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DANH – TÍNH – ĐỘNG – TRẠNG (phân tích đáp án 126-152)

126. Since pension benefits may be a major source of your retirement income, you should ..........
consider the following options before making your decision.
D.more carefully

127. Because the number of the staff registering for seminar was........... estimated, Mr Kim had to
book a larger meeting room.

128. We have been working on updates for the program, and you should------- the updated
information in January 2010.
(A) receivable

(B) receiving
(C) receive
(D) receives

129. Giessen is centrally located in Germany and can -------be reached by plane, train, and car.
(A) easy
(B) easily
(C) ease
(D) easiness

130. Our online service -------you to view your information, make address changes, review
account history, and request documents.
(A) allowance
(B) allows
(C) allowing
(D) allowable

131. Barbuda's economy remains ------dependent on tourism and on visitors who fly to the islands
from all over the world.
(A) overwhelming
(B) overwhelmingly
(C) overwhelm
(D) overwhelmed

132. The advisory committee------- addressed the president's concerns about the new building
(A) effectively
(B) effect
(C) effective
(D) effectiveness

133. The Tl PH employees are ------- by their distinctive khaki uniforms and the special emblem
on their uniforms and vehicles.
(A) identify
(B) identifies

(C) identity
(D) identifiable

134. Our internal public relations staff learned a lot from working with you, and I believe their
new knowledge will -------- carry our organization into the next decade.
(A) successful
(B) successfully
(C) success
(D) successive

135. One of the ......... of the parking division of the transportation department is to enforce the
state and municipal parking regulations.
A. responsible
B. responsibly
C. responsibility
D. responsibilities

136. For the agreement to be ...... , it is necessary to have a written document which explicitly lays
down the terms.
A. validate
B. validity
C. valid
D. validates

137. Alabama’s death rate from all alcohol related causes has increased ........since 1998 and is
now 23 percent higher than the U.S average rate.
A. notice
B. noticing
C. noticeable
D. noticeably

138. Since he joined our company in 2006, mr. Ogawa has proven himeself to be a very .........
A. valuably
B. valuable
C. valuing

D. value

139. Elizabeth Farnsworth will lead a discussion with a.......... group of voters in Denver on their
views of the upcoming presidential election.
A. diverse
B. diversity
C. diversely
D. diversify

140. Before mailing your document, please check to make sure that the -------- is clear and
(A) printer
(B) printable
(C) print
(D) printed

141. We believe that a vacation can only be .........when it is custom-tailored to fit the
requirements and preferences of each person.
A .succeed
B. successive
C. successful
D. successfully

142. Since these forklifts have to be operated _______, we’ll need to hire some extra machinists.
(A) manual
(B) manually
(C) manuals
(D) more manual

143. All papers for this course must be written ------ for this course; students are not permitted to
turn in work completed for any other class.
A. expressing
B. expresses
C. expressly
D. expressive

144. The annual NCA Conference will be held at the newly ------ Hilton Wilmington Hotel
located in the heart of Wilmington.
A. renovate
B. renovated
C. renovating
D. renovation

145. Since 2004, the funds have been distributed ------ between MJF and the Hen County Bar
A. equal
B. equally
C. equality
D. equaled

146. Mr. Colin Johnston is a principal research scientist working on------techniques for the
remediation of contaminated groundwater environments.
A. innovate
B. innovative

C. innovates
D. innovatively

147. An order will be deemed accepted by SonicSpider when written-------- of the order is sent to
the customer.
A. confirms
B. confirmed
C. confirming
D. confirmation

148. The expansion of the history museum is ------- the cause of significant revenue increases.
A. probabilities
B. probable
C. probability
D. probably

149. If you attend the first aid workshop on Saturday, you will receive a ---------- signed by the
(A) certified
(B) certify
(C) certificate
(D) certifiable

150. The Redfield Botanical Garden features nearly all -------- of roses that are native to the
(A) variously
(B) varieties
(C) various
(D) varies

151. Since we lengthened the company’s lunch break by 30 minutes, workplace morale has -------
(A) noticeably
(B) noticing
(C) noticeable

(D) notice

152. KWC TV’s new sitcom has proven to be -------- popular with viewers under the age of 20.
(A) immensely
(B) immense
(C) immensity
(D) immensities

DANH – TÍNH – ĐỘNG – TRẠNG (highlight từ mới 126-152)

126. Since pension benefits may be a major source of your retirement income, you should ..........
consider the following options before making your decision.
D.more carefully

127. Because the number of the staff registering for seminar was........... estimated, Mr Kim had to
book a larger meeting room.

128. We have been working on updates for the program, and you should------- the updated
information in January 2010.
(A) receivable
(B) receiving
(C) receive
(D) receives
129. Giessen is centrally located in Germany and can -------be reached by plane, train, and car.
(A) easy
(B) easily
(C) ease
(D) easiness

130. Our online service -------you to view your information, make address changes, review
account history, and request documents.
(A) allowance

(B) allows
(C) allowing
(D) allowable

131. Barbuda's economy remains ------dependent on tourism and on visitors who fly to the islands
from all over the world.
(A) overwhelming
(B) overwhelmingly
(C) overwhelm
(D) overwhelmed

132. The advisory committee------- addressed the president's concerns about the new building
(A) effectively
(B) effect
(C) effective
(D) effectiveness

133. The Tl PH employees are ------- by their distinctive khaki uniforms and the special emblem
on their uniforms and vehicles.
(A) identify
(B) identifies
(C) identity
(D) identifiable

134. Our internal public relations staff learned a lot from working with you, and I believe their
new knowledge will -------- carry our organization into the next decade.
(A) successful
(B) successfully
(C) success
(D) successive

135. One of the ......... of the parking division of the transportation department is to enforce the
state and municipal parking regulations.
A. responsible
B. responsibly
C. responsibility
D. responsibilities

136. For the agreement to be ...... , it is necessary to have a written document which explicitly lays
down the terms.
A. validate
B. validity
C. valid
D. validates

137. Alabama’s death rate from all alcohol related causes has increased ........since 1998 and is
now 23 percent higher than the U.S average rate.
A. notice
B. noticing
C. noticeable
D. noticeably

138. Since he joined our company in 2006, mr. Ogawa has proven himeself to be a very .........
A. valuably
B. valuable
C. valuing
D. value
139. Elizabeth Farnsworth will lead a discussion with a.......... group of voters in Denver on their
views of the upcoming presidential election.
A. diverse

B. diversity
C. diversely
D. diversify

140. Before mailing your document, please check to make sure that the -------- is clear and
(A) printer
(B) printable
(C) print
(D) printed

141. We believe that a vacation can only be .........when it is custom-tailored to fit the
requirements and preferences of each person.
A .succeed
B. successive
C. successful
D. successfully

142. Since these forklifts have to be operated _______, we’ll need to hire some extra machinists.
(A) manual
(B) manually
(C) manuals
(D) more manual

143. All papers for this course must be written ------ for this course; students are not permitted to
turn in work completed for any other class.
A. expressing
B. expresses
C. expressly
D. expressive

144. The annual NCA Conference will be held at the newly ------ Hilton Wilmington Hotel
located in the heart of Wilmington.
A. renovate
B. renovated
C. renovating
D. renovation

145. Since 2004, the funds have been distributed ------ between MJF and the Hen County Bar
A. equal
B. equally
C. equality
D. equaled

146. Mr. Colin Johnston is a principal research scientist working on------techniques for the
remediation of contaminated groundwater environments.
A. innovate
B. innovative
C. innovates
D. innovatively

147. An order will be deemed accepted by SonicSpider when written-------- of the order is sent to
the customer.
A. confirms
B. confirmed
C. confirming
D. confirmation

148. The expansion of the history museum is ------- the cause of significant revenue increases.
A. probabilities
B. probable

C. probability
D. probably
149. If you attend the first aid workshop on Saturday, you will receive a ---------- signed by the
(A) certified
(B) certify
(C) certificate
(D) certifiable

150. The Redfield Botanical Garden features nearly all -------- of roses that are native to the
(A) variously
(B) varieties
(C) various
(D) varies

151. Since we lengthened the company’s lunch break by 30 minutes, workplace morale has -------
(A) noticeably
(B) noticing
(C) noticeable
(D) notice

152. KWC TV’s new sitcom has proven to be -------- popular with viewers under the age of 20.
(A) immensely
(B) immense
(C) immensity
(D) immensities

MINI TEST 2 (Highlight)

1. Sewerd Furnishings is closing some of its showrooms because customers are ------ ordering
furniture online.*
(A) increasing
(B) increase
(C) increasingly
(D) increased
2. The chief financial officer has ------ the importance of attracting new customers next quarter.*
(A) applied
(B) demanded
(C) administered
(D) emphasized
3. Mr. Kim considers punctuality a crucial ------ for all his assistants to have.*
(A) device
(B) type
(C) action
(D) trait
4. Providing precision welding to a ------ array of industries, Mistone Metalworks recently
celebrated a century of service in Quebec.*
(A) widely
(B) widen
(C) width
(D) wide
5. All communications must be approved by the public relations director before they can be
shared ------.*
(A) certainly
(B) externally
(C) deeply
(D) utterly

6. ------ it is relatively small, the fitness center at Ginder Apartment is very popular with
(A) Reasoning
(B) Essentially
(C) Although
(D) Throughout
7. Written permission must ------ before using Thavor Corporation's logo.*
(A) to obtain
(B) obtained
(C) be obtained
(D) obtaining
8. Mr. Montri politely ------ the job offer from Barranca Shipping Company.*
(A) declined
(B) decreased
(C) prevented
(D) converted
9. Mr. Okada met ------ with the building manager to discuss the demolition project.*
(A) frequent
(B) frequenting
(C) frequently
(D) frequented
10. WRUZ Radio will broadcast a new show ------ to business news and economic analysis.*
(A) allowed
(B) prepared
(C) dedicated
(D) introduced

MINI TEST 2 (chữa đáp án)
1. Sewerd Furnishings is closing some of its showrooms because customers are ------ ordering
furniture online.*
(A) increasing
(B) increase
(C) increasingly
(D) increased

2. The chief financial officer has ------ the importance of attracting new customers next quarter.*
(A) applied
(B) demanded
(C) administered
(D) emphasized

3. Mr. Kim considers punctuality a crucial ------ for all his assistants to have.*
(A) device
(B) type
(C) action
(D) trait

4. Providing precision welding to a ------ array of industries, Mistone Metalworks recently
celebrated a century of service in Quebec.*
(A) widely
(B) widen
(C) width
(D) wide

5. All communications must be approved by the public relations director before they can be
shared ------.*
(A) certainly
(B) externally
(C) deeply
(D) utterly

6. ------ it is relatively small, the fitness center at Ginder Apartment is very popular with
(A) Reasoning
(B) Essentially
(C) Although
(D) Throughout

7. Written permission must ------ before using Thavor Corporation's logo.*
(A) to obtain
(B) obtained
(C) be obtained
(D) obtaining

8. Mr. Montri politely ------ the job offer from Barranca Shipping Company.*
(A) declined
(B) decreased
(C) prevented
(D) converted

9. Mr. Okada met ------ with the building manager to discuss the demolition project.*
(A) frequent
(B) frequenting
(C) frequently
(D) frequented

10. WRUZ Radio will broadcast a new show ------ to business news and economic analysis.*
(A) allowed
(B) prepared
(C) dedicated
(D) introduced

MINI TEST 3 (Highlight)
1. In response to customer ------, Lopez Naturals will release a line of organic soaps.*
(A) demand
(B) permit
(C) arrival
(D) account
2. Jesper Associates currently has ------ with 26 different food suppliers.*
(A) contracting
(B) contracts
(C) contractor
(D) contract
3. Before the computers leave the factory, they are ------ thoroughly to ensure they have no
(A) selected
(B) inspected
(C) attached
(D) managed
4. Passengers must be at the gate ------ 25 minutes prior to boarding their flight*
(A) at least
(B) as much
(C) in case
(D) by then
5. The management team at Ofto Corporation offers incentives ------ employee productivity.*
(A) stimulate
(B) to stimulate
(C) will stimulate
(D) are stimulating
6. Deltran analytics software can help ------ identify issues, predict trends, andimprove business.*
(A) you
(B) your
(C) yours

(D) yourself
7. The prime minister greeted foreign diplomats ------ a luncheon today in London.*
(A) at
(B) had
(C) such
(D) where
8. The technology department ------ to purchase three new servers next year.*
(A) announces
(B) thinks
(C) predicts
(D) plans
9. Mr. Winkel's ------ responsibilities include auditing and financial review of large clients*
(A) accounts
(B) accounted
(C) accounting
(D) accountable
10. Jennson Motors hired an ------ new efficiency expert last month.*
(A) approximate
(B) angular
(C) exceptional
(D) eventual

MINI TEST 3 (Chữa đáp án)
1. In response to customer ------, Lopez Naturals will release a line of organic soaps.*
(A) demand
(B) permit
(C) arrival
(D) account

2. Jesper Associates currently has ------ with 26 different food suppliers.*

(A) contracting
(B) contracts
(C) contractor
(D) contract

3. Before the computers leave the factory, they are ------ thoroughly to ensure they have no
(A) selected
(B) inspected
(C) attached
(D) managed

4. Passengers must be at the gate ------ 25 minutes prior to boarding their flight*
(A) at least
(B) as much
(C) in case
(D) by then

5. The management team at Ofto Corporation offers incentives ------ employee productivity.*
(A) stimulate
(B) to stimulate
(C) will stimulate
(D) are stimulating

6. Deltran analytics software can help ------ identify issues, predict trends, andimprove business.*
(A) you
(B) your
(C) yours
(D) yourself

7. The prime minister greeted foreign diplomats ------ a luncheon today in London.*
(A) at
(B) had
(C) such
(D) where

8. The technology department ------ to purchase three new servers next year.*
(A) announces
(B) thinks
(C) predicts
(D) plans

9. Mr. Winkel's ------ responsibilities include auditing and financial review of large clients*
(A) accounts
(B) accounted
(C) accounting
(D) accountable

10. Jennson Motors hired an ------ new efficiency expert last month.*
(A) approximate
(B) angular
(C) exceptional
(D) eventual

TRANG 33, 34, 35 SÁCH ĐỌC LỚP MẦM (Highlight từ mới)

Questions 163 – 166 refer to the following article.

A Long-Lasting Love for Books
163, 164
February 29-Both in and around Pine Hill. Alfred Carlson, who has been teaching
Russian literature at Pine Hill State University for twenty years, is probably best known as the
owner of The Treasure Box, the town's oldest bookstore. The store has two unique features: it
specializes in rare books and is open for business on Saturdays only. Evidently, walk-in sales make
up only a small percentage of Mr. Carlson's business; the bulk of the store's revenue is generated by
orders placed over the telephone or or online by universities, museums, and private collectors.
On Sunday The Treasure Box will be celebrating its sixtieth anniversary. "When my mother,
Willisa, opened the bookstore all those years ago on Green Edge Road, two blocks from here, she
probably had no idea would still be serving the public six decades later," Mr. Carlson said. The store
still displays the original sign over the doorway. The interior 165retains the living-room atmosphere
it always had, with its mismatched tables and chairs. 164One section of the store is filled with
books about baseball, an abiding passion of the Carlson family. On Friday nights the store
becomes an informal social club. Not surprisingly, members tend to enjoy conversation about
rare books, literature, and baseball.
Later this month Mr. Carlson will mark another milestone: he will be retiring from his
teaching position. His retirement does not mean, however, 166that The Treasure Box will see
extended business hours; it will continue to be open once a week. "I am not retiring from one job
just so that I can spend more time on another," Mr. Carlson said. "Rather, the fact that I no longer
will have to prepare for classes or grade students' papers means that I will be able to dedicate more
time to my children and grandchildren."

Tình yêu lâu dài dành cho sách

29 tháng 2-Cả trong và xung quanh Pine Hill, Alfred Carlson, người đã giảng dạy văn học Nga tại
Đại học Pine Hill State trong 20 năm, có lẽ được biết đến nhiều nhất với tư cách là chủ của The
Treasure Box, cửa hàng sách lâu đời nhất của thị trấn. Cửa hàng có hai điểm độc đáo: chuyên về
sách hiếm và chỉ mở cửa vào các ngày thứ 7. Rõ ràng, bán hàng cho khách vãng lai chỉ chiếm một

tỷ lệ nhỏ trong hoạt động kinh doanh của Carlson; phần lớn doanh thu của cửa hàng được tạo ra
bởi các đơn đặt hàng qua điện thoại hoặc trên mạng của các trường đại học, viện bảo tàng và các
nhà sưu tập cá nhân.
Vào Chủ nhật, The Treasure Box sẽ kỷ niệm 60 năm thành lập. Ông Carlson nói: “Khi mẹ tôi,
Willisa, mở cửa hàng sách cách đây nhiều năm trên đường Green Edge, cách đây hai dãy nhà, có lẽ
bà ấy không biết nó sẽ vẫn mở cửa phục vụ sáu thập lỷ sau đó”. Cửa hàng vẫn trưng bày biển hiệu
ban đầu trên cửa ra vào. Nội thất vẫn giữ được bầu không khí phòng khách vốn có, với những bộ
bàn ghế không tương xứng. Một khu của cửa hàng chứa đầy sách về bóng chày, niềm đam mê lâu
dài của gia đình Carlson. Vào các đêm thứ 6, cửa hàng trở thành một câu lạc bộ xã hội thân mật.
Không có gì ngạc nhiên khi các thành viên có xu hướng thích trò chuyện về sách hiếm, văn học và
bóng chày.
Cuối tháng này, ông Carlson sẽ đánh dấu một cột mốc quan trọng khác: ông sẽ nghỉ hưu khỏi vị trí
giảng dạy của ông ấy. Tuy nhiên, việc nghỉ hưu của ông ấy không có nghĩa là The Treasure Box sẽ
tăng giờ làm việc: nó sẽ tiếp tục mở cửa mỗi tuần một lần. Ông Carlson nói: “Tôi không nghỉ một
công việc này để có thể dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho một công việc khác.” “Thay vào đó, thực tế là
tôi sẽ không còn phải chuẩn bị cho các lớp học hoặc chấm điểm cho luận văn học sinh viên, nghĩa
là tôi sẽ có thể dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho con cháu của tôi.”
163. Why most likely was the article written? 163. Tại sao bài báo được viết?
A. To attract members to a new book club A. Để thu hút các thành viên đến với một câu lạc
B. To highlight the benefits of selling items that bộ sách mới
are unique B. Để làm nổi bật lợi ích của việc bán các mặt
C. To celebrate the achievements of a local hàng độc đáo
business personality C. Để kỷ niệm những thành tựu của một doanh
D. To announce the relocation of an established nhân tại địa phương
business D. Thông báo về việc chuyển địa điểm của
doanh nghiệp có uy tín
164. What is NOT suggested about Mr. Carlson? 164. Điều gì SAI về ông Carlson?
A. He will soon be ending his career as an A. Ông ấy sẽ sớm kết thúc sự nghiệp với tư cách
instructor. là một giảng viên.
B. He studies works written by Russian authors. B. Ông ấy nghiên cứu các tác phẩm được viết
bởi các tác giả Nga.

C. He has lived in Pine Hill for almost ten C. Ông ấy đã sống ở Pine Hill gần mười năm.
years. D. Ông ấy thích nói về bóng chày với những
D. He enjoys talking about baseball with others. người khác.
165. The word “retains” in paragraph 2, line 9, is 165. Từ “retains” trong đoạn 2, dòng 9, gần
closest in meaning to nghĩa nhất với
A. contributes to A. góp phần vào
B. agrees with B. đồng ý với
C. remembers C. nhớ lại
D. keeps D. giữ
166. What is stated about The Treasure Box? 166. Điều gì ĐÚNG về The Treasure Box?
A. It will be adding a section devoted to A. Nó sẽ thêm một khu vực dành cho sách trẻ em.
children’s books. B. Nó sẽ duy trì giờ hoạt động hiện tại.
B. It will maintain its current hours of C. Doanh số bán hàng dự kiến sẽ tăng trong năm
operation. nay.
C. It sales are expected to increase this year. D. Biển hiệu của nó sẽ được thay thế vào cuối
D. Its sign will be replaced later in the month. tháng.

Questions 167 – 168 refer to the following text-message chain.

Losif Volkov [11:04 A.M.]:
Ms. Medrano, I e-mailed you the revised contract. Have you received it?

Cô Medrano, tôi đã gửi e-mail cho cô bản hợp đồng được chỉnh sửa. Cô nhận được nó chưa?
Lucia Medrano [11:06 A.M.]:
Yes, it just came in now. Thanks for making those changes.

Có, nó vừa mới đến. Cảm ơn anh vì đã thực hiện những thay đổi đó.
Losif Volkov [11:07 A.M.]:
Of course. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. The contract now states that you
will be paid 175€ per accepted article rather than 125€.

Không có gì. Cảm ơn vì đã khiến tôi chú ý về những thay đổi (trong hợp đồng) này. Hợp đồng bây
giờ đề cập rằng cô sẽ được trả 175 bảng cho mỗi bài báo được chấp nhận thay vì 125 bảng.
Lucia Medrano [11:08 A.M.]:
Perfect. I'll look it over now, sign it, and send it back to you.

Tuyệt vời. Tôi sẽ xem qua nó ngay bây giờ, ký tên và gửi lại cho anh.
Losif Volkov [11:10 A.M.]:
Great. We're always looking for good material for our magazine. I look forward to
receiving your submissions.

Tốt. Chúng tôi luôn tìm kiếm tài liệu tốt cho tạp chí của chúng tôi. Tôi mong nhận được bài gửi
của cô.

167. At 11:07 A.M., what does Mr. Volkov 167. Vào lúc 11:07 sáng, ông Volkov có ý gì khi
mean when he writes, "Of course"? ông viết, "Không có gì"?
A. He already knew that an e-mail had been A. Ông ấy đã biết rằng một e-mail đã được nhận.
received. B. Ông ấy đã nhận được một hợp đồng đã ký.
B. He has received a signed contract. C. Ông ấy nghĩ rằng giải pháp cho một vấn đề là
C. He thinks the solution to a problem is hiển nhiên.
obvious. D. Ông ấy đã rất vui khi thực hiện một yêu cầu.
D. He was happy to fulfill a request.

168. Who most likely is Ms. Medrano? 168. Ai có khả năng là cô Medrano?
A. A writer A. Một nhà văn
B. A lawyer B. Một luật sư
C. A financial adviser C. Một cố vấn tài chính
D. A human resources manager D. Một nhà quản lý nguồn nhân lực

Questions 169 – 171 refer to the following e-mail.

E-Mail Message

To: Mercedes Salinas <>
From: Leonard Cowden <>
Subject: Bermuda Healthy Living Conference
Date: 16 April

Dear Ms. Salinas,

I'm excited that you have agreed to be one of the speakers at our second annual Bermuda
Healthy Living Conference on 12 May. I realize the invitation was last minute, and I truly
appreciate your willingness to step in for Cara Branston. ---[1]---. Your expertise as a dietitian
will be greatly valued by our participants. 170The strong attendance at Ms. Branston's session last
year on vegetarian meal preparation reflected that. ---[2]---. This year there is sure to be great
interest in your unique approach to healthy eating.
If you would like to sell copies of your book, please ship them in advance to allow time for us to set
up a display. ---[3]---. 171Also, be sure to let me know if you'll need access to a projector with a
remote for your presentation. ---[4]---. Lastly, could you send me a short biographical profile as
soon as possible for inclusion in our conference program? Thanks again.
Thư điện tử
Tới: Mercedes Salinas <>
Người gửi: Leonard Cowden <>
Chủ đề: Hội nghị Sống khỏe Bermuda
Ngày: 16 tháng 4

Gửi cô Salinas,
Tôi rất vui vì cô đã đồng ý trở thành một trong những diễn giả tại Hội nghị sống lành mạnh
Bermuda hàng năm lần thứ 2 của chúng tôi vào ngày 12 tháng 5. Tôi nhận ra lời mời này là vào
phút chót và tôi thực sự cảm kích sự sẵn lòng của cô khi thế chỗ cho cô Cara Branston. --- [1] ---.
Chuyên môn của cô với tư cách là một chuyên gia dinh dưỡng sẽ được đánh giá rất cao bởi những
người tham gia của chúng tôi. Sự tham dự đông đảo tại buổi hội thảo của cô Branston vào năm

ngoái về việc chuẩn bị bữa ăn chay đã phản ánh điều đó. --- [2] ---. Năm nay chắc chắn sẽ có rất
nhiều sự quan tâm đến phương pháp độc đáo của cô đối với việc ăn uống lành mạnh.
Nếu cô muốn bán cá cuốn sách của cô, vui lòng gửi chúng trước để chúng tôi có thời gian trưng
bày. --- [3] ---. Ngoài ra, hãy chắc chắn cho tôi biết nếu cô cần truy cập vào máy chiếu với điều
khiển cho bài thuyết trình của cô. ---[4]---. Cuối cùng, cô có thể gửi cho tôi một hồ sơ tiểu sử ngắn
gọn trong thời gian sớm nhất có thể để đưa vào chương trình hội thảo của chúng tôi không? Cảm
ơn một lần nữa.
Trân trọng,
169. Why did Mr. Cowden most likely send the 169. Tại sao ông Cowden có khả năng gửi e-mail
e-mail? này nhất?
A. To invite Ms. Salinas to an event A. Để mời cô Salinas tham gia một sự kiện
B. To acknowledge Ms. Salinas' acceptance of B. Để bày tỏ lòng biết ơn vì cô Salinas chấp
an offer nhận lời đề nghị
C. To ask Ms. Salinas for a recommendation C. Để hỏi cô Salinas giới thiệu
D. To propose that a session be rescheduled D. Đề xuất rằng một phiên họp được lên lịch lại

170. What is suggested about Ms. Branston? 170. Điều gì được gợi ý về cô Branston?
A. She spoke at the conference last year. A. Cô ấy đã diễn thuyết tại hội nghị năm ngoái.
B. She wrote a popular book about nutrition. B. Cô ấy đã viết một cuốn sách được yêu thích về
C. She is a colleague of Ms. Salinas. dinh dưỡng.
D. She is studying to be a dietitian. C. Cô ấy là đồng nghiệp của cô Salinas.
D. Cô ấy đang học để trở thành một chuyên gia
dinh dưỡng.
171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], 171. Ở vị trí nào được đánh dấu [1], [2], [3]. và
[3]. and [4] does the following sentence best [4] câu nào sau đây đúng nhất?
belong? "Không có gì vấn đề gì để chuẩn bị sẵn thiết bị
"It is no trouble at all to have visual equipment nghe nhìn."
available." A. [1]
A. [1] B. [2]
B. [2] C. [3]

C. [3] D. [4]
D. [4]

TRANG 33, 34, 35 SÁCH ĐỌC LỚP MẦM (dịch nghĩa+đáp án)

Questions 163 – 166 refer to the following article.

A Long-Lasting Love for Books
163, 164
February 29-Both in and around Pine Hill. Alfred Carlson, who has been teaching Russian
literature at Pine Hill State University for twenty years, is probably best known as the owner of
The Treasure Box, the town's oldest bookstore. The store has two unique features: it specializes in
rare books and is open for business on Saturdays only. Evidently, walk-in sales make up only a small
percentage of Mr. Carlson's business; the bulk of the store's revenue is generated by orders placed
over the telephone or or online by universities, museums, and private collectors.
On Sunday The Treasure Box will be celebrating its sixtieth anniversary. "When my mother,
Willisa, opened the bookstore all those years ago on Green Edge Road, two blocks from here, she
probably had no idea would still be serving the public six decades later," Mr. Carlson said. The store
still displays the original sign over the doorway. The interior 165retains the living-room atmosphere it
always had, with its mismatched tables and chairs. One section of the store is filled with books
about baseball, an abiding passion of the Carlson family. On Friday nights the store becomes
an informal social club. Not surprisingly, members tend to enjoy conversation about rare books,
literature, and baseball.
Later this month Mr. Carlson will mark another milestone: he will be retiring from his teaching
position. His retirement does not mean, however, that The Treasure Box will see extended
business hours; it will continue to be open once a week. "I am not retiring from one job just so that I
can spend more time on another," Mr. Carlson said. "Rather, the fact that I no longer will have to
prepare for classes or grade students' papers means that I will be able to dedicate more time to my
children and grandchildren."

163. Why most likely was the article written?

A. To attract members to a new book club

B. To highlight the benefits of selling items that
are unique
C. To celebrate the achievements of a local
business personality
D. To announce the relocation of an established

164. What is NOT suggested about Mr. Carlson?

A. He will soon be ending his career as an

B. He studies works written by Russian authors.
C. He has lived in Pine Hill for almost ten years.
D. He enjoys talking about baseball with others.

165. The word “retains” in paragraph 2, line 9, is

closest in meaning to

A. contributes to
B. agrees with
C. remembers

D. keeps

166. What is stated about The Treasure Box?

A. It will be adding a section devoted to

children’s books.
B. It will maintain its current hours of operation.
C. It sales are expected to increase this year.
D. Its sign will be replaced later in the month.

Questions 167 – 168 refer to the following text-message chain.

Losif Volkov [11:04 A.M.]:
Ms. Medrano, I e-mailed you the revised contract. Have you received it?

Lucia Medrano [11:06 A.M.]:

Yes, it just came in now. Thanks for making those changes.

Losif Volkov [11:07 A.M.]:

Of course. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. The contract now states that you
will be paid 175€ per accepted article rather than 125€.

Lucia Medrano [11:08 A.M.]:

Perfect. I'll look it over now, sign it, and send it back to you.

Losif Volkov [11:10 A.M.]:
Great. We're always looking for good material for our magazine. I look forward to
receiving your submissions.

167. At 11:07 A.M., what does Mr. Volkov

mean when he writes, "Of course"?

A. He already knew that an e-mail had been

B. He has received a signed contract.
C. He thinks the solution to a problem is
D. He was happy to fulfill a request.

168. Who most likely is Ms. Medrano?

A. A writer
B. A lawyer
C. A financial adviser
D. A human resources manager

Questions 169 – 171 refer to the following e-mail.

E-Mail Message
To: Mercedes Salinas <>
From: Leonard Cowden <>
Subject: Bermuda Healthy Living Conference
Date: 16 April

Dear Ms. Salinas,
I'm excited that you have agreed to be one of the speakers at our second annual Bermuda
Healthy Living Conference on 12 May. I realize the invitation was last minute, and I truly
appreciate your willingness to step in for Cara Branston. ---[1]---. Your expertise as a dietitian
will be greatly valued by our participants. 170The strong attendance at Ms. Branston's session last
year on vegetarian meal preparation reflected that. ---[2]---. This year there is sure to be great
interest in your unique approach to healthy eating.
If you would like to sell copies of your book, please ship them in advance to allow time for us to set
up a display. ---[3]---. 171Also, be sure to let me know if you'll need access to a projector with a
remote for your presentation. ---[4]---. Lastly, could you send me a short biographical profile as
soon as possible for inclusion in our conference program? Thanks again.

169. Why did Mr. Cowden most likely send the

A. To invite Ms. Salinas to an event

B. To acknowledge Ms. Salinas' acceptance of
an offer
C. To ask Ms. Salinas for a recommendation
D. To propose that a session be rescheduled

170. What is suggested about Ms. Branston?

A. She spoke at the conference last year.

B. She wrote a popular book about nutrition.
C. She is a colleague of Ms. Salinas.
D. She is studying to be a dietitian.

171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2],

[3]. and [4] does the following sentence best
"It is no trouble at all to have visual equipment

A. [1]
B. [2]
C. [3]
D. [4]


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