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Received: 2 December 2021 Revised: 24 March 2022 Accepted: 19 August 2022

DOI: 10.1111/joss.12786

Journal of


Use of perceived weights for scale familiarization in a PROP

taster classification procedure

Neeta Y. Yousaf | Yintong Zheng | Jiakun Yi | Beverly J. Tepper

Department of Food Science and Center for

Sensory Sciences and Innovation, School of Abstract
Environmental and Biological Sciences,
Labeled magnitude scales are commonly used in sensory testing especially in PROP-
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New
Jersey, USA tasting studies. Frequently, subjects are asked to complete a familiarization task
before the test begins to check if they understand the scale and can use it effectively.
Beverly J. Tepper, Department of Food A variety of familiarization tasks have been used, but validation studies are sparse. In
Science and Center for Sensory Sciences and
the present study, subjects assessed the “heaviness” of five weights held in the hand
Innovation, School of Environmental and
Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, New and were then classified by PROP status using a standard screening protocol with
Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA.
NaCl as a reference standard. Results showed that perceived heaviness increased
with increasing weight, and this was independent of PROP status. When the mean of
Funding information
the two highest weights was used as the reference standard in the PROP screening
USDA HATCH Act Funds; New Jersey
Agricultural Experiment Station, Grant/Award protocol, subjects were classified similarly. Weight estimation is effective as a general
Number: 10180
familiarization task and can also be used as an external (nontaste) standard in PROP

Practical Applications
Subjects benefit from practice using labeled magnitude scales before they are asked
to rate samples or products. The weight estimation task described here is easy for
subjects to understand and use and quick to administer. This procedure can be used
as a general familiarization task in sensory testing and as part of a PROP screening

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N super-tasters) often differ in their perceptions of other bitter stimuli,

as well as sweet, astringent, pungent and fatty foods and beverages
Sensitivity to the bitterness of 6-n-propylthrouracil (PROP) is con- (Dinnella et al., 2018; Donovan, Keller, & Tepper, 2016; Melis
trolled, in part, by the bitter-taste gene, TAS2R38 (Kim et al., 2003). et al., 2020; Nolden, McGeary, & Hayes, 2020; Pickering, Simun-
Variation in this gene accounts for three common phenotypes: PROP kova, & DiBattista, 2004; Robino et al., 2022). Although many studies
non-tasters, who perceive no bitterness or weak intensity from PROP; report that super-tasters dislike and avoid foods with these qualities
medium tasters who perceive moderate bitterness; and super-tasters (Bakke & Vickers, 2011; Dinehart, Hayes, Bartoshuk, Lanier, &
who experience extreme bitterness from this compound (Bufe Duffy, 2006; Pickering et al., 2004; Scott, Burgess, & Tepper, 2019;
et al., 2005). Individuals in the extreme groups (i.e., non-tasters and Tepper, 2008; Tepper et al., 2009; Ullrich, Touger-Decker, O'Sullivan-
Maillet, & Tepper, 2004; Zhao & Tepper, 2007), other studies show
Neeta Y. Yousaf and Yintong Zheng contributed equally and share to first authorship. weak or no influence of PROP status on food acceptance behaviors

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Sensory Studies published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

J Sens Stud. 2022;e12786. 1 of 6
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(de Wijk, Dijksterhuis, Vereijken, Prinz, & Weenen, 2007; Hayes, Sulli- physical stimuli did not co-vary with PROP ratings suggesting they
van, & Duffy, 2010; Masi, Dinnella, Monteleone, & Prescott, 2015; were independent of PROP bitterness. Moreover, NaCl was compara-
Spinelli et al., 2018). Despite the lack of consensus in this literature, ble to the physical stimuli in classifying subjects into taster groups. A
PROP screening remains a popular marker for individual differences in limitation of the study was that the authors used the mean ratings
oral sensations with broad implications for sensory and consumer sci- across all three physical stimuli in their comparisons which did not
ence, nutrition and health (Tepper, Banni, Melis, Crnjar, & Tomassini permit examination of the individual stimuli.
Barbarossa, 2014). The objectives of the current study were twofold to determine if
Typical screening methods include the use of single or multiple subjects could reliably judge increasing heaviness of weights pre-
solutions, PROP-impregnated filter papers and edible strips (Tepper sented in random order as a familiarization task and whether PROP
et al., 2017). The most common scales for PROP screening are the nontasters, medium tasters, and super-tasters rated the weights in a
labeled magnitude scale (LMS) (Green et al., 1996), where the top of similar way. We hypothesized that weight intensity perception would
the scale is anchored with the phase “strongest imaginable oral sensa- not be related to PROP taster status classification. The outcomes of
tion” and the general labeled magnitude scale (gLMS; Duffy, Peter- this study would confirm that judging perceived weights is a suitable
son, & Bartoshuk, 2004), a modification of the LMS, where the top of familiarization task that is not influenced by PROP status.
the scale is anchored with the phrase “strongest imaginable sensation
of any kind.”
A variety of strategies have been used to familiarize subjects with 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
these scales and to provide practice in using them correctly. Subjects
may be asked to rate the intensity of remembered sensations such as 2.1 | Subject recruitment
the sourness of a lemon, the brightness of the sun, or the burning sen-
sation of whole chili pepper (Bajec & Pickering, 2008; Green & Healthy volunteers 18–65 years of age were recruited from Rutgers
Hayes, 2004; Porubcan & Vickers, 2005). Subjects may also be pre- University using an email distribution list. Subjects completed a basic
sented with actual stimuli and asked to rate the perceived heaviness health questionnaire and were excluded if they reported any taste or
of visually identical weights (Delwiche, Buletic, & Breslin, 2001; smell dysfunction, chronic diseases, or use of medications that altered
Keast & Roper, 2007; Pickering & Robert, 2006; Webb, Bolhuis, Cicer- taste or smell function or if they were pregnant or nursing. In our lab-
ale, Hayes, & Keast, 2015) or to judge the intensities of audible tones oratory, subjects are pre-screened for PROP taster status as an initial
(Delwiche et al., 2001; Hayes et al., 2010; Hayes, Bartoshuk, Kidd, & step in qualifying for taste and food preference studies. The subjects
Duffy, 2008). screened here were recruited in three waves and went on to partici-
The idiosyncratic use of scales is a well-known phenomenon in pate in one of the ongoing studies. The protocol was reviewed and
sensory testing. To minimize these effects, weights and tones are fre- approved by the Rutgers Institutional Review Board for the Protection
quently used as cross-modal stimuli, that is, as an outside check on of Human Subjects. All subjects provided written consent before they
appropriate use of the scale. Weights and/or tones have also been participated in the study and were compensated for their participa-
used to adjust or standardize the ratings prior to data analysis tion. All activities were completed in one 15-min session.
(Delwiche et al., 2001; Hayes et al., 2010; Keast & Roper, 2007;
Porubcan & Vickers, 2005). As pointed out by Barthoshuk, Duffy, Luc-
china, Prutkin, and Fast (1998) and later by Prutkin et al. (2000), “max- 2.2 | Rating scale
imum” intensity may not be perceived in the same way by nontasters
and super-tasters given their divergent sensory experiences in every- The 100-mm LMS was used for both the weight estimation task and
day life. Consequently, the two groups may use scales in fundamen- PROP screening. The scale was anchored with the phrases “barely
tally different ways (Barthoshuk, Duffy, Lucchina, Prutkin, & detectable” on one end and “strongest imaginable” on the other end,
Fast, 1998; Prutkin et al., 2000). Using magnitude estimation scaling, with label descriptors “weak,” “moderate,” “strong,” and “very strong”
Bartoshuk, Duffy, & Miller (1994) first introduced the use of sodium placed at semi-log intervals along the length of the scale according to
chloride (NaCl) as a reference standard in PROP screening and classifi- Green et al. (1996). For the weight estimation, subjects were
cation protocols and later suggested that tones were superior to NaCl instructed to judge the heaviness of the samples relative to their pre-
for this purpose (Barthoshuk et al., 1998). The reliability of NaCl as a vious experiences with a weight held in one hand. For the PROP
reference standard remains a controversial topic in the field (Hayes screening, subjects judged each sample relative to their experiences
et al., 2008; Hayes et al., 2010; Prutkin et al., 2000). Nevertheless, with other oral stimuli.
NaCl is widely deployed as a reference standard by different
researchers and laboratories across the globe (Tepper et al., 2017).
To the best of our knowledge, only Ditschun and Guinard (2002) 2.3 | Weight estimation procedure
examined different physical stimuli as control standards in a PROP-
classification study. The stimuli included five levels of gray shades The weight stimuli were five visually identical, opaque amber polypro-
(visual), sandpaper grit (tactile), and honey-water mixture viscosity on pylene bottles (VWR 16186-316) filled with 225, 380, 558, 713, or
the fingertips (kinesthetic). Results showed that ratings for the 870 g of sandbox sand. The weight series was the same as that used
YOUSAF ET AL. Journal of 3 of 6
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by Delwiche et al. (2001), except that we dropped the highest weight with PROP taster status and sample as main factors. A repeated
sample (999 g) because pilot testing showed that the heaviest bottle measures ANOVA was conducted to examine the effect of PROP
was cumbersome for subjects to handle with one hand (see below). taster status on the intensity rating of each of the weights. In this
The subjects were not blindfolded during the study and could view model, the between subject factor was PROP taster status, the
the samples. However, the bottles were capped so the subjects could within-subjects factor was weight rating, and the interaction term
not see the contents and were labeled with a three-digit was weight*PROP taster status. Duncan's test was used to assess
randomized code. post hoc differences. Effect size was reported based on partial eta
Subjects were asked to extend their dominant hand, palm facing squared, ƞ2p.
upward, and the researcher placed the bottle on their outstretched Perceived weight data for all subjects were log-transformed and
hand. The subject was then asked to assess the weight of the bottle used to calculate a power function representing changes in perceived
and place a mark on the LMS scale corresponding to the heaviness weight with increases in physical weight. Regression analysis was
(intensity) of the weight. The samples were presented to the subjects used to assess the strength of this relationship. All other data analysis
in randomized order and there was a 1 min break in between samples. was conducted on untransformed data.
Several methods were considered to establish the reference stan-
dard for PROP classification using the perceived weights. These
2.4 | PROP taster screening and classification included the mean perceived weight across all the bottles (samples 1–
5), the mean of the three heaviest weights (558, 713, and 870 g), and
The subjects were then screened and classified according to PROP the mean of the two heaviest weights (713 and 870 g). Since the
taster status using the paper disk method (Zhao, Kirkmeyer, & mean of the two heaviest weights produced the best results, this was
Tepper, 2003), which has previously been tested for validity and reli- selected as the reference standard. Pearson's correlation coefficients
ability (Carta et al., 2017; Melis et al., 2017; Zhao et al., 2003). Sub- were also calculated to assess relationships between PROP intensity
jects placed a filter paper disk impregnated with 1.0 mol/L NaCl on ratings and the weight standard. Finally, concordance between PROP
the tip of the tongue until it was thoroughly wet (approximately 30 s). classifications using the NaCl standard and the weight standard was
They rated the taste intensity of the disk using the LMS. This proce- assessed using Kendall's correlation coefficient.
dure was repeated with a second paper disk impregnated with
50 mmol/L PROP (6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil, P3755, Sigma-Aldrich).
Subjects were instructed to rinse with spring water at room tempera- 3 | RE SU LT S
ture before and in between tasting each paper disk.
According to our standard procedures, subjects were categorized 3.1 | Subject characteristics and PROP
as nontasters if they rated the PROP disk <15 mm on the LMS; they classifications
were categorized as super-tasters if they rate the PROP disk >67 on
the LMS. All others are classified as medium tasters. NaCl ratings do Eighty-five subjects qualified for the study and completed the proto-
not vary with PROP status in this method. Therefore, NaCl ratings are col. More females than males participated. The classification of sub-
used as a reference standard to clarify the taster status of subjects jects by PROP status is shown in Figure 1. As expected, there were no
who give borderline ratings to PROP. This strategy is based on the significant differences in NaCl ratings across PROP taster groups.
rationale that nontasters give higher ratings to NaCl than to PROP, Mean (± SEM) NaCl ratings for each group were as follows:
medium tasters give equivalent ratings to both stimuli and super- nontasters = 24.7 ± 3.4, medium tasters = 30.3 ± 3.2, and super-
tasters give higher ratings to PROP than NaCl. tasters = 36.0 ± 3.6 (p = .100, n.s.). Mean PROP ratings were higher
for super-tasters (84.7 ± 2.2) as compared to medium tasters
(41.3 ± 2.4) who in turn had higher mean ratings than nontasters
2.5 | Data collection and analysis (5.7 ± 0.8; F[2,84] = 292.98, p < .0001, R2 = .877). There were 22 non-
tasters, 35 medium tasters, and 28 super-tasters identified in this
All data were collected electronically using RedJade software (Curion study. Subject characteristics are shown in Table 1.
Insights, Redwood City, CA) while subjects sat in individual testing
booths. The ballot (File S1) was presented to the subjects on a screen,
and subjects used a mouse to record their ratings. For each sample, a 3.2 | Weight estimation task
new ballot was presented. Once a participant submitted their rating
for a given sample, they could not return to alter their ratings. 3.2.1 | All subjects
XLSTAT (Addinsoft, New York, NY) was used to conduct data
analysis. Normality testing was conducted using Shapiro-Wilk's test, The perceived heaviness of the bottles for all subjects increased sig-
while homogeneity of variances was tested using Levene's test. A nificantly from a mean of 5.7 ± 0.6 mm on the scale for the 225 g
two-way ANOVA was conducted to examine the effect of PROP weight to a mean of 31.1 + 1.7 mm on the scale for the 870 g weight
taster status on the intensity ratings of NaCl and PROP samples (F[4,328] = 141, p < .0001, ƞ2p = 0.63). The 713 and 870 g weights
4 of 6 Journal of YOUSAF ET AL.
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F I G U R E 2 Mean heaviness ratings (error bars represent ± SEM)

for sand-filled bottles of different weights as a function of PROP
F I G U R E 1 Classification of subjects by PROP taster group based taster group. Ratings of perceived heaviness increased as the sample
on the paper disk method (Zhao et al., 2003). There were no weight increased. Weights marked with different superscripts are
differences in the perception of the NaCl standard across taster significantly different (p < .05) in mean heaviness ratings. For all three
groups. Significant differences in PROP ratings were observed among taster groups, the perceived heaviness of the 713 and 870 g weights
all three taster groups (p < .05) and are indicated by different were significantly higher than the perceived heaviness of the 225 g
superscript letters weight. There were no differences in how the weights were rated by
taster group

TABLE 1 Subject Characteristics

Female (n = 68) Male (n = 17) All (n = 85)

Taster status
Non-taster 15 7 22
Medium-taster 27 8 35
Super-taster 26 2 28
Age (years) 25.4 ± 1.3 26.6 ± 2.8 25.6 ± 1.2

were perceived to be significantly heavier than the 225 g weight

(p < .05 by Duncan's post hoc test). The slope of the power function
for all subjects was n = 1.1 (R2 = .99).

F I G U R E 3 Subjects reclassified by PROP taster group using the

3.2.2 | PROP taster groups mean of the two highest weights (713 and 870 g) as the reference
standard instead of NaCl. The PROP data are same as shown in
As shown in Figure 2., there were no differences in the perceived FIGURE 2. Significant differences in PROP ratings were observed
heaviness of the weights as a function of PROP status (p = .573, n.s.). among all three taster groups (p < .05) and are indicated by different
superscript letters

3.3 | Use of perceived weights as a reference Pearson's correlation analysis did not reveal significant correla-
standard for PROP classification tions between the mean heaviness of the two highest weights and
PROP intensity ratings (r = .031, p = .782). Concordance analysis
The mean values for the two highest weights (713 g and 870 g) were revealed that the correlation between PROP classifications using NaCl
calculated for each taster group. Results showed that the mean values versus mean heaviness of the weights was high with Kendall's correla-
did not differ across taster groups (25.3 ± 2.3, 30.8 ± 2.3, and tion coefficient = .98.
27.0 ± 2.9 for nontasters, medium-tasters and super-tasters, respec-
tively). Substituting the mean heaviness of the two highest weights
for the mean NaCl ratings in the PROP classification protocol resulted 4 | DI SCU SSION
in the same the taster groups except for one nontaster who was re-
classified as a medium taster. The groupings are shown graphically in This study showed that subjects can reliably judge increasing heavi-
Figure 3. ness of weights held in the palm of the hand, suggesting that a weight
YOUSAF ET AL. Journal of 5 of 6
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estimation task is a quick and easy procedure to familiarize subjects Bufe, B., Breslin, P. A., Kuhn, C., Reed, D. R., Tharp, C. D., Slack, J. P., …
with the LMS. Although cross-modal stimuli are often used in psycho- Meyerhof, W. (2005). The molecular basis of individual differences in
phenylthiocarbamide and propylthiouracil bitterness perception. Cur-
physical testing, they are most often employed for practice using the
rent Biology, 15(4), 322–327.
scales or to standardize sensory ratings before the data are analyzed. 01.047
Few studies analyzed and reported the data from the practice ratings Carta, G., Melis, M., Pintus, S., Pintus, P., Piras, C. A., Muredda, L., …
as (Ditschun & Guinard, 2002) did for physical stimuli, including a Tomassini Barbarossa, I. (2017). Participants with normal weight or
with obesity show different relationships of 6-n-propylthiouracil
visual gray scale, sandpaper grit and mixture viscosity, with the latter
(PROP) taster status with BMI and plasma endocannabinoids. Scientific
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(2002) presented mean values across all three physical measures de Wijk, R. A., Dijksterhuis, G., Vereijken, P., Prinz, J. F., & Weenen, H.
which did not allow for the separate evaluation of each stimulus type. (2007). PROP sensitivity reflects sensory discrimination between cus-
tard desserts. Food Quality and Preference, 18(4), 597–604. https://doi.
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purpose. Finally, we showed that if the mean heaviness ratings for the Delwiche, J. F., Buletic, Z., & Breslin, P. A. S. (2001). Covariation individ-
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Notably, we observed no relationship between the PROP ratings
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Pierguidi, L., … Moneta, E. (2018). Individual variation in PROP status,
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Data available on request from the authors.
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the Support-
soups flavored with chipotle chili and ginger extracts: Effects of PROP
taster status, personality traits and emotions. Food Quality and Prefer-
ing Information section at the end of this article.
ence, 73, 192–201.
Spinelli, S., De Toffoli, A., Dinnella, C., Laureati, M., Pagliarini, E.,
Bendini, A., … Monteleone, E. (2018). Personality traits and gender How to cite this article: Yousaf, N. Y., Zheng, Y., Yi, J., &
influence liking and choice of food pungency. Food Quality and Prefer- Tepper, B. J. (2022). Use of perceived weights for scale
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