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Governance: means “to steer, guide, or direct" and it determines who can be the voice of decision

making, who can be accountable for those decisions and also how those decisions are made.
It needs some indicators to make it good some of them are transparency,equity and inclusiveness
effectiveness and efficiency. It helps establish decision making and processes based on democracy in a
way that is transparent and effective but also with the accountability. When making a organization we
start by having a team and a founding team who share a common mission which is to support and
connect (fellow) patients or
to raise awareness for their topics of interest. After creating a team, then you have to find more
members which means to grow and get organized. The target group is your members, they bring the
whole organization to life and are the heart of your organization. They have The board which is a
separate body that
exercises ongoing governance functions and all the most important decisions are made by the members
of the organization while organizing an assembly.

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