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A. Choose the correct verb tense, present simple or present continuous.

1 Mary never ____ TV on weekends.

 watches
 is watching

2 The drugstore ____ until nine o’clock on workdays.

 doesn’t close
 isn’t closing 

3 Kate ____ the guitar at night.

 is often playing
 often plays

4 ‘Where is Susan?’ ‘____ a bath.’

 She has
 She’s having

5 What ____?’ ‘Pizza. Do you want some?’

 do you eat
 are you eating

6 What kind of films ____?

 do you like
 are you liking

7 John ____ at the hospital near my place.

 works
 is working

8 My father and I ____ sunbathing.

 love
 is loving

9 ____ flamenco guitar?

 Do you like
 Are you liking

10 ‘Do you speak German?’ ‘No, ____.’

 I don’t
 I’m not

11 Italians ____ the best pasta.

 make
 are making

B. Translate the following text into English.

Mi nombre es Marie, soy de Londres, pero estoy viviendo en Australia por el

momento. Tengo 22 años, soy estudiante de literatura y trabajo en una tienda de
mascotas. Me encanta leer, de hecho, en este momento estoy leyendo “The
psychoanalyst” de John Katzenbach. También me gusta bailar y cantar, actualmente
estoy tomando clases de baile con la hermana de mi mejor amiga.

 Pet shop
 Actually = De hecho
 Nowadays = Actualmente

Like/love/hate + verb (ING).

Me gusta = I like dancing jazz. I like eating chips. I like cooking. I like playing
video games.

Me encanta = I love reading. I love watching rom-com movies. I love playing video
games. I love watching movies. I love playing with my cat.

Yo odio = I hate washing up. I hate eating bacalao. He hates eating vegetables.

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