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If a point on the inside surface of the pressure vessel is selected, then

op, = g
1.500000“) a,,2= g
0.'is00(10‘=") a_,,3=—p=—6MPa

For this three-dimensional state of stress, the maximum-distortion-energy theory

of failure is

(apt — '7p2)2 + (5,112 — 5p3)2 + (“p3 — 5,0112 = 25?’

which upon substitution of cry = 100 l\/[Pa and the principal stresses yields

i‘= 13.71 m.1r1 Ans.

Introductory Problems 10-39 A material with a proportional limit of 36 ksi in tension
and compression is subjected to a biaxial state of stress. The
l0-35* A machine component fabricated from a material with principal stresses are 18 ksi (T), 16 ksi (T), and 0, = 0. De-
a proportional limit in tension and compression of 60 ksi is termine the factor of safety with respect to failure by yielding
subjected to a biaxial state of stress. The principal stresses according to each of the theories of failure.
are 30 ksi (T) and 50 ksi (C). Determine which, if any, of
the theories will predict failure by yielding for this state of 10-40 At a point on the free surface of an aluminum alloy ma-
stress. chine component the principal stresses are 120 MPa (T) and
180 MPa (C). What minimum proportional limit is required
l0-36* A machine component fabricated from a material with according to each of the theories if failure by yielding is to be
a proportional limit in tension and compression of 380 MPa avoided?
is subjected to a biaxial state of stress. The principal stresses
are 180 MPa (T) and 270 l\/[Pa (C). Determine which, if any, 10-41" A material with a yield strength in tension and compres-
of the theories will predict failure by yielding for this state of sion of 60 ksi is subjected to the biaxial state of stress shown
stress. in Fig. P10-41. Determine the factor of safety with respect to
failure by yielding according to each of the theories of failure.
10-37 At a point on the free surface of an alloy steel machine
component the principal stresses are 45 ksi (T) and 25 ksi (C).
What minimum proportional limit is required according to each
of the theories if failure by yielding is to be avoided? 20 ksi
l0-38* The state of stress at a point on the surface of a machine
component is shown in Fig. P10-38. If the yield strength ofthe 25 ksi
material is 250 MPa, determine which, if any, of the theories I I
will predict failure by yielding for this state of stress. 1 I 15 ksi

70 MPa
Figure P10-41

1 I
I 90 MP1: 10-42 A point on the free surface of a machine component is sub-
jected to the state of stress shown in Fig. P10-42. If the yield
40 MPa
strength of the material is 250 MPa, determine the factor of
safety with respect to failure by yielding according to each of
Figure P10-38 the theories of failure.

95 MPa 10-46 A shaft, similar to the one shown in Fig. P10-45, has a
150-rnrn diameter and is made of steel having a yield strength
in tension and compression of 360 MPa. The applied loads are
P = 2200 kN and T = 38 kN - tn. If failure is by yielding,
I determine the factor of safety according to
I I, 140 MPa
a. The maximutn-shear-stress theory of failure.
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory of failure.
80 MPa
10-47 The yield strength 0, of a ductile material may be de-
Figure P10-42 termined from a tension test (Fig. P10-470). Using the three
theories of failure discussed in Section 10-6, show that the
yield strength ry of a member determined ii-om a torsion test
(Fig. P10-47b) is predicted to be
Intermediate Problems
= a_,.; maximum-nonnal-stress theory.
10-43* A thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel is capped at the = 0.50,; maximum-shear-stress theory.
ends and is subjected to an internal pressure. The inside diam- PP’? ~I‘-T'~<"= 0.5770,; maximum-distortion-energy theory.
eter of the vessel is 5 ft, and the wall thickness is 1.5 in. The
vessel is rnade of steel with a tensile and compressive yield
strength of 36 ksi. Determine the internal pressure required to
initiate yielding according to
a. The maximum-shear-stress theory. P
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory.
10-44* The solid circular shaft shown in Fig. P10-44 is subjected P
to a torque T. The yield strength of the material in tension and (4)
compression is 400 MPa. Determine the largest permissible
value of the torque T according to
a. The maximum-shear-stress theory.
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory.
100 mm Figure P10-47

r I‘, 10-48* The hollow steel (0,, = 250 MPa) shaft shown in Fig.
P10-48 is subjected to a torque T = 40 kN - tn. The factor of
Figure P10-44 safety with respect to failure by yielding is 1.5. Determine the
maximum permissible inside diameter for the shaft according
to the maximum-shear-stress theory of failure.
10-45 The shafi shown in Fig. P10-45 is made of steel having
a proportional limit of 60 ksi in tension or compression. If a
factor of safety of 3.0 with respect to failure by yielding is
specified, determine the maximum permissible value for the
axial load P according to the maxinnim-shear-stress theory of

. ' 6 in. Figure P10-48

- 1
T= 25 kip-ft
, " 1____P
10-49 A solid circular steel (0,, = 36 ksi) shafl is subjected
Figure P10-45 to an axial tensile load P = 10 kip and a bending moment

M 5 kip - in If a factor of safety of 2.0 for failure by yield- tom /‘T

ing is desired determine the minimum permissible diameter
for the shaft according to the maximtnn-shear-stress theory.

Challenging Problems
. D I
ll]-50 A solid circular shaft has a diameter d and is subjected to /"'
a bending rnornentM and a torque T. The shaft is made from
a ductile material with a yield strength ay. Show that the min-
____"""'4o0 rnm i
immn diameter d of the shaft may be found according to the
maximum-shear-stress theory from the equation
Figure P10-52

10-53" The shaft shown in Fig. P10-53 is made of an altnninum

32FS ‘*”
4 = [My
— t/(M) 2 +( T 1]2 alloy that has a proportional limit of 48 ksi in tension or com-
pression. If a factor of safety of 2.0 with respect to failure by
yielding is specified, determine the maximum allowable value
for the load R according to

where FS is the factor of safety. a. The maximum-shear-stress theory of failure.

b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory of failure.
ll]-51 The solid circular shaft shownin Fig. P10-51 is subjected to
an axial tensile force P, a bending moment M, and a torque T.
The shaft is made from a ductile material with a yield strength
0,. Show that the minimum diameter d of the shaft may be [ R
found according to the maximum-shear-stress theory fi-om the
. 20in.


2%V = W./(Pa
+ 8M)2 +(sr)1
—_____-_"-—- 2 R ______'I-__—_ l Q=

where FS is the factor of safety. Figure P10-53

r-" M " -
M 10-54 A structmal steel pipe used to transmit steam has an inside
diameter of 300 mm. Ifthe steam pressure is 5.5 MPa and a
factor of safety of 4 with respect to failure by yielding is speci-
" P-‘W; fied, determine the minimum permissible wall thickness of the
pipe according to the maximum-shear-stress theory. The wall
Figure P10-51 of the pipe does not carry any axial load.
10-55* A steel shaft 4 in. in diameter is supported in flexible
bearings at its ends. Two pulleys, each 24 in. in diameter, are
ll]-52* The shaft shown in Fig. P10-52 is made of steel having keyed to the shaft. The pulleys carry belts that are loaded as
a proportional limit of 360 MPa in tension or compression. shown in Fig. P10-55. The steel has a proportional limit of 40
If a factor of safety of 2.0 with respect to failtne by yielding ksi in tension and compression and 23 ksi in shear. If a factor
is specified, determine the minimum permissible diameter D of safety of2.5 with respect to failure by yielding is specified,
according to determine the maximum allowable belt tension P according to
a. The maximum-shear-stress theory of failure. a. The maximum-shear-stress theory of failure.
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory of failure. h. The mazrimtnn-distortion-energy theory of failme.
650 cruumzn 10 runner sunnons mo THEORIES or rmuna

T40 in. -_ __ ifthe cylinder is made ofan alloy steel with a proportional limit
. " 60in. .____ of 80 ksi and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.30. A factor of safety of 2.5
t~- 40 1.. with respect to failm'e by yielding according to the maximum-
' _ distortion-energy theory of failure is specified.
10-58 A solid circular shaft acting as a cantilever beam is sub-
l jected to the loading shown in Fig. P10-58. The material is
P 2024-T4 wrought aluminum with a yield strength in tension
3*” 3p ' and compression of 330 MPa. If the factor of safety for failure
P by yielding is 2.5, determine the minimum permissible diame-
Figure P10-55 ter of the shaft according to the maximlnn-shear-stress theory
of failure. Neglect the effects of transverse shear.

10-56* A thick-walled hydraulic cylinder with an inside diameter

of 150 mm is required to operate under a maximum internal
]Jl‘6SS11I’6 of 50 MPa. The cylinder is to be made of steel with
a proportional limit of 275 MPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.30. 200 mm ______
Determine the minimtnn outside diameter required if a factor "Hi
of safety of 2 with respect to failure by yielding according to
the maximum-shear-stress theory of failure is specified. The
' soc N
wall of the cylinder is not required to carry axial load.
10-51 Determine the maximtnn allowable internal pressure to 560 N_m 4000 N
which a closed-end, thick-walled cylinder with an inside diam-
eter of 6 in. and an outside diameter of l0 in. may be subjected Figure P10-58

Brittle materials, unlike ductile materials, do not yield; therefore, failure is by
_,_\ /___ fi-acture, and the critical stress is the fracture stress (or the ultimate strength). The
\\v If
ultimate strength in compression is greater than the ultimate strength in tension.
.| ,, The ultimate shear strength of a brittle material is approximately equal to the
I ultimate tensile strength; this is not the case for ductile materials. Of the theories
6 proposed to predict fracture of brittle materials, only two will be presented in this
5a: Ga: text: the Coulomb-Mohr theory and the maximum-normal-stress theory.

10-7-1 Coulomb-Mohr and Maximum-Normal-Stress Theo-

(Q) 1'i6S The tensile test and the compression test are the basis for the Coulomb-
Mohr theory. A Mohr’s circle for each ofthese tests is shown in Fig. 10-29a, where
0,, is the ultimate tensile strength and am is the ultimate compressive strength.

According to the Coulomb-Mohr theory, failtne (fracture) occurs for any state of
I i
stress whose Mohr’s circle is tangent to the envelope of the two circles shown ir1
Fig. 10-29a (the envelope is the line that is tangent to the two circles, as shown in
i Z
Fig. 10-29b). Mohr‘s circle for an arbitrary state of stress is shown clashed in Fig.
10-29b, where crpl and op; are the principal stresses (the principal stresses have
been ordered aP1 > UP2 > Up3)- When Mohrs circle (dashed) forany state ofstress

s‘ is tangent to the envelope of Fig. 10-29b, failure occurs. The principal stresses Up]
and 0P3, the ultimate tensile strength a,,,, and the ultimate compressive strength
am, are related by the equation
Figure 10-29 E - E =1 ttczs)
Um‘ Um‘
652 cnsrmzn 10 runner surmons mo nnzoruss or rmuns

2°? ’““‘ 1 Example Problem 10- 13 A 200-mm-diameter solid circular shaft

T T is subjected
material withto
an aultimate
torque tensile
T, as strength
shown inof620
Fig. MPa
and The shaft iscompressive
an ultimate made of a
§\ strength of 820 l\/[Pa. Determine the maximum permissible value for the torque

i § T according to the Coulomb-Mohr theory of failtne.

m t The state of stress for a shaft subjected to a torsional load T is shown in
I I Fig. 10-32b. The shearing stress r is given by Eq. 6-6 as

i _i r=E
J = 140.200)“/32
?T[0'100) = 636.61"
Figure 19_3g The principal stresses

op, = —crp3 = 1: = 636.61" op; = 0

The maximum pemrissible value of T according to the Coulomb-Mohr theory is

given by Eq. 10-26 as

an in-,
Um‘ URL‘ —


636.6T (—fi36.6T)
620(l0 ) 820(10 )

Solving for T yields

T = 0.5546(106)N - m E 555kN - m Ans.

Introductory Problems 5 ksi
10-59* The state of plane stress at the critical point in a machine 4 ki _
component is shown in Fig. P10-59. The failure strengths for
the material are 26 ksi in tension and 97 ksi in compression. l I
Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine if this state of I L 13 ksi
stress is safe. _

Figure P10-59
10-7 FAIIJJIIB 'l'HBORlltS won tt1u'm.s MATIIRIALS 653

l0-60* Two states of plane stress are shown in Fig. P10-60. The 10-63 The solid circular cast iron shaft shown in Fig. P10-63 is
failure strengths for the material are 152 MPa in tension and subjected to a torque T = 240 kip - in. and a bending moment
572 MPa in compression. Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to M = 110 kip - in. The failure strengths for this material are
determine if these states of stress are safe. 43 ksi in tension and 140 ksi in compression Use the Coulomb-
Mohr theory to determine the minimum permissible diameter
for this shaft.
ep, = I00 MPa Gm = 200 MPa

6p]=10owa oP1=75 MP3 0"‘,


(-1 (b) Figure P10-63

Flgune P10-60

l0-61 The state of plane stress at the critical point in a machine 10-64 A thin-walled cylindrical ]J1‘6SSl.l1’6 vessel has an inside di-
component rnade cfcast iron is shown in Fig. P10-61. The fail- ameter of 300 mm and a wall thickness of 5 mm. The vessel is
ure strengths for this material are 30 ksi in tension and 108 ksi made of a material with am = 276 MPa and on, = 340 MPa.
in compression. Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine the maximum in-
if this state of stress is safe. ternal pressure that the vessel can safely support.

Challenging Problems
_9_ksi 10-65* A solid circular gray cast iron shaft is loaded as shown
in Fig. P10-65. The failure strengths for this type of cast iron
are 36.5 ksi in tension and 124 ksi in compression. Use the
I i Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine the minimum permissi-
I I 22 ksi ble diameter for the shaft. Neglect the effects of transverse
<—--- shear.

Figure P10-61 900 lb ./¢"

Intermediate Problems
12 in.
l0-62* A solid circular cast iron shaft is subjected to the loads _ D
shown in Fig. P10-62. The failure strengths for this material I

are 214 MPa in tension and 750 MPa in compression. Use the 0 ’)7

Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine the minimum permissible 1

diameter for the shalt. Neglect the effects of transverse shear.
__"""- 10 in. .___'_%___ l
_" 100 mm ______ Figure P10-65

' 1.5m
10-66 The C-clamp shown in Fig. P10-66 is made of a gray cast
iron that has an ultimate tensile strength of 180 MPa and an
ultimate compressive strength of 670 MPa. Use the Coulomb-
5 kN-m Mohr theory to determine the maximum load P that can he
Figure P10-62 applied safely to the clamp.

10-67 A 4-in.-diameter solid circular shaft is loaded as shown in

Fig. P10-67. The shaft is made ofa gray east iron that has an
ultimate tensile strength of22 ksi and an ultimate compressive
strength of 82 ksi. Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine
if the shaft can safely support the loading shown.

--- 24 in.
""-- 48 in..________
E:Il2mm 4 in. ‘W
"b"e! LE. I

Section A-A
3000 lb-it It t
Figure P10-66 500010-n 5°00 lb
Figure P10-67

The strain energy stored in a material is equal to the work done in deforming
the material. For an axial load, the strain energy intensity (strain energy per unit
volume) u is given by

u = f ads

The modulus of resilience is defined as the maximum stlain energy per unit volume
that a material will absorb without inelastic deformation and is the area under
the straight-line portion of the stress-strain diagram. For practical purposes, the
yield strength and proportional limit are the same, and thus the modulus of resi-
lience is

we — 2E
U; ( 10 - 3 )

The area under the entire stress-strain c1u've from zero to rupture gives the property
known as the modulus of toughness H1‘ and denotes the energy per unit volume
necessary to rupture the material.
The total strain energy stored in a material may be obtained by integrating
the strain energy intensity over the volume of the material being stressed. “Then
the state of stress in a body can be represented by a nonzero normal stress, the
strain energy is

U — I,, fidV
25 (10 5)
where V is the volume of the body. The expressions for strain energy intensity
and strain energy for shear loading are identical to that for axial loading if normal
stress a is replaced by shear stress r and Young‘s modulus E is replaced by the
shear modulus G.

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