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11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow,

ICMF 2023, Kobe, Japan, April 2–7, 2023

Impact dynamics of a rigid sphere onto water: Influence of surface wettability

Prasanna Kumar Billa, Tejaswi Josyula and Pallab Sinha Mahapatra

Micro Nano Bio Fluidics group, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, 600036, India

Keywords: Superhydrophobicity, High speed imaging, Sphere trajectories, Air entrainment


We study the underwater behaviour of rigid spheres impacting onto quiescent water. The effect of surface wettability is
investigated by comparing the impact dynamics of conventional and superhydrophobic spheres. Experiments are conducted
over a range of sphere densities, for a fixed sphere diameter (d = 10 mm) and Weber number (W e = 204.37). It is observed
that a conventional sphere deviates from its vertical impact position before attaining terminal (settling) velocity. However, for
the same initial conditions, a superhydrophobic sphere moves in a straight line, which is attributed due to the entrapment of air
at the wake of the sphere. Further, a detailed analysis of the cavity diameter, pinch-off depth, pinch-off location, and surface
wettability’s influence on sphere dynamics is carried out.

Vacuum pump
Impact of solids on liquids is a classic fluid mechanics prob-
lem with many practical applications such as underwater mis- Stand

siles, bullets, air-to-sea anti-torpedo defence systems, oceano- Water tank Computer
Phantom high
graphic instruments, ship slamming, and water entry of ath- Light source speed camera
letes in aquatic sports. It is important to study the underwater
Optical table
behavior of a sphere, thus the effect of cavities on the kinetics
of the sphere. Further, the entrained volume at the sphere’s
wake alters the trajectory of the sphere. Additionally, the dy-
namics of the sphere are studied to see how the creation of
cavities influences them.
Bush et al. (2009) have explored the effect of a solid
mass on the air’s transient cavities for low bond numbers, Figure 1: Schematic of the experimental setup.
as well as other forms of cavity formations, and they have
theoretically modelled the evolution of cavity for small hy-
drophobic spheres. However, The authors haven’t looked Experimental Methodology
into how cavities change the trajectories of superhydropho-
bic spheres, which makes them different from conventional A schematic of the experimental setup is shown in figure 1.
spheres. Later, (Vakarelski et al. 2017) have investigated The experimental setup comprises of a 200 mm × 200 mm ×
the impact of cavity-encapsulated spheres on water as well 400 mm acrylic water tank. Free fall of spheres from a fixed
as the reduction of drag for a variety of impact circumstances height is achieved by creating suction at the end of a needle
with increasing cavity volume. Sun et al. (2021) investi- tip using a vacuum pump. When the suction is removed by
gated the pinch-off dynamics, splash evolution and effect of using a vacuum regulator, the sphere will be released from
viscous layer for different conditions.It is very much essen- the needle tip and will impact the quiescent water. The ex-
tial to investigate the impact that the axisymmetric cavity has perimental setup is placed on an optical table (HOLMARC,
on the trajectories of spheres under a variety of impact sce- India), which allows for mobility and localised air suspen-
narios and with a wide range of parameters which is lacking sion for a variation free base needed for small-scale investi-
in the prior literature. A thorough analysis of the asymetric gations. A high speed camera (Phantom, VEO-340L) with a
behaviour of conventional to axisymetric superhydrophobic micro lens (Nikon, 60 mm) is used to capture the motion of
spheres is required in order to embed solid objects in specific the spheres inside the fluid. The camera is operated at 3000
locations in liquid, such as oceanographic instruments and FPS with an exposure time of 990 µs and a resolution of 768
anti-defence systems. × 1024 pixels. The working distance is fixed to achieve a

11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow,
ICMF 2023, Kobe, Japan, April 2–7, 2023

(a) (b) (c)

Conventional steel sphere Conventional glass sphere
Non-coated SH coated
ρ/ρl = 1.375
ρ/ρl = 2.167

PD (mm)
ρ/ρl = 2.771
Superhydrophobic steel sphere Superhydrophobic glass sphere ρ/ρl = 7.926

0 100 200 300
t (ms)

Figure 2: Sequence of images with impact We 204.37, a time interval of 4.17 ms for (a) Steel sphere (ρ/ρl =7.926) , (b) Glass
sphere 4.375 (ρ/ρl =2.771) and (c) Penetration depth of the sphere with time. The green line shows a straight line
path from the position of initial contact at the liquid interface during impact. The red arrow indicates the deviation of
the sphere from vertical impact position.

spatial resolution of 3 µm. The container is illuminated from tical impact position after coating due to entrainment of air
the back, with a 15-watt recessed panel light (warm light). at the wake of sphere surface. The entrapped air reduces the
Commercially available coating (NeverWet) is used to ren- drag force (Vakarelski et al. 2017) acting on solid sphere so
der the surface of the spheres as superhydrophobic in two that the time travelled by the sphere to reach a specific posi-
steps. First, by placing the spheres in a petri dish, the base tion is lesser for the superhydrophobic sphere than a conven-
coat is sprayed two times and is left for a period of 30 min- tional sphere. Further experiments are planned with different
utes. In the second step, the top coat is sprayed two times initial conditions and diameters to observe the dynamics of
and the spheres are left in open air environment for 12 hours. spheres and cavities.
This resulted in an extreme water repellent surface.
Results and Discussion
According to the findings of this study, modifying the surface
When the upward force and the downward force are bal- wettability will result in a significant change in sphere trajec-
anced, a solid that is travelling through a liquid attains the ter- tories. For the same impact Weber number and diameter, the
minal velocity. When an object achieves its terminal velocity, conventional sphere exhibits a shift in vertical path that the
it moves at the same speed without changing its acceleration. superhydrophobic sphere does not. It is also determined that
The behaviour of different density spheres after reaching the the cavity-encapsulated sphere moves quicker than the con-
terminal velocity are observed and concluded that the devi- ventional sphere. Furthermore, we aim to develop the rela-
ation in vertical impact position is inversely proportional to tion among the impacting conditions and the trajectory of the
the density and diameter (see figure 2 (c) ) for conventional sphere in terms of penetration depth, geometric parameters
spheres. Shi et al. (2019); Sun et al. (2021) investigated the of the formed cavities behind the sphere.
evolution of cavity and pinch-off dynamics when a superhy-
drophobic sphere with various densities impact on a liquid. References
Figure 2(c) shows the conventional and superhydrophobic
sphere trajectories of steel (ρ/ρl =7.926), glass ( ρ/ρl =2.771), J. M. Aristoff and J. M. Bush, Water entry of small hydropho-
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE ρ/ρl =2.167) and Polyoxymethy- bic spheres. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 619 (2009): 45-78
lene (POM or Poly acetal ρ/ρl =1.375 ) impacting on qui-
escent water. Penetration depth (PD), velocities and accel- Vakarelski, Ivan U., et al. Self-determined shapes and veloc-
eration are obtained using in-house MATLAB codes. It is ities of giant near-zero drag gas cavities. Science advances
observed that the conventional spheres (ρ/ρl =1.375, 2.167, 3.9 (2017): e1701558.
2.771) tend to deviate from the vertical impact position for
Shi, Yao, Guanhua Wang, and Guang Pan. Experimental
constant We and diameter due to velocity gradient on the
study on cavity dynamics of projectile water entry with dif-
surface. This effect can be overcome by applying a superhy-
ferent physical parameters. Physics of Fluids 31.6 (2019):
drophobic coating on the surface of the sphere. Air entrain-
ment occurs when surface wettablity modified sphere im-
pacts the stagnant liquid. Figure 2 shows the underwater be- Sun, Tiezhi, et al. Experimental study of the effects of a vis-
havior of conventional, surface wettablity modified spheres, cous liquid layer on the cavity dynamics of vertical entry by
cavity formation, trajectories of diameter 10 mm with impact a sphere into water at low Froude number. Physics of Fluids
We 204.37 and observed that there is no deviation from ver- 33.1 (2021): 013308.

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