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_— 7 7 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® unggun FILL IN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED CLEARLY IN CAPITALLETTERS. TEST CODE TT] SUBJECT ___PHYSICS—UNIT2—Paper02__ 70 PROFICIENCY _ ADVANCED REGISTRATION NUMBER | | | | SCHOOL/CENTRE NUMBER. NAME OF SCHOOL/CENTRE 3 CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) DATE OF BIRTH y SIGNATURE L igen a T “4 a LIST OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Speed of light in free space e = 3.00 « 10° ms Permeability of free space Hy = 4nx107Hm! Permittivity of free space « = 8.85 «10 Fmt - 9.0 10°m F* Elementary charge e = 1.60 x 10°°C Planck’s constant h = 663*10%Is Unified atomic mass constant “ = 1.66 x 107” kg (931 MeV) Energy equivalence lu = 931 MeV/c? Rest mass of electron m, = 9.11 105" kg Rest mass of proton m, = 1.67% 10°" kg Acceleration due to gravity g = 981ms? 1 Atmosphere atm, = 1.00 10°Nm? Avogadro’s constant. Ny = 6.02 x 10® per mole ie ge BS br 22 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a 8 02238020/M/CAPE 2021 | L AL al a 4 Answer ALL questions. 1. @_——@_ Describe the procedure involved in storing a quantity of electric charge on an initially uncharged parallel plate capacitor. [3 marks] Gi) Explain the movement of charges in the procedure described in (a) (i). [3 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 L my _] ie “6 a (©) Figure 1 shows a charged capacitor in series with a 1 MQ resistor and a microammeter. The switch is closed at time t= 0 and the capacitor begins to discharge through the resistor. ‘The reading on the microammeter, /,, is recorded at various times, f, and the results are shown in Table 1. 1Mo , [DONOT WRITE IN THISAREA, Figure 1. Capacitor discharging circuit = ES TABLE 1: READINGS OF DISCHARGE CURRENT WITH TIME = zg a ws fu & rae 00 170 = 1.0 144 = 2.0 12.2 Ss 30 7a iS z 2 = 40 8.60 = MA 7.0 3.22 8.0 4.48 9.0 3.85 On the grid provided in Figure 2 on page 7, plot a graph of the discharge current, ,, versus time, ¢, Draw a smooth curve through the points. [4'marks] DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA | DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE = =I 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 L ©) cae | (The time constant for the type of discharge curve obtained in (b) may be defined as the time taken for the current to decay to I/e of its initial value (where ¢ is Euler's ‘number, the mathematical constant which is the base of natural logarithms). Use this definition and the graph drawn in Figure 2 to find the time-constant of the circuit in Figure 1. [4 marks] (ii) Calculate the value of the unknown capacitor in Figure 1. [2 marks) 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE L = "PO NOT WRITE IN THISAREA iT WRITE IN THIS AREA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA i “ 7 © @_ Thetime constant for the type of +harge curve obtained in (b) may be defined as the time taken for the current to decay to I/e ofits initial value (where e is Euler's S ber, the mathematical constant which is the base of natural logarithms). Use S is definition and the graph drawn in Figure 2 to find the time-constant of the as circuit in Figure 1, es : : : S a: WRITE IN THIS AREA [4 marks] (ii) Calculate the value of the unknown capacitor in Figure 1. [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 i I Ir - =A Gil) Calculate the charge on the capacitor before the switch is closed. [5 marks} (iv) The capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by a layer of insulating material 0.5 mm thick and of dielectric constant 450. Determine the area of the plates. [5 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 Li (M0000 gn | [Fe -10- ah (Figure 3 shows two vertical metal plates, A and B, separated by distance, d, charged such that the voltage on A is V volts and the voltage on B is 0 volts. A B 4 lov a Figure 3, Charged metal plates Show, by equating the work per unit charge in moving a positive test charge q fromB toA, that E, the strength of the uniform field between A and B, is equal to the voltage gradient. Total 30 marks “DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 L LEAH I r “1 7 2 @ State THREE maj ; ; (@) State THREE major properties of an ideal operational amplifier and explain how EACH Property manifests itself when the operational amplifier is placed in a circuit. |! | | [6 marks} (b) @ Draw a diagram of a non-inverting operational amplifier circuit, labelling all portant currents and voltages. | [2 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 Li (QT _l ie a (Use your diagram in Output voltage for th 4 (©) @) to derive the relationship between input voltage and '¢ non-inverting operational amplifier circuit, (2 marks} A non-inverting operational amplifier circuit has a gain of 11. Suggest practical Values for the resistors in your circuit in (b) (i) which will achieve this gain. [2 marks} (iv) The amplifier is powered by a +10V supply and is fed with a triangular wave input signal shown in Figure 4 on page 13. On the diagram in Figure 4, sketch the output waveform, labelling the maximum and minimum points. BB marks] (v) State the values of the output at t= 2 ms and t= 14 ms. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 LL gH {J GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE my Figure 4. Triangular wave input signal 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 Ee 14. ul (©) Figure 5 shows an operational amplifier summing inverter which may be used as a digital to analogue (D/A) converter. 10 NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA Figure 5. Operational amplifier summing inverter circuit (i) Consider the case where a digital 1 is represented by 1 V and a digital 0 by 0 V. Complete Table 2 for the input-output characteristics of a 3-bit D/A converter. ‘TABLE 2: INPUT-OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS OF A 3-BIT D/A CONVERTER Output Voltage! Viet Vous ' DO NOT WRITEUN THIS AREA [8 marks] UDONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 ‘NEXT PAGE EE Wg 2] [2 : 715 =| Gi) Calculate values for the resistors in Figure 5 such that the input-output characteristics of Table 2 would be realized. [4 marks] Gii) State the MAJOR disadvantage of the circuit in Figure 5 when used as a D/A converter. {1 mark] Total 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a 02238020/MI/CAPE 2021 ie -16- Fl 3. (@)_—_ A pure gamma emitting source was placed a fixed distance in front of a Geiger counter. ‘Absorbers made of the same material and various thicknesses, x, were placed between the source and the counter, The following readings of countrate R were obtained and recorded in Table 3. TABLE 3: READINGS OF COUNT RATE AND ABSORBER THICKNESS ximm [02 06 10 14 18 22 26 Ris'_[ 1000 [549 | 295 158 39 | 46 29 log, .R I (Determine log,yR for EACH value of x and complete Row 3 of Table 3. [2 marks} (ii) Using the axes provided in Figure 6 on page 17, plot a graph of log, .R against x, ‘ensuring that the x-axis extends to x= 3.0 mm. Draw the line of best fit through the points. [3 marks] Gil) Deduce the count rate atx = 2.8 mm. [3 marks] (iv) Explain why the lower count rate values are more likely to be inaccurate. [2 marks} GO ONTO 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 THE NEXT PAGE L A Fi BD NAT Were IN PHSB Ra, RANAvinere IN eee d i : | t i 5 ; x/mm Figure 6. Graph of log, against x GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 r -18- vl (©) @__Describe the photoelectric effect and explain how the stopping potential is related to the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. [4 marks] (ii) Using the relationship between stopping potential, V,,and maximum kinetic energy, show that v,,., the maximum speed of ejected electrons, is given by [3 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/MI/CAPE 2021 fe i] an orn Ree ade i ia sso iT : -19- =| Cid) Bleetromagnetic radiation of wavelength 580 am is incident on en uncharged Meee ay a invacuo. Electrons are ejected from the metal surface and are atracted to a nearby positively cargd eles causing 2 photoelectric current low. As the potential on the nearby electrode is decreased, the photoelectric current decreases and becomes zero when the electrode potential is -0.3 V. Calculate the maximum velocity of the photoelectrons ejected from the metal surface. [2 marks] © @ __ Describe how radiocarbon dating is used to determine the age of ancient organic materials. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, el 02238020/MI/CAPE 2021 L he fx -20- ma (ii) A radioactive isotope of carbon found in a sample of 6.02 x 10” atoms of living, ‘wood has a decay constant of 3.84 x 10" s!. Calculate its half-life in years: [4 marks] In the living wood sample in (6) (i), one in 10 of the carbon atoms is C14. Calculate the rate of decay of C-14 in this sample. [3 marks} ‘Total 30 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02238020/MJ/CAPE 2021 [= HNL pn a NAR Warn IN TICE B RA TA ae a ew re / | i | i

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