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Group 2
Jolin Chong
Angelina Wong
Celine Ling
Jocelyn Wong
Michelle Wong
Teo Jia Sing
- occurs on Tuesday of Passion Week, followed
by the cleansing of temple (Monday), and Jesus’
triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Sunday).
- spoken to the chief priests, teachers of the Law
and elders which made up the Sanhedrin.
- in charge of religious matter
The vineyard owner- God

The son – Jesus

The vineyard- Israel

The tenants- Religious Leaders

The slaves – Prophets

The Jewish authorities understood this parable because it was drawn from the
Hebrew Scriptures. Isaiah, the prophet, identifies Israel as the Lord’s vineyard:

Isaiah 5:7 (ESV) For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of

Israel, and the men of Judah are his pleasant planting; and he looked for
justice, but behold, bloodshed; for righteousness, but behold, an outcry!
The sending of the owner’s son
The owner sent his beloved son. The tenants recognize the son and decided to kill
him so that his property will be theirs. Their recognition of the son didn’t bring
respect for him but only intensifies the gravity of the crime.

The tenants are shrewd and wise in their own eyes.

Isaiah 5:21 (ESV) Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their
own sight!
The Jewish authorities will do away with the Son to protect their own
positions of power and prestige.

Jesus told this parable on Tuesday. On Friday, Jesus would be crucified

outside the city walls. They thought that they would get rid of Jesus once
and for all.

But they seem to have forgotten that they will still have to deal with the
owner, God. How self-defeating it is to try to “outmanoeuvre the owner of
the vineyard.”
Sending of Slaves
How unlikely it seems that a landlord would send servant after servant, and then finally his son, all in the hope that the
wicked tenants would respect his son.

And yet, that is exactly what God did. Through the centuries, with great patience and compassion, God sent his prophets to
warn the people and to call them back to himself. Now he sent his only Son to the people and speak to them through him,
but they have crucified and killed him.
“ The stone which the builders despised the most,
turned out to be the most important of all”

The stone = cornerstone

He is the foundation upon

which the church is built.
God’s God is
Be wise in
goodness and merciful
making our
patience to his
own decisions

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