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Ephesian 4:11 We establish the Apostles & Prophets

ASIA FEDERATION OF APOSTLES & PROPHET (AFAP) is committed to commission the company of present day Apostles & Prophets to establish the Kingdom of God in the heart of every believers so that they be ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. AFAP apostolic commission will be to usher the End-time Holy Spirit movement upon the face of the earth by way of revival meeting, Holy Spirit seminar & School of Ministry, five-fold Ministers conferences, All saints Apostolic & Prophetic Conference. APOSTOLIC & PROPHETIC COMMISSION STATEMENT ARTICLE 1 FOR MINISTERS APOSTLE,PROPHET,EVANGELIST,PASTOR & TEACHER AFAP provide Mentorship programs, Ordination, Ministry covering and Ministerial license for man and woman who are called and chosen into the fivefold ministries and navigate them to flow in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit. ARTICLE 2 FOR CHURCHES,CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION,CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES AND ALL SAINTS AFAP conduct a Mentorship Building & Fellowship programs for churches, ministries, Leaders and individual Christians in regards to their denominational background. The Apostolic and Prophetic Mentorship will thus provide covering to navigate churches, ministers and Christians on how to achieve a Christ true discipleship standard, Spirit filled and to move in the Anointing power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill Gods plan, will and purpose corporately and individually. This fellowship of churches thus consist of independent churches worldwide which have submitted themselves directly under Apostolic & Prophetic leadership of AFAP

ASIA FEDERATION OF APOSTLES & PROPHETS is a Christian ministries that was borne by the Holy Spirit in the heart of Dr.J.Loudin the Fouding Overseer aka Apostolic & Prophetic Seer for the whole purpose of building a strong Apostolic and Prophetic networks internationally especially Asia continent. Dr.Loudin was specially commission by the Holy Spirit to restore the ministry Apostle and Prophet in the body of Christ and those who flow in the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing. He earnestly believe that all the fivefold ministries must be fully restored into the corporate body of Christ, namely the Apostles and Prophet according to the rank of Ephesian 4:11 which stated And He(Jesus)Himself gave some to be Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers,. MAJOR COMMISSION OF AFAP i. To equip/perfect the saints to do the work of ministering to the lost ii. To edify/build the body of Christ, the church. iii. To unite the body of Jesus Christ in the oneness of faith in the spirit of unity. iv. That the saints can attained a deep/accurate knowledge of Jesus, the Son of God v. That the saints will attain perfection in their personality similar to Christs spiritual standard vi. To attain the measure of stature of the fullness of Christ vii. Building the saints solidly strong in Gods words, under the true teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit of God.

REQUIRED CRITERIA FOR AFFILITAED CHURCHES & MINISTRIES 1. Copy of constitution and doctrinal statement of faith (Individual or His/her ministry) 2. A personal letter of intent /Corporate resolution stating their intention to affiliate with AFAP 3. Opinion letter from accountant, financial consultant(Ministry corporate membership) OR account admins (For personal minister membership) concerning their adherent to standard accounting principle. 4. Financial commitment to AFAP - Annual ministers membership affiliation (Individual or corporate ministry) 5. A completed membership Application form Individual or corporate ministry (Attached mark as AFAP FORM 1) 6. Attended annual Apostolic & Prophetic Conferences organize by AFAP i.e. a minimum ONE annually which will be conducted at few locations throughout Asia or international places 7. Affiliated Churches and ministries are to be subject to availability for any consultation, visitation and fellowship by any AFAP Apostolic & Prophetic Board of Governors.

APOSTOLIC STATEMENT OF FAITH OUR BELIEF . The triune God, the three Persons in One, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Mat 28:19) . The divine inspiration of the infallible word of God, the Bible (66 Books-consist of Old Testament & New Testament) . The complete humanity and deity of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-14) . The fallen nature of man and that he comes short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23, Rom6:23) . The need of salvation for all men through faith in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross of Calvary (1 Pet2:24, Rom 10:9-10) . The baptism of the Holy Spirit with an evidence of tongues/prophecy and the Baptism of water (Act 1:4-5,Acts19:6, Mat 28:19) . Jesus Christ the Healer (Acts 9:34)and the Power of the Holy Spirit working mightily to the body of Christ(His Church) Acts 1:8,Mark 16:16:-20 .The restoration of the Five-fold ministry gift into the body of Christ, the Church (Ephesian 4:11) . The observance of the Lords supper, Holy communion.(I Cor 11:23-26) . The physical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His imminent return to earth (Acts 1:10-11) . The physical resurrection of the just and the unjust (I Cor 15:51-52,Dan 12:2) . The final judgment seat of God (The great white throne) and the judgment seat of Christ were all men give an account of their life (2 Cor 5:10,Rev 20:12-15) *** For membership & affiliation into the ASIA FEDERATION OF APOSTLES & PROPHETS, kindly fill up the membership form and send it to us with your annual ministry subscription


1.Your ministry call will be duly confirm and ordain by the AFAP Board of Governors .Ministerial Ordination Certificate and Licenses will be issued 2.Certificate of Membership/Affiliation Be issued to Corporate ministry,Church,Christian Organization will entitled such corporate body for many members priviledges 3.MEMBERS PRIVILGES 50% E-Book ,Audio teaching CD,DVD,discounts,Monthly Apostolic & Prophetic teaching Eletters, 50% discounts on any AFAP seminar or conferences,FREE admission to certain apostolic &prophetic mentorship program etc 4. CALL CONFERENCE Video call Ministry mentoring,Prayer,Personal prophetic prophecy,Apostolic Teaching You will receive a minimum once a month ministry call-conference from Dr.J.Loudin via SKYPE Video call or live chat Apostolic Seer SKYPE ID : Ldenetwork .Kindyl register free with SKYPE ,get your ID and add Dr.JOHs skype ID or email ypur skype ID to :Lambministries@ 5.Receive a monthly email teaching,access free and be added into Facebook ministry group and join into apostolic & prophetic group with over 100 minister around the world 1.Group Apostle & Prophet Ministries Network 1.Persekutuan Apostolik & Profetik 6.FREE to Join the Holy Spirit School of Ministry (School FEE waive)

ASIA FEDERATION OF APOSTLE & PROPHET (AFAP) MIINISTRY WEBSITE (English) (Malaysia/Indonesia) (English) (Malaysia/Indonesia) (English) (Malaysia/Indonesia) 7.Facebook (English) 8.Twitter : 9.Audio Video Ministry Official Email :Lambministries@

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