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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 4

Using Inductive Method

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the 85 percent of students are expected to:
1. Use was and were in oral or written sentences;
2. Select was or were to complete a sentence correctly;
3. Formulate the generalization (rule) on how to use was or were;
4. Write a four or five – sentence story (paragraph) using was and were; and
5. Share ideas about the importance of using was/were correctly.

II. Subject Matter: Correct Usage - Using Was and Were; Reference: English for Grade Four, pages 16-17; and
Teaching Devices/Aids: Charts, pictures, concrete objects, and cut-outs, flash cards, and chalkboard or

III. Lesson Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review Topic: Parts of a sentence (Expected answer of pupils)
 What are the parts of a sentence? The parts of a sentence are subject and predicate.
 What is a subject? A subject is the part that is spoken of in the sentence.
 What is a predicate? A predicate is a part the speaks about the subject in the sentence
 Give example of a sentence and The tree is very tall. Tree is the subject; and is very tall is the
identify the subject and predicate. predicate. (and more examples from pupils)

2. Drill: Contest- (Teacher flash cards Contest by three pupils at a time

to contestants by threes) (pupils shout their answer very quickly)
Nena Singular Noun
Mothers Plural Noun
Priests Plural Noun
Joe and Joshua Plural Noun
Children Plural Noun
Teachers Plural Noun
Principal Singular Noun
Boy Singular noun
Girls Plural Noun
Babies Plural noun
Cow Singular noun
He Singular pronoun
Desks Plural noun
Bird Singular noun
It Singular pronoun
We Plural Pronoun
They Plural pronoun

B. Lesson Proper Activities

1. Motivation:
 Do you have an unforgettable Yes, we have unforgettable experiences.
 When it is unforgettable experience, The experience happened in the past.
when did it happen?
 Give examples of words that tells about Last week/month/year, last night, the other night/day, a minute ago,
the past? awhile age, yesterday, the other day/week/month, etc.

2. Unlocking of difficulties:
 Use the following in sentences. (Similar sentences from pupils given orally)
Yesterday Yesterday was a Sunday. (etc)
Last year Last year, I celebrated my birthday in the beach. (etc)
A minute ago The baby cried a minute ago. (etc)
Long time ago World II happened long time ago. (etc)
Last week I went to the mall last week. (etc)
A while ago We san a song a while ago. (etc)
Last day Last day was a holiday. (etc)
The other week It was rainy the other week. (etc)

3. Motive Questions:
 Read the motive questions on the (Pupils read only the motive questions)
1. When do you use was?
board/chart. Discover the answer to 2. When do you use were?
each motive questions.
4. Presentation of the New Lesson
 Our lesson for today is about when to (Pupils will read silently or orally the examples of
use was and were in sentences. sentences on the board)

5. Analyses of Given Sentences

 Read Group A sentences orally. Group A: Sentences Using Was
1. Irene was in the market early in the morning today.
2. The child was vaccinated last vacation.
3. The carabao was in the river yesterday.
(Analysis in sentence #1) Expected Responses of Pupils
 What is the subject in sentence #1?  Irene is the subject in sentence number one.
 Is Irene singular or plural? Why?  Irene is a singular noun because Irene is only one person.
 What is the predicate in sentence#1?  The predicate in the sentence is was in the market early in the
morning today.
 What group of words in the predicate  The group of words in the predicate that tells about past
tells about a condition in the past? condition is early in the morning today.
 Therefore, what is used in sentence  Was is used in sentence #1, because the subject (Irene) is
#1? Explain your answer. singular noun, and the predicate tells about a condition done in
the past.
(Analysis in sentence #2) Expected Responses of Pupils
 What is the subject in sentence #2?  The Child is the subject in sentence number two
 Is child singular or plural? Why?  Child is a singular noun because child is only one person.
 What is the predicate in sentence #2?  The predicate in the sentence is was vaccinated last vacation
 What word/ group of words in the  The group of words in the predicate that tells about past
predicate tells about a condition in the condition is last vacation..
 Therefore, what is used in sentence  Was is used in sentence #2, because the subject (child) is a
#2? Explain your answer. singular noun, and the predicate tells about a condition done in
the past.
(Analysis in sentence #3) Expected Responses of Pupils
 What is the subject in sentence #3?  The carabao is the subject in sentence number three.
 Is Irene singular or plural? Why?  Carabao is singular noun because carabao is only one animal.
 What is the predicate in sentence#3?  The predicate in the sentence is was in the river yesterday
 What word in the predicate tells about  The group of words in the predicate that tells about past
a condition in the past? condition is yesterday.
 Therefore, what is used in sentence  Was is used in sentence #3, because the subject (carabao) is
#3? Explain your answer. singular pronoun, and the predicate tells about a condition done
in the past.

 Read Group B sentences orally Group B: Sentences Using Were

1. The principals were in the meeting last week.
2. The jeepneys were in the terminal last night.
3. We were in the church last week end.
(Analysis in sentence #1) Expected Responses of Pupils
 What is the subject in sentence #1?  The word principals is the subject in sentence one.
 Is the word principals, singular noun or  The word principals is added with s, therefore it is a plural noun
plural noun? Why? because it refers to more than one persons.
 What is the predicate in sentence #1?  The predicate in the sentence is were in the meeting last week
 What word / group of words in the  The group of words in the predicate that tells about past
predicate tells a condition in the past? condition is last week.
 Therefore, what is used in sentence  Were is used in sentence #1, because the subject (principals) is
letter a? Explain your answer. a plural noun (ending in s) and the predicate tells about a
condition done in the past.
(Analysis in sentence #2) Expected Responses of Pupils
 What is the subject in sentence #2?  The word jeepneys is the subject in sentence number two.
 Is the word jeepneys, singular noun or  The word jeepneys is added with s, therefore it is a plural noun
plural noun? Why? because it refers to more than one person.
 What is the predicate in sentence #2?  The predicate in the sentence is were in the terminal last night
 What word / group of words in the  The group of words in the predicate that tells about past
predicate tells about a condition in the condition is last week.
 Therefore, what is used in sentence  Were is used in sentence #2, because the subject (jeepneys) is
#2? Explain your answer. a plural noun (ending in s) and the predicate tells about a
condition done in the past.
(Analysis in sentence #1) Expected Responses of Pupils
 What is the subject in sentence #3?  The word We is the subject in sentence number three.
 Is the word We, singular noun or plural  The word We is plural pronoun, because it refers to more than
noun? Why? one person.
 What is the predicate in sentence #3?  The predicate in the sentence is were in the church last
 What word / group of words in the  The group of words in the predicate that tells about past
predicate tells about a condition in the condition is last weekend.
 Therefore, what is used in sentence  Were is used in the sentence because the subject (We) is a
#2? Explain your answer. plural pronoun and the predicate tells about a condition in the

6. Enrichment Activities
(Enrichment Activity #1) Reading of Exercises by Pupils
 Read silently the practice exercises 1. Juan (was, were) in the province two years ago.
on the board. 2. The carabao cart (was, were) overloaded with farm
products last Saturday.
3. The parents of school children (was, were) called by the
School Head yesterday.
4. All dogs (were, was) brought to the veterinarian clinic for
treatment last month.
5. The girl (was, were) left alone in the classroom this
(Oral reading and answering Expected Responses of Pupils
sentence number one)
 Read and answer number one, and  Juan (was, were) in the province two years ago. The
explain your answer. answer is was, because the subject (Juan) is singular noun
and the predicate tells a condition done in the past (last
 Read and answer number two and  The carabao cart (was, were) overloaded with farm
explain your answer. products last Saturday. The answer is was, because the
subject (carabao cart) is singular noun, and the predicate
tells a condition done in the past (last Saturday).
 Read and answer number three and  The parents of school children (was, were) called by the
explain your answer. School Head yesterday. My answer is were because the
subject (parents) is a plural noun, and the predicate tells a
condition done in the past (yesterday).
 Read and answer number four and  All dogs (were, was) brought to the veterinarian clinic for
explain your answer. treatment last month. My answer is were because the
subject dogs is a plural noun, and the predicate tells a
condition in the past (last month).
 Read and answer number five and  The girls (was, were) left alone in the classroom this
explain your answer. morning. My answer is were because the subject (girls) is
plural noun, and the predicate tells about a condition done
in the past (this morning).
Enrichment Activity #2
 Orally, you boys in pairs will give a
sentence using was, and explain Oral Presentation of Work among Boys
why was is used. (Sample Works)
 The rat was eaten by the cat last night. We use was
because the subject (rat) is a singular noun, and the
predicate tells a condition done in the past (last night).
 My brother was my father’s helper in the farm last April and
May this year. We use was because the subject (brother) is
a singular pronoun, and the predicate tells a condition
done in the past (last April and May this year).
 The flowers in the garden were stolen last Sunday night.
We use was because the subject (flowers) is a plural noun,
and the predicate tells a condition done in the past (last
Sunday night).
 They were in the Luneta Park last summer. We use were
because the subject (They) is a plural pronoun, and the
predicate tells a condition done in the past (last summer).
 She was only five feet tall two years ago. We use was
because the subject (she) is a singular pronoun, and the
predicate tells a condition done in the past (two years ago).
Enrichment Activity #3
 Orally, explain what you have Written and Oral Presentation of Works among Girls
written. (Read and explain a sample work)
 Liza, Jane and Martha were good friends last school Year.
Were is used in the sentence, because the subject (Liza, Jane
and Martha) are plural nouns, and the predicate tells a
condition done in the past (last school year).
 The piglets were sold out during the town fiesta last month.
Were is used in the sentence, because the subject (piglets) is a
plural noun, and the predicate tells a condition done in the past
(last month).
 My pentel pens were lost in the plaza yesterday afternoon.
Were is used in the sentence, because the subject (pentel
pens) is plural noun, and the predicate tells a condition done in
the past (yesterday afternoon).
 All farm crops were washed out by the flash floods three
months ago. Were is used in the sentence, because the
subject (farm crops) is a plural noun, and the predicate tells a
condition done in the past (three months ago).
 Many houses were destroyed by typhoon Odette many months
ago. Were is used in the sentence, because the subject
(houses) is a plural noun, and the predicate tells a condition
done in the past (many months ago).

7. Statement of Generalization (Rule Pupils formulate the generalization (rule)

 When do you use was?  Was is used if the subject in the sentence is a singular
noun/pronoun, and the predicate tells a condition done in the
 When do you use were?  Were is used if the subject in the sentence is a plural
noun/pronoun, and the predicate tells a condition done in the

8. Valuing Process Pupils share the importance of using was/were correctly

 Give the importance of studying how to  We can give correct sentences orally.
use was/were correctly.  We can write correct sentences.
 We learn how to speak English.
 We select was or were correctly.
 We recognize if the subject in the sentence is singular
noun/pronoun or plural noun/pronoun.
 We learn the different conditions in the past.

IV. Evaluation/Assessment Technique Read and comply the instructions on the board.
 Finish A and B after 15 minutes. A. Write 5 sentences using was. Circle the subject and
Write as fast as you can. underline the predicate.
B. Write 5 sentences using were. Circle the subject and
underline the predicate.

V. Homework Pupils’ Agreement

 Write one paragraph story about  Pass one paragraph story on the next day (tomorrow).
your unforgettable experience.

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