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pengertian dan pembentukan akar serabut literatur intern
Taproot is one of the two essential root systems where the primary root gives out
branches of secondary and tertiary roots growing downwards as the primary root
tapers towards the end. The Taproot system is the root system found in most
dicotyledonous plants and is characterized by the presence of a primary or
dominant root.

The fibrous root is the other type of root system where the root develops from the
stem in the form of thin and moderately branching roots without any primary root.

The fibrous root can be observed in most monocotyledonous plants and other
plants like a fern.
The fibrous root system is also called an adventitious root system due to the
presence of adventitious roots.
The development of taproots, allows for the production of absorptive roots in deep
soil layers (Bleby et al., 2010; Mackay et al., 2020). Given the essential role of a
plant’s root system, understanding the relationship between the root structure and
function, should include an assessment of the relationship between taproot
development and absorptive root formation. Together they play an important role
in regulating water potential in plants and may also have significant consequences
for the hormonal interactions and signaling described in the review hereafter.
Development of the fibrous root system of sugar beet was studied by washing soil
samples taken from field experiments through the growing season. At the
beginning of June the root system was still poorly developed but during June there
was rapid proliferation. In the top 70 cm there was only little further increase in
root density after the end of June. Below 70 cm root density increased up to the
end of August. Throughout the season fibrous root density decreased with depth.

17. Tuliskan definisi dari herba dan herbal 6 literatur


Secara umum, herba adalah tetumbuhan yang dikenali dan

lekat dengan pemanfaatannya dalam menjaga vitalitas dan
kesehatan tumbuh serta penyembuhan anekaragam penyakit.
Penggunaan herba sebagai tanaman obat banyak berkembang
terutama dalam masyarakat dunia timur. Sumbangan dunia timur
dalam pemanfaatan bahan alam untuk menjaga kesehatan dan
penyembuhan penyakit diketahui sangat kaya ( Luchman Hakim, 2016 )


Menurut WHO (World Health Organization) definisi herbal adalah tanaman yang
bagian tanamannya daun, bunga,
buah, biji, batang, kayu, kulit kayu, akar, rimpang atau bagian tanaman lainnya,
yang mungkin seluruhnya dapat
. Sedangkan definisi dari pengobatan herbal adalah penggunaan obat untuk
mengurangi, menghilangkan
penyakit atau menyembuhkan seseorang dari penyakit dengan menggunakan
bagian-bagian dari tanaman seperti biji,
bunga, daun, batang dan akar yang kemudian diolah menjadi tanaman obat herbal.
( Kiki Zakiah, 2012 )

• Pengertian pengobatan herbal adalah pengobatan yang menggunakan semua

bahan alami yang mengandung zat-zat atau bahan-bahan yang bersifat terapi atau
penyembuhan. Pada umumnya kandungan zat-zat didalam bahan-bahan
herbal tidak hanya bersifat menyembuhkan, tetapi juga meningkatkan daya tahan
tubuh secara signifikan. Kondisi inilah yang mendorong pengembangan
herbal diberbagai bidang. Industri pengobatan herbalpun semakin berjamur
dimanamana karena masyarakat kini banyak yang menggunakan tanaman obat
kebutuhan sehari-harinya (Suparni & Wulandari, 2012, h. 1).
From a technical perspective, herbalism is the art and science of applying herbs for
promoting health. It is often referred to as, and encompasses concepts of,
Herbology, Herbal Medicine, Phytomedicine, Phytotherapy, and
Phytopharmacology, among other names. It has persisted as the world’s primary
form of medicine since the beginning of time, with a written history more than
5,000 years old.

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