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Name: Caren C.

Murillo Year & Section: Grade XI – Marx

Subject: Statistics and Probability Subject Teacher:
Module No. and Title: Quarter 4- Module 5: Solving Problems Involving Test of Hypothesis

Let us Try
1. B 6. C 11. B
2. A 7. C 12. B
3. C 8. A 13. A
4. A 9. C 14. A
5. D 10. D 15. B

Let us Practice
1. Solution:
State the null and alternate hypothesis:
H0: p = 0.65
Ha: p ≠ 0.65
Level of Significance: α = 0.05
Calculate the appropriate statistics:
x 100
Given: x=100 P0 = 0.65 n=200 P= P= = 0.5
n 200
p− p0 −0.15
z= ¿
√ p0 (1− p 0) √ 0.2275 z = -4.45
n 200
¿ −0.15
√ 0.65(1−0.65) ¿
Z= -1.645
200 Test z = -4.45
¿ −0.15
√ 0.65(0.35) ¿
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Conclusion: the proportion of voters who will support the said politician is not 65%. Therefore, the claim is

2. Solution:
State the null and alternate hypothesis:
H0: µ = 50
Ha: µ > 50
Level of Significance: α = 0.05
Given: t = 1.76
x = 55 µ = 50 n = 15 s=4 Test t = 4.84
Calculate the appropriate statistics:
( x −µ ) √ n 19.365
t= t=
s 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
(55−50 ) √ 15
t= t = 4.84
(5 ) 3.873
Since n = 15; 15- 1= 14 df=14

Conclusion: since the computed test value is t = 4.84 is greater than the critical value is 1.76, the null
hypothesis is rejected.

3. Solution:
a. Z-test for population proportion
b. Directional. the alternative hypothesis is expressed using “greater than” symbols.
c. H0: the proportion of students who have opted for modular distance learning is 90%.
Hα : the proportion of students who have opted for modular distance learning is more than 90%.

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d. given:
x = .85
µ = .9
n = 200
s = 0.06

( x−μ) √ n −0.71
z= z=
∞ -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
(.85−.9) √ 200 z = -1.645
z= z=−11.79
0.06 test Z = -11.83

(−0.05 ) 14.14

σ .9 .9
s= s= s=
= 0.06
√n √ 200
4. Define and differentiate the different test statistic in testing the hypothesis.
A T-Test is a statistical test that determines the rate of difference between the averages of two related sets
while P-value is the assumption test used to negate the fact that the means of two samples have no difference.
In other words, T-test provides the difference between two measures within a normal range, whereas p-value
focuses on the extreme side of the sample and thus provides an extreme result.
The main difference between T-test and P-Value is that a T-Test is used to analyze the rate of difference
between the means of the samples, while p-value is performed to gain proof that can be used to negate the
indifference between the averages of two samples.

Let us Enhance
1. Solution:
State the null and alternate hypothesis:
H0: p = 0.10
Ha: p ≠ 0.10
Level of Significance: α = 0.05 and 0.01
Calculate the appropriate statistics:
x 25
x = 25 p0 = 0.10 n = 100 p= = 100 = 0.25
p− p0
z= 0.15
√ p0 (1− p 0) ¿
0.25−0.10 z = 2.33
z= 0.15 Test z = 5
√ 0.10(1−0.10) ¿
0.15 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
√ 0.10(0.9) Z= 5
¿ z = 1.645
√ 0.09 Test z = 5
Conclusion: In both levels of significance, it was found that
the proportion of workers in a factory that are below 18 years
of age is not 10%. -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

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2. Solution:
State the null and alternate hypothesis:
H0: µ = 360
Ha: µ < 360
Level of Significance: α = 0.01
Calculate the appropriate statistics:
x = 355 µ = 360 n = 25 s=9

( x −µ ) √ n
t= df =n−1
t = 2.85
(355−360 ) √ 25 Accepted Test z = 2.78
t= df = 25-1 = 24
(−5 ) 5
9 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
t =2.78
Conclusion: there is no significance difference between the sample mean and population mean. Therefore, the
average content of Angel Delicious Mango Juice bottle located at Tavera St. Davao City is 355ml.

3. Solution
a. z = -4.0, 99% confidence, two tailed

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
t = -2.575 Test z = -4 t = 2.575

b. Z = 1.8, 95% confidence, one tailed

t = 1.645
Test z = 1.8

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

c. Z = -2.65, 95% confidence, two tailed

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