Marriage 1

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What Is Marriage?....................................................................................................3

What Does Marital Harmony Mean?.......................................................................3

FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO MARITAL HARMONY...........................................3

HOW CAN HARMONY BE SECURED IN A MARRIAGE...............................................4

BENEFITS OF MARITAL HARMONY...........................................................................6


This story is about a couple that has been married for

7years,they gave birth to 2 males of 4 and 2years of age.they
met each other fell in love and got married with two
handsome young boys.she made herself available for her
husband and sons,she was hardworking and doing her roles as
a wife and mother.He worked hard and he made all the
provisions and shelter for his family,he was also playing the
fatherly role but not to the extent in which his wife does.
During this 7years of parenting, the husband and the wife
never spend time with each other, their attention was always
centered on the kids and work. Being a working class mother
it wasn't so easy for her looking after the kids, going to work,
preparing the meals and doing the house chores,she didn't get
any helping hands from her husband as it is said it's her duty
as a wife and mother. Over the years she started building up
hatred for her husband that she never wanted to have any
discussion with him.there wasn't mutual communication
between them.she started neglecting her duties as a mother

and she focused only on her work, sometimes she will come
home late at night.hoping he might realize she needs a
helping hand.she was so bitter at her husband for his lack of
help around the house all these years.He was confused,he felt
he was playing his fatherly role rightly. As they began to look
into where things started going wrong in their marriage, they
both realized there wasn't mutual communication between
them,she didn't let out how she felt,she expected her
husband should know she needs a helping hand, she never
complained or communicated her needs to him.So the
husband never knew what was going on with his wife,he
realized he might have seen she really needs help since they
both work and sometimes gets home tired but turned a blind
eye to it all. At the long run they were able to realize their
faults, learn that communication matters a lot in marriage,
expressing their needs,not putting their attention on their
children alone, helping each other as one big family,and in all
forgiving one another and not building up bitterness,and in

the end they created a successful marriage where there's
peace and harmony.

What Is Marriage?
Marriage is the joining of two individuals with different values, reasoning, likes
and dislike.

What Does Marital Harmony Mean?

It means when two people (husband and wife) are living together peacefully with
each other in a home.

I believe if harmony were impossible, God would not have made Man and
Woman. It is therefore expedient that we should know and accept that Man and
Woman can live together in harmony according to the principles he gave us
concerning marriage.

Broken marriages are common nowadays especially among the youth of now, not
only that many people fail to understand the logics of marriage before getting
married. Harmony enjoyed at home affects all aspect of one's life, your children,
your business, the way you relate with people. Many families around the world
today are suffering from disharmony, many families are going through a lot of
tension, many home both in the world and even in the church of God which has
led to divorce, separation and all kind of abuse.

Marriage is a decision,and once you decide to get married you need to be
committed through every obstacles you meet,the good and the bad. What are the
factors that brings about divorce?here are some few factors;

*Stress from the in-laws: not having a right relationship with in-laws can breakup
a beautiful home,if the spouse isn't getting the kind of relationship he wants his
partner to have with his parents,he thinks the way you talk or behave to them is
rude it can really bring about divorce.if his parents keeps complaining about it.

*Disagreeing over family responsibilities:dispute is a normal thing among

couples,it only depends on what you argue about and how you handle it.
Responsibilities of the family could be;who take cares of the kids,who pays the
bills,how the children should behave.for example if a parent feels like children
should go to church after school and the other says they should read their books
after can cause a big tensity in the relationship.

*Not opening up to one another: marriage is not for the small minded and as a
matter of fact as a lady because you can multitask doesn't mean you should put
all the burden on yourself,when you get tired it's difficult for you to speak out
because your partner feels you're comfortable with it.and when he hears about
how stressed out you are,'the response is always why didn't you tell me?or I
thought you were comfortable doing all of these things?you should have told me I
would have helped'. If you know you're not comfortable with what you're doing
let your partner know.dealing with little things before it gets out of hand can
prevent divorce.

It is very expedient of every individual to build his/her character before
getting married, someone said 'MARRIAGE IS SWEET WHEN YOU EAT IT WITH THE
RIGHT CUTLERY' we grow and we learn daily. Here are some factors that
contribute to Marital harmony:

1. COMMUNICATION: ineffective communication plays a vital role in the failure of

marriages; effective communication may lead to a successful Marital harmony or
it's detriment. when both partners are unable to decode the style of sending and
receiving messages. for instance, a man may communicate in a way he feels the
woman would understand and on getting to the woman she might interpret it
differently, which may cause conflict between the two partners.
2. OFFSPRING: Not understanding the concept of marriage makes it feel like
children are also factors that affect marital Harmony when Gen1vs28 says it all.
Men feels the love and attention giving to them are being transferred to the
children by the woman same goes otherwise. Some feel less happy in their
relationship after having a child.
3. FINANCE: this is a very crucial part in every marriage, when that is missing the
marriage is shaking, if money is not enough to cater for the family it does not only
parent the children are involved as well. There are some other factors like


Let's talk about the FOUNDATION

(Psalm 11 vs 3) if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do?

The foundation in which marital Harmony can be secured is personal relationship

with God. HE created marriage, so the very first foundation to lay in having a
successful marriage is building a firm relationship with God. Building and
maintaining a genuine relationship with God requires your time, your effort, and
the way you really desire your closeness with him, be it a man or woman you are
first married to God, you are his bride and that is why you need to build yourself
first with him.

God is the only source of a genuine and lasting relationship, when you allow him
into your relationship it will stand firm and won't be moved by any storm that
may come.

Marital Harmony is possible, you are responsible for securing marital Harmony.

 ACCEPTING THAT YOU ARE BOTH DIFFERENT: You're both different in the sense
that you're both raised in a different environment, you weren't brought up the
same this way we cannot decide that one ideology is above the other. For
example, a man that was raised in a home where the thought of having the most
expensive cars is seen as show off or bring wasteful may find it difficult to accept
their isn't their fault anyways but they have to come together and agree
(Amos 3:3). How can two walk together, except they agree? It is recognizing that
you are different, and you are both needed to achieve harmony and peace.
Balancing of each other's indifference will bring harmony in a marriage.
 RESPECTING EACH OTHER: Respect is reciprocal as the saying goes, as a

 man don't feel too big to respect your woman same goes to the woman, when
you respect each other inside you'll definitely do outside, respecting each other is
also having each other's back do you know God created Eve for Adam and he
called her bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh why? you are not complete if
your bone is not fully joined to you in marriage.
 SUPPORTING EACH OTHER: there is a saying that behind every successful man is a
woman and vice versa, as a single person you can definitely achieve great success
but when you enter a marriage covenant, you will definitely multiply that success
in you can both work in harmony.
 APOLOGIZE WHEN YOU ARE WRONG: A sincere apology settles a lot, and for a
sincere apology to occur you need to first admit your wrong even if where you
were wrong was small,an apology is an act of showing integrity, you're doing it
because you know it's the right thing to do.not being able to apologise to your
wrong doings has broken many homes you might see it as a small thing, apology is
in three parts;
1.'An Attempt' the first step.that is where your beaetiof sincerity comes in, I want
to apologise for what I said......
2.'Take hold' this is where you accept and recognize what you are not
explaining but you are admitting.'i know I dropped the mug I should have cleaned
it up before you arrived'
3.'Work' working towards your wrong and making sure it does not repeat itself.
'I'll make sure the house is kept in other anytime I arrive before you'

God believes in harmony, and HIS word is meant to profit us. When there's
harmony in the family, you'll definitely benefit from it. Here are some benefits of
marital harmony.

 SUCCESS IN ALL SIDES: when you live in harmony with your spouse, you will be
able to plan together and make the family move forward. God created family to
enjoy success in all areas, living in harmony with your spouse and family members
is a sure foundation for success in all spheres. Marriages planned to help you
increase your life because God does not take his children backward, he moves
them forward.
 THE CHURCH WILL BE IN PEACE: We all know that the church of God is made up
of families. Every individual in the church is tagged as a special member here on
Earth. We all know that Christ is the head and we are the body if the head is
functioning well and the body is not, it is still not complete, the head and the
body must work and function together. So, when families enjoy harmony in the
home, definitely there will be peace and harmony in the church.
 PROPER GROWTH OF CHILDREN: The way the home is determines what the
children will be, how far they will rise and how the gift inside them will be
unleashed. Child from a broken home cannot achieve what a child from a
peaceful home will only if the child is determined. If the home is in harmony the
children will be eager to have a home like what they grew inside. Wife if you do
not submit to your husband in the presence of your children you are injuring the
destiny of your children, husband if you do not respect your wife, you are
destroying the future of your children. In a broken home there is no watch ward.

 IT GIVES POSSIBLE ACCESS TO GOD IN PRAYER: (1peter 3 vs 7) likewise, ye
husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife,
as unto the weaker vessel, as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your
prayers be not hindered. There's no way the house is not in harmony and God will
hear you. If you really want your prayers to be answered follow peace.
 YOU WILL BE IN GOOD HEALTH: There is no way you are enjoying your marriage
and you won't have good health, harmony brings peace, peace of mind, you're
stable physically, mentally and spiritually, there won't be any room for sicknesses,
disease especially like hypertension, a marriage without harmony will definitely
lead you to thinking which might result to hypertension and mostly untimely
 YOU KEEP GROWING TOGETHER: When your marriage is in harmony you start to
incorporate the characters you admire in each other.which makes you both to
keep growing together.(proverb 27:17) says iron sharpeneth iron;so a man
sharpeneth the countenance of his sharpen each other and help each
other to grow in love.
A harmonious marriage brings joy, good health,sound mind,it is more valuable
and when you get the key to a successful marriage, putting God first you'll enjoy
the harmony of marriage.
 b27:17


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