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Clemency------Mercy Discord------Disagreement Anthology------Collection of writings or other creative work such as songs Context------Words or ideas just before or after a given

word or idea Adage------Proverb(ex. better late than never) Awe------Feeling of respect and wonder Alacrity------Brisk Willingness Discrepancy------Inconsistency Catastrophe------Sudden disator Apathy------Indifference Accord------Agreement Brawl------Noisy fight Affluence------Abundance, wealth Criterion------Standard of judgement Apex------The highest poin Boon------Benefit Caste------Social class or position Directive------A general order Bondage------Slavery Consensus------General agreement Diction------Manner in which words are used in speech Depot------Warehouse Cynic------One who doubts the good intentions of others Debacle------General defeat Blemish------Defect Bulwark------Strong proection Avarice ------Greed for welth Din------Loud continuing noise Crux------The esesntial point Beacon------Guiding light Chagrin------Feeling of deep disappointment Audacity------Boldness Brevity------Shortness Dearth------Scarcity Deluge------Great flood

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