QSsss BB, 655 SES 60%: 8S eoSS0H DO, Srd,w Hocwddads & P.Gsey S5yS Gord IL. (a) Dy SSS BS, 64S SAv0 2H TSN OHSS dowd tS weg dias, 23a DScros BDALLAE, wrO6 wHIES CEO Sosdo;ss Sossaxsiood Mr. X ett 15, 19988 Sept sodain SidayoS & Syeieoro HOawo P.G wey dro amg. 6ID8 1 Sosdyore 89 wkaeio 400. XI SING HOS CS Derylirsos* 75% Smtyen rooms. wepxto 2 Mr.X% (1) Dda6 rr obdvosserDs dayS Sey (2) edas nario sy Sssees 8s. asym (3) 8x0 2Sosdyore HO wirss50 Seo SOE, Dey S*Eiso> (4) CEO sog:bomt Somer 7 68. Directions: Consider the following information and answer the question given below: For the selection ofa manager ina company, the following are the conditions to be satisfied. ACandidate (a) must be a graduate with a minimum of 60% marks (b) _ ason 1* July 2022, must have less than 30 years (c) must have at least 50% marks in X class 28 (@) _ musthave a diploma /degree / P.G degree in management (e) _ must have minimum 1 year work experience. Incase a Candidate satisfies all the above conditions, except 1. (e) above, he must have 60% and above at X class and P.G degree in management TL. (a) above, he must have minimum 2 years of work experience. Iany information is not known, then such case will be referred to CEO. Mr. Y wasa 1" class student throught his academic career and completed his 25" birth day on 24 September 2017. Prior to applying for this post of manager, he worked as assistant manager from 1*July 2018 to 3° August 2019. He had a diploma in management from IIM. ‘Then Mr. Y —_ ~ 7 eligi 4A) Canbe appointed as manager Pian (2) Cannot be appointed as he isabove 30 yearsofage aa (3) Cannotbeappointed ashe does nothave 2 years workexperience “1 (4) _Canbe refered to CEO ~ ns L Br SSen : 6 G08 DSTUK oh Heyh ware atyerD8 SOEDOOS, % 4 28 SOBH 6 dda D dxySSDE se Bod Dadsinen Sh SH. » u 28 0259 (a) Sho 60% Smt yOs SHEE Aomrd () Saisie July 1, 202288 30S0Sejr00% aomrD (c) Sth S6KBS* SOiSo 50% Srdnen BOR aomRD (a) Bajos Sarum /sepeieor9 (degree)/ P.GSex SP aowd (ec) $880 28 Soids0 SNE wxdeiSo dorrd. 28 68:0 DS DRYAS: 500 Le) ASRS BB, 55 SHHBE 60% BY wowSod DyS Smtoyen SOc Aad & PG Sty SH8 dod IL, (a) 8; S58 8, 05D8 Shis0 2 SoSsyoro 0 wHgEo Add 28 S8Y Fok, DET Dive sows, wood eoYs CHO soxiooss Soserssvoa. Mr. ¥ e80 denyesisos! Dpeir Sais Son or;Orr eotisrtbshbcin boa 2, 20178 25588 ier tng diatom. BANG Ash we, goserN8 Soot OS a5 Adeab wm '2°B 1,2018 x08 onG 3, 201956 SNSert. TIM sod wsN’ Aidajots LOSr 408. expe Mr. YD (1) Adecp acmmodissaty (2) ©808 30;oxsahores BS anon Sos Aiace NooDosesin (3) 2wosdyrro wise Seb Sis thilem nas moisese (4) CEO sosnos Soxszmy 69. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. ‘There isa family of 8 members A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, Dis the grand-son of F.G is the son-in- Jaw of C. Fis the mother of B. A is the wife of B, His the daughter of Cand mother of D. Bis the daughter of A. Whois the father of D? 8 Bod Kine sys wjadiso TS Bos axgods Geos armOspod. A,B,C, D,E,F, G, Hod 808 Sehjen Ko 2 totnono dob. Fans, Soisiseo D. Cabs, oxy G.B Bod SYP. BEDE, 7; A. Cnt Korases saat D Baby BO H. A dias, Sr E. Dan&, SoS ast ? qa) c¢ (2) B @) D G 70, Assertion(A): Antibiotics do not treat the Corona infection. Reason(R) : Coronaisa virus; nota bacteria. Choose the correct option from the following: (1) (A)istrue, (R) istrue and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) (A)istrue, (R) is true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). Ly oe (3) (A)is True but (R)is False ee , (4) (A)isFalse but (R) is True \ P D8Sdp0(A): cirodactirdE ES'x cotnbiriens Sado Sods. Veo s@0(R): SOtr 086 0.8 B55; mocir sre. ! 8 BOB PEE KO 86 wand SairErNein DovbSo8: > (1) (A), (R) eniSdipsooen Octo (R) wo (A) OSOGS ASD FY (2) (A), (R)ewsegines, 8 (R) oS (A) Begs dato ses © (3) (A) Sigim or (R)saginsrco | Or &) (4) (A) Sigs sre sr8 (R) Ses fy i 71. Six persons P;, P;, P3, Py, Ps and Py live one on each floor in a building having six floors numbered from bottom to top. P; lives in a floor immediately below the floor of P,. Ps lives in the floor immediately below the floor of P,. Three people live between the floors of P, and Ps.(P; does not live in the P, does not show interest to live on any floor below the floor of Pi the persons P, and Prespectively live in the floors. God 208 PS 1k08 6 SUH wodigen No SSS etbrht Hho P,, P2, Py, Py, Ps Oo Py oo eS yd THPS NSRwIAs. P) A% Sod SH Bowd Sod ai) CosQS* P, doertd. P, 4% wodiih Sid Zovs Bows Oxy COTE P; AOLM. P, sain Ps ev amy SoBsgen HHeijS* sure Segu DSETYD. eyobsng BS o% SOsigS P, DSO. P, as, COBH Gos ay d Codd GomRAS P, SSS corse. Ps: mBciw Pe en SOK; No sodqod* AdQIyL. word P, Sako P, co Sod cosso ssonje (yr 5&1 (2) 3&5 (3) 2&5 (4) 4&5 19 ive on the even numbered floors. Then 72. Read the statements and mark the correct answer. i StatementI: The prices ofpetrol products have increased substantially during the past few months in India Statement Il: The prices of many goods in India are increasing now-a-days ‘These statements may have a cause and effect relationship or may have independent causes orbe the effects of independent causes Lis cause and Ilis effect (2) Tiscause and is effect cH (3) LTare effects. ‘of independent causes Ed (4) _L Tare causes ofindependent effects BESSON SOO ODS stingrarA Qos. ESET: SSS Soe KS ED Zoe, BE. Ayo S8ea Keadeborr Bran BESO: 4; eos gts doe me Sige Se DervsoayOD 8 GScimren SWeatin soak Gerso od SomOTPA SOA Aowistay Tor Hho srteren Sih) Sor SEP Scot Germre HS), (1) Tsr8t20 Hgsersso (2) Hs8e20 Tesoro (3) L.Mea dow xssogs SCero Geran (4) LTetows aoe erro sere 73. Ifthe English. alphabet is coded with numbers from 1 to 26 starting from the last letter to the firstletter., A meaningful word is hidden in the codes ‘given in the following options. That code is SOl{ SEirod eros wu6 O80 Sof Ens elo 48% 1 Hod 26 Sk Ko Somsos* roQoere, r 1 3 8 SS 1s > od apys BAYSOS ro era one ues eYSoB 89 orn 408 esse crewed (1) e2ig.221 TRIS aes (2) 11-12-13-23-2-26 eo! (3) $877-$-14-22-25 wut"¥* fay 8-i8-14-11-is.29 we Do pe 74. Assertion (A): Now-a-days, knee pain isa common complaint. Knee replacement is a boon for such sufferers. = Reason(R): — Necessity is the mother of invention. bane oe Choose the correct option from the following Cee ts (1) (A)istrue, (R)is true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) ° we F (2) (A)istrue, (R) is trie but (R) isnot the correct explanation: of (A) or (3) (A)is True but (R) is False ae (4) (A)isFalse but (R) is True Mos DaySE (A): HTS STD TH Sova dost om rH SAHOLEPTD Krol ed So. an BSu0(R): SSS80 6DS,60 8D S08, pets se 84 B08 PBS Hod NO wonss SeirEPNSmm Jowetod: t- S 2 (1) (A), (R) Sesi0e0 S200 (R) es (A) w sogs DSce0 ee (2) _ (A), (R) ev siijsinen, 9 (R) 889 (A) sags Osteo Re Gon (3) " (A) sage 6° (R) sgn xe AB (4) (A) Saigo sro x8 (R) Ses ca A 20 15. 16. 71. 8. aw ta nen a Ceavniny Ay Sq pale uy commen J dre le ye Ina code language, ‘Mathematics improves Reasoning’ is coded as ‘duu my vu'; ‘Reasoning improves logical thinking’ is coded as (vu lu(du ya’ and ‘Logical thinking improves common sense’ is coded as ‘ma ys du It ta’ then in the same code language ‘Mathematics improves ata logical thinking’ is coded as Sra 2.8 S*5 grxie ‘Mathematics improves Reasoning’ * ‘du mu vu' ©; ‘Reasoning improves Jogical thinking’ ‘vu lu du ya’ © ‘Logical thinking improves common sense’ & ‘ma ya du lu ta’ eh 8688 eS S°E erie Matheriiatics improves logical thinking’ SE Sosapes Sao (1) vulumuya (2) tayamuiu By damuyala (4) imu ya duva Tn a certain code “Write exain wll” is written as ‘im ye, “All id wll is written as Je jy/pm’, “Exofn if easy” is written as ‘4 if wh, Then using this code "All write exam well” is ‘written as * 2.8 SE eae “Write exam well” % ‘Im rs ek’ re grades “All is well” s ‘ek jp pm’, re Era “Exam is easy" 9 'rs jp wk'rr @ra26. & SE erie? “All write exam well” 9 SAy6 (1) ekzsippm By ekrsimpm pa bars oe (3) wkiprspm (4) ekrsipwk cee wae VG eGR o Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series. CX,FU,___.LO dys 8:08 CX, FU,__, LOAD Soro FS SOgs ISD DoyS0’. (1) HS (2) JR (3) IQ (4) IR ‘The letters of the English alphabet are coded as follows: k*Jetter of the alphabet is coded as (i) (k+17)! letter when 1 $k <9 (ii) (&-1) letter when 10 $k < 18 (iii) (k-18)" letter when 19 Sk < 26 For decoding reverse process is used. ‘The word that is coded as GAURD is worl oRtiredto wxferot & Bod Ddor SE Bert. kis ogNE SE wo (i) (+17) SeMS0, 1 $k $ Jeosoe (i) (1) Seg So, 10 $k$ 18 onsets (iii) (k-18) 5 e880, 19 $k$ 26e0R8H ESE Soicr08 :885 548 SE0rO. GAURDrr 8°68 grahoBs S00 (1) YRCQU (2) YSDAV (3) XRDPV (4) YSDNA 2 x p> uD pe a2 79. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following a1 808 6X5 evs ater, Sayioes (2) RS06* da THON Boo? SxS" 08 ? Gon (sa, 7K G1M,7° (1) Misq (2) K130 BY K13Q (4) Kiss ed in order in the blank ha-numeric series? g 80. Choose the correct option which contains the letters that are to be plac places to have a complete series BBO Soiryo BosrrNs, erbost Sts 405 Ui ELE Ko HOGS WVHA ISOS. ZeTSNKHEB Sf Pe Q) XRE 7 (2) WRE BY W.QE (4) X@QE t 81. Pointing toa man in the photograph, A said, “His daugther’s mother is the daughter-in-law of my father”, How is A related to the man? (A) (1) Sister-in-law (2) Brother-in-law (3) Spouse AY Sibling f 4 2.8 SUP ED 08 S80 cord Ager emmys. “OSD Eribed Gin8; 6D wr Sod Gn; Sein”. © 5:88 A] 8 Ko Sonodo. (1) sax (2) os (3) Edson (4) Sentyye 82. A is only daughter of B, C is husband of B, D is father of C and B is wife of D, then A (as! isrelated to Eas _ (1) Grand Son (2) Doughter-in-law (3) Uncle (4Y Grand Daughter Bank, OBE Kmahes A, B Anh, 6 C. Cains, Sod Dioboiw Danks, ry E. 6Hp ES AS Ko Sonodo. (1) Sse (2) Ste (3) Sore (4) S650 83. If'B’ means‘+’,'D’means'x’,'Q’ means's’ and R’ means '—" then 23Q19R24B2D3= ‘Bieof ‘+, ‘Deo x’, Q' e085 “+ S8ci ‘R vod) ‘wad 23Q19R24B2D3= 5 +7 (1), 22 By 6 (3) 12 (4) 17 mise 84, Thesymbols used fo represent <, 4, »,>, cand sare respectively A, B,C, D, Band F, Consider the statements PA, QFRand SER. The correct implications from given statements are Fit, #,>, 104.. As the American automobile company Ford exits India, its manufacturing unit in Gujarat has been taken over by__ (1) Mahindra (2) Suzuki (YF Tata (4) Hyundai PSS EAS Hod BTenivcok HOLS srs Sairb Soy HY H roar avy said aes 1 Bog wbisain6'8 52300. (1) afrogs (2) wes (3) eee (4) seyorrd 105. Recently, the International Labour Organization (ILO) directed that there should be no barriers to people with different sexual orientations. They should be described as___ Ay LGBT Peoples (2) Hijras (3). GayPeople (4) Trans genders wos bad FOS SoS (DSL) Sut Eowso HAYS FAY Foros 08 dtnssod tober SOROSEASOS dren OD Tr adoro. (1) Sadsosysgoe (2) tere (3), Aspge (4) Dor smoy8 zigte0 106. The Indian army plans to create an integrated battle group combining strike formation on northern border and (1) - Hold formation on western border (2) Push formation on northern border (3) Hold formation on northern border BokdhS 78; SYP NSpoxosy hosys sotn0d. (1) Stysosoerge wd dd55 2) ade sosrget Rages a sf : (3) sas Sosrege® wd dag (4) Sab sosrepet ps mgx8 aA Seite A 26 (4) Strike formation on western border cin myotiod® age Nose’ QE F5K5 a Se 107. The Southwest monsoon sets in fist in : state. 1) Tamil Nadi Tem (1) TamilNadu 2Y” Kerala (3), Karnataka (4) Maharashtra 309 enhissinen Snotdrp Kos! Sen — 00. 1) Saeert = () (2) ase (3) Ses (4) sos . The S Cow 108. ay en Se ean cow cete Se a See ) of IPC (2) Section 124(A) of IPC ) ae a (4) Section 132 of PC waGiiro ed SONA 08 __ sendy ese wahoo St NOSSO. 8 (1) 285120(8)058 (2) 288:124(0)@d8 (3) Bg51280d8 (4) 388132058 109. TSRTCfileda case against Rapido organization over an advertisement AY Defamation (2) Copyright (3) Cheating (4) Conspiracy 825s Sd ado WE Kos adys ads GSHSP Si dd08. (1) 6% s¥§o (2) shgs (3) arso (4) Se 110, Russia has overtaken which country to become India’s second biggest supplier of oil? (1) Qatar (2) Tran ABY SaudiArabia (4) Ukraine etc) 62e5 BernyeOneDd er6 Sint SSo Big dere! Joss HS0* 20NCG, cy (1) ee (2) ae (3) Pbedace (4) chxBono 111. Which country become the 4" new member of the New Development Bank 2021 ? (1) Bangladesh (2) Myanmar (3) Uruguay (4) Egypt sojAsodjol5 ensoS 6 2021 Ser Seisp0 Sroos A80d07 (1) aormds (2), SobmrS (3) chats (4) a 112, The Human Development Indexis an indication of __. Ai) Income, Health, Education (2% Income, Health, Trade (3) Health, Education, Nutrition (4) Income, Health, Imports Sis eGS.QSr08 _ HPDGQOS. (1) ecco, e880, Des (3) ebro, dels, RSS (2) scrcbo, 88Xj0, agarO (4) errcho, s8%y0, Brose 113. Cyclone Asani, which formed in the month of May 2022 affected. state (1) Andhra Pradesh ‘PamilNedu (3) Kerala (4) Karnataka 2022 SOE" dts edd HIS GOSS __ B06! $8008. (1) woes 6a (2) - Saoeiare (3) aoe (4) Sees 27 114, All the countries of, continent are members of G77, (1) Africa = @) Europe (4) South America ___ notte. 68 wd deren &-" Aah sein (1) eos (2) eto (3) ete (4) Sgsomer 115. Thomson Reutersis 1) Canada based (2) UKbased 3) USA based 4) Australia based PES Hab) So. Sw8 BoHod. (1) 38 (2) av.8. (3) cw.a8.9. (4) eQdate 116. The Kruger National Park isin (1) Greece Russia (3) SouthAfrica (4) Singapore BNE rb S80 DGS06* 408? Qa) os (2) 6a GB) Snede (4) Borer 117. Match List I with List-Dl and a the correct answer (wi (a) Vatsa 'b) Avanti Kosala {ator) (i) Udayana ii) Prasenajit ii) Sishupala (a) Chedi (iv) Pradyota aber [io 2rDer 118! 2800 40 eons SirORiia SEITE. ede I ede IL (oragio) ewe) @ s% (i) eesctsiseo (b) wS0a (ii) GSdses © so (iii) 8&d>ento @ & (iv) Gefygoes ‘The correct answeris /0 wand Sirorssy fa) (b) (ec) (a) QR i) (ii) (iii) et (2) (i) Civ) (i) i (3) G) Gait) (iv) (i) (4)_G)_ Gi) Gv) _ Gi 118. t is the expansion of NASA ? National Agency of Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration it National Air and Space Agency (4) Navigational, Aeronautical & Space Agency aime bh D087 (1) Basd OB) 65 AS es H95 (2) BSE D6rdB, & OS 2,095 (3) S4x6 96 & 85 526) 5: (4) warhgsd,O6twasd & HS Sah, 28 119. ior ‘the aoe statements is not correct about Ashoka and Mauryas? ( ma~Mahamatras were a new cadre of officials created by Ashoka to spread Dhamma all over the empire, (2) According to Mauryan sources Pradeshika, Rajuka and Yukta were important officers at the district level, (3) Pativedaka and Pulasani, were responsible for maintenance of Treasury and accounts (4) According to Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa Ashoka killed 99 of his brothers and succeeded to the throne, Weyw HOcin eFHNE HoPoBoDSoTssee & Gos wUsEnos SODHOD ? (1) 8% Serago SF Gey Seposime watHowHs eet Kopoirinwoo wx Mss SO stor DadModw. (2) Soyo ws, Hime Beso dbo’, Seren’ Hod ‘cay’ ar SOO eOS%e0 (3) S6acsot Soak Hod Den ore Sar HoOato Kewosroio(Osyen) drat. (4) B8S0s HOaw WiEksod Yodsine getin ws BS 99 Hod Aeioows 4000 DoS SAYS. 120. Who among the following composed the Mandasor Inscription ? (1) Vatsabhatti (2) Chitradatta (3) Parnadatta (4) Chakrapalita HOWE wSSSY avo ? (1) Smeg (2) a@5s (3) sxe & (4) sees 121. Which one of the following statements is not correct about Jainism ? (1) According to Jaina tradition, at the time of Mahabharatha war, Jaina order led by Neminatha, who is recognized as the twenty second Tirthankara. (2) Jaina monks were found on the banks of Sindhu river at the time of Alexander's invasion of India. (3) The famous Gomateshwara statue was erected at Sravanabelgola by Chamundaraya, the king of Gangasin 11" century. (4) Mahaveera preached in the mixed dialect called Ardha—Magadi and his teachings were classified into tweleve books called ‘Srutangas’. fi Bob POE DB BSteDS SoPodoNsOSSOH 80 SrStnsod Css? (1) BSS Mogercso esi Site ssaingty TES Bs SerNs Aanartoee Trobe gn SMT YE O86 225 Bg o8tHErP M0 SOBs. (2) wEsdsop wBrpous Goticins THs BS Hoye hows SoarimProssind® axyty Beri, (3) BRA Boas APwDesys DAY B00 NOBGSSH 11 S Sergos* mois Sosseions whnotiondint. (4) SwPbend 36 sddor essen GF FOB, Gos Hysen oso’ Hos’ 12 Cossinenrr SorohTra, A 29 122. Assertion (A): Pa er ca renhof the army thology it reached later at the time of Allauddin Khilji, a Reason (R) ahenineie upon igh Voth asanenentil qualiaton repping tohigher civil and military posts, (Choose the correct option from the following: . (1) (A) istrue,(R) is truciand (R)isthe correct explanation of (A) (2) (A)is true, (R) is true but (R) snot the comect explanation of (A) g (3) (A)istrue but (R) is false (4) (A) is false but (R)istrue PASEO (A); Fb ON Bio sneer eoalS Dh ans, Biss 008 BLO es HOR): Kebisine on NEsneF oO segs Socata WSOC SERIES ofan PES TDS, 800 86 08 30 wand snorting doisstod (1) (A). ensees sec (8) #0 (A) x06 nse (2) (A). (R)ens6jes of (R08 (8) 6 ss beens (3) (A) ii 6 (R) Sato 505 (4) (A) Si or oh (R) 9 123. Match List with List-Iandsoleer the correct answer List -1 List—IT (Texts) (Authors) (a) Kumarapalacharita () Chandbardai (>) Vikaramankadevacharitra (i) Kathana (©) Rajatarangini (ii) Bithana (4) PruthvirajRaso (iv) Hemachandra BLOB TN wisSecixin, 83-1 §-m (Goxstven) (Saxe) (a) SE sexes @) mogyp0 (b) + Ogssroxdssogs (ii) Sgeaxs (c) preston (ii) Ages @) Sho oa (a) (b) (©) (a) @) @ Gi) (i) vy ) Ci) (i) Gv) (ia) (iv) Ssoe6K () (w) (i) @ @ (4) (ii) (w) 30 124. Match the following. List-1 List— 11 (Dynasties) (Kingdoms) (a) Nizam Shahis (i) Bidar (b) Imad Shahis / (ii) Golkonda (©) AdilShahis iii) Berar (a) Qutub Shahis“ (iv) Ahmednagar (ce) Barid Shahis (%) Bijapur SOBA eSSeSn, Og-1 og-1 (PeySossnen) (Paysoen) (a) Reo dfren (i) ba5 (b) 3875 arbre (8) Reros (0) £86 afren (ii) B08 (2) S85 defren (iy) | army 5 (6) 265 arkren (v) beret (@) (>) (©) @) (© (1) Gi) @ Gv) GH) () (2) @ Gi) Gv) Gi) () (3) (v) Gv) Gi) @) (4) Gv) Gi) @) @) @ 125. Which one the following statements is not correct about Bahamani Kingdom ? (1) Bahamani sultanate was founded by Allauddin Hasan Bahaman Shah in the year 1327. (2) ‘Among all the Bahamani rulers Shihab-uddin-Mahmud’s was the longest rule. (3) Mahmud Gawan was appointed as Prime Minister of Bahamani Kingdom at the time of Muhammad Shab III. (4) Kalamullah Shah was the last ruler ‘of Bahamani Kingdom. E180 (SSssEnOS OB osrioh HoeTHs & SobobontowsseH $9 ons SxS, (1) wird sen dS oeraGS #85 wsrioS 23 13276 Apbosotos. (2) nitrdsd SoeptoooSOSt BS ABS SHHPHE DOYS sro SOOT (3) Sade de [sven rood! Sxsrain Nar8 Gers So 2 (4) air oor ans, ods SES Sos >. a a 126. Name the Afghan who played an important role in forming Rajput confederacy against Babur at the Battle of Khanwa in 1527. (1) Alam KhanofKalpi (2) Hasan Khan Mewati (3) Nizam Khan of Bayana (4) ‘Tatar Khan Sarangkhan of Gwalior 1527 srs cinfos* arab So S:888orP TasS Avra Sonim dadbos* D eh TAwH Snug StroBH 7 (1) $8)8308%5 coors (2) Har 8 S085 S45 aS Es (3) 05H BoBs Dero HS (4) PRyB006 & BOOK wrsE ar PUCK eS 127. Which one the following statements is not correct about Shivaji Coronation Ceremony? (1) Itwas conducted by ‘Vishweshwar’ a Pundit from Benaras. (2) Balam Bhatta wasa family priest of Shivaji (3) On 10" June 1674, Shivaji re-married his four surviving wives according to Kshatriya rites. (4) Shivaji was obliged to undergo a second coronation ceremony on the suggestion of a well-known tantric priest, Nishchal Puri Goswami Bod BSS SOS dO 40 won0d sre? (1) ard SepDExsins Nd,fr0008 amRUH H Bods ‘D4 :H Hodsed (2) ‘eek ae tard himon Hotraed, (3) $80 Gyo Bevo aS 10, 1674 5 Berd 4d0D ak BS Serrbt qepor Boh Daren 2. (4) wo@S warty eons DS GO Mas Sovp Ard BOn LepdAsin’ SDE HOw GoASOody. 128, Arrange the following Bhakti leaders according to their year of Birth. +(a) SantTukaram (>) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (c) GuruNanak (a) Kabir Bi 808 $8 HS GrvHO at, SOT pho w_PGorP SU Ledsn SO prow, (a) S05 asco (b) BSxpaa Sed (c) Motors (a) $85 (1) (@) &) ©) @ (2) &) @) ©) (@) (3) () (2) (@) (b) (4) (a) (e) () (a) ‘Which one of the following stai is not correct about Raja Ram Mohan Ro} 19. 8 statements is not correct about Raj ake He condemned the dol worship and Bra smanical ri () idol worship and Brahmanical rituals. (2) He propagated Monothesim and, stated that religion and divine worship mere personal ‘matters ofan individual and unjustly controlled by Priest, (3). Tosupporthis arguments, he depended upon Vedic and Paranic Literature (4) Hewrote a pamphlet ‘Anusthan’ prescribing the mode of worship tobe followed in the Samaj Sod BStSined Ste Ob arES ohh sosehonsossKoioeasoed. | (1) SBC D¢istO Ss bei erimgom esanod DNsemrTes Hobos. (2) SB Sea Sowa wos 8 Ang, SelobBs aged sO Kper6 Svo By SOM 8S wbiioss Bosit0 wstnen Syston Sorts EAS. (3) SSerbise dink, Sriraes S06 Eason seamen rrsopercses. (4) BHPHErAd GSO) OSS dSKOE! aoe Bcd Bipot eS] eh ose Sor 00a, 130, Which one ofthe following statements is not correct about Portuguese presence in India? (1) 1n1498 Vasco-da-gama reached Calicut on the Malabar coast where he was received cordially by the Hindu Raja Zamorin. (2) Francisco de Almeida, the first governor ofthe Portuguese in India followed a policy known as Blue Water Policy. (3) Portuguese conquered Goa from Mysore rulers in 1510 and madeit their capital. (4) Alfonso de Albuquerque was the second Governor of Portuguese in India who tried to introduce reforms in the Hindu society by legally abolishing Sati PSSEI0S Bey P08 osoBOdNowKsNh th God PHENO 56 wane sr ? (1) 1498 Sosdysos? sahytinsir shoerb S606) S085 Tom w88 trot oe ‘ESD Bist PSG e40DS. . (2) w6SSSoe* SndS Berylke MGE cod Wyk 2 edo ax sH5 api’ ebvofod. (3) 1510 dosisysoe* Barb owe Sot Foy wh Horm aonod wd Sh capo SrOys00. (4) srbasoet absghto 0 85 KSEE T ACHES eehoH# 8 wearssby syetom 38" a eno trot tinscdtiosiSeiant wood maOBs, mnologically based on their inception. 131. Arrange the following Political. Associations chron: oY Sarvajanik Sabha (a) Indian Association RY Bombay Presidency Association (c) Madras Mahajana Sabha esp dororssinrr ety, Si 8od rakes ogo wD srooboDsHi0iE; 60 COTE ak aobasS witbainss (bo) Sram nensee @) (a) rod wah oPDSAS (0) Soerio dosstans se ») (a) (@) (4 w 1) (a) (b) (c) (a) @ {@) 5 § 3)_(c)_ (a) _(b) (a) (4) (a) - 132. Who among the following is not associated with defence of the ‘Indian National Army ne tet {ty Bieabhaioea (2) Jawaharlal Nehru 8 Mahadev Desai (4) Asaf Ali poe BBO srOS se 1945 — A685 GobAS AAS wb, B50 IGS MOODS TOS SON (1) grergrondercn (2) adisiodagrr (3) w&dideon (4) esSed 133. Arrange the following important events chronologically based on the Muslim separatist politics (a) _Deliverence Day (b) Lucknow Pact ; (c) Direct Actionday (d) Establishment of ‘All India Muslim League’ Sogo AS 8y red absinos se Sod Sonsgbons thintinos Seimioroaiin TF ext So (a) Bds05)¢ (bd) eStyaxpoatsso (6) GK 80; 0% (a) eS woddir soho OF doyé0 % @ fy ey (c) {8 (>) (a) (c) (3)_ (a) (b)_(@)_(a) 4) (a) (c)_(b) (a) 134. Which one of the following opinions on the nature of 1857 Mutiny is not correct ? (1) John Seeley: “The Revolt of 1857 as a wholly unpatriotic and selfish sepoy mutiny with nonative Teadership and no popular support” (2) James Outram & W. Tayler: “The outbreak of 1857 mutiny as a result of Hindu - (3) B.C. Majumdar: “1857 Sepoy mutiny was not a war of Independence. There is nothing in the conduct or behaviour of the sepoys which would justify us in the belief or assumption, that they were inspired by love for their country or fought against the British with the definite idea of freeing their motherland”. (4) _ William Darlymple: “Itisa conflict between civilization and Baxbarism” 1857 Sahane Berbera Ryersiind & Boo woraheinos® 96 0 won sre? (1) #8 48 :"1857 Bibione dugg Zo, PWS Aerove Bidroerem wp Bos déaivo PET pho 0 Sersoarra dey : (2) Beer: soba ey ti “1857 Btorbertn Brotir Show dink Ky 0, g56". (3) 9.5, Geom G: “TEST Brave sesioenen desSous Borvoo eres, apeoet Bent brow BEGE MO FOE 8% B80 Se Simo, spayeinds S083 OAK aoa" Horasen 99 S89 FPsooses”. a “ (4) BOdG0 EQS: “NOSE Hei wakes. 0; SOAS SosDSEl 1857 Btoroaren”. (4) poohS Boorse 141, Sub-tropical high pressure belts are alsoeferred as (1) Doldrums (2) Wind convergence (3) Horselatitudes (4) Frontal rains 85 wcios dp 008 bus doeren _PHEYHP- QQ) pore (2) wamse wdssesn 3) eayegossine (4) mmenesitgitn A 35 ~~ ee 142. Which is the largest Physiographic division of India ? (1) Greater Himalayas (2) Greater Northern plains (3) Greater Indian plateau (4) The Coastal plains PUSS SNS! | OESorP DHOodaiwsy TBS Sotioo OG ? (1) Sst trairedbsinen (2) 2x8 afd horse (3) aS ards Sera : (4) 88 goerseiven 143, In India Multi Mode Transport System (MMTS) wasstarted on the (1) 9*July 2003 (2) 9% August 2003 (3) 9" September 2003 (4) 9% October 2003 PUSATSne Sh arE Saree Sys __wrto ervoowrv (1) 922003 (2) Sere 2003 # (3) 9Bgo@6 2003 (4) 908805 2003 144, Karewa Soil is known forthe cultivation of (1) Citrus Fruits (2) Floriculture (3) Coarse grains (4) Saffron Sbme & G80 duh adatrhorseows. (1) RkySossowBs sot (2) Poa (3) Ago prio dro (4) Sok oay 145, Namchik Coal Mine issituated on (1) Meghalaya (2) Assam (3) Arunachal Pradesh (4) Tripura HES Kioe __S*RoPaodsd (1) daireas (2) ea (3) stoersd 6S (4) @%8 146. The Konkan Railway transportation was started on (1) 15% August 1996 (2) 15% August 1997 (3) 15 August 1998 (4) 15% August 1999 S088 Bestar __ Bb wt GSoDosabod (1) 15deM% 1996 (2) 15S ery 1997 (3). 15Serizy 1998 (4) 15S erh% 1999 147. The boundary between India and Pakistan is an example of (1) Superimposed boundary (2) Subsequent boundary (3) Antecedent boundary (4) Relict boundary PbSEE0 HoOciw ABIES © Sls Kho SOxmepe acpsrden (1) esongssocrey . (2) 8689 Nour (3) mrsgsg someey (4) soBgsosr A 36 148, Whichone ofthe following is thefosturbanized tate in India? (1) Punjab (2) Gujarat 3) Karnataka BGO TOE CHOSE Sods ratio DoBs: o'Yo. M yO (1) Sos (2) rowers (3) See (4) Statin 149, Centre for Arid Zone Research Institute is located at (1) Bangalore (2) Ranchi (3) Jodhpur (4) Jaipur 8 otio Sow SOF SS Sos SY AOFO OSA, (1) BoeeS (2) woo (3) #Bu6 (4) Bro 150, Which one of the following state has the lowest Human Development Index ? (1) Bihar (2) Haryana (3) Himachal Pradesh (4) Punjab Hod eHyols TYEMOS" wey SSS GDS yy mds (HDI) SONS OBD. (1) oss (2) Soe (3) raid GSE (4) Sood 151. Which part of the Constitution deals with Amendments? weRONoS A d aPKod® Nimo MOODS Neirervo dotnOb ? AT): XXI (2) XX (3) XX (4) x 152, Equal Justice and free legal aid are partsof_ (1) Directive Principles of State Policy (2) Fundamental Rights A Fundamental Duties (4) Citizenship Sid acioo HoDcin GD’ arych Sistah wD & Gob FHF IAS KoFoHONSD. (1) sd8ssreren (2) PSR 0 (3) Pbms ten (4) Pess—0 153. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ? Pass State/UT (1) Lanakla Ladakh (2) Bomdila Sikkim (3) Manapass Uttarakhand (4) Shipkila Himachal Pradesh Si 808 ardS! 60 eons wSrOH96 ? és oye /202. (1) 0880 ofS (2) &Re 80 (3) S85 adiorno (4) #580 speed OOS oe a a 154. ight to an adequate means of livelihogg, » ie citizens, me ly, have the rig! “The citizens, men and women equ® ‘was mentioned in » Directive Principles of State Policy (3) Federal Policy “Phe, eke wise Hoa bo day” ©D DY, ACPSPBoisabOO ? (2) Centre-State Relations (4) Fundamental Duties sépborm, Shisod ASPPVO Bod SYS ey (2) dogmrgsonore 1) odes dren a eee (4) ersis dtm 155. Parliament means (1) TheLokSabha (2), TheRajyaSabha 2 (3) ThePresident (J Allthe above SSzhotw esr (1) 68 se (2) asses (3) wgse (4) BS 156. “A body consisting of persons registered in the electoral rolls relating to a village comprised within the area of panchayat at the village level” is called (1) District (2) Gram Sabha (3) Panchayat Area (4) None ofthe above “rH Somrah Fond’, as NI emibos* Link Sart Towy mvotiir onw dh SpSGw” dsboereo 7 Q) ee (2) rms (3) Somobdgroso (4) pddSS 157. Inthe format of Party competition, which model is currently working in India ? (1) One Party dominance (2) Bipolar competition (3) Two-plus competition (4) Multiparty competition Behe tog BED wfo SHES whhadsos, Sips ISTO D Krso SeIDOH ? (1) d8a$eaeys (2) Botargoad (3) Sot Ser wodsan ys G0 HS (4) esos eGo ad 158. “The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six t fourteen yearsin such a manner asthestate may, by law, determine” is part of eee ; (2) Right against Exploitation (3) Right to Freedom of Religion @ ten bnecoe “6 S08 14 SoSHTO FO Odiem shnsEr s es , AROS OB wobowd" wird LOD MDE AOA xnaeasoD. ho TYE, BOS avo! (eos (2) “baeysaosdnsy eee (4) Repent, Pi eee Nee 158, ‘Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalaya Yojana’ ) Ministry of Rural Development (2). Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (3) Ministry of Communication , (4) Ministryof Mier, Small and Medium Enterprises “ASdaoE doy rhe Toe; ares dccheh ero wigeoB ? (1) rhs 688,8 SoBd om 2) drkras mytbo bain eons oas ery & 3) KirrsssoBdy ey (4) Sra OS sobato sng 865" sosio0 sopd ow ispartof ( ( ( 160, During which five-year plan was phase of heavy industrilization initiated? 8, Second Five-Year Plan (2); First Five-Year Plan (3) Third Five-YearPlan (4) Sixth Five-Year Plan Dwowiyg Ger OSE ord SOyhinex drdoHows 7 ‘ (1) BobP oats eos (2) Bd doisigeierts (3) S88 S03Hy dort (4) s8Sisodss cars 161, Which sector does contribute the most to Indian Economy’? AMY Service sector (2) Manufacturing sector (3) Agricultural sector (4) Small Scale Industrial sector POS EOS SGE 9 Soro wh, B8o m Sttytbébo8 ? (1) Sedoxo ~ (2) Scir6zoxo (3). SySira Borko (4) 9.888 S0g%0 60K 162. Which type of unemployment has the marginal productivity ofthe workers is zero? (1) Seasonal unemployment. (2) Involuntary unemployment. (3) Disguised unemployment. (4) Structural unemployment, DvsBsnceyre erOnsd Aros aorysUv ory 808 ? (1) enews ncelyns (2) cies neseipas (3) aeyncnetyps (4) Regrasactyso 163, Identify the Non-Constitutional Body. ‘AY National Human Right’Commission (2) Election Commission of India (3) National Commission for SCs (4) National Commission for STs hod ae reyoild6 H0905? (1) exbet sts sree sosvo (2) POS aQBo%e%0 (3) bas ness ero sods (4) erbco narsFaro soso pean A 39 164. Whatismeant by Monetary Policy ? (1) The process by which the Parliament controls the Money supply LY Theprocess by which Central Bank ofa country controls the supply of Money (3) ‘The process by which IMF controls the Money supply (4) ‘Theprocess by which World Bank controls the money supply Ss DerSo wArPAD ? (1) gtotw eis sorser AaboBorso (2) advo diay, Sogs eryor (say SHHErm DdOBOsSo 2 (3) wosegbas eissn9 essai NaboBouitio (4) SS03 eryot gir; soon DaboBoesso 165. Ifthe Balance of Payments ofa country is adverse, then which institution will help that country? (1) World Bank (2) wTo _By IMF (4) Asian Development Bank 2.8 Bo SS Sieox (Balance of payments) BQoudd HAE* asst dof wtototvo8? (1) GSoseyow (2) Giboisardday sos (3) eosepbet g635;00 (4) hai 65,9 ajo 166. Which of the following are called the Twins of Bretton Woods ? ) IMP&IBRD (2) IMF&WTO (3) IBRD&WHO (4) ADB& WHO & Bob PEE SHO BOS HE Soo bao? (1) 0.20.05 &@.8.65.8 (2) 100.05 & tens. 8.8 (3) & seg, 25.6 (4) 0.8.0 & they, 25.6 167. Who was the founder of ‘Hyderabad Protection Samithi’ ? (1) Boorgula Narsing Rao (2) Hayagreevachari (3) Ramachary (4) Mandumula Narsinga Rao Priore PALS SB Hohe? (1) arto sejorios (2) Sabre (3) vsrxo (4) Sodtiiore seyorio 168. The Gentle men’s agreement at Delhi was signed on : (1) 16 February, 1956 (2) 18*February, 1956 (3) 19*February, 1956 (4) 20°February, 1956 BOE Diiseivipo ationks' Dd Sw sovyo Sabadsa (1) 162356, 1956 (2) 18" e%8, 1956 (3) _19e80, 1956 (4) 20% e380, 1956 169. When was the first Industrial Policy of India launched ? P65 SEO BSE POPS DEPSo dispes BeSoDosn’od ? (1) 1956 (2) 1948 (3) 1951 (4) 1965 we 40 170, Who organized democratic Telangana conference in December, 1997 in the banner of ‘All India People Resistance Forum’? (1) Marrichenna Reday (2) K.JayaShankar (3) KalojiNarayan Rao (4) Veda Kumar R006 1997 S SoSyho GF WS wokain biydy ODS) to! aysE Gots Bsr S45 oor IBS )% IS Nitros? (1) SOBRE (2) Bedodoss (3) sedwrdbany (4) S505 171, Identify the commission appointed by Telugu Desham government in June, 2001 (1) Bhargava Commission (2) J.M.Girglani Commission (3) Non-Mulki Protection Commission (4) ‘Telangana Mullki Commission a5 ,2001 5 SoissSo 6 Benibdvo Webiio Noomods SAS w MiGorsod (1) egsebss (2) IM. Aged sha se (3) WS dnb, OSS sas (4) Boones sinb, Sho85 172, Whats the historical importance of the day 27 April, 2001 in the Final phase of Telangana Movement ? (1) Formationof'elangana Elites Forum (2) Foundation Telangana Jana Sabha (3) ‘Bongiri Declaration (4) Foundationof Telangana Rastra Samithi Avorn dvips BOBSUE Ajf0 27 OBS, 2001 OVS PTH OB ? (1) Boorre aQe5s 00 Saye (2) Boorres ewises BSS (3) eoasno asda (4) Beorme og SB ARS 173, ‘Nizam Subjects League’ was founded by few educated elites of Hyderabad State in the year. “gar0 85, ORs Breiner oraje 619 06s BEM; SOPH dhersjen DsossySos ApboDs ? (1) 1929 (2) 1930 (3) 1932 (4) 1934 174, Who was the ‘Home Minister of India’ on the historic occasion of signing of ‘Gentlemen's Agreement’ by Andhra & Telangana Jeaders in1956? (1) Sardar Patel (2) Govind Vallabh Pant (3) Morarji Desai (4) Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad eos Mcnaarc of nisindoe etoods® 228 Tbdin Boome wetihen Hosen aes ts ? POSS Soneysorr oS PSE Posoo® ae (2) FD08 Sy 405 (1) sy 885 (3) sae$deron (4) Stow wend Soro wer 175, How many seats were won by “Telangan# Prajasamithi’ in the 1971 General Elections in Andhra Pradesh? ayset 1971 8 osilybo6? woes O09 orb DEE, Boor GarsMD8 2, hey ADIOA ? a) 2 @ ies (4) 10 ae, nS SS ~ 176. Who was the editor of ‘imroz’ a popular paper in Hyderabad State during the periog op Osman Ali Khan? (1) Ma. ArifKhan (2) Ma. Iqbal (3) Shoebullah Khan (4) Resa AliKhan 8,5 oOeS Sood! greiner rq; O GNA MODs ard SBE DHE De 7? (1) Ma.eoSar5, (2) Mdasyé (3) Sievers. (4) srobyeS 177. Arrange the following events related to Telangana Movement in Chronological order: (a) Telangana Vidrohadinam (>) Bhuvanagiri Declaration (c) Namaste Telangana daily was launched (a) Sagaraharam Boorres dissin 6 Sonotisinly & G00 Some Som St FFB oxo’ (a) Beorra ag Aso (b) sessne agdss 8 (c) SiR BoorPa BS SBS PSoDowo (a) KOO (1) acab 2) beda (3) abed (4) dba 178. Who described the post of Deputy Chief Minister as sixth finger toa hand’ ? (1) _M.Chenna Reddy (2) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy (3) B.Ramakrishna Reddy (4) K.Brahmananda Reddy 85 comghoW SD Bas ool Geni 25% wsG000? (1) M.Bayag (2) Reowsods ag (3) Boos od (4) K. eitysoosag 179. Identify the leader from Andhra region who was not a member, who signed on the ‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’ in 1956 (1) Damodaram Sanjeevaiah (2) N.Sanjeeva Reddy (3) Gauthu Lachanna (4) B.Gopal Reddy 1956 Sotto 6 DEDiibve eKonasD Sotlwen BAS oy Gros wadwos* ses seh) wPctetD, ois08. (1) PBreso Hodis (2) N.sodsog (3) Paesye (4) Bates ‘Srikrishna Committee: 180. Justice mmittee’ submitted i (1) 30! Nov, 2011 :d its report to UPA government on (3) 31*Dee,2011 (2) 3**Feb,2010 freee a (4) 23"Dee, 2009 aS § 898d UPA SedeN8 55 ORG 5 oe x0 )0080 7 (1) $8008 30,2011 (3) 88006 31,2011 (ay Seas (4) S006 23,2009 181. Arrange the following events connected with the Second phase of Telangana Movement in chronological order (a) Appoinment of Justice Sri Krishna Committee (b) RailBandh (c) Million March (a) _ Submission of resignation to Chief Minister post by N. Kiran Kumar Reddy Boks By Borne atigsvo 6 S Bods axpoBs Noseosox Gio S4BS weedy (a) ebb 8yh sa0d Noirs = (b) 36005 (c) mOeb5 SrG) (a) Somstho® SAN N. 865 SSr8 38 oder SinOyotbs (1) abed (2) bdea (3) a&b,ca (4) dead 182, Thestudents of Telangana conducted “Telangana Vidyarthi Gaxjana’ in Osmania University, on (1) 14%dune, 2013 (2) 3January,2010 (3) 3*January, 2012 (4) 10 April, 2011 Boome Denytgen d&r,Pelr Di eryeabos, Booms IALNGS'S D Ser Aeysrort ? (1) 1425, 2013 (2). 328, 2010 (3) 3e8s6, 2012 (4) 10 d86,2011 183, Identify the person who brought the illegal appointment of non-locals in Kothagudem thermal power station for the first-time into public? (1) A.Ramadas (2) A.Ravindranath (3) Sree Ramadas (4) LKiranNath Sno B65 55 YAS EF 8-859 GOH, SEE DS DAcirNy Sofas POT 08 68 BOs S8 (1) Aces (3) §osos (2) A.ddogsarS (4) L8sér5 184, What is the impact of “Climate Change” on troposphere ? (1) Inereased CO, levels increases ©; plants productivity (2) Increased CO, levels increases C, plants productivity (3) Precipitation increases throughout the earth (4) Temperature decreases throughout the earth PRN Loss “arersbea Sty” GOs GerSo 0087 (1) BEAK CO, Fran Sox Cyamkyo Arad BeorOs> (2) BOARS CO, Pow SUS C, du¥yo Oro«e Boe (3) rae Sngo bos wSdrso BME (4) erm ando dos wifes Denroeto 185. Which of the following radio active elements is used to make nuclear fission reaction ? (1) Thorium A2Y Uranium (3) Barium, (4) Actinium G06 5 S8ate GO ,S eros adarhod does DO) Sy ecoigerdo? (1) Secbo (2) cixacio (3) foabo (4) efaais 186. Satellite communication uses the following electro magnetic waves (1). VisibleLight (2) X-Rays (3) MicroWaves — (4Y” Radio Waves Soy asivliro Ge Bob AEDS DehyichInod Sorrow awSirhows ? (1). 585 88cee0 (2) X86 (3) BE* Storm (4) Bair Séorren 187. Whatis the code name used for first Indian nuclear test ? (1) Chargi (2) Pokhran BY Smiling Buddha (4) Pinaka BOEGPG Arb anss SmSad6 46x wodseped oN SE Leo. (1) 29 (2) Hes (3) RoR my (4) aes 188. Speed of internet is measured in BObT WS Tink, 589 bos Pendeey (1) GHZ (2) GB (3) Dpi ASS GBPS 189. ‘The common components of photo chemical smog are (1) Ozone and So, (2) NO,andso, (3) Formaldehyde and PAN (4) Ozone, Formaldehyde and PAN SOB Sachs ay F SrSmor God wissen (1) £45 Seam so, (2) NO,%eei $0, (3) doyQgrE s6am PAN (4) 85S, 20035 Soa PAN

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