A Multi Tester or

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A multitester or multimeter is a device which can be used to gather data about electrical circuits.

A basic multitester can measure resistance, voltage, and continuity, while more advanced versions may be able to provide additional data. This tool can be very useful to have around the house, and anyone who plans on doing electrical repairs should most definitely use a multitester for safety reasons. Multitesters can be used with the current off or on in most cases, although using the device with the current on can sometimes result in damage to the device. This device is hand held, and powered by batteries. It consists of two probes attached to a central pack which can be digital or analog. The device has a series of buttons or switches which can be used to set the type of measurement being performed. A rubber housing may be used to make the multimeter easier to handle. Continuity, the most basic measurement provided by a multitester, determines whether or not a circuit is complete. For a continuity test, the device is set to ohms and AC or DC, depending on the current being measured, before the probes on the device are inserted into the circuit. If the circuit is complete, the readout will measure between 0 and .05 ohms. A measurement of infinity indicates that the circuit is open, which means there is a problem. In addition to being used as a basic continuity tester, a multimeter can also be used to test for a ground fault, a very dangerous electrical problem. To use the device to look for a ground fault, the ohms setting should be selected before one probe is inserted into a terminal, and the other is placed on the housing of the circuit. The reading should be infinity, indicating that the circuit is open. Next, the probe should be moved to the other terminal, returning another reading of infinity.

How to use a multitester

What is a multitester: A multitester is a tool that can be use to check resistance, continuity, and voltage in electrical components. These meters come in digital or analog. Analogs been the cheaper in price and the digitals been the more accurate. Why do I need a multitester: Most of the washer or dryer switches are seal and you won't be able to see inside, so the only way to know if the contacts are close or open is with a multitester. How I check resistance or continuity: To check for resistance or continuity you will need to set the multitester to red ohms. You will check for resistance in a heating elements, motor windings, and solenoids. You will check for continuity on switches, thermostats, thermal fuses, house fuses, etc. How I check for voltage: To check for for voltage you need to set the multitester in to AC volts. My multitester has 3 settings 15 volts, 150 volts, and 1000 volts. Why I do need different scales: If you are checking an appliance that runs on 120 volts, then you can use the 150 scale. If you are checking an electric dryer that use 240 volts for the heating element, then you need to move the scale to higher that the voltage you are reading, in this case you need to set it to 1000 volts.

What do meters measure? A meter is a measuring instrument. An ammeter measures current, a voltmeter measures the potential difference (voltage) between two points, and anohmmeter measures resistance. A multimeter combines these functions, and possibly some additional ones as well, into a single instrument. Before going in to detail about multimeters, it is important for you to have a clear idea of how meters are connected into circuits. Diagrams A and B below show a circuit before and after connecting an ammeter:

to measure current, the circuit must be broken to allow the ammeter to be connected in series ammeters must have a LOW resistance

Think about the changes you would have to make to a practical circuit in order to include the ammeter. To start with, you need to break the circuit so that the ammeter can be connected in series. All the current flowing in the circuit must pass through the ammeter. Meters are not supposed to alter the behaviour of the circuit, or at least not significantly, and it follows that an ammeter must have a very LOW resistance. Diagram C shows the same circuit after connecting a voltmeter:

to measure potential difference (voltage), the circuit is not changed: the voltmeter is connected in parallel voltmeters must have a HIGH resistance

This time, you do not need to break the circuit. The voltmeter is connected in parallel between the two points where the measurement is to be made. Since the voltmeter provides a parallel pathway, it should take as little current as possible. In other words, a voltmeter should have a very HIGH resistance. Which measurement technique do you think will be the more useful? In fact, voltage measurements are used much more often than current measurements. The processing of electronic signals is usually thought of in voltage terms. It is an added advantage that a voltage measurement is easier to make. The orginal circuit does not need to be changed. Often, the meter probes are connected simply by touching them to the points of interest. An ohmmeter does not function with a circuit connected to a power supply. If you want to measure the resistance of a particular component, you must take it out of the circuit altogether and test it separately, as shown in diagram D:

to measure resistance, the component must be removed from the circuit altogether ohmmeters work by passing a current through the component being tested

Ohmmeters work by passing a small current through the component and measuring the voltage produced. If you try this with the component connected into a circuit with a power supply, the most likely result is that the meter will be damaged. Most multimeters have a fuse to help protect against misuse.

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