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We are the identity platform for building trust.

Our ultimate aim is simple: to help create a digital society built of interconnected
groups that can fully trust one another.

The iov42 platform has been built from the ground with governments, enterprises, and multi-stakeholder organisations in mind.
Our team of technical experts have spent nearly four years of meticulous engineering and iterative learning to develop a platform
that is scalable, interoperable, regulatory compliant and efficient.
The requirements and ambitions of the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) are well aligned with the fundamental
principles of iov42’s technology. Indeed, we believe that whilst we may not have known it when first designing our trust-building
network, it provides a perfect match to EBSI’s vision. As a company that always strives to be unfailingly trustworthy and reliable,
iov42 is excited to see the practical ways our platform can create impact for EBSI, the European Commission, European citizens and,
hopefully, the world.

Enhancing the EBSI with iov42’s core platform & API-first approach
The iov42 core platform brings additional functionality to the EBSI network that can either extend or potentially enhance and
improve existing APIs (i.e. Application Programming Interfaces). The model we expose through our API-first approach provides the
ability to capture trusted data regarding assets and identities and store them in a scalable, tamper-evident distributed ledger
database. This level of API abstraction means that these trust concepts can be applied across multiple use cases, aligning with the
EBSI commitment to flexible, wide-ranging applicability.

- The iov42 platform is made up of localised, permissioned networks called “zones.” Each zone
comprises a small number of known data centre nodes.
- Standard containerisation technologies in data centres allows iov42 to leverage the scalability
features they provide.
- Upcoming interzone functionality that enables zones to communicate with each other will allow
the distribution and interaction of different use cases, adding an additional level of horizontal

- iov42’s consensus mechanism is a custom Proof of Authority approach designed specifically to

balance performance with energy efficiency.
IMPROVING - Our zone architecture reduces duplication of resources such as computing, network, and
ENERGY storage.
EFFICIENCY - Because we run our workloads using the standard Java Virtual Machine, we have the potential
to make use of more energy efficient compute elements such as Advanced RISC Machine
(ARM)-based processors.

- The only access required to manage the iov42 platform is access to the Kubernetes API, which
can be locked down in whichever manner EBSI deems suitable.
- Our novel consensus mechanism combines randomness and a per-transaction approach to
achieve heightened security without compromising performance or efficiency.

- iov42 combines identity and asset models to allow for flexibility and applicability across
STREAMLINING multiple use cases.
OBJECT - Our approach to asset modelling supports the representation of custom asset types with no
IDENTIFICATION need to be tied to an underlying token, opening up a whole set of use cases.
& - The addition of “Smart Assets” – programmable functionality triggered by operations on assets
DATA – will extend asset modelling further.
PROCESSING - As a trust store, iov42 does not store data (either plaintext or encrypted), improving the storage
and distribution of data and associated energy usage.

- The iov42 core platform is cloud agnostic.

- It was designed and developed not to tie the deployment to a specific infrastructure provider.
- To integrate with existing / new blockchains, an application or middleware will be able to map
assets and actions to and from the iov42 platform and the other platform using the existing API
and the flexibility of the asset modelling.
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The iov42 core platform has been used to implement and model a variety of use cases,
including: Sustainable supply networks; Commodity traceability; Product authenticity;
Decentralised identity credential verification; Land registries, Digital music rights; Tax
return non-repudiation; Covid-19 passports, etc.

The iov42 approach to delivering successful, trustworthy, and reliable use cases

Initially we will support EBSI with two distinct, but neatly related, use cases. While extending the functionality of the chosen use
cases, we will also continue to develop the underlying iov42 core platform in order to be able to support all necessary features and
look into potential integration possibilities with other existing platforms.

The key objectives of the use cases we are planning to test are to:
a) demonstrate the effectiveness of our model being applied across multiple use cases;
b) demonstrate the technical abilities of our platform to meet the Volume and Velocity (V&V) requirements of these use cases;
c) to demonstrate how we can help fulfil some of the primary goals such as energy efficiency, privacy and security; and
d) actively engage in commercialisation of the results and ascertain market acceptance iteratively during the design and testing.

USE CASE 1: Digital Product Passport (DPP) for Circular Economy

We are excited to leverage our work to date around sustainable supply networks for the EBSI. Indeed, we already have
clients using our platform and solutions to build trust in the high-risk commodity space (such as timber).

We are confident that our identity-centric approach can bring new benefits to governments, enterprises, citizens and NGOs by
underpinning (rather than replacing) existing efforts by numerous organisations. This is a high V&V use case that will test the
scalability and performance of our core platform whilst also contributing to several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Specific innovations for this use case:

- The combination of identity and asset models allows for flexibility and applicability across multiple use cases;
- The same consistency but flexibility allows the capture of trust information irrespective of the part of the supply chain/product
life cycle;
- Being able to capture the combination/transformation of assets;
- Restricting behaviour via smart asset functionality; and
- The underlying iov42 platform (see page 3), including the present approach which ensures transparent and non-volatile
pricing, unlike those which are attached to cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum.

USE CASE 2: Digital Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

The link between protection of IP rights and economic growth for Europe is a huge motivation for this use case. We will
build on our work to date concerning digital IP rights in creative industries and believe that our core platform is well
suited to the transformation that this space requires.

The use case presents a sizeable V&V use case, given not just the number of, for instance, EU trademark applications made annually
(c.100,000), but also the transfer volume of such rights when ownership is exchanged (for instance, via company sales), as well as
infringement cases.

Furthermore, the DPP and IP rights use cases do not necessarily exist in siloes from one another and we are excited to explore the
relationships between the use cases to leverage synergies and efficiencies. For example, a future DPP might provide transparency over
transfer of IP rights as goods are bought and sold throughout a product’s lifecycle.

Specific innovations for this use case:

- The combination of identity and asset models allows for flexibility and applicability across multiple use cases;
- Processing of multiple legs in a single atomic transaction, enabling quick, multi-asset transactions. This is conducive to IP
rights being purchased from a company, or a company being bought, since the IP Rights (e.g. patents) are often bundled
together into one transactional package;
- Being able to capture the combination/transformation and transfer of assets;
- Restricting behaviour via smart asset functionality; and
- The underlying iov42 platform (see page 3).

©2021 European Union and IOV42. This document is created by iov42 as contractor that is participating in the European Blockchain
Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) under Framework Contract nºFW 00110986. The European Blockchain PCP aims to prepare for the future
evolution of the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI). All rights reserved. Page 2 of 3
Flexible yet robust, our technology is complementary to the existing EBSI
infrastructure and uniquely equipped to co-create and deliver a resilient and
innovative core technology infrastructure for Europe.

Robust Identity Modelling Delegation & Permissioning Asset Modelling

- iov42 is identity-centric; an identity - Trusted organisations, like an - Everything from land deeds to
is required to perform most IP rights law firm, can appoint government loans to a batch of
operations on the platform trusted identities, such as a emergency vaccines is digitally
senior lawyer, to act on their represented, stored, and tracked
- Public sector actors, enterprises
behalf in an IP rights case - Custom assets are transferred
and citizens have unique digital
identifiers - This delegation of authority atomically, enabling complex
provides high levels of data transactions
- This guarantees accountability for
security and granular control of - This facilitates the creation and
every actor, the actions they carry
data accessibility storage of complete audit trails of
out, and the services they deliver
and access services

Claims & Endorsements Smart Assets API-First

- Trustworthy representations of - Assets can be programmed to - Open, flexible, and easy to
identities and assets are built execute certain behaviours based understand
through claims endorsed by 3rd on parameters, like regulatory - Facilitates smooth integration with
parties requirements, or triggers, like a existing EBSI infrastructure and
scheduled transfer use cases
- Not only does this enable identities
to make verifiable claims like “I’m - Compared to smart contracts, - This enhances the ability of EBSI
an EU citizen,” but this also allows iov42’s smart assets employ a to scale with future services and
verified information to be assigned fully distributed approach, making applications
to assets, such as “the carbon the “smart” functionality easier to
footprint of this asset’s life cycle is write and dynamically linked to
350 kg CO2” the entities that catalyse action

Zoned Architecture Novel Consensus Mechanism Proofmesh®

- The architecture of the iov42 - Performance within a zone is - The iov42 Proofmesh® is our
platform is built around localised, achieved through the use of our unique way of recording
permissioned networks called patent-pending Proof of Authority transactions
“zones” consensus mechanism
- Each identity and asset type has a
- This supports distributed - Each transaction is handled distinct chain of transaction
governance models across EBSI for independently and in parallel with proofs; for each transaction, the
different geographies, sectors, and other transactions chains of all the involved identities
departments and assets are combined, forming
- This novel approach to consensus
- This facilitates trusted interactions provides high levels of security an ever-expanding mesh of
between groups and ensure without compromising cryptographically linked proofs
identities are following the relevant performance or efficiency - This increases scalability,
legal and regulatory frameworks performance, and security

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